Study Powerpoint by Amy Myers

 Liquidambar styraciflua
 Short, fat twigs
 Family: Hamamelidaceae  Shiny buds
 “Hamlet loved sweetgum.”
 Ohio is its northern limit
 Alternate phylotaxy
 Shade intolerant
 Star-shaped leaves
 Low-land tree/flood plains
 Serrate leaves
 Useful wood
 Prickly fruit that drops all
 Flat twig things
Eastern Red Cedar
 Juniperus virginiana
 Babies have awns
 Family: Pinaceae
 Adults have scales
 “My cat,Juniper, is from
Not actually a cedar
Extremely decay resistant
Aromatic wood
Fleshy pine cones
Has scales and awns
 Characteristic species of old
Likes basic soils
Grows on limestone
Shade intolerant
Used for pencils and fence
Callery Pear
 Pyrus calleryana
 Grafted
 Family: Rosaceae
 Invasive
 “Pyrus Pears, color your nana  Used for ornamental
Dense, white flowers,
Bright red leaves in fall
Bad branch structure
Designed not to reproduce,
but failed
 Catalpa speciosa
 Family: Bignoniaceae
 “Catalpa, is that a speciosa? That’s big noniaceae!”
 Indian cigars (beans)
 Native to Texas
 Planted by farmland
 Shade intolerant
 ornamental
Cucumber Magnolia
 Magnolia acuminata
 Family: Magnoliaceae
 “accumulate the cucumbers”
 Alternate leaves
 Leaves look tropical
 75-80ft tall
 Entire leaf margins
 Smaller leaves
 Characteristic species of mesophytic forest
 Southern Ohio is northern limit
 Intermediate to shade tolerant
Umbrella Magnolia
 Magnolia tripetala
 Family: Magnoliaceae
 “Trippin’ on the umbrella shrooms.”
 Leaves look tropical
 Large leaves
 Rounded leaf base
 30-40ft max
 Entire leaves
 Characteristic species of mesophytic forest
 Very shade tolerant
 Ginkgo biloba
 Family: Ginkgoaceae
 Ancient tree
 Fan-shaped leaves
 Fruit stinks
 Male and female
 Urban environment
 Short shoot, long shoot
 Pinus sp.
 Family: Pinaceae
 Needles come in fascicles (bundles)
 Poor, sandy, dry soils
 Pretty shade tolerant
 Used for paper
 Cercis canadensis
 Purple spring flowers grow
 Family: Fabaceae
 “Sir, is the heart of Canada
dense? Fab, I see.”
Cordate leaf (heart)
Entire margins
Revolute (rolls in)
Same family as peas
10-30 ft
strait from stem
Typically gnarled
Understory plant in eastern
deciduous forest
Grows in waste places
Shade tolerant
 Taxus sp.
 Family: Taxaceae
 Can be 20 ft tall
 Little red arils
 Extremely shade tolerant
 Popular ornamental
Honey locust
 Gleditsia triacanthos
 Family: Fabaceae
 “Honey is all the glitz. Try to can those! Fab, I see.”
 Alternate leaves
 Big bean pods
 Ornamental type has no thorns
 Terrible thorns
 Leaves are twice pinnately compound
 Early successional plant
 Extremely shade tolerant
Black Walnut
 Juglans nigra
 The rachis is usually on the
 Family: Juglandaceae
 “Black monkeys live in the
nigra jungle! It’s jug land,
Loses leaves early
Compound pinnately
compound leaves
Strong smelling fruit
Monkey face leaf scars
Stout twigs
Can be huge
Mesophytic coves
Shade tolerant
Valuable wood
 Picea sp.
 Family: Pinaceae
 Woody pegs
 Angled needles
 Hurts
 Found in Boreal forest
 Generally shade tolerant
 ornamental
 Sassafras albidum
 Family: Lauraceae
 “Sassafras, I’ll be dumb.”
 About 10 ft. tall
 Have egg, mitten, and lobed shaped leaves
 Cinnamon colored bark
 Crawl up through canopy
 Dry, sandy slopes
 Found with pines
 Southern
 Thrives after fire
 Aesculus sp.
 Family:
 “Buck’s asses and skulls are
smaller than hippos.”
 Ohio:
 Prickly fruit
 Smells like skunk
 Palmately compound leaves
 stout twigs
 Northern, wooded areas
 yellow:
 Smooth fruit
 Palmately compound leaves
 Southern
 Mesic
 Maclura pomifera
 Native to Texas & Arkansas
 Moraceae
 Planted to fence in cattle
 “Osage-orange has massive
pompoms and I want more!”
Alternate leaves
In the same family as
Shiny, simple leaf
Ovate, entire leaves
because it has thorns
Found in waste area
Shade intolerant
Great wood
Has male and female parts
Poison Ivy
 Toxicodendron (Rhus)
 Crawls on wet ground
 Understory
 Shade tolerant
“Poison ivy is a toxic
 Alternate
dendron. It’s so radical an
anacardiaceae wouldn’t touch
Has fruits dispersed by birds
3 leaves beware
American Beech
 Fagus grandifolia
 Branches come off the trunk
 Fagaceae
 Often has hollows
 “American beech has grand
 Pointy, long buds
Veins lead to a point
Parallel veins
Smooth leaf surface
paper-like leaf
Smooth bark
 A bit serrate
 Very shade tolerant
 Does well in coves
 Not typically in a stand
American Elm
 Ulmus americana
 Ulmaceae
 Doubly serrate
 Parallel veination
 Gets a disease that kills it
 Simple leaf
 Oblique based leaves
 Large
 Shaped like a feather duster
 Found in disturbed areas
Slippery Elm
 Ulmus rubra
 Simple leaf
 Ulmaceae
 Oblique based leaves
 Likes to have its roots in
 Large
 Shaped like a feather duster
In ditches
Has a mucilage layer that is
soothing for sore throats
Doubly serrate
Parallel veination
Gets a disease that kills it
Chinquapin Oak
 Quercus muehlenbergii
 No hairs
 Fagaceae
 Found in Eastern deciduous
 In white oak group
 Alternate
 Likes basic soils derived from 
 Indented margins
 Simple leaves
 Gray-plated bark
forest and savannas
Small acorns that deer love
Used for floors
Does well with fire
 Asimina triloba
 In a tropical family
 Annonaceae
 Makes clones, but needs a
tree outside the clones to
mate with in order to
He stays anonymous.”
produce fruit
 Tropical looking
 Likes wet areas
 Naked, flexible buds on the
 Understory tree
 Ohio’s native fruit
 Makes a fruit
 “Asimo’s paws are trilobed.
 Smells like green peppers
Sugar Maple
 Acer saccharum
 Found in cove forest
 Aceraceae
 Shady areas
 Shade tolerant
 Prominent in herb layer
 Entire leaf margins
 “taking over”
 Lobed
 Maple syrup
 The bud is pointy and
chocolate brown
 Smooth bark
 Canadian flag
Yellow (tulip) Poplar
 Liriodendron tulipifera
 Magnoliaceae
 “Hey, Larry, tulips are related to magnolias.”
 White between bark lines
 Common in cove forests
 Very tall, strait
 No lower branches
 Spoon-shaped buds
 Loves to take over fields
 Good wood, but not for fancy things
Flowering Dogwood
 Cornus florida
 Alligator bark
 Cornaceae
 Branches sweep up
 “Dogwood comes from
 Tear the leaf and white
Florida where the corn
Opposite phyllotaxy
Simple, entire leaves
Veins bend toward the tip
Dogwood anthracnose killed
most of them
cotton stuff comes out
Forest understory
Waste places
Shade tolerant
American holly
 Ilex opaca
 Dispersed by berries
 Aquifoliaceae
 On a ridge
 “For Christmas I got Lex,
 short
aqua alpaca gloves.”
Alternate leaves
White wood
Extremely shade tolerant
Found in bad, dry, sandy soils
Ash sp.
 Fraxinus sp.
 Used ornamentally
 Oleaceae
 Grafted ornamentally
 “When you ax an ash tree
 White ash used for baseball
that’s all you see.”
Opposite phyllotaxy
Pinnately compound
Bark has diamond shapes
Several types:
 White ash found on land
 Green ash found in water
 Mixed cove forests
 Intermediate to shade
Bitternut hickory
 Carya cordiformis
 Cove species
 Juglandaceae
 Intermediate to shade
 “Bitternuts smell like caryon.
 Not useful wood
 Pecans are in the same family
Of course it forms in the
Alternate phyllotaxy
7-9 leaflets
Sulfur yellow, valvate buds
Has a terminal leaflet with
no stalk on it
Black Locust
 Robinia pseudo-acacia
 Nitrogen fixer
 Fabaceae
 Bean fruits
 Alternate leaves
 Old fields
 Pinnately compound
 Die young 50-70 yrs old
 Closely related to honey locust  Weedy
 Has thorns paired at leaf scars  Decay resistant wood
 Egg-shaped leaves
 Fence posts
 Shade intolerant
 Grey bark with ridges
 Found along edges
 Leaves turn brown from a bug
 Early successional species
Box Elder
 Acer negundo
 Waste places
 Aceraceae
 Riparian zones
 Opposite leaves
 Wind dispersal
 Compound leaf
 Short-lived
 3 leaflets
 Grows fast
 Gently serrate
 R-selected
 Green stems
 Shade intolerant
 Samaras
 Looks like poison ivy
 Weedy plant
Black Cherry
 Prunus serotina
 Rosaceae
 “The cherries shout, ‘Prune 
us, Serotina.’The cherries
match the roses.”
 Alternate leaves
 Charcoal bark
 Burnt potato chips
 Simple leaves
 Reddish-brown hairs on
Reddish fall color
Waste places
Dispersal by birds
Used for cabinets and gun
stocks—fancy things
Intermediate to shade
Likes gaps
 Celtis occidentalis
 Looks like an elm
 Ulmaceae
 Has nipple galls
 2-ranked leaves
 Indicator of limestone soils
 Oblique margins
 Shade intolerant to
 Serrate
 edges
 Warty bark
 Tough- doesn’t get diseases
 Berries
 Bird dispersal
Bur oak
 Quercus macrocarpa
 Savanna tree
 Fagaceae
 Shade tolerant
 Variable leaf shape
 Crenate at top
 Lobed below
 Corky twigs– fire resistant
 Fast growning
 Lives long
 Likes limestone soils
Red oak
 Qeurcus rubra
 Needs fire
 Fagaceae
 ornamental
 Red oak group
 Has tricombs
 Fast growth
 Shallow lobes
 Cove forest
 Acorns
 Used for floors and cabinets
White oak
 Quercus alba
 Fagaceae
 Very bumpy and warty
Life forever
White oak group
Deeply lobed
No tricombs
Lighter Grey-ish bark
 Loose bark
 Good for bats
 Alternate
 Simple leaves
 Red in fall
 Vitis sp.
 Variable looking
 Vitaceae
 Climbs into canopy
 Climbs and crawls
 All European vines are
 Not parasitic because doesn’t
 “support” parasite
 Not a problem unless it pulls
down a tree
 Teeth on leaves
 Sort of lobed
grafted on American vines
Hop hornbeam
 Ostrya virginiana
 Grows on ridge tops
 Betulaceae
 Drier areas
 Closely related to carpinus
 Green bud with brown
 Doubly serrate
 Leaf surface a little fuzzy
 Peely bark
 Looks like cat scratching
 Carpinus caroliniana
 Veins don’t all end in a tooth
 Betulaceae
like beech
 Understory tree found along
 Cove forest
 Simple leaf
 Doubly serrate
 Smooth to glossy
 Buds are brown with white
 Ridged/furrowed wood
 Smooth bark
 Platanus occidentalis
 Toilet paper
 Platanaceae
 Fast decaying
 Simple leaves
 Good habitat for animals
 White bark
 Grows very fast
 Had buds under the leaves
 Dispersed by little flying and
floating seeds in balls
 Grown for rough lumber
 Tilia sp.
 Tiliaceae
 Simple leaves
 Cordate
 Buds look like a piggy back
 Oblique based leaves
 Moist cove forest with cucumber magnolia
 Distinct fruit
 Castaneae sp.
 Appalachian coves and ridges
 Fagaceae
 Decay resistant
 Alternate
 Beautiful wood
 Leaf is similar to chinquapin
 Killed by fungus that still
lives on oaks
 Very fast growing
 Grew in pure stands
 Amelanchier sp.
 White flowers
 Rosaceae
 Makes a little apple/pon?
 Alternate leaves
 Sandy ridge tops
 Flowers in spring
 Understory
 Named because people used 
to always bury the dead in 
the spring when the soil
thawed, which was when the 
serviceberry bloomed.
 Simple leaves w/ small teeth 
 Look like cherry leaves
Shade tolerant
Acidic soils
Pine-oak habitat
Smooth bark with lines
Long buds
Eastern white pine
 Pinus strobus
 Pinaceae
 5 needles in fascicle
 Branches come out in whirls
 Can count each whirl to
estimate the age
 Native
 Grow fast
 Can get huge
 Europeans loved them
because they were great for
ship masts
 Which made North America
very desirable
 The person who owned the
wood was powerful
 Nyssa sylvatica
 Dry, sandy ridges
 Nyssaceae
 Both understory and canopy
 Alternate waxy leaves
 Occasional tree
 Branches stick strait out
 Bark looks like dogwood
 Its like a cartoon tree with a
straight trunk with simple
 Acidic soils
 Crataegus sp.
 Ornamental
 Rosaceae
 Found along streams or on a
 Horrible thorns
 Acer-like foliage
 Variable leaves
 Serrate margins
 Shiny
 Lots of little twigs
 Occasional tree
hillside, but not in thickets
Eastern hemlock
 Tsuga canadensis
 Pinaceae
 Dying from a pathogen,
which is disastrous because it 
creates many microsystems
 Beneath it, the soil is more
acidic from the needles
 Creates shade
 Found where the cool, moist,
air drains off an Appalachian
Tiny, papery cones
Short, 2-ranked needles
2 white lines on back of
Planted ornamentally next to
Huge tree
River Birch
 Betula nigra
 Betulaceae
 Simple, alternate leaves
 Hairs on underside
 Peely, paper bark
 Droopy branches
 Native to Ohio
 Flood plains and river banks
 Ornamental
 Shade intolerant
 Cladastris kentuckea
 Fabaceae
 Alternate
 Pinnately compound
 The twigs connects smoothly to the rachis
 Cup on the leaf covers the bud
 Native
 Grows along the limestone cliffs of KY rivers
 Very occasional
 ornamental
 Abies sp.
 Pinaceae
 Flat needles
 Base of needles looks like suction cups
 Smells like orange
 Boreal forest
Red maple
 Acer rubrum
 Aceraceae
 Serrate margins
 Three lobes
 Large range
 Successional in Appalachia
 Samara fruit
 Old
 Popular ornamental
 Bad structure like callery
Black oak
 Quercus velutina
 Really orange below the
 Fagaceae
 Scaley caps on acorns
 Very small acorns
 Scales stick up
 Leaf similar to red oak, but
 Blocky bark
 Fuzzy leaves
Found in drier sites than red
Doesn’t prune off its lower
Likes sandy, acidic soils
Leaves are deeply lobed at
Multiflora rose
 Rosa multiflora
 Has terrible thorns
 Rosaceae
 Spray it to kill it
 Invasive
 Problem in Dayton
 Origin is unknown
 Has rose hips (fruit)
 Red berry thing
 Dispersed by birds
 Makes thickets
Blackberry/ Raspberry
 Rubus sp.
grows a new plant
 Compound leaves
Glaucous---whitened or
waxy on the underside and  3-5 leaflets
 Some put shoots
Grows in marginal habitats,
old fields, forest
Part of old-field succession
 Rosaceae
 Swoops to the ground and
Amur Honeysuckle
 Lonicera maackii
 Suppresses natives
 Caprifoliaceae
 Can suppress the growth of
 Opposite, egg-shaped leaves
canopy trees
 Allelopathic
 Berries in groups of fours
 Bird dispersed
 Robins and starlings
 Simple leaves
 Fast growing
 Monoculture
Autumn Olive
 Elaeagnus umbellata
 Elaeagnaceae
 Looks like the underside was spray-painted silver
 From Russia
 Shrub
 Bird dispersed
 Fast growing
 Found in open areas
 Farms or farm reclaimed sites
Blue Ash
 Fraxinus quadrangulata
 Most resilient to EAB
 Oleaceae
 Found in dry, limestone
 Opposite leaves
savanna settings
 People used to make blue dye
from the bark
 Pinnately compound
 Stems are angled (4)
 Not diamond bark
 Doesn’t compete well
 Has samaras– wind dispersed
 Intermediate shade tolerance
 Rhus sp.
 Birds and butterflies love it
 Anacardiaceae
 Animal dispersal
 Alternate leaves
 Clonal growth
 Pinnately compound
 Stout twigs
 Grows in clumps
 Weird fruiting structure
(looks like coral)
 Found in open-disturbed
Kentucky Coffeetree
 Gymnocladus dioica
 Dispersed by ground sloths
 Fabaceae
 Doesn’t grow in stands
 Doubly pinnately compound  Limestone soils
 Flaky bark with orange color
 Occasional tree
 Found in woodlots, habitat
 Not useful wood
 Male and female trees