17. oktober 2013 PROJEKTBESKRIVELSE – VIDENCENTER FOR DIDAKTIK. Titel og emne Outdoor learning for Integration though Nature and Cultural Encounters – LINC An international project under Leonardo da Vinci Transfer Of Innovation program. Tilknytning: Videncenter for Didaktik, Program for Outdoorperspektiver i professionsuddannelser – VIA OUT Samarbejdspartnere Linköping University Sweden: the project is managed and lead by Linköping University, National Center for Outdoor Education: Katharina Johansson, project manager, Lecturer Senior Lecturer Eva Kätting Linköbing University Via University College Denmark, Lis Reinholdt Kjeldsen, Senior Lecturer at Pædagoguddannelsen in Horsens (W1 – W10) Karen Seierøe Barfod, Senior Lecturer at Nr. Nissum Teachers education(W1 -W2) Mette Ladegaard Laursen, Lecturer at Pædagoguddannelsen in Horsens (W3-W4) Novia University of applied Sciences Finland, James Simpson, Lecturer University of Bologna Italy Alessandro Bortolotti, Assistant Professor Francesca Agostini, Assistant Professor Project / Core Group University teachers from four countries and a project manager and a financial manager from Sweden will participate in the project. All in all, about 10 people will be involved. The project participants are university teachers who have expertise in the areas of outdoor education / didactics and natural and cultural environments and they also have different areas of expertise in the teaching of languages, mathematics, natural sciences and social sciences. Omfang Project start 1. of October 2013 and ends 30. of September 2015. Total cost 263.764 Euro Formål og forskningsspørgsmål Problemfelt: Hvad skal undersøges/ udvikles +den egentlig problemformulering Develop methods to increase opportunities for integration for newcomers through natural and cultural encounters Educate communicators in outdoor education to broaden their skills and give them the opportunity to reach this group in a more effective manner Background: Lektor Lis Reinholdt Kjeldsen, VIA OUT 1 17. oktober 2013 PROJEKTBESKRIVELSE – VIDENCENTER FOR DIDAKTIK. Since some years, the provincial government in all municipalities in Sweden must offer newly arrived immigrants a number of hours of community information. The knowledge is to be conveyed by means of communicators who speak one or more of the languages of the new arrivals. In the evaluation "Societal Orientation on mother tongue in Östergötland," it was clear that it is very difficult to reach this group with social information. The evaluator emphasized that the teaching methods were mostly very traditional and poorly adapted to the target group.(1) Natural and cultural meetings have been used in integration projects both in Sweden and other Nordic countries as a way to increase feelings of belonging in the community for the newly arrived immigrants. The Norwegian project "Steps in the Plantain Project" tested using natural meetings to integrate newly arrived immigrant children. The results of this project were very good and showed the potential to increase the sense of belonging in their new country. (2) In the pilot project in Kristianstad "Can I grill here? – Cultural diversity meets biodiversity", which was primarily directed at immigrants, the goal was to get more people to find and use nature as an outdoor arena. Partial goals were to create an understanding of the Swedish countryside, to create natural meeting places, to increase the interest in exercise and to create opportunities for networking between people of different backgrounds with the same interest. The interest in taking part in the project in various ways was great and contributed among other things to a network that promotes the natural environment as a venue for integration and that includes associations, organizations and other actors.(3) Many signs indicate that the lack of integration causes social problems and high costs for both the individual and society. We understand that it is a problem that is not unique to Sweden, but these experiences are shared by the majority of EU countries that receive immigrants. Based on this, the idea of finding new ways of teaching and integrating newcomers was raised. The uniqueness of this project lies in the use of outdoor education / teaching methods to reach goals and objectives. ______________________________________________________ ‘ (1) A trial project containing Östsam, the county library, the primary care trust, municipalities, employment services, the provincial government and adult education networks conducted in autumn 2011-December 2012 (2) 2 Halvorsen, Kristi Vindal (1995) Steps in the Plantain Project (3) 3 Hadders, A and Rodengren A (2006) Can I grill here? – Cultural diversity meets biodiversity Method: At the National Centre for outdoor education, NCU at Linköping University, we have extensive experience of using outdoor education / didactics in different situations (Appendix 1.) Our approach blends theory and practice with experiences to improve teaching and learning. Using natural and cultural environments in the community, we see good opportunities to increase knowledge of the new country and the prospects for integration. At NCU, we have trained close to 5,000 teachers in different courses and programs since 1993. The learning theory has its roots in philosophers such as Comenius, Rousseau, Dewey, Key et al. and concerns working on varying teaching, using the body and the senses in the learning process and creating a pleasurable learning that helps people take responsibility for and be part of their own learning, not least in terms of language. In various places e.g. the natural and cultural environments, awareness, curiosity and interest in learning are raised. The interaction with others will also contribute to the learning and the integration of newly arrived immigrants could increase with outdoor education / didactics as a method. Lektor Lis Reinholdt Kjeldsen, VIA OUT 2 17. oktober 2013 PROJEKTBESKRIVELSE – VIDENCENTER FOR DIDAKTIK. There will be national testruns and international testruns, where methods and matrials will be developed. Stakeholder Analysis In addition to the core team, we have other stakeholders who will be involved in the project and / or will be interested in the results and those we consider to be: Primary Group: The primary group that we will work with in the project is communicators that we will be offering training in the outdoor education / teaching field. Secondary Group: The secondary group is the stakeholders who may wish to access and use the developed materials in their teaching, in their organization, or other activities, such as nature guides and museum educators. The project results can also be interesting for municipalities, county councils and at the start of new projects. Teoretiske og empiriske forankring The learning theory has its roots in philosophers such as Comenius, Rousseau, Dewey, Key et al. and concerns working on varying teaching, using the body and the senses in the learning process and creating a pleasurable learning that helps people take responsibility for and be part of their own learning, not least in terms of language. In various places e.g. the natural and cultural environments, awareness, curiosity and interest in learning are raised. The interaction with others will also contribute to the learning and the integration of newly arrived immigrants could increase with outdoor education / didactics as a method. Arbejdsplan: Wp = Workpackage Dage Datoer Hvor 80 a 8 timer Wp1 2KSBA LRE 1.– Horsens 13.okt Wp2 4 KSBA 13.14.15. Linkøbing 4 LRE okt 2013 Sverige Okt Horsens Wp3 2/2MLL 22.-23. jan 2014 Horsens hvad Forberede ansøgning Læse ansøgning Forberede mødei Linkøping Opstartsmøde i linkøping Rekruttere Projektbeskrivelse Lokal makker Læse: Fägerstam Emilia(2013): Space and Place Perspectives on Outdoor Teaching and Learning Forberede, afholde møde i Horsens Forberede nationale testruns Wp4 4/4MLL (26.)27.28. (29)marts W5 2/2MLL Marts – Finland Lektor Lis Reinholdt Kjeldsen, VIA OUT Møde i Finland Udarbejde UV planer for Nationale testruns National testruns 3 17. oktober 2013 W6 5 W7 5 5 3 5 W8 2 PROJEKTBESKRIVELSE – VIDENCENTER FOR DIDAKTIK. juni 2014 (2) 3. – 5. (6) juni 2014 Juni – nov. 2014 (2)3-5(6) sep (23) 24 – 26 (27) sep 6 – 8 okt (2) 3 – 5 (6) nov 3 – 4. dec. 2014 Rimini, Italien Internationale testruns Finland Internationale testruns Sverige Internationale testruns Danmark Italien Internationale testruns Internationale testruns Danmark Forberede og afholde møde i Horsens Evaluere Internationale testruns W9 W10 Møde i Rimini Evaluere nationale testruns Planlægge internationale testruns Skrive Formidle 3 Aug. (16)17 – 18. (19) 30.9.15 Linkøbing Sverige Linkøbing, Sverige Forberede og afholde Final konference Inne ä rute konferencedeltagelse Projektet afsluttes Forventede resultater og spredning af forskningsresultater Hvilke resultater kan man – overordnet set- forvente sig af projektet? Tanker om formidling – professions uddannelse m.v. The results expected are methods and materials to increase opportunities for integration for newcomers through natural and cultural encounters. Methods and materials ready to be used in teaching, and in organization, or other activities, such as nature guides and museum educators. The project results can also be interesting for municipalities, county councils and at the start of new projects. Dissemination of materials and the project is planned to take place both in international and national journals as well in the Final conference in Linköping autumn 2015. Litteraturliste (foreløbig) Dalgren, Lars Owe & Anders Szczepanski (2001): Udendørs pædagogik-boglig dannelse og sanselig erfaring. Forlaget Børn & Unge. Ejbye - Ernst, Niels (2013: Baggrundsmateriale til arbejdet mednaturog siciale indsatser. Konferencemateriale ” Om siciale indsatser i naturen for udsatte bør, unge og familier 8. okt. 2013).Red Barnet og Københavns Universitet og VIAUC Lektor Lis Reinholdt Kjeldsen, VIA OUT 4 17. oktober 2013 PROJEKTBESKRIVELSE – VIDENCENTER FOR DIDAKTIK. Fägerstam Emilia(2013): Space and Place Perspectives on Outdoor Teaching and Learning. Linköbing Studies in Behavioural Science No. 167,2012 Linköbing University Jordet, Arne Nikolaisen (2010): Klasserommet utenfor Tilpasset ooplæring i et utvidet læringsrom. Cappelen akademisk Forlag Simpson, James (2007): Outdoor education as a tool for immigrant learning: An action research study. Magisterutbuilding i miljö- och utomhuspedagogik Resume af beskrivelsen på dansk. Outdoor learning for Integration though Nature and Cultural Encounters – I kort LINC Projektet er et Leonardo da Vinci Transfer of Innovation samarbejde mellem Linköbing University Sverige, Via University College Danmark, Novia University of applied Sciences Finland, University of Bologna Italien med det formål at udvikle didaktik og metoder til fremme af nytilkomne indvandreres integration gennem brug af naturen og kulturelle omgivelser i nærmiljøet. Målgruppen er pædagoger, lærere og andre, der arbejder med integration af indvandere. Der indsamles viden om metoder gennem nationale testruns, og disse evalueres og forbedres til brug ved de internationale testruns, hvor projektgruppen, evaluere hinandens arbejde og inspirerer til det endelige materiale, som gøres tilgængeligt for potentielle interessanter. Projektets erfaringer udgives nationalt og internationalt. Lektor Lis Reinholdt Kjeldsen, VIA OUT 5 17. oktober 2013 PROJEKTBESKRIVELSE – VIDENCENTER FOR DIDAKTIK. Appendix 1 Welcome to the National Centre for Outdoor Education! National Center for Environmental and Outdoor Education, at Linköping University has been active since its foundation in 1993. NCU desires to increase the awareness and understanding of outdoor environments as an important part of and a foundation for learning. It is an ideal complement to the textbook and the classroom environment. NCU collects and evaluates empirical material within the area of knowledge. The forum also studies learning effects related to activities in the outdoor environment. NCU is a resource and pool of competence for postgraduate and doctoral studies in outdoor education, fundamental teacher training programmes, in-service training for persons active within leisure, recreation and tourism, in-service training within schools and child-care. NCU is active in national and international outdoor-education networks. NCU is working to increase Scandinavian and international exchange of teachers and students. NCU's definition of Outdoor Education The research group at the Centre for Outdoor Environmental Education, Linköping University, has proposed the following definition in an attempt to describe the field of outdoor education: Outdoor education is an approach that aims to provide learning in interplay between experience and reflection based on concrete experience in authentic situations. Lektor Lis Reinholdt Kjeldsen, VIA OUT 6 17. oktober 2013 PROJEKTBESKRIVELSE – VIDENCENTER FOR DIDAKTIK. Outdoor learning is also an interdisciplinary research and education field, which involves, among other things: the learning space being moved out into life in society, the natural and cultural environment, the interplay between sensory experience and book‐learning being emphasised, the importance of place being underlined. www.liu.se/ikk/ncu Lektor Lis Reinholdt Kjeldsen, VIA OUT 7