Post-doctoral Fellowships in the Humanities and Social Sciences

Updated September 2015
This document lists both fellowships for individual work and grants that require institutional sign-off and
therefore must be submitted through the University of Kansas Center for Research (KUCR) or KU Endowment
Association. Opportunities are listed for graduate students, as well as faculty, so please share the list with
anyone you think may be interested.
To navigate, keep the document in layout view, scroll to the table of contents, then click on the page number of
the agency or program in which you’re interested. This will take you directly to that entry. If you then wish to
learn more, click on the agency’s website address (URL), which you will find near the bottom of the entry. If
clicking doesn’t work, copy the URL, paste it into the address line of your web browser, and type return. Many
humanities and area studies centers offer only thematic fellowships, programs and deadlines can change, and
some agencies had not updated their websites at the time this document was compiled, so do check the agency
websites and read application instructions carefully.
This list is intended for planning purposes. It is our hope that you will be able to use it to quickly determine
which agencies might fund your work, easily find more information about them by visiting their websites, and
then develop an external applications timeline that will help you stay on task as you prepare your proposals.
Developing grant and fellowship proposals takes focus and time. Because most agencies have deadlines only
once each year and take from three to eight months to announce awards, think long-term when planning your
external funding strategies. While you may be able to put together a viable fellowship proposal in as little as six
weeks, it will be difficult, if not impossible, to develop an institutional proposal (one that requires submission by
a 501(c)3 non profit organization) in that timeframe. Because of their complexity and the necessity for approval
and sign-off by KUCR, you should begin working on an institutional proposal a minimum of four months and
preferably six months prior to the agency’s deadline. Work from the previous year’s grant proposal guidelines
until the agency posts new instructions, then tweak as may be necessary. Starting four to six months before the
agency's last known deadline will help to ensure that you can complete and finalize all of the proposal
components by KUCR's and the Humanities Grant Development Office's (HGDO) internal deadlines and that
your proposal will be as competitive as possible.
Please keep in mind that the internal deadline to submit all final materials to the HGDO is five (5) working
days prior to the agency’s deadline. If requesting review and comment, the deadline to submit final drafts is
ten (10) working days prior to the agency's deadline. You can submit individual fellowship and grant
applications entirely on your own or though the HGDO. Institutional proposals must be submitted on your
behalf by KUCR, which has an internal deadline of five (5) working days for all final application materials.
HGDO can serve as your interface with KUCR, if you begin working with us early enough to allow us to
provide this service.
This list is not exhaustive. If you know of other sources, please let us know. If you find nothing here that might
help you, go to and conduct a search specific to your needs. This service is free to KU
graduate students and faculty courtesy of the KU Center for Research and offers the most comprehensive and
dependable compilation of funding opportunities available. You can access it from any KU computer or, if KU
is your service provider, from your computer at home.
Humanities Grant Development Office
Hall Center for the Humanities
Bobbi Rahder, Research Development Specialist • 785/864-7833 • 785/864-7887
Selected Funding Opportunities for Beginning Graduate Students ................................................................. 1
American Association of University Women (AAUW), Graduate and Postgraduate International Fellowships ................ 1
American Councils for International Education .................................................................................................................. 1
American Indian Graduate Center (AIGC) Fellowships...................................................................................................... 1
Council for European Studies, Columbia University .......................................................................................................... 1
Hispanic Scholarship Fund .................................................................................................................................................. 2
Institute of Humane Studies ................................................................................................................................................ 2
The Institute of Humane Studies offers many opportunities intended to support and inspire students and faculty,
including seminars, scholarships, online videos and programming, and career resources. Fellowships are offered to
students whose academic work explores the principles, practices, and institutions necessary for a free society.
Amounts range between $750 and $15,000. ................................................................................................................... 2
URL: ............................................................................................. 2
Intercollegiate Studies Institute (ISI) Fellowships ............................................................................................................... 2
Jacob K. Javits Fellowships ................................................................................................................................................. 2
James Madison Memorial Foundation Fellowship Program ............................................................................................... 2
Japanese American Citizens League (JACL) National Scholarship Awards ....................................................................... 3
Korean American Scholarship Fund .................................................................................................................................... 3
National College Athletic Association (NCAA) Walter Byers Postgraduate Scholarships Program .................................. 3
National Council for Eurasian and East European Research (NCEEER) ............................................................................ 3
Paul and Daisy Soros Fellowships for New Americans ...................................................................................................... 3
Social Science Research Council (SSRC) ........................................................................................................................... 4
Thomas R. Pickering Graduate Foreign Affairs Fellowship ................................................................................................ 4
Selected Funding Opportunities for Intermediate and Advanced Graduate Students and Recent PhDs in
the Humanities and Social Sciences ..................................................................................................................... 4
Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, Student Academy Awards ....................................................................... 4
American Antiquarian Society (AAS) Fellowships ............................................................................................................. 4
American Association of University Women (AAUW) Educational Foundation, American Fellowships Program .......... 5
American Center of Oriental Research (ACOR) ................................................................................................................. 5
The American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS) ......................................................................................................... 5
Dissertation Completion Fellowship .............................................................................................................................. 5
Dissertation Fellowship Program in American Art, Henry Luce Foundation ................................................................ 5
East European Studies Program, Dissertation Fellowships ........................................................................................... 5
Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation/ACLS Dissertation Fellowship Program in Buddhist Studies .............................. 5
Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowships in Buddhist Studies ..................................................... 6
American Foreign Policy Center / Louisiana Tech University ........................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
American Historical Association (AHA) ............................................................................................................................. 6
Research Grants ............................................................................................................................................................. 6
J. Franklin Jameson Fellowship ..................................................................................................................................... 6
Fellowship in Aerospace History .................................................................................................................................... 6
American Institute of Indian Studies (AIIS) ........................................................................................................................ 6
American Oriental Society .................................................................................................................................................. 7
The American Philosophical Society (APS) ........................................................................................................................ 7
John Hope Franklin Dissertation Fellowship ................................................................................................................. 7
The Lewis and Clark Fund.............................................................................................................................................. 7
The Library Resident Research Fellowships .................................................................................................................. 7
The Phillips Fund for Native North American Research ................................................................................................ 7
American Political Science Association (APSA) ................................................................................................................ 7
Minority Fellows Program ............................................................................................................................................. 7
American School of Classical Studies at Athens (ASCSA), Advanced Study in Greece .................................................... 8
American Sociological Association (ASA) ......................................................................................................................... 8
Minority Fellowship Program ........................................................................................................................................ 8
Community Action Research Initiative (CARI Grants) The Sydney S. Spivack Program in Applied Social Research
and Social Policy ............................................................................................................................................................ 8
Archaeological Institute of America (AIA) ......................................................................................................................... 8
Asian Cultural Council (ACC), Arts and Humanities Fellowships ..................................................................................... 8
Association for Asian Studies (AAS), Asian Studies Grants and Fellowships .................................................................... 9
Small Grants ................................................................................................................................................................... 9
Table of Contents – 1
Outreach Grants ............................................................................................................................................................. 9
Korean Studies ................................................................................................................................................................ 9
Japan Studies .................................................................................................................................................................. 9
Carl Albert Congressional Research and Studies Center, University of Oklahoma ............................................................ 9
Carter G. Woodson Institute for Afro-American and African Studies, University of Virginia ........................................... 9
Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies ............................................................................................................................ 10
Center for European Studies (CES) Mellon Dissertation Completion Fellowships .......................................................... 10
Center for Lesbian and Gay Studies, the City University of New York (CUNY) ............................................................. 10
Center for US-Mexican Studies, Visiting Fellows Program .............................................................................................. 10
Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation (CCK) for International Scholarly Exchange ................................................................... 11
Doctoral Fellowships .................................................................................................................................................... 11
Dissertation Fellowships For ROC Students Abroad ................................................................................................... 11
Community Associations (CAI) Research Foundation ...................................................................................................... 11
Council of American Overseas Research Centers (CAORC) ............................................................................................ 11
The Council of American Overseas Research Centers Multi-Country Research Fellowship Program for Advanced
Multi-Country Research ............................................................................................................................................... 11
Andrew W. Mellon Mediterranean Regional Research Fellowship .............................................................................. 11
The Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR) Mellon Fellowships for Dissertation Research in Original
Sources .............................................................................................................................................................................. 11
Dirksen Congressional Center ........................................................................................................................................... 12
Duke University, Rare Book, Manuscript, and Special Collections Library ..................................................................... 12
Ford Foundation Fellowships ............................................................................................................................................ 12
Five Colleges ..................................................................................................................................................................... 12
The Roosevelt Institute ...................................................................................................................................................... 12
Fred W. Smith National Library for the Study of George Washington (Mount Vernon) .................................................. 13
French Embassy, United States ......................................................................................................................................... 13
Fulbright Awards for US Graduate Students, US Department of State ............................................................................. 13
Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad Program, US Department of Education .................................... 13
Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library .................................................................................................................................. 13
The Gerald R. Ford Scholar Award in Honor of Robert M. Teeter .............................................................................. 13
The Gerald R. Ford Research Travel Grant Program .................................................................................................. 14
The German Historical Institute (GHI) .............................................................................................................................. 14
Getty Foundation Pre-doctoral Fellowships ...................................................................................................................... 14
Hagley Museum and Library: The History of Business, Technology, and Society ........................................................... 14
Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation, Dissertation Fellowships...................................................................................... 14
Harry S. Truman Library Institute / National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) ........................................ 15
Research Grants ........................................................................................................................................................... 15
Dissertation Year Fellowships ...................................................................................................................................... 15
The Harvard Academy for International and Area Studies ................................................................................................ 15
Henri Frankfort Fellowship, University of London ........................................................................................................... 15
Huntington Library Fellowships ........................................................................................................................................ 16
Short-Term Awards ....................................................................................................................................................... 16
Long-Term Awards ....................................................................................................................................................... 16
The Institute for Political History ...................................................................................................................................... 16
International Research and Exchanges Board (IREX) ....................................................................................................... 16
Jacob Rader Marcus Center of the American Jewish Archives ......................................................................................... 16
Constant H. Jacquet Research Awards, Religious Research Association .......................................................................... 17
Japan Foundation Fellowship Program.............................................................................................................................. 17
John C. Danforth Center, Washington University, St. Louis ............................................................................................. 17
John Fitzgerald Kennedy Library and Museum................................................................................................................. 17
Leo Baeck Institute Fellowships ........................................................................................................................................ 17
Louisville Institute Dissertation Fellowship ...................................................................................................................... 17
Lyndon Baines Johnson Library and Museum / National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) ...................... 18
Harry Middleton Fellowship in Presidential Studies .................................................................................................... 18
Moody Research Grants ............................................................................................................................................... 18
The McNeil Center for Early American Studies (MSEAS) ............................................................................................... 18
Memorial Foundation for Jewish Culture .......................................................................................................................... 18
Deadline: October 31 ......................................................................................................................................................... 18
Metropolitan Museum of Art ............................................................................................................................................. 19
Residential Fellowships ................................................................................................................................................ 19
Internships .................................................................................................................................................................... 19
Table of Contents – 2
The Miller Center of Public Affairs / University of Virginia ............................................................................................ 19
National Gallery of Art Pre-doctoral Fellowships ............................................................................................................. 19
National Science Foundation (NSF) .................................................................................................................................. 19
Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grants ................................................................................................. 19
Graduate Research Fellowship Program ..................................................................................................................... 20
National Women's Studies Association (NWSA) .............................................................................................................. 20
Newberry Library .............................................................................................................................................................. 20
Organization of American Historians (OAH) .................................................................................................................... 20
RAND Corporation ........................................................................................................................................................... 21
St. Louis University, Fellowship Programs ....................................................................................................................... 21
The Vatican Film Library Mellon Fellowship .............................................................................................................. 21
National Endowment for Humanities Research Fellowships ........................................................................................ 21
Samuel H. Kress Foundation Two-Year Fellowships........................................................................................................ 21
History of Art Institutional Fellowships........................................................................................................................ 21
Interpretive Fellowships ............................................................................................................................................... 21
School for Advanced Research (SAR) Fellowships .......................................................................................................... 22
Smithsonian Institution ...................................................................................................................................................... 22
Smithsonian Institution Fellowships Program .............................................................................................................. 22
Smithsonian Postgraduate Fellowships in Conservation of Museum Collections Program ......................................... 22
George Burch Fellowship in Theoretic Medicine and Affiliated Theoretic Science ..................................................... 22
James Smithson Fellowship Program ........................................................................................................................... 22
Minority Visiting Students ............................................................................................................................................ 23
Native American Visiting Student Awards .................................................................................................................... 23
Unit Fellowship Opportunities ..................................................................................................................................... 23
Internships ....................................................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Social Science Research Council (SSRC) ......................................................................................................................... 23
Terra Foundation Summer Residency in Giverny ............................................................................................................. 23
Thomas Jefferson Foundation / Robert H. Smith International Center for Jefferson Studies ............................................ 23
The United States Department of Justice, the National Institute of Justice (NIJ) .............................................................. 24
The United States Institute of Peace (USIP) ...................................................................................................................... 24
The United States-Ireland Alliance ................................................................................................................................... 24
The George J. Mitchell Scholarship ............................................................................................................................. 24
UCLA Institute of American Cultures (IAC) Visiting Researcher Program in Ethnic Studies ......................................... 24
University Library Erfurt, Germany .................................................................................................................................. 24
Amplonius Scholarship ................................................................................................................................................. 24
The University of Virginia’s Rare Book School................................................................................................................ 25
Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research, Dissertation Fieldwork Grants ................................................ 25
W.F. Albright Institute of Archaeological Research ......................................................................................................... 25
William L. Clements Library, University of Michigan ..................................................................................................... 25
Williams College Fellowships for Minority Scholars ....................................................................................................... 25
Winterthur Museum, Garden, and Library ........................................................................................................................ 26
Winterthur Research Fellowships ................................................................................................................................. 26
Dissertation Fellowships .............................................................................................................................................. 26
National Endowment for the Humanities ...................................................................................................................... 26
Women’s Research and Education Institute (WREI) ........................................................................................................ 26
Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars / East European Studies Program .................................................... 26
The Wilson Fellowship.................................................................................................................................................. 26
Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation .......................................................................................................... 26
Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship in Women's Studies ................................................................................................. 26
Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowships............................................................................................................. 27
Post-doctoral Fellowships in the Humanities and Social Sciences .................................................................. 27
American Academy in Rome............................................................................................................................................. 27
American Academy of Arts and Sciences ......................................................................................................................... 27
American Antiquarian Society .......................................................................................................................................... 27
American Political Science Association (APSA) Congressional Fellowship Program ..................................................... 27
American Sociological Association (ASA) Congressional Fellowship Program .............................................................. 28
Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships ..................................................................................................................................... 28
Blum Center for Developing Economies, University of California-Berkeley ................................................................... 28
Global Poverty and Practice Post Doctoral Fellows ................................................................................................... 28
Table of Contents – 3
Carter G. Woodson Institute for Afro-American and African Studies, University of Virginia ......................................... 28
Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies ............................................................................................................................ 28
Center for Cultural Analysis (Rutgers University) ............................................................................................................ 29
Center for Italian Renaissance Studies (Harvard University) I Tatti Fellowship .............................................................. 29
Center for the Humanities (Oregon State University) ....................................................................................................... 29
Center for US-Mexican Studies, Visiting Fellows Program .............................................................................................. 29
Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation (CCK) for International Scholarly Exchange ................................................................... 29
Clements Center for Southwest Studies (Southern Methodist University) ........................................................................ 29
Columbia University Society of Fellows in the Humanities.............................................................................................. 30
Cornell Society for the Humanities (Cornell University) Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship .............................................. 30
Council of American Overseas Research Centers (CAORC) ............................................................................................ 30
Andrew W. Mellon Mediterranean Regional Research Fellowship .............................................................................. 30
Multi-Country Research Fellowship ............................................................................................................................. 30
European University Institute (EUI) .................................................................................................................................. 30
Max Weber Fellowships................................................................................................................................................ 30
Jean Monnet Postdoctoral Fellowships ........................................................................................................................ 31
European Institutes for Advanced Study (EURIAS) ......................................................................................................... 31
Folger Shakespeare Library ............................................................................................................................................... 31
Ford Foundation Diversity Fellowships ............................................................................................................................ 31
Fred W. Smith National Library for the Study of George Washington (Mount Vernon) .................................................. 32
Frederick Douglass Institute for African and African-American Studies (University of Rochester) ................................ 32
Fulbright Scholar Program, Council for International Exchange of Scholars (CIES) ....................................................... 32
Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad Program, US Department of Education .................................... 32
German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) ................................................................................................................ 32
The German Historical Institute (GHI) .............................................................................................................................. 33
Getty Research Institute for the History of Art and the Humanities .................................................................................. 33
Getty Fellowships ......................................................................................................................................................... 33
GRI-NEH Postdoctoral Fellowship .............................................................................................................................. 33
Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation................................................................................................................................... 33
Harry S. Truman Library Institute / National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) ........................................ 34
Scholar’s Award ........................................................................................................................................................... 34
The Harvard Academy for International and Area Studies ................................................................................................ 34
The Harvard University Society of Fellows Junior Fellowships ....................................................................................... 34
Herbert D. Katz Center for Advanced Judaic Studies (University of Pennsylvania)......................................................... 34
Huntington Library ............................................................................................................................................................ 35
Illinois Program of Research in the Humanities (IPRH; University of Illinois-Urbana Champaign) ................................ 35
Institute for Historical Studies (University of Texas at Austin) ........................................................................................ 35
Institute for Research in the Humanities (University of Wisconsin-Madison) .................................................................. 35
Kingdon Fellowships .................................................................................................................................................... 35
Solmsen Fellowships ..................................................................................................................................................... 36
The A. W. Mellon Postdoctoral Program ..................................................................................................................... 36
Jacob Rader Marcus Center of the American Jewish Archives ......................................................................................... 36
Japan Foundation Fellowship Program.............................................................................................................................. 36
Leon Levy Center for Biography Fellowship (CUNY) ..................................................................................................... 36
Lauro De Bosis Postdoctoral Fellowship (Harvard University) ........................................................................................ 37
Leslie Center for the Humanities (Dartmouth College) ..................................................................................................... 37
The Library Company of Philadelphia .............................................................................................................................. 37
National Endowment for the Humanities Post-Doctoral Fellowship ........................................................................... 37
Program in Early American Economy and Society (PEAES) Post-Doctoral Fellowship ............................................. 37
Mellon Scholars Program in African American History Post-Doctoral Fellowship .................................................... 38
Lilly Fellows Program in the Humanities and the Arts at Valparaiso University.............................................................. 38
The Lilly Library (University of Indiana–Bloomington) ................................................................................................... 38
Long-Term Fellowships at the John Carter Brown Library (Brown University)............................................................... 38
Junior Research Fellowships (Trinity College, Cambridge University) ............................................................................ 38
Kellogg Institute for International Studies (Notre Dame University) ................................................................................ 39
Massachusetts Institute of Technology School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences ................................................ 39
McNeil Center of Early American Studies (University of Pennsylvania) Barra Postdoctoral Fellowship ........................ 39
Metropolitan Museum of Art Residential Fellowships ...................................................................................................... 39
Modeling Interdisciplinary Inquiry: A Postdoctoral Program (Washington University in St. Louis) ............................... 40
National Gallery of Art Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship Programs .................................................................................. 40
The Newberry Library ....................................................................................................................................................... 40
Table of Contents – 4
Notre Dame Institute for Advanced Study (NDIAS) (University of Notre Dame)............................................................ 40
Omohundro Institute of Early American History & Culture (College of William and Mary) ........................................... 41
Pembroke Center for Teaching and Research on Women, Brown University ................................................................... 41
Princeton Society of Fellows in the Liberal Arts ............................................................................................................... 42
Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society ......................................................................................................... 42
St. Louis University, Fellowship Programs ....................................................................................................................... 42
The Mellon Fellowship ................................................................................................................................................. 42
Samuel H. Kress Foundation ............................................................................................................................................. 42
Conservation Fellowships............................................................................................................................................. 42
Interpretive Fellowships ............................................................................................................................................... 43
School for Advanced Research (SAR) Resident Scholars (Santa Fe, New Mexico) ......................................................... 43
Smithsonian Institution ...................................................................................................................................................... 43
Smithsonian Institution Fellowships Program .............................................................................................................. 43
Smithsonian Postgraduate Fellowships in Conservation of Museum Collections Program ......................................... 43
Social Science Research Council (SSRC) ......................................................................................................................... 43
Stanford Andrew W. Mellon Fellowship of Scholars in the Humanities .......................................................................... 44
The United States-Ireland Alliance ................................................................................................................................... 44
The George J. Mitchell Scholarship ............................................................................................................................. 44
UCLA Institute of American Cultures (IAC) Visiting Researcher Program in Ethnic Studies ......................................... 44
University of Michigan, Department of Afroamerican and African Studies (DAAS) ....................................................... 44
Virginia Foundation for the Humanities (University of Virginia) ..................................................................................... 44
Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research Hunt Postdoctoral Fellowships ................................................ 44
Wesleyan University, Andrew W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship Program .................................................................. 45
William Andrews Clark Memorial Library (UCLA) Center for 17 th- and 18th- Century Studies ...................................... 45
William L. Clements Library, University of Michigan ..................................................................................................... 45
Winterthur Museum, Garden, and Library NEH Fellowship ............................................................................................. 45
Table of Contents – 5
Selected Funding Opportunities for Beginning Graduate Students
The following opportunities are open to individuals at the beginning stages of graduate programs in
humanities and social sciences disciplines. This list is alphabetized but not categorized. Although
application deadlines generally fall on or close to the same date each year, it is critical to check with the
sponsor for current application deadlines and materials.
American Association of University Women (AAUW), Graduate and Postgraduate International
The program provides support for women pursuing full-time graduate or postdoctoral study in the United
States who are not U.S. citizens or permanent residents. A limited number of awards are available for
study outside of the United States (excluding the applicant’s home country) to women who are members of
Graduate Women International. Preference is given to women who show prior commitment to the
advancement of women and girls through civic, community, or professional work. (See p. 4 below for
AAUW fellowships for women who are US citizens or permanent residents.) Applicants must intend to
return to their home country to pursue a professional career. Amount: $18,000 (master's), $20,000
(doctoral), $30,000 (postdoctoral).
Citizenship Restrictions: Non-U.S. Citizens only.
Deadline: December 1
American Councils for International Education
The Critical Language Scholarship (CLS) is a program of the U.S. Department of State. It is a fully-funded
overseas language and cultural immersion program for American undergraduate and graduate students.
With the goal of broadening the base of Americans studying and mastering critical languages and building
relationships between the people of the United States and other countries, CLS provides study
opportunities to a diverse range of students from across the United States at every level of language
learning. Languages (and levels): Azerbaijani, Bangla/Bengali, Hindi, Indonesian, Korean, Punjabi,
Turkish, Urdu (all beginning through advanced); Arabic and Persian (advanced beginning through
advanced); Chinese, Japanese, and Russian (intermediate through advanced).
Citizenship Restrictions: U.S. citizens only.
Deadline: November 12 (last known)
American Indian Graduate Center (AIGC) Fellowships
The AIGC offers graduate fellowships for American Indian and Alaskan Native students from federally
recognized US tribes. To be considered, applicants must be pursuing a master's or doctoral degree as fulltime students at an accredited graduate school in the US, able to demonstrate financial need, be an enrolled
member of a federally recognized American Indian tribe or Alaskan Native group, or possess one fourth
degree federally recognized American Indian blood.
Citizenship Restrictions: American Indian or Alaskan Native Affiliation.
Deadline: June 1 (last known)
Council for European Studies, Columbia University
CES Pre-Dissertation Fellowships are intended to fund a student’s first major research project in Europe.
Applicants must be in the early, exploratory stage of their research; late-stage ABD students are not
eligible. Also, applicants are expected to be ABD and must be currently enrolled in a doctoral program at a
university that is a member of the Council for European Studies’ Academic Consortium. Students whose
universities are not currently members of the CES consortium are welcome to apply. Amount: $4,000.
Citizenship Restrictions: None.
Deadline: January 19 (last known)
Hispanic Scholarship Fund
The fund offers scholarships to full-time graduate students in any field, including the arts; specifically,
media, film, performing arts, communications, or writing. Applicants must be of Hispanic heritage and be
a U.S. Citizen, Permanent Legal Resident, DACA or Eligible Non-Citizen (as defined by FAFSA). Check
the website for specific requirements for each scholarship. Amount of award varies by program.
Citizenship Restrictions: Hispanic U.S. Citizen, Permanent Legal Resident, DACA or Eligible NonCitizen (as defined by FAFSA)
Deadline: varies by program (please see website for details)
Institute of Humane Studies
The Institute of Humane Studies offers many opportunities intended to support and inspire students and
faculty, including seminars, scholarships, online videos and programming, and career resources.
Fellowships are offered to students whose academic work explores the principles, practices, and
institutions necessary for a free society. Amounts range between $750 and $15,000.
Citizenship Restrictions: None.
Deadlines: Various
Intercollegiate Studies Institute (ISI) Fellowships
The ISI offers fellowships to graduate students who plan to teach at the college level. The Weaver
Fellowship pays tuition. The Salvatori Fellowship funds projects researching the principles of the
American Founding Fathers or the culture that formed the Founders’ values and ideas. The Western
Civilization Fellowship funds graduate work related to Western Civilization. Applicants must be US
citizens and obtain a free membership with the ISI. The Renshaw Fellowship supports the study and
shaping of school curricula by providing grants to those seeking to become superintendents; curriculum
developers; or influential scholars teaching, writing, and lecturing on educational issues. The Collegiate
Network Journalism Fellowship offers paid summer internships and postgraduate, yearlong fellowships at
prominent media outlets to promising student journalists. Amount: $5,000 stipend plus $1,000 in ISI books
(Weaver); $10,000 (Salvatori); $20,000 (Western Civilization); $12,000 (Renshaw); and $5,000 – $35,000
(Collegiate Network Journalism Fellowship).
Citizenship Restrictions: U.S. Citizens only.
Deadline: January 16 (last known)
Jacob K. Javits Fellowships
This program provides fellowships to students who demonstrate achievement, financial need, and
exceptional promise to undertake study at the MA, MFA, and/or PhD level in selected fields of arts,
humanities, and social sciences. To qualify, graduate students must not yet have completed their first year
of graduate study. Amount: up to $30,000.
Citizenship Restrictions: U.S. Citizens only.
Deadline: Temporarily Suspended (check website for updates)
James Madison Memorial Foundation Fellowship Program
Fellowships are offered to students about to complete or who have recently completed their undergraduate
degrees and plan to begin graduate work in American history, Political Science/Government, or
Teaching/Education with an emphasis on American history or American government, political institutions,
and political theory. Must be a US resident and a teacher, or plan to become a teacher, of American history,
government, or social studies at the secondary school level to qualify. Amount: up to $24,000.
Citizenship Restrictions: U.S. Citizens and Nationals only.
Deadline: March 1
Japanese American Citizens League (JACL) National Scholarship Awards
This program provides scholarships to students at all levels of postsecondary education, including awards
for graduate study in various disciplines, such as social sciences and the creative and performing arts. All
scholarships are one-time awards. Applicants must be active National JACL members at either the
Individual or Student/Youth Level. Amount: awards vary annually.
Citizenship Restrictions: Must be members of JACL, but no other restrictions
Deadline: March 2
Korean American Scholarship Fund
Korean American students with a 3.0 cumulative GPA and currently enrolled in a full-time undergraduate
or graduate program are qualified. Scholarship recipients are selected on the basis of financial need,
academic achievement, school activities, and community services. Students must submit applications to
the respective KASF region designated by the state where their school is located. Amount up to $5,000.
Citizenship Restrictions: Korean-American Citizens only.
Deadline: July 8 (last known)
National College Athletic Association (NCAA) Walter Byers Postgraduate Scholarships Program
Eligibility is restricted to student-athletes at NCAA member institutions who, in their final year of
eligibility, have performed with distinction as members of varsity teams in the sport for which they were
nominated. Nominees must have a minimum grade point average of 3.5 (based on a 4.0 scale), be
nominated by the faculty athletics representative or athletics director, and intend to continue academic
work beyond the baccalaureate degree as a part-time or full-time graduate student. Amount: $24,000.
Citizenship Restrictions: None.
Deadline: January 15
National Council for Eurasian and East European Research (NCEEER)
The James R. Millar Graduate Student Prize from NCEEER provides up to $500 annually for the winning
graduate student research paper in the humanities and social sciences regarding current or former
communist regimes. Winners will receive support from the editorial staff of Problems of Post Communism
to prepare the paper for publication. Applicants must be MA or PhD students at the time of submission.
Citizenship Restrictions: Unspecified.
Deadline: Temporarily Suspended
Paul and Daisy Soros Fellowships for New Americans
Each fellowship supports up to two years of graduate study – in any field and in any advanced degreegranting program – in the United States. To be eligible, an applicant: 1) must have a “Green Card” or US
citizenship via naturalization or both parents who are naturalized citizens; 2) cannot be older than 30 on
the application due date; and 3) must be a graduate or be enrolled in the last year of a bachelor’s program
or first or second year of graduate studies. Each award is for up to $25,000 in maintenance grants and up to
$20,000 in tuition support for each year of graduate study supported, a total of as much as $90,000.
Citizenship Restrictions: Green card holders and U.S. Citizens only.
Deadline: November 1
Social Science Research Council (SSRC)
The Dissertation Proposal Development Fellowship (DPDF) Program helps early-stage doctoral students
in the humanities and social sciences formulate innovative dissertation research proposals through
workshops, exploratory summer research, and writing guided by peer review and faculty mentorship. The
program seeks young scholars who are interested in strengthening their dissertation research plans through
exposure to the theories, literatures, methods, and intellectual traditions of disciplines outside their own.
By the end of the fellowship, participating students will complete a draft dissertation research proposal that
can be reviewed with academic advisors. Students may apply for up to $5,000 to cover summer research
costs. Travel and accommodations to attend both workshops are covered by the DPDF Program.
Citizenship Restrictions: None.
Deadlines: October 15
Thomas R. Pickering Graduate Foreign Affairs Fellowship
The Thomas R. Pickering Foreign Affairs Fellowship is funded by the U.S. Department of State and
administered by the Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation. The Fellowship is designed to
attract outstanding individuals from all ethnic, racial and social backgrounds who have an interest in
pursuing a Foreign Service career with the U.S. Department of State. Amount: up to $37,500 annually to
cover tuition, room, board, and mandatory fees during the senior year of college and the first year of
graduate school. Each successful candidate is obligated to a minimum of three years service as a Foreign
Service Officer.
Citizenship Restrictions: U.S. Citizens only.
Deadline: January 16
Selected Funding Opportunities for Intermediate and Advanced Graduate Students and Recent
PhDs in the Humanities and Social Sciences
This list is alphabetized but not categorized. These opportunities are open to intermediate and advanced
graduate students in humanities and social sciences disciplines; some are open to recent PhDs. Application
deadlines generally fall on or close to the same date each year, but always check with the sponsor for
current deadlines and application instructions.
Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, Student Academy Awards
These awards are offered to full-time film students at accredited colleges, universities, film schools and art
schools. Awards are offered for films in four categories: animation, documentary, narrative and alternative,
which are made in a teacher-student relationship within the curricular structure of the student's educational
institution. Amount: $2,000 to $5,000.
Citizenship Restrictions: None.
Deadline: April 1 (for domestic students); March 22 (for foreign students) (Last Known)
American Antiquarian Society (AAS) Fellowships
The Society offers short- and long-term visiting academic research fellowships for work in American
culture and history. The library’s collections focus on the life of America's people from the colonial era
through the Civil War and Reconstruction. Short-term fellowships are available for dissertation research
and postdoctoral work. Amount: $1,850/month (short-term) to $35,000/year (long-term).
Deadlines: Various
American Association of University Women (AAUW) Educational Foundation, American
Fellowships Program
Dissertation fellowships are available to women in any stage of post-undergraduate study, including
certification programs and postdoctoral work. Fellowships cover disciplines ranging from the humanities to
STEM to professional degree programs. Amount: $2,000 – $30,000.
Citizenship Restrictions: U.S. Citizens only.
Deadline: Various
American Center of Oriental Research (ACOR)
ACOR offers fellowships for students at all levels, ranging from undergraduate to postdoctoral, for study
related to the Near East in all areas of the natural and social sciences, humanities, and associated
disciplines. Check web site for specific programs relating to your field and level of study. Note that ACOR
has some funding available not only to US residents but also to foreign nationals who have not
matriculated at US institutions. Amount: varies, up to $31,800.
Citizenship Restrictions: U.S. Citizens or Foreign Nationals who have been living in the U.S. for at least
three years prior to the application deadline.
Deadline: Various
The American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS)
Dissertation Completion Fellowship
This fellowship assists graduate students in the final year of writing their PhD dissertation.
Appropriate fields include the study of dance and theater, the humanities, linguistics, and the social
sciences. Social sciences projects are eligible only if they employ predominantly humanistic
approaches (e.g., economic history). Amount: up to $30,000 (a stipend of $25,000, plus research costs
up to $3,000 and university fees up to $5,000).
Citizenship Restrictions: U.S. Citizens and Permanent Residents only.
Deadline: October 21, 9 p.m. EST
Dissertation Fellowship Program in American Art, Henry Luce Foundation
This fellowship assists doctoral students writing or researching dissertations on a topic in the history of
the visual arts of the US. Amount: $25,000, with up to $2,000 travel allowance.
Citizenship Restrictions: U.S. Citizens and permanent residents only.
Deadline: October 21, 9 p.m. EST
East European Studies Program, Dissertation Fellowships
This fellowship offers support for writing dissertations in Southeast European studies in all disciplines
of the humanities and the social sciences. The support includes archival and field research, language
training, acquisition of methodological or other specialized skills, or writing the dissertation. Amount:
Citizenship Restrictions: U.S. Citizens and Permanent Residents only.
Deadline: Temporarily Suspended
Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation/ACLS Dissertation Fellowship Program in Buddhist Studies
This ten-month portable fellowship provides a one-year stipend to allow PhD candidates to devote
their full time to dissertation work that will expand the understanding and interpretation of Buddhist
thought in scholarship and society. It may be used for fieldwork, archival research, analysis of
findings, or for writing after research is complete. Amount: $30,000.
Deadline: November 17, 9 p.m. EST
Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowships in Buddhist Studies
This fellowship provides two years of funding to recent recipients of the PhD for residence at a
university for the purpose of revising the dissertation into a publishable manuscript or for beginning
the first new project after completion of the PhD degree. The teaching of one course per year will be
encouraged. Priority will be given to residence at universities or colleges providing a collegial
atmosphere and working conditions enabling the postdoctoral Fellow’s entry into an academic career
in Buddhist studies. Amount: $55,000, with a relocation allowance of up to $5,000.
Deadline: November 17, 9 p.m. EST
American Historical Association (AHA)
Research Grants
The AHA offers small grants to advanced doctoral students and junior scholars studying Europe and
the Western hemisphere; some funding is available for those studying Asia or Africa. Only
Association members are eligible. Support is intended to further research already in progress and may
be used for travel to a library or archive or photocopying. Amount: $800 – $1,000.
Citizenship Restrictions: None.
Deadline: February 15
J. Franklin Jameson Fellowship
This fellowship is sponsored jointly by the AHA and the Library of Congress. It is awarded annually
to support significant scholarly research in the collections of the Library of Congress by scholars at an
early stage in their careers in history. Applicants must have received the PhD within the past seven
years, and must not have published or had accepted for publication a book-length historical work.
Amount: $5,000.
Deadline: April 1.
Fellowship in Aerospace History
This fellowship, supported by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), annually
funds one or more research projects from six to nine months. Proposals of advanced research in history
related to all aspects of aerospace, from the earliest human interest in flight to the present, are eligible,
including cultural and intellectual history, economic history, history of law and public policy, and
history of science, engineering, and management. The fellowship is open to applicants who are either
doctoral candidates or who hold a PhD in history or a closely related field. Amount: $20,000.
Deadline: April 1.
American Institute of Indian Studies (AIIS)
Fellowships enable graduate students specializing in any aspect of Indian history, culture, or contemporary
life to pursue their PhD dissertation research in India. Eligible disciplines are: anthropology, archaeology,
architecture, art, behavioral sciences, communications, cultural studies, economics, education,
environmental studies, ethnomusicology, film, photography, geography, history of art or architecture,
history of science, history, linguistics, literature, medicine, natural sciences, performing arts, philosophy,
political science, public health, religious studies, sociology, theater, dance, and urban planning.
Citizenship Restrictions: None.
Deadline: July 1
American Oriental Society
The American Oriental Society offers a variety of prizes and fellowships for doctoral and postdoctoral
candidates, and for junior and senior scholars in the humanities and sciences. Amount: $5,000 – $8,000.
Citizenship Restrictions: U.S. Citizens only.
Deadline: Various
The American Philosophical Society (APS)
John Hope Franklin Dissertation Fellowship
This doctoral fellowship is designed to support an outstanding doctoral student at an American
university or an exceptional American doctoral student abroad who is completing the dissertation.
Amount: $25,000.
Citizenship Restrictions: None.
Deadline: April 1 (last known)
The Lewis and Clark Fund
This funding is available to doctoral students for exploratory field studies and the collection of
specimens and data anywhere in the world. Applications are invited from disciplines with a large
dependence on field studies, such as archeology, anthropology, biology, geography, geology,
linguistics, but grants are not restricted to these fields. Foreign applicants must either be based at a US
institution or plan to carry out their work in the US. Amount: up to $5,000.
Citizenship Restrictions: U.S. Citizens only.
Deadline: February 1
The Library Resident Research Fellowships
This fellowship supports research in the Society's collections from one to three months. US citizens
and foreign nationals as well as doctoral and postdoctoral scholars are eligible. Amount: $3,000
monthly stipend for up to three months.
Citizenship Restrictions: None.
Deadline: March 2
The Phillips Fund for Native North American Research
The fund provides small grants for research in Native American linguistics, ethno history, and the
history of studies of Native Americans, in the continental United States and Canada. The committee
prefers to support the work of younger scholars who have received the doctorate, but PhD and MA
students working on their dissertations and theses respectively may apply. Funds cover travel and other
research-related expenses but not equipment. Amount: $2,500 – $3,500.
Citizenship Restrictions: None.
Deadline: March 1
American Political Science Association (APSA)
Minority Fellows Program
The APSA Minority Fellows Program designates twelve minority fellows each year. Additional
applicants who do not receive funds from the Association may be recognized and recommended for
admission and financial support to graduate political science programs. Fellows receive a $4,000
stipend that is disbursed in two $2,000 payments — one at the end of their first graduate year, the other
at the end of their second. Awards are based on students' undergraduate coursework, GPA,
extracurricular activities, GRE scores, and recommendations from faculty.
Citizenship Restrictions: U.S. Citizens only.
Deadline: (Temporarily Suspended)
American School of Classical Studies at Athens (ASCSA), Advanced Study in Greece
The School offers pre-doctoral funding, such as traveling fellowships and summer studies in Greece, for
PhD students, as well as doctoral fellowships, and postdoctoral positions for recent PhDs in classical
studies. Funded fields include architecture, archeology, art history, classical studies, history, and literature.
Amount: up to $30,000.
Citizenship Restrictions: Various.
Deadline: Various
American Sociological Association (ASA)
Minority Fellowship Program
Through its Minority Fellowship Program (MFP), the American Sociological Association (ASA)
supports the development and training of sociologists of color in any sub-area or specialty in the
discipline. It is primarily, but not solely, designed for minority students sufficiently advanced in their
Ph.D. program to demonstrate their commitment to a research career. MFP applicants must be enrolled
in (and have completed one full academic year) in a program that grants the PhD in Sociology.
Amount: $18,000 plus tuition.
Citizenship Restrictions: U.S. Citizens, Nationals, or Permanent Residents only.
Deadline: January 31
Community Action Research Initiative (CARI Grants) The Sydney S. Spivack Program in Applied
Social Research and Social Policy
Grant applications are encouraged from sociologists seeking to work with community organizations,
local public interest groups, or community action projects. This program offers small grants to
encourage sociologists to undertake community action projects that bring social science knowledge,
methods, and expertise to bear in addressing community-identified issues and concerns. Advanced
graduate students are eligible, but the funding cannot be used to support doctoral dissertation research.
Amount: $1,000 to $3,000.
Citizenship Restrictions: Unspecified.
Deadline: February 15
Archaeological Institute of America (AIA)
The AIA funds dissertation research or postdoctoral work in Classical studies (sculpture, architecture,
archaeology, or history). Awards support travel and study in the Mediterranean region. Applicants must be
citizens or permanent residents of the US or Canada, although foreign nationals pursuing PhDs at North
American universities are eligible for some awards. A grant is available to assist with travel for graduate
students presenting papers at the AIA Annual Meeting. Amounts vary up to $25,000.
Citizenship Restrictions: Various
Deadline: Various
Asian Cultural Council (ACC), Arts and Humanities Fellowships
This Program primarily supports US scholars, including graduate students, in the humanities to undertake
research, training, and study in Asia in archaeology, architecture (design, theory, and history), art history,
art and architectural conservation, crafts, dance, film, musicology, music, painting, photography,
printmaking, sculpture, theater, and video. Fellowships range from one to nine months. Some funding is
also available for US- and Asia-based scholars participating in international conferences and exhibitions.
Citizenship Restrictions: U.S. and Asian scholars.
Deadline: November 2
Association for Asian Studies (AAS), Asian Studies Grants and Fellowships
Small Grants
Small grants are available for dissertation-stage students to cover travel and research expenses.
Amount: up to $2,000.
Citizenship Restrictions: None.
Deadline: February 1
Outreach Grants
Grants of up to $2,000 are available for projects that are connected with and of benefit to the regional
conference’s outreach endeavors, such as workshops and panels, the preparation of teaching materials,
the compilation of source books, etc.
Citizenship Restrictions: None.
Deadline: February 1
Korean Studies
Scholarships are available to MA- or PhD-level students majoring in Korean studies in humanities and
social sciences disciplines at a university in North America. Amount: $1,500 - $2,500 for travel, in
addition to other research-related expenses, and up to $5,000 workshops and conferences.
Citizenship Restrictions: None.
Deadline: February 1 (Spring/Summer); October 1 (Fall/Winter)
Japan Studies
This award is for travel to use museum, library, or other archival materials located either in the USA or
in Japan. Although grants are primarily intended for postdoctoral research on Japan, PhD candidates
are eligible for doctoral dissertation research. The amount awarded depends on the destination.
Amount: up to $3,000, plus up to $200 for daily expenses (USA) and up to $1,000 airfare
reimbursement (Japan).
Citizenship Restrictions: U.S. Citizens and Permanent Residents only.
Deadlines: February 1 (Spring/Summer); October 1 (Fall/Winter)
Carl Albert Congressional Research and Studies Center, University of Oklahoma
The Carl Albert Center accepts applications on a rolling basis for its Visiting Scholars Research Grant
Program. The grant provides funding for on-site research in the Congressional Collections to support the
creation of monographs, journal articles, books, theses, and dissertations. Primary emphasis is placed on
research proposals centered on the U.S. Congress and its members, but given the wide-ranging subject
matter of the archival holdings at the Center, other topics will be considered. Amount: $500 for graduate
Citizenship Restrictions: Unspecified.
Deadline: Continuous
Carter G. Woodson Institute for Afro-American and African Studies, University of Virginia
The institute offers two-year pre-doctoral and post-doctoral fellowships in African-American and African
Studies. Applications by scholars whose work focuses on Africa and/or the African Diaspora are
encouraged. There is no citizenship restriction, but graduate students should be at the ABD-level. Amount:
$20,000 plus health insurance (pre-doctoral) and $45,000 plus benefits (post-doctoral).
Citizenship Restrictions: None.
Deadline: December 1
Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies
The Center awards fellowships for significant research and writing about the Holocaust by students
working on their dissertations (ABD), postdoctoral researchers, and senior scholars. The Center welcomes
applications by scholars in history, political science, literature, Jewish studies, philosophy, religion,
psychology, comparative genocide studies, law, and other disciplines. Individual awards range from three
to eight consecutive months of residency with stipends of up to $3,500 per month. A twelve-week summer
research assistantship is available with a stipend of $3,000/month and an allowance to offset the cost of
direct, economy-class travel to and from Washington, DC.
Citizenship Restrictions: Unspecified.
Deadline: November 30 (fellowship); January 1 (summer assistantship) (last known deadlines)
Center for European Studies (CES) Mellon Dissertation Completion Fellowships
Mellon-CES Dissertation Completion Fellowships are intended to facilitate the timely completion of the
doctoral degree by late-stage graduate students focuses on topics in European Studies. To be eligible an
applicant must be ABD, must be enrolled at a higher education institution in the U.S., and can have no
more than one full year of dissertation work remaining at the start of the fellowship year as certified by his
or her dissertation advisor. The applicant must also have exhausted the dissertation completion funding
normally provided by his or her academic department or university, and he or she must be working on a
topic within or substantially overlapping European Studies. Each fellowship includes a $25,000 stipend,
paid in six (6) bi-monthly installments over the course of the fellowship year, as well as assistance in
securing reimbursements or waivers in eligible health insurance and candidacy fees.
Citizenship Restrictions: None.
Deadline: January 26
Center for Lesbian and Gay Studies, the City University of New York (CUNY)
*Fellowship is currently suspended, please check the website for updates
The Joan Heller-Diane Bernard Fellowship in Lesbian and Gay Studies supports research on the impact of
lesbians and/or gay men on US society and culture. Scholars conducting research on lesbians are especially
encouraged to apply. Graduate students are eligible. Award amount: $6,250.
Citizenship Restrictions: None.
Deadline: November 14 (last known deadline)
Center for US-Mexican Studies, Visiting Fellows Program
The Center invites applications from advanced PhD candidates who are ABD and have completed a
substantial portion of their dissertations. Fellowships are for four to nine months and support research on
any aspect of contemporary Mexico, Mexican history, and US-Mexican relations. Comparative studies
with a substantial Mexico component are especially encouraged. Priority will be given to proposals that are
relevant to public policy. There is no citizenship or nationality requirement, although special funds are
available for Mexican citizens. Stipends average $22,500 for the academic year and are determined by UC
general policies, and funding availability.
Citizenship Restrictions: None.
Deadline: January 15
Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation (CCK) for International Scholarly Exchange
Doctoral Fellowships
CCK offers dissertation fellowships for doctoral students in Chinese studies. Applicants must be at the
ABD-level and be US citizens or permanent residents. Applicants should not be employed or receive
grants from other sources. Amount: up to $18,000.
Citizenship Restrictions: Open to all except citizens of the Republic of China (ROC citizens see
Dissertation Fellowships for ROC Students Abroad)
Deadline: October 15
Dissertation Fellowships For ROC Students Abroad
CCK offers dissertation fellowships for ROC students in humanities and social sciences programs who
are ABD-level. Applicants should not be employed or receive grants from other sources. Amount: up
to $18,000.
Citizenship Restrictions: Republic of China citizens
Deadline: October 15
Community Associations (CAI) Research Foundation
The Byron Hanke Fellowship is available to graduate students working on topics related to community
associations. Community associations govern common-interest communities of any kind—condominiums,
cooperatives, townhouse developments, planned unit developments, and other developments where
homeowners support an association with mandatory financial assessments, and are subject to use and
aesthetic restrictions. Stipends range from $3,000-$5,000/yr., or as determined by the Foundation.
Citizenship Restrictions: None.
Deadline: May 1
Council of American Overseas Research Centers (CAORC)
Citizenship Restrictions: U.S. Citizens only.
The Council of American Overseas Research Centers Multi-Country Research Fellowship Program
for Advanced Multi-Country Research
The program supports advanced regional or trans-regional research in the humanities, social sciences,
or allied natural sciences for U.S. doctoral candidates, and scholars who have already earned their
Ph.D for periods of three to nine months. Amount: $10,500.
Deadline: January 31 (last known)
Andrew W. Mellon Mediterranean Regional Research Fellowship
The Council of American Overseas Research Centers is pleased to offer a focused regional fellowship
program enabling pre- and early postdoctoral scholars to carry out research in the humanities and
related social sciences in countries bordering the Mediterranean and served by American overseas
research centers. Amount: $33,500.
Deadline: January 31 (last known)
The Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR) Mellon Fellowships for Dissertation
Research in Original Sources
This award supports research primarily in original source material in the holdings of archives, libraries,
historical societies, museums, related repositories, or a combination. Only doctoral students in the
humanities and social sciences who are ABD are eligible. Amount: a stipend of $2,000 per month for nine
to twelve months. Each fellow will receive an additional $1,000 upon participating in a symposium on
research in original sources and submitting a report acceptable to CLIR on the research experience.
Maximum award will be $25,000.
Citizenship Restrictions: None.
Deadline: November 17
Dirksen Congressional Center
The Dirksen Congressional Center invites applications for grants to fund research on congressional
leadership and the US Congress. The Center’s first interest is to fund the study of the leadership in the
Congress, both House and Senate. The center also invites proposals to study congressional procedures,
such as committee operation or mechanisms for institutional change, and Congress and the electoral
process. The center encourages proposals that link Congress and congressional leadership with the
creation, implementation, and oversight of public policy. Amount: up to $3,500.
Citizenship Restrictions: U.S. Citizens only.
Deadline: March 1
Duke University, Rare Book, Manuscript, and Special Collections Library
Duke University’s Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library and its research centers provide travel
grants for researchers whose work would benefit from access to the collections held at Duke. Check the
website to see which centers are currently offering funding. PhD students and faculty are eligible. Amount:
$1,000 – $4,000.
Citizenship Restrictions: None.
Deadline: January 30
Ford Foundation Fellowships
The foundation offers pre-doctoral, dissertation, and postdoctoral fellowships in the humanities,
behavioral, and social sciences. Applicants must be US citizens. There are no ethnicity restrictions to
apply, but applicants of Native American, Alaskan Native, African American, Mexican
American/Chicano, Native Pacific Islander, or Puerto Rican descent are preferred. Amount: $24,000 (predoctoral); $25,000 (dissertation); $45,000 (postdoctoral).
Citizenship Restrictions: U.S. Citizens only.
Deadlines: November 20 (pre-doctoral fellowships); November 13 (dissertation and postdoctoral
Five Colleges
This residential fellowship program provides a year in residence for minority graduate students who are
ABD. Each fellow is hosted within a department or program at Amherst College, Hampshire College,
Mount Holyoke College, or Smith College. At Smith, recipients hold a Mendenhall Fellowship. The
program aims to promote diversity in US higher education by enabling more scholars who are members of
underrepresented groups or who have unique interests, experiences, or histories to complete their PhDs and
embark on academic careers. The fellowship includes a stipend, a research grant, health benefits, office
space, housing or housing assistance, and library privileges. Amount: $30,000.
Citizenship Restrictions: None.
Deadline: January 5 (last known)
The Roosevelt Institute
The Roosevelt Institute supports a program of small grants-in-aid, not to exceed $2,500, in support of
research on the "Roosevelt years" or clearly related subjects. Grants are intended to defray living, travel,
and related expenses incurred while conducting research at the Roosevelt Library.
Citizenship Restrictions: None.
Deadline: November 15
Fred W. Smith National Library for the Study of George Washington (Mount Vernon)
This library offers fellowships to support research focused on the life, leadership and legacy of George
Washington and his place in the development of American civic life and culture. It offers short-term
fellowships of less than three months ($3,000/month), three months (worth $10,000) and long-term
fellowships of up to six months (worth $20,000). These fellowships fund advanced graduate students as
well as junior faculty. There is no nationality requirement.
Deadline: December 31
French Embassy, United States
France offers Chateaubriand Fellowships of four to eight months to doctoral students in the humanities and
social sciences, including anthropology, art history, economics, history, linguistics, literature, musicology,
philosophy, political science, and sociology. Applicants must be PhD students enrolled in a US university.
No particular level of French is required. Fellowships range from four to eight months. Amount:
€1,500/month, health insurance, book allowance, and a round-trip ticket to France.
Citizenship Restrictions: French citizens are not eligible to apply.
Deadline: January 20 (last known)
Fulbright Awards for US Graduate Students, US Department of State
This program offers scholarships for foreign study at the pre-doctoral level in over 120 countries. This
opportunity allows graduate students to engage in full-time dissertation research abroad in modern foreign
languages and area studies. Applicants must submit their proposals through their campus Fulbright
Program Adviser, Sue Lorenz, Office of International Programs, or 785-864-6161.
Amount: varies by country.
Citizenship Restrictions: U.S. Citizens only.
Deadline: October 13, 5:00 p.m. ET (Institutional Deadline: September 15)
Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad Program, US Department of Education
*Note: Although the last deadline was June 2014, the application deadline usually occurs in the fall.
Check website frequently for competition announcement.
This program funds full-time dissertation research abroad in modern foreign languages and studies that
focus on one or more of the following: Africa, East Asia, Southeast Asia and the Pacific, South Asia, the
Near East, East Central Europe and Eurasia, and the Western Hemisphere (Central and South America and
the Caribbean). Projects focusing on Australia, Canada, and Western Europe are ineligible. Students must
apply through their institutions. At KU, students must submit their completed individual applications to the
KU Office of International Programs. If interested, contact Sue Lorenz, Office of International Programs,, (785) 864-6161. Amount: $15,000-$60,000.
Citizenship Restrictions: U.S. Citizens or permanent residents only.
Deadline: February 27 (last known deadline)
Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library
The Gerald R. Ford Scholar Award in Honor of Robert M. Teeter
Doctoral students may apply for dissertation research and writing support in any field related to the
study of the US political process and public policy during the last half of the 20th century. Of special
interest is the role and analysis of public opinion in that process. Applications from doctoral students
in Political Science, History, Public Policy, Foreign Relations, or American Studies are especially
encouraged. Recipients must conduct at least part of their research at the library. Amount: $5,000.
Citizenship Restrictions: None.
Deadline: March 31
The Gerald R. Ford Research Travel Grant Program
These grants help to defray the travel, living, and photocopy expenses associated with travel to the
Ford Library for research on an aspect of the US political process during the latter part of the 20th
century in any field related to the study of the US political process. Overseas applicants are welcome,
but grants cover travel only within the US. International scholars will be responsible for the costs of
travel between their home country and the US. Amount: up to $2,200.
Citizenship Restrictions: None.
Deadlines: March 15 (Spring) and September 15 (Fall). Applications may be submitted at any time;
those received too late for one round will automatically be considered in the next.
The German Historical Institute (GHI)
The GHI awards short-term (1-6 months) fellowships to German and American doctoral students in the
fields of German history, the history of German-American relations, and the history of the role of Germany
and the US in international relations. The research projects must draw upon primary sources located in the
United States. Amount: The monthly stipend is € 1,700 for doctoral students and € 3,000 for postdoctoral
students; students based at North American institutions will receive a stipend of $1,900 or $3,200.
Citizenship Restrictions: U.S. and German Citizens only.
Deadline: October 1
Getty Foundation Pre-doctoral Fellowships
Getty Predoctoral and Postdoctoral Fellowships are intended for emerging scholars to complete work on
projects related to the Getty Research Institute's annual research theme. Recipients are in residence at the
Getty Research Institute or Getty Villa, where they pursue research projects, complete their dissertations,
or expand dissertation for publication. Fellows make use of the Getty collections, join in a weekly meeting
devoted to the annual theme, and participate in the intellectual life of the Getty. Amount: $25,000
(predoctoral) or $30,000 (postdoctoral); plus an office at the research institute, airfare to Los Angeles, an
apartment in the Getty scholar housing complex, and health benefits.
Citizenship Restrictions: None.
Deadline: October 1
Hagley Museum and Library: The History of Business, Technology, and Society
The four-month Henry Belin du Pont Dissertation Fellowship in Business, Technology, and Society
supports research and dissertation writing for projects that make significant use of the Hagley's collections.
Hagley also offers short-term grants and fellowships to assist researchers with travel and living expenses
while doing research in the imprint, manuscript, pictorial, or artifact collections. Stipend amounts vary.
Citizenship Restrictions: Unspecified.
Deadline: November 15 (dissertation fellowship); March 31, June 30, and October 31 (HBP
fellowship and grants).
Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation, Dissertation Fellowships
The Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation welcomes proposals that concern violence and aggression in
relation to social change, intergroup conflict, war, terrorism, crime, and family relationships, among other
subjects. Dissertations with no relevance to understanding human violence and aggression will not be
supported. Priority will also be given to areas and methodologies not receiving adequate attention and
support from other funding sources. Applicants must be within one year of completing their PhD. Amount:
$20,000 for one year.
Citizenship Restrictions: None.
Deadline: February 1
Harry S. Truman Library Institute / National Archives and Records Administration (NARA)
Research Grants
Research grants are offered biannually and are intended to enable graduate students, postdoctoral
scholars, and other researchers to use the library’s collections for one to three weeks. Awards can be
used to offset expenses for travel and lodging while in-residence only. Preference is given to projects
that have application to enduring public policy and foreign policy issues and have a high probability of
being published or otherwise publicly disseminated. The potential contribution of a project to an
applicant's development as a scholar is also considered. The spring round of Research Grants includes
one John K. Hulston Scholarship of up to $2,500, to be awarded to a researcher who wishes to visit
multiple research facilities – including the Truman Library – for their topic. Amount: up to $2,500.
Citizenship Restrictions: Unspecified.
Deadline: October 1 and April 1
Dissertation Year Fellowships
Dissertation Year Fellowships are intended to encourage historical scholarship of the public career of
Harry S. Truman or the Truman era. This fellowship is intended to free a doctoral student from
teaching or other employment to facilitate completion of his or her dissertation. Preference will be
given to projects based on extensive research at the Truman Library, but since the research is
presumed to be complete, there is no requirement of residence at the Library during the fellowship
Citizenship Restrictions: Unspecified.
Deadline: February 1
The Harvard Academy for International and Area Studies
Pre-doctoral Fellowships support outstanding scholars at the start of their careers whose work combines
disciplinary excellence in the social sciences (including history and law) with an in-depth grounding in
particular non-Western countries or regions, including domestic, comparative, or transnational issues.
Academy Scholars are offered time, guidance by the Senior Scholars, access to Harvard facilities, and
substantial financial assistance for two years to conduct final-stage dissertation research. Pre-doctoral
Scholars will receive an annual stipend of $31,000; Postdoctoral Academy Scholars will receive $67,000.
Citizenship Restrictions: None.
Deadline: October 1
Henri Frankfort Fellowship, University of London
The Warburg Institute is dedicated to the interdisciplinary study of the classical tradition - in the sense of
those elements in European thought, art and institutions that have evolved out of the cultures of the ancient
world. Its Library and Photographic Collection are designed and arranged to encourage research into the
processes by which one culture learns from another and by which different fields of thought and art act on
each other. They are particularly concerned with continuities between the ancient Mediterranean
civilizations and the cultural and intellectual history of post-classical Europe, especially in the period to c.
1800. Amount: ₤2,625 for two months, £3,780 for three months, and £5,040 for four months.
Citizenship Restrictions: Unspecified.
Deadline: November 27
Huntington Library Fellowships
Short-Term Awards
The Huntington offers fellowships for graduate students and recent PhD recipients to conduct research
at the Library. The holdings will be of interest to scholars studying British and American history,
literature, theater, art history, and history of science and medicine (11th century to present day). Shortterm fellowships (1-5 months) are available for doctoral candidates and PhDs. Amount: up to $3,000
per month (short-term fellowship awards)
Citizenship Restrictions: Unspecified.
Deadline: November 15
Long-Term Awards
The Huntington offers several different long-term fellowships for graduate students and recent
PhD recipients to conduct research at the Library. The holdings will be of interest to scholars
studying British and American history, literature, theater, art history, and history of science
and medicine (11th century to present day). Amount: up to $50,000.
Citizenship Restrictions: Only US citizens can apply for the National Endowment for the Humanities
fellowships, but there is no citizenship restriction specified for other awards.
Deadline: November 15 (Check eligibility requirements for dissertation completion date)
The Institute for Political History
The Institute promotes academic study, scholarly research, and advancement of our understanding
American political history through grants for research, publications, conferences, workshops, and
seminars. It provides support for interdisciplinary projects and forums for scholars, including graduate
students, concerned with the application of historical perspectives to American political development. The
focus is on the development of American politics and state formation using diverse methods and
theories within an historical perspective. Awards in the past have been up to $1,500.
Citizenship Restrictions: Unspecified.
Deadline: January 15 (last known; the Hugh Davis Grant Award is awarded biennially)
International Research and Exchanges Board (IREX)
IREX offers grants for masters, pre-doctoral, and doctoral scholars in multidisciplinary study areas.
Funding is offered for advanced research, and short-term travel in Central and Eastern Europe, Eurasia, the
Middle East, North America (including the US), and Asia. For information on current programs, deadlines,
and award size, contact IREX (Check the website regularly or sign up for updates).
Citizenship Restrictions: U.S. Citizens only.
Deadlines: Various (please see website for details)
Jacob Rader Marcus Center of the American Jewish Archives
Applicants for the Marcus Center Fellowship Program must be conducting serious research in some area
relating to the history of North American Jewry. Typically, Marcus Center Fellowships will be awarded to
post-doctoral candidates, Ph.D. candidates who are completing dissertations, and senior or independent
scholars. Research must be performed at the Archives in Cincinnati, Ohio. Amount: stipend is sufficient to
cover transportation and living expenses while in residence in Cincinnati.
Citizenship Restrictions: None.
Deadline: February 23 (last known)
Constant H. Jacquet Research Awards, Religious Research Association
These awards are designed to cover research expenses for applied and basic research on religion (priority
is offered to applied client-centered projects). Eligibility: both graduate students and PhDs may apply.
Applicants are required to be members of the RRA. Amount: up to $4,000.
Citizenship Restrictions: Unspecified.
Deadline: April 30 (last known)
Japan Foundation Fellowship Program
The Japan Foundation offers a number of fellowships for postdoctoral scholars and graduate students
interested in conducting research in Japan with the aim of promoting Japanese studies overseas. Graduate
student fellowships range in length from 4-14 months. Long-term fellows receive a monthly stipend and
short-term fellows receive a per diem allowance. Both long-term and short-term fellowships cover the cost
of travel to and from Japan.
Citizenship Restrictions: Nationals of Permanent Residents of a Country with Diplomatic Ties to Japan.
Deadline: December 2 (November 3 for US citizens and US permanent residents; last known)
John C. Danforth Center, Washington University, St. Louis
Fellowships offered to support completion of a dissertation on religion and politics in the US. Fellows will
spend the academic year in residence researching and writing their dissertations. Fellows will be asked to
contribute to the Center’s intellectual life by organizing an event of interest to the wider University and the
general public. They will be expected to share in the Center’s ongoing colloquium and some of its other
programs. Amount: Stipend of $28,000 and an allowance for relocation. Fellows receive additional support
for organizing public events. Some funds may also be available for professional travel.
Citizenship Restrictions: Unspecified.
Deadline: January 15 (last known)
John Fitzgerald Kennedy Library and Museum
The John F. Kennedy Library Foundation offers competitive research fellowships and grants every year to
scholars and students who wish to make use of the archival holdings (including audiovisual materials) of
the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum. Candidates may apply for only one fellowship per
Citizenship Restrictions: Unspecified.
Deadline: Various (please see website for specific deadlines)
Leo Baeck Institute Fellowships
Leo Baeck Institute supports new research on German-Jewish culture and history through the following
fellowships. Ph.D. candidates and academics working on topics related to the German-Jewish community
in a variety of disciplines are encouraged to apply. Amounts vary; check the website.
Citizenship Restrictions: Unspecified.
Deadlines: Various
Louisville Institute Dissertation Fellowship
The fellowship program supports the final year of PhD or ThD dissertation writing for students engaged in
research pertaining to North American Christianity. Preference will be offered to proposals addressing
contemporary religious communities. There are usually around 18 fellows selected. Amount: $22,000.
Citizenship Restrictions: None.
Deadline: February 1
Lyndon Baines Johnson Library and Museum / National Archives and Records Administration
Harry Middleton Fellowship in Presidential Studies
The Harry Middleton Fellowship supports scholarly work in Presidential studies. Middleton Fellows
will be able to study at any Presidential library or other facility in the National Archives and Records
Administration system, but must develop at least a portion of their work from original research in the
collections of the LBJ Library in Austin, TX. Preference will be given to doctoral candidates whose
dissertation research highlights how history can illuminate current and future policy issues. Amount:
Citizenship Restrictions: Unspecified.
Deadline: March 15 (Fall) and September 15 (Spring)
Moody Research Grants
A limited number of grants-in-aid for research at the Lyndon B. Johnson Library are offered by the
LBJ Foundation semi-annually. The grant periods are June 1 through December 31 for the Fall term,
and January 1 through August 31 for the Spring term. Grants range from $600 to $3,000.
Citizenship Restrictions: Unspecified.
Deadline: March 15 (Fall) and September 15 (Spring)
The McNeil Center for Early American Studies (MSEAS)
The McNeil Center offers several pre-doctoral dissertation fellowships each year for a term of nine
months, beginning 1 September. Advanced graduate students from any PhD-granting institution who are in
the dissertation research or writing stage are eligible to compete for these fellowships, which are open to
scholars in any discipline for projects focusing on North America and the Caribbean before 1850.
Applications are encouraged from students of all relevant disciplines, including African American Studies,
American Studies, Anthropology, Economics, Folklore, Gender Studies, History, Law, Literature, Music,
Political Science, Religion, Urban Studies, and Women’s Studies. Most fellowships are for a nine-month
term beginning September 1 with stipends of at least $21,000. McNeil Center fellows are expected to be in
residence in Philadelphia.
Citizenship Restrictions: Unspecified.
Deadline: February 2 (last known)
Memorial Foundation for Jewish Culture
The Memorial Foundation for Jewish Culture offers doctoral scholarships to help train qualified
individuals for careers in Jewish scholarship and research, and to help Jewish educational, religious, and
communal workers obtain advanced training for leadership positions. Any graduate student specializing in
a Jewish field who is officially enrolled or registered in a doctoral program at a recognized university and
who has had his/her dissertation approved is eligible to apply. Amount: Up to $10,000.
Citizenship Restrictions: None
Deadline: October 31
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Residential Fellowships
The Museum offers residential fellowships to art history graduate students and postdoctoral
researchers. Recipients must use the collections; some fellowships allow students to gain experience
necessary to enter museums as curators. The fields of research include Asian art; arts of Africa,
Oceania and the Americas; antiquities; arms and armor; costumes; drawings; illuminated manuscripts;
paintings; photographs; prints; sculpture; textiles; and Western art. Additional funding is available to
help cover travel abroad for fellows whose projects involve firsthand examination of paintings in
major European collections. Amount: stipend of $32,000 (junior fellows) or $42,000 (senior fellows),
with up to an additional $6,000 for travel.
Citizenship Restrictions: None.
Deadline: November 6
The Museum has several internships to allow students to help with projects related to the museum's
collections or to a special exhibition, or to develop curatorial experience. Applicants must be enrolled
in an art history graduate program. Amount: $4,000 - $25,000, depending on duration of internship.
Citizenship Restrictions: Unspecified.
Deadline: January 23
The Miller Center of Public Affairs / University of Virginia
The Fellowships in American Politics, Foreign Policy and World Politics are for students completing
dissertations on American politics, foreign policy, world politics, or the impact of global affairs on the US.
Applications are welcome from a broad range of disciplines, including, history, political science, policy
studies, law, political economy, and sociology. Applicants will be judged on their scholarly quality and
potential to shed new light upon contemporary developments in these areas. Amount: $24,000 to $32,000.
Citizenship Restrictions: None.
Deadline: February 2 (last known)
National Gallery of Art Pre-doctoral Fellowships
The National Gallery of Art offers several fellowships for the advancement or completion of a doctoral
dissertation and/or resulting publication in Western art. Eligibility requirements: applicants must be ABD,
certify competence in two foreign languages other than English, and be either US citizens or enrolled in a
US university. Applicants are nominated by the chair of their art history department. Amount: $25,000 per
year, plus a housing subsidy for scholars not in residence.
Citizenship Restrictions: None.
Deadline: November 15
National Science Foundation (NSF)
Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grants
The NSF supports significant data-gathering projects or field research. Guidelines target social science
scholars, however, students in the humanities whose dissertation research falls under one of the NSF
programs are eligible There is no citizenship requirement, but students must apply through their
dissertation advisor, who must be a US citizen or permanent resident. Amount: up to $18,000.
Application is allowed via the NSF’s FastLane system or the federal government’s system.
NOTES: 1. The HGDO recommends that you use Fastlane because it is more intuitive and less prone
to system-wide crashes at deadline time. 2. Most NSF grants are “institutional proposals,” meaning
that you must submit through the University of Kansas Center for Research (KUCR) with your
dissertation advisor as the Principal Investigator (PI) under his or her FastLane identity, but you must
also be registered with FastLane as a Co-Principal Investigator (Co-PI). Daniel Coonfield,
( at KUCR, can set up your FastLane access. 3. Since this is an institutional
proposal, if you’re doing qualitative work in cultural geography, cultural anthropology or any area of
the social sciences, the HGDO can assist you and your advisor with these applications. Those of you
doing highly quantitative empirical work should seek assistance from the KU research center most
akin to your work. In the social sciences, that would be either the Institute for Policy and Social
Research (IPSR) or the Lifespan Institute
URL: (look at individual programs for
further information)
Citizenship Restrictions: None, but graduate advisors must be U.S. Citizens or permanent residents.
Deadlines: check the web site for detailed list of deadlines for specific programs.
Graduate Research Fellowship Program
Graduate Research Fellowships are open to graduate students pursuing master’s and doctoral degrees
in the social sciences. Fellowships provide three years of support usable over a five-year period. For
each year of support, NSF provides a stipend of at least $32,000 to the Fellow and a cost-of-education
allowance of $12,000 to the fellow's degree-granting institution.
Citizenship Restrictions: U.S. Citizens only.
Deadline: October 29
National Women's Studies Association (NWSA)
The NWSA offers small scholarships to students who, in the fall of the year of the award, will be engaged
in the research or writing stages of a Master's Thesis or PhD dissertation in the interdisciplinary field of
women's studies. Applicants must be members of NWSA at the time of application.
Amount: $1,000.
Citizenship Restrictions: U.S. Citizens only.
Deadline: May 15
Newberry Library
The Newberry Library offers fellowships for long- and short-term research in its holdings, which include
information on the history and culture of Western Europe and the Americas. Some funding is available for
study abroad and there is a special fellowship for women of Native American heritage. Most long-term
fellowships are open only to postdocs, but short-term fellowships are open to doctoral candidates.
Programs differ on citizenship restriction, check the website. Amount: $2,500/mo. (short-term) or
$4,200/mo. (long-term).
Citizenship Restrictions: Various.
Deadlines: November 15 (for long-term fellowships) and December 15 (for short-term fellowships),
unless otherwise noted.
Organization of American Historians (OAH)
The OAH sponsors several small grants and awards for graduate students in American History. Amount:
$500 - $2,000.
Citizenship Restrictions: None.
Deadline: Various, depending on the program (see website for details)
RAND Corporation
The Graduate Student Summer Associate Program introduces graduate students to RAND, which conducts
research on national security problems and domestic and international social policy issues. Students
complete independent research projects during their three months at RAND. Associates are assigned to a
project and mentored by senior research staff members, usually with the same academic background.
Students who have completed at least two years of graduate work leading to a doctorate or professional
degree, and who will not graduate prior to the summer of employment, are eligible. Amount: $13,500
(before taxes).
Citizenship Restrictions: U.S. citizenship is necessary only for positions that require security clearances.
Deadline: January 5 (last known)
St. Louis University, Fellowship Programs
The Vatican Film Library Mellon Fellowship
This fellowship assists doctoral candidates and PhDs wishing to conduct research in the manuscript
collections of the Vatican Film Library at St. Louis University. Projects may involve any subject
supported by the research collections of the Library, particularly its microfilms of manuscripts from
the Vatican Library and other institutions, as well as Jesuit historical documents. Research topics may
include history, philosophy, theology, literature, art, and other studies. Amount: $2,250 monthly
allowance, plus travel expenses within the continental US (duration: 2 - 8 weeks).
Citizenship Restrictions: None.
Deadlines: March 1 (for June-Aug research); June 1 (for Oct-Dec research); and October 1 for
(Jan-May research)
National Endowment for Humanities Research Fellowships
These fellowships are offered for carrying out research at the Vatican Film Library or in the rare book
and manuscript collections of Pius XII Memorial Library at Saint Louis University. Amount: $1,750
per 5-week period, reimbursement for all travel to and from St. Louis, and a fully furnished twobedroom apartment. URL:
Citizenship Restrictions: Unspecified.
Deadline: None; Review of applications begins on April 1, and will be accepted until all timeperiods are filled
Samuel H. Kress Foundation Two-Year Fellowships
History of Art Institutional Fellowships
Six pre-doctoral Kress Institutional Fellowships in the History of European Art will be awarded each
year. Each fellowship provides for a two-year research appointment hosted by an associated European
art history research centers. Amount: $30,000/year.
Citizenship Restrictions: None.
Deadline: Must be received by November 30
Interpretive Fellowships
A minimum of six (6) Kress Interpretive Fellowships are awarded each year to American art museums
for 9-12 month professional development opportunities. Typically, Interpretive Fellowships begin in
late summer or early fall. The Fellowship award is $30,000, with a minimum of $25,000 reserved for
the Fellow’s stipend and up to $5,000 available to support health, travel and other benefits for the
Fellow and/or to defray the direct costs of hosting the Fellow. A final report will be due from the host
institution approximately one month after the completion of the fellowship.
Citizenship Restrictions: Unspecified.
Deadline: Must be received by April 1
School for Advanced Research (SAR) Fellowships
The SAR is a center for advanced studies in anthropology and related disciplines, supporting scholars
doing research in anthropology and allied fields, such as history, sociology, art, law, and philosophy, who
approach their research from an anthropologically informed perspective. Six different fellowships are
available to both PhD candidates and recent PhD recipients. SAR provides Resident Scholars with lowcost housing and office space on campus, a stipend up to $40,000, library assistance, and other benefits
during a nine-month tenure, from September 1 through May 31. A six- or nine-month fellowship is also
available for a female postdoctoral scholar whose research promotes women’s empowerment focused on
the developing world (for this fellowship, scholars from developing countries are encouraged to apply).
Deadline: November 2
Smithsonian Institution
The Smithsonian Institution offers a wide range of fellowships.
Citizenship Restrictions: Various.
Smithsonian Institution Fellowships Program
This fellowship is open to scholars in American history, American material and folk culture, and the
history of music and musical instruments; history of science and technology, history of art, design,
crafts, and the decorative arts; anthropology, archaeology, linguistics, and ethnic studies; evolutionary,
systematic, behavioral, environmental biology, and conservation; geological sciences and astrophysics;
and materials characterization and conservation. Fellowships are available to graduate students not yet
advanced to candidacy in a PhD program for up to 10 weeks; pre-doctoral (dissertation stage) for 3-12
months. There are no citizenship restrictions. Amount: $7,000 (graduate) and $32,700 (pre-doctoral).
Deadline: December 1
Smithsonian Postgraduate Fellowships in Conservation of Museum Collections Program
These fellowships are offered to recent graduates of masters programs in art conservation or the
equivalent or conservation scientists, including those at the postdoctoral level, who wish to conduct
research and gain further training in Smithsonian conservation laboratories for a period of one year.
Additional facilities may be available to museum or archives fellows for analytical work at the
Museum Conservation Institute (MCI). Amount: $35,000
Deadline: December 1
George Burch Fellowship in Theoretic Medicine and Affiliated Theoretic Science
The George E. Burch Fellowship Program is a nomination-only opportunity that awards a stipend to
defray living expenses during independent research and study to a post-doctoral scholar, whose
research interests lie within at least one of the following areas: medicine, biology, physics, chemistry,
and fields in the social science and humanities, as it applies to health and medicine. Amount $60,000
plus allowances.
Nomination Deadline: January 15 (last known)
James Smithson Fellowship Program
The James Smithson Fellowship Program was created to offer early career opportunities for postdoctoral researchers interested in gaining a better understanding about the interplay between
scholarship and public policy through a Smithsonian lens. The program is open to post-doctoral
students in the fields of science, the humanities and the arts.
Deadline: January 15
Minority Visiting Students
Through the Minority Student Awards Program the Office of Fellowships offers internships and
visiting student awards to increase participation of U.S. minority groups who are underrepresented in
Smithsonian scholarly programs, in the disciplines of research conducted at the Institution, and in the
museum field. Visiting Student Awards are available for currently enrolled advanced graduate
students. Visiting Students pursue independently designed research projects in association with
Smithsonian staff. Amount: $600 per week for ten weeks.
Deadlines: February 1 for Summer and Fall; October 1 for Spring Native American Visiting Student Awards
Appointments are available for currently enrolled advanced Native American graduate students who
are formally or informally related to a Native American community. Visiting Students pursue
independent research in association with Smithsonian staff. Amount: $175 per day for up to 21 days, a
small research allowance and a possible travel allowance.
Deadlines: February 1 for Summer and Fall; October 1 for Spring
Unit Fellowship Opportunities and Internships
The Institution offers a number of Fellowships and internships, including minority programs, for
graduate students in humanities and social science. For specifics, check the website.
Social Science Research Council (SSRC)
The SSRC offers dissertation fellowships. Many support research outside the US in various areas of social
science research, but particular focus is offered to the former Soviet Union states, North Africa, and Near
and Middle East. Check the website for specific programs and eligibility requirements. SSRC has funding
available for both US and non-US residents; International Dissertation Research fellowships have no
citizenship restrictions. There is a valuable tutorial on writing proposals for the SSRC fellowships at Amount:
Citizenship Restrictions: Various.
Deadlines: Various
Terra Foundation Summer Residency in Giverny
This program supports scholars in American art. The eight-week residency is held in the Musée d’Art
Américain Giverny. Doctoral students are eligible. Amount: $5,000 + $300 for purchase of materials and
up to $1,000 for travel costs. Lodging is provided, as are daily lunches.
Citizenship Restrictions: None.
Deadline: January 15
Thomas Jefferson Foundation / Robert H. Smith International Center for Jefferson Studies
Short-term residential fellowships for periods of up to four months are offered to doctoral candidates and
postdoctoral scholars from any country working on Jefferson-related projects. At least one fellowship is
given for related research in African-American history and archaeology for fellows using the Digital
Archaeological Archive of Chesapeake Slavery. The stipend is up to $3,000/mo. plus travel costs for US
and Canadian scholars. Small travel grants are also available for short-term research visits to Monticello.
Citizenship Restrictions: Unspecified.
Deadline: April 1 and November 1
The United States Department of Justice, the National Institute of Justice (NIJ)
*Note: This is an institutional grant, which must go through the University of Kansas Center for Research
The Graduate Research Fellowship provides assistance for dissertation research support to doctoral
students undertaking independent research related to crime and justice. ABD Students from any discipline
are welcome to apply. Successful applicants must clearly demonstrate how the proposed dissertation
research advances basic criminal justice knowledge, practice, and/or policy for criminal justice agencies in
the United States. Quantitative, qualitative, primary, and secondary data analysis studies are encouraged.
Amount: up to $32,000.
Citizenship Restrictions: Unspecified.
Deadline: Various
The United States Institute of Peace (USIP)
Jennings Randolph Peace Scholar Dissertation Fellowships support the research and writing of
dissertations addressing the sources and nature of international conflict and ways to prevent or end conflict
and sustain peace. All disciplines are welcome. Priority is given to projects that contribute knowledge
relevant to the formulation of policy on international peace and conflict issues. Amount: $20,000.
Contact: United States Institute of Peace; Jennings Randolph Program for International Peace; 1200 17th
Street NW, Suite 200; Washington, DC 20036-3011. Phone: (202) 429-3866. Email:
Citizenship Restrictions: None.
Deadline: December 11
The United States-Ireland Alliance
The George J. Mitchell Scholarship
The Mitchell Scholarship fosters research and networking between college graduates (ages 18-30) in
the United States and researchers in Ireland. It funds one year of study or research at one of several
universities in Ireland and Northern Ireland. No amount is given, but the scholarship covers tuition,
housing, a living expenses stipend, and an international travel stipend.
Citizenship Restrictions: US citizenship is required
Deadline: October 1
UCLA Institute of American Cultures (IAC) Visiting Researcher Program in Ethnic Studies
IAC offers a Visiting Researcher appointment for newly degreed scholars in support of research on
African Americans, American Indians, Asian Americans, and Chicanas/os. Recipients will reside at one of
the four Ethnic Studies Centers. IAC Visiting Researchers will receive up to a 9-month academic-year
stipend and may be eligible for health benefits. Amount: up to $35,000, plus up to $4,000 in research
Citizenship Restrictions: U.S. Citizens only.
Deadline: February 9 (last known)
University Library Erfurt, Germany
Amplonius Scholarship
The University Library Erfurt offers the Amplonius Scholarship to conduct research with the material
in its Bibliotheca Amploniana collection. This is the largest intact completely medieval collection of
manuscripts in a single location. Its more than 1,000 manuscripts cover the entire range of subjects
studied at a medieval university, with a special emphasis on theology and medicine. The stipend is up
to €1,600 per month for three months and can be used at any time during the year.
Citizenship Restrictions: None.
Deadline: Open
The University of Virginia’s Rare Book School
The University of Virginia’s Rare Book School and the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation offer three-year
fellowships to ABD doctoral students, postdoctoral scholars, and untenured faculty in the humanities.
During the three-years, fellows will study with Rare Book School's distinguished international faculty
during the School's weeklong seminar-style courses, once per year for three years. They will receive a
$6,000 stipend to cover travel, meals, lodging, course materials, and research-related needs. They will also
receive $2,000 for use in hosting academic symposia at their home institutions and $1,500 to support
research related travel.
Citizenship Restrictions: None.
Deadline: December 1
Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research, Dissertation Fieldwork Grants
These grants fund projects that demonstrate a clear link to anthropological theory and debates and promise
to make solid contributions to advancing these ideas. Proposals that employ a comparative perspective, can
generate innovative approaches or ideas, and/or integrate two or more subfields are particularly welcome.
Applicants must be ABD and enrolled for a doctoral degree in anthropology or a related discipline.
Amount: up to $20,000.
Citizenship Restrictions: None.
Deadlines: May 1 and November 1
W.F. Albright Institute of Archaeological Research
The W.F. Albright Institute offers a wide variety of fellowships. Most carry a stipend, and fellowship
durations range from one to ten months. Many awards are open to doctoral and/or postdoctoral students,
but check the website for eligibility requirements. Amount: up to $40,000.
Citizenship Restrictions: Unspecified.
Deadline: Various
William L. Clements Library, University of Michigan
The Clements Library research fellowships exist to help scholars gain access to the Library’s rich array of
primary sources on early American history. Fellowships for predoctoral and postdoctoral fellowships are
available, and amounts range from $1,000 to $10,000. See the website for more details.
Citizenship Restrictions: Unspecified.
Deadline: January 15
Williams College Fellowships for Minority Scholars
Williams College offers the Gaius Charles Bolin Fellowship for scholars from underrepresented groups
and minorities who are either A.B.D. doctoral students or recent MFA graduates. The fellowships require a
two-year residency at Williams and provide an annual stipend of $39,000, health benefits, office space,
and an annual research budget of $4,000.
Citizenship Restrictions: U.S. Citizens only.
Deadline: November 15
Winterthur Museum, Garden, and Library
Winterthur Research Fellowships
Academic, museum, and independent scholars, including graduate students receive one- to threemonth short-term fellowships. Stipend: $1,750 per month. Research areas include: the study of Shaker
life and material culture; American decorative arts, painting, architecture, or historic preservation;
domestic life; late 19th- and early 20th-century design and material culture.
Citizenship Restrictions: Unspecified.
Deadline: January 15
Dissertation Fellowships
Doctoral candidates conducting research or writing a dissertation receive four- to nine-month
fellowships. Stipend: up to $7,000 per semester.
Citizenship Restrictions: Unspecified.
Deadline: January 15
National Endowment for the Humanities
Winterthur participates in an NEH-funded program, Fellowships at Independent Research Institutions.
NEH Research Fellows may receive four- to nine-month fellowships to pursue advanced research.
This fellowship may not be used in the pursuit of a degree, although fellows with doctorate in hand
may revise a dissertation for publication. Applicants must be U.S. citizens or residents for three years
prior to application. Stipend: up to $37,800.
Citizenship Restrictions: Unspecified
Deadline: January 15
Women’s Research and Education Institute (WREI)
WREI awards annual Congressional Fellowships on Women and Public Policy to select graduate students
with a proven commitment to equity for women. WREI Fellows gain practical policymaking experience
and graduate credit as they work from January to August as Congressional legislative aides in Washington,
District of Columbia. Amount: $1,450 per month, $500 for health insurance, and up to $1,500 for cost of
tuition at home institution.
Citizenship Restrictions: None.
Deadline: June 14 (last known deadline; appears temporarily suspended)
Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars / East European Studies Program
The Wilson Fellowship
Through an international competition, the Center offers 9-month residential fellowships. Fellows
conduct research and write in their areas of expertise, while interacting with policymakers in
Washington and Wilson Center staff. The Center accepts non-advocacy, policy-relevant, fellowship
proposals that address key policy challenges facing the United States and the world. PhD must be
earned by the application deadline. Amount: unspecified, but includes round trip airfare.
Citizenship Restrictions: None
Deadline: October 1
Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation
Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship in Women's Studies
The fellowship supports the final year of dissertation writing for PhD candidates in the humanities and
social sciences whose work addresses topics of women and gender in interdisciplinary and original
ways. Ten Fellows will receive $5,000 to be used for expenses connected with completing their
dissertations, such as research-related travel, data work/collection, and supplies.
Citizenship Restrictions: None.
Deadline: October 15
Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowships.
The Woodrow Wilson Foundation awards at least 21 fellowships annually to graduate students in the
humanities and social sciences to encourage original study of ethical or religious values, including the
ethical implications of foreign policy, values influencing political decision-making, the moral codes of
other cultures, and religious or ethical issues reflected in the history of literature. Proposals must have
ethical or religious values as a central concern. The fellowship targets PhD candidates who are
permanent US residents in the final year of writing the dissertation. Amount: $25,000 for 12 months;
graduate schools will be asked to waive tuition and fees for Newcombe Fellows.
Citizenship Restrictions: None.
Deadline: November 15
Post-doctoral Fellowships in the Humanities and Social Sciences
American Academy in Rome
The American Academy in Rome awards a variety of prizes and fellowships to scholars in all stages of
their careers. Fellows reside at the Academy for periods from four‐weeks to eleven‐months and add to the
diversity of the Academy artistic and scholarly community. In particular, the Academy’s Rome Prize is
awarded to about thirty emerging artists and scholars who represent the highest standard of excellence and
who are in the early or middle stages of their working lives.. Fellowships range from four weeks to two
years, with stipends between $5,000 and $30,000. The Rome Prize pays up to $28,000/yr.
Deadline: Various
American Academy of Arts and Sciences
This Visiting Scholars Program (VSP) offers opportunities for scholars to carry out their individual
research and collaborate on shared scholarly or policy-related interests. It is intended to create a national
network for scholars in the early stages of their career, assisting them in their research and professional
development, and promoting intensive scholarship by individuals from diverse disciplinary, institutional,
and geographic backgrounds. Amount: Faculty-up to $65,000; Postdocs-up to $45,000.
Deadline: October 23
American Antiquarian Society
The American Antiquarian Society offers the Hench Post-Dissertation Fellowship to scholars who are no
more than three years beyond receipt of the doctorate. It supports a year in residence at the center so that
fellows can develop and/or revise their dissertation for publication. Any topic relevant to the Society’s
library collections and programmatic scope—American history and culture through 1876—is eligible. The
twelve-month stipend is $35,000.
Deadline: October 15
American Political Science Association (APSA) Congressional Fellowship Program
This program is for early- to mid-career political scientists and provides direct participation in Congress
and the legislative process. Selected political science faculty members serve nine months on congressional
staffs. The goal is to enhance participants’ understanding of policy-making and improve the quality of
scholarship, teaching, and reporting on US politics. Applicants must have US citizenship or permanent
residency, a PhD in political science completed within the last 15 years or a dissertation in political science
defended by November of the fellowship year, and a scholarly interest in Congress and the legislative
process. Amount: $50,000.
Deadline: December 1 (Last Known)
American Sociological Association (ASA) Congressional Fellowship Program
This program brings sociologists to Washington DC to work as staff members on a Congressional
committee, or in a Congressional office, or as members of a Congressional agency for 12 months. Fellows
must complete their PhDs before the fellowship begins. Amount: $66,000.
Deadline: February 15
Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships
These fellowships support two years of research at a host institution in Canada in any field. The stipend is
$70,000 (CAD) per year (taxable) for two years (non-renewable). Interested applicants must solicit support
from a program at a Canadian university. To be eligible, scholars must have completed their PhD within
between September 23, 2012 and August 15, 2016 (inclusively) and before the start of the award, although
up to 2 additional years may be added for those who have had major career interruptions for the purpose of
childrearing, illness, or health-related family responsibilities.
Deadline: September 24
Blum Center for Developing Economies, University of California-Berkeley
Global Poverty and Practice Post Doctoral Fellows
This fellowship is a two-year position that aims to support research and teaching in a wide range of
interdisciplinary fields and on a variety of subject areas relevant to poverty, inequality, and poverty
action, from fields including urban studies, sociology, economics, anthropology, international
development, history, public health, social welfare, and engineering, among others. Teaching
experience preferred. Amount: $55,000, and up to $3,000 for research-related and program travel
expenses. Healthcare is included
Deadline: July 15 (temporarily suspended)
Carter G. Woodson Institute for Afro-American and African Studies, University of Virginia
The institute offers two-year doctoral and postdoctoral fellowships in African-American and African
Studies. Applications by scholars whose work focuses on Africa and/or the African Diaspora are
encouraged. There is no citizenship restriction. Stipends: $20,000 + Health Insurance (pre-doctoral) is
$45,000 + full time benefits (post-doctoral).
Citizenship Restrictions: None.
Deadline: December 1
Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies
The Center awards fellowships for significant research and writing about the Holocaust by students
working on their dissertations (ABD), postdoctoral researchers, and senior scholars. The Center welcomes
applications by scholars in history, political science, literature, Jewish studies, philosophy, religion,
psychology, comparative genocide studies, law, and other disciplines. Individual awards range from three
to nine months of residency with stipends of up to $3,500 per month.
Citizenship Restrictions: Unspecified.
Deadline: November 30 (Last Known)
Center for Cultural Analysis (Rutgers University)
The CCA invites applications from all disciplines. In 2016-17, CCA will sponsor two external postdoctoral fellowships with awards of $45,000. CCA also awards non-funded associate fellowships. All
fellows will have access to the Center's resources during the tenure of the fellowship and will be expected
to participate in and to present their work to the Center seminars, which meet regularly throughout the
academic year.
Deadline: January 8
Center for Italian Renaissance Studies (Harvard University) I Tatti Fellowship
I Tatti Residential Fellowships, each for twelve months, are available for post doctorate research in any
aspect of the Italian Renaissance. Fellows must be conversant in either English or Italian and able to
understand both languages. They should be in the early stages of their career, having received a PhD
between 2005-2014 and should be specialists of the Italian Renaissance. Amount: up to $50,000.
Deadline: October 15
Center for the Humanities (Oregon State University)
NOTE: Visiting Fellowships in the Humanities and the Horning Post-Doctoral Fellowship in the History
of Science have been suspended for the 2015-16 academic year.
These Visiting Research Fellowships allow members of humanities departments and other scholars
interested in humanistic issues to pursue research and writing protected from the daily demands of
academic life. Fellows are expected to share their research in lectures or seminars.
Deadline: Temporarily Suspended (check website for updates)
Center for US-Mexican Studies, Visiting Fellows Program
The Center invites applications from advanced PhD candidates and postdoctoral scholars. Fellowships are
for 4 to 9 months and support research on any aspect of contemporary Mexico, Mexican history, and USMexican relations. Comparative studies with a substantial Mexico component are especially encouraged.
There is no citizenship or nationality requirement, although special funds are available for Mexican
citizens. Stipends are determined by UC general policies, and funding availability.
Citizenship Restrictions: None.
Deadline: January 15 (last known)
Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation (CCK) for International Scholarly Exchange
CCK offers postdoctoral funding for recent PhDs (within two years of their successful defense) in Chinese
studies. Applicants must be US citizens or permanent residents. Applicants should not be employed or
receive grants from other sources. Amount: up to $40,000.
URL: (click on "American Region")
Citizenship Restrictions: U.S. Citizens or Permanent Residents only.
Deadline: October 15
Clements Center for Southwest Studies (Southern Methodist University)
Senor or junior scholars in any humanities or social science field doing research on The US Southwest, the
US-Mexico borderlands, or Texas history are eligible for fellowships. Fellows must spend an academic
year or semester at SMU and participate in Clements Center activities. Full-year stipends are $42,500 with
a $3,000 research and travel allowance and a publication subvention. One-semester fellowships carry a
$20,000 stipend with a $1,500 research allowance and a publication subvention. Full-year fellows may
teach one course for an additional stipend.
Deadline: January 22
Columbia University Society of Fellows in the Humanities
A one-year fellowship (with the possibility of renewal) that supports scholars who have or will complete
their PhD in the humanities between 1 January 2014 and 1 July 2016. During the first year fellow teaches
one course per semester, which is reduced to one course per year for the second and third year of the
fellowship. The fellowship carries an annual stipend of $62,000 and a research allowance of $6,500 per
Deadline: postmark by October 6
Cornell Society for the Humanities (Cornell University) Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship
This Andrew W. Mellon Foundation-supported program offers two-year stipends of $45,000 per year to
scholars with recent PhDs in the humanities. While in residence, fellows hold department affiliations, have
limited teaching duties, and do scholarly work. Check the website for current area of specialization.
Deadline: November 15 (last known)
Council of American Overseas Research Centers (CAORC)
Citizenship Restrictions: U.S. Citizens only.
Andrew W. Mellon Mediterranean Regional Research Fellowship
The Council of American Overseas Research Centers is pleased to offer a focused regional fellowship
program enabling pre- and early postdoctoral scholars to carry out research in the humanities and
related social sciences in countries bordering the Mediterranean and served by American overseas
research centers from three to nine months. Amount: up to $33,500.
Deadline: January 31
Multi-Country Research Fellowship
The Council of American Overseas Research Centers Multi-Country Research Fellowship Program
supports advanced regional or trans-regional research in the humanities, social sciences, or allied
natural sciences for U.S. doctoral candidates and scholars who have already earned their Ph.D.
Preference will be given to candidates examining comparative and/or cross-regional research. Scholars
must carry out research in two or more countries outside the United States, at least one of which hosts
a participating American overseas research center. Approximately eight awards of up to $10,500 each
will be given each year.
Deadline: January 31
European University Institute (EUI)
One of the worlds largest doctoral and postdoctoral programs in the social sciences focused on the study of
Europe. It has several fellowships open to scholars engaged in the humanistic and social scientific study of
Max Weber Fellowships
The Max Weber Program offers 1-3-year fellowships in Florence (two-year fellowships involve
additional activities, such as limited graduate teaching) for early career scholars. It is funded by the
European Commission (DG Education and Culture) and hosted by the European University Institute in
Florence. Fellows receive € 2,000 a month, which may be reduced based on the amount of
supplementary income. There is also a family allowance for dependents (€300 per month for partners,
and €200 per month for each dependent child). Candidates are eligible during the five-year period
following the successful completion of their PhD. There is no citizenship requirement.
Deadline: October 25
Jean Monnet Postdoctoral Fellowships
The Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies (RSCAS) offers one-year Jean Monnet Fellowships
(renewable for one more year) to scholars who have obtained their doctorate more than 5 years prior to
the start of the fellowship, i.e. 1 September 2016 for the academic year 2016/17. The Fellowship
programme is open to post-docs, tenure track academics and those wishing to spend their sabbatical at
the Robert Schuman Centre. Priority is given to proposals that fit well with one or more of the core
research themes: Integration, Governance, and Democracy; Regulating Markets and Governing
Money; 21st Century World Politics and Europe. Jean Monnet Fellows are based at the RSCAS and
associated with one of the Centre’s projects and programmes. They are expected to actively participate
in the academic life of the Centre and to contribute to the activities of the project or programme they
are associated with. Fellows are required to live in Florence and receive a basic grant of € 2,500 per
month. There is also a family allowance for dependents (€300 per month for partners, and €200 per
month for each dependent child). There is no citizenship requirement.
Deadline: October 25
European Institutes for Advanced Study (EURIAS)
EURIAS Fellowships are offered in the fields of the humanities and social sciences for individual work
only. This international researcher mobility program offers 10-month residential fellowships at one of 16
participating institutes in Berlin, Bologna, Brussels, Budapest, Cambridge, Delmenhorst, Freiburg,
Helsinki, Jerusalem, Lyon, Marseille, Paris, Uppsala, Vienna, Wassenaar, Zürich. The intent is to promote
concentrated, self-directed work in a stimulating environment of multidisciplinary and international
fellows. Residencies are open to junior and senior scholars and begin in September or October. So long as
the residency is 10 months in duration, individual institutes may allow negotiation of the starting date.
Amount: €26,000 for a junior fellow, and € 38,000 for a senior fellow. There is no citizenship requirement.
Deadline: June 5 (last known deadline)
Folger Shakespeare Library
This library offers five long-term fellowships (six to nine months) of up to $50,000 (for nine months,
prorated for shorter periods). NEH Fellowships are restricted to US citizens or to foreign nationals who
have been living in the US for at least three years. While the Folger Library only rarely awards a scholar
for revisions of their doctoral dissertation, it does not want to preempt submissions of exciting projects
simply because they derive from the dissertation. Mellon Postdoctoral Research Fellowships are open to
scholars from any country.
Deadline: November 1
Ford Foundation Diversity Fellowships
The Ford Foundation offers Predoctoral, Dissertation, and Postdoctoral Fellowships administered by the
National Research Council (NRC). To be competitive, applicants must demonstrate superior academic
achievement, be committed to a career in teaching and research at the college or university level, show
promise of future achievement, and be prepared to use diversity as a resource for enriching the education
of all students. The fellowship stipends $24,000 (predoctoral), $25,000 (dissertation), and $45,000
(postdoctoral). Applicants must be US citizens by the deadline and preferably belonging to one (or more)
of the following groups: Alaska Natives (Eskimo/Aleut), Black/African Americans, Mexican
American/Chicanas/ Chicanos, Native American Indians, Native Pacific Islanders
(Polynesian/Micronesian), or Puerto Ricans.
Deadlines: November 20 (predoctoral); November 13 (dissertation and postdoctoral)
Fred W. Smith National Library for the Study of George Washington (Mount Vernon)
This library offers fellowships to support research focused on the life, leadership and legacy of George
Washington and his place in the development of American civic life and culture. It offers short-term
fellowships of less than three months ($3,000/mo.), three months ($10,000), and six months ($20,000). All
awards include onsite housing, as well as round-trip airfare or mileage reimbursement for one trip to and
from Mount Vernon. Fellowships are open to doctoral candidates. There is no citizenship requirement.
Deadline: December 31
Frederick Douglass Institute for African and African-American Studies (University of Rochester)
The Institute offers a predoctoral and postdoctoral fellowship to humanities and social science scholars
who hold a PhD or is ABD (with a finished dissertation chapter) in a field related to the African and
African-American experience. Postdoctoral stipend: $40,000 for one academic year to support the
completion of a research project with a $3,000 research and travel fund. Predoctoral Stipend: $26,000. The
fellowship begins in September and the Fellow will teach one course.
Deadline: December 20 (last known deadline)
Fulbright Scholar Program, Council for International Exchange of Scholars (CIES)
This application does not have to be submitted through the KU Office of International Programs. This
Fulbright program sends US faculty abroad for various periods, from two to twelve months, to lecture and
conduct research in a wide variety of academic and professional fields. Fellowship durations last from two
to twelve months. Some countries have funding for Fulbright post-doctoral scholars, so see the website for
information for more details.
Deadline: August 3 (last known)
Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad Program, US Department of Education
This program funds full-time dissertation research abroad in modern foreign languages and studies that
focus on one or more of the following: Africa, East Asia, Southeast Asia and the Pacific, South Asia, the
Near East, East Central Europe and Eurasia, and the Western Hemisphere (Central and South America and
the Caribbean). Projects focusing on Australia, Canada, and Western Europe are ineligible. Students must
apply through their institutions. At KU, students must submit their completed individual applications to the
KU Office of International Programs. If interested, contact Sue Lorenz, Office of International Programs,, 785-864-6161. Amount: $15,000-$60,000.
Citizenship Restrictions: U.S. Citizens only.
Deadline: April 28 (last known deadline; check website for details)
German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
DAAD offers funding opportunities to highly qualified graduate students, PhD candidates and postdoctoral researchers for research or a course of study and training in Germany. Funding includes research
grants, fellowships, and intensive language courses. Opportunities are also available to help build ties with
institutions in Germany and for collaborative research.
Deadline: Various, see website for details.
The German Historical Institute (GHI)
The GHI awards short-term (1-6 months) fellowships to German and American postdoctoral scholars in
the fields of German history, the history of German-American relations, and the history of the role of
Germany and the US in international relations. The research must draw upon primary sources located in
the US. Amount: The monthly stipend is € 1,700 for graduate students and € 3,000 for postdoctoral
scholars from European institutions; scholars based at North American institutions will receive a stipend of
$1,900 for graduate students and $3,200 for postdoctoral scholars.
Citizenship Restrictions: U.S. and German Citizens only.
Deadline: October 1
Getty Research Institute for the History of Art and the Humanities
The institute offers grants for scholars to be in residence at the Getty Research Institute and Getty
Conservation Institute. These include library research grants, guest scholar fellowships, and pre- and
postdoctoral fellowships. Several are thematic. Check the website for the current theme.
Getty Fellowships
The institute offers both predoctoral and postdoctoral fellowships for emerging scholars to complete
work on projects related to the Getty Research Institute's annual research theme. Recipients are in
residence at the Getty Research Institute or Getty Villa, where they pursue research projects, complete
their dissertations, or expand dissertation for publication. Fellows make use of the Getty collections,
join in a weekly meeting devoted to the annual theme, and participate in the intellectual life of the
Getty. Fellows are in residence for nine months from mid-September to mid-June and receive a stipend
of $25,000 (predoctoral) or $30,000 (postdoctoral). Fellowships are open to scholars of any
Deadline: October 1 (last known deadline)
GRI-NEH Postdoctoral Fellowship
The Getty Research Institute offers two residential Postdoctoral Fellowships, made possible through a
grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH). These fellowships are funded by the
NEH and are part of the Getty's annual scholar and fellow program. GRI-NEH Fellows are in
residence for five to nine months, from September to June of the following year. The fellowship
carries a stipend of $4,200 per month and provides workspace, housing, and transportation comparable
to other Getty fellowship programs. While you may not apply for both Getty and GRI-NEH
fellowships at the same time, GRI-NEH applicants who are not selected may be considered for a Getty
Postdoctoral Fellowship. GRI-NEH applicants must be US citizens or foreign nationals who can
document that they have lived in the US for the three years immediately preceding the fellowship
application deadline.
Deadline: November 1
Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation
Venetian Research Program. The Foundation awards pre-doctoral and post-doctoral grants for travel to
and residence in Venice and the Veneto. Grants are for historical research specifically on Venice and the
former Venetian empire, and for study of contemporary Venetian society and culture. Disciplines of the
humanities and social sciences are eligible areas of study, including (but not limited to) archaeology,
architecture, art, bibliography, economics, history, history of science, law, literature, music, political
science, religion, and theater. Award amount: up to a maximum of $19,900 for a full academic year.
Citizen Restrictions: US citizens or permanent residents only.
Deadline: December 15 (last known deadline)
Harry S. Truman Library Institute / National Archives and Records Administration (NARA)
Scholar’s Award
Grants of up to $30,000 are made to post-doctoral scholars engaged in work on some aspect of the life
and career of Harry S. Truman or of the public and foreign policy issues that were prominent during
the Truman years.
Citizenship Restrictions: Unspecified.
Deadline: December 15 of odd numbered years
The Harvard Academy for International and Area Studies
Focused primarily on training social scientists in area studies, the Academy Scholars Program supports
doctoral candidates and recent PhDs (PhD earned within last 3 years) whose work combines disciplinary
excellence in the social sciences (including history and law) with an in-depth grounding in non-Western
countries or regions, including domestic, comparative, or transnational issues. Two years in residence.
Amount: $31,000 (predoctoral) or $67,000 (postdoctoral).
Citizenship Restrictions: None.
Deadline: October 1
The Harvard University Society of Fellows Junior Fellowships
Junior Fellowships are for those who are completing or have just completed their PhD in any field. Junior
Fellows hold three-year appointments and are completely free from any requirements that might interfere
with the development of their work. They may develop a research project or become familiar with a new
field to prepare for interdisciplinary work. Please note that nominees must be nominated by a faculty
member—nominees are barred from applying directly on their own behalf—and the nomination must be
sent through the mail in hard copy. Nominees should be either about to complete their PhD or have
completed it within the previous year. Amount: $67,000 per year.
Deadline: August 14 (last known deadline)
Herbert D. Katz Center for Advanced Judaic Studies (University of Pennsylvania)
The fellowship program invites roughly twenty scholars of any rank in the humanities and social sciences
to conduct thematic research within Judaic studies. During the fellowship year, fellows work on their
projects and meet at weekly seminars to discuss their work. At the end of the year, the results of their
research are presented at a colloquium and the University of Pennsylvania Press publishes their papers.
Themes change each year; check the website. Amount: up to $60,000 plus single-coverage health
Deadline: November 1
Hodder Fellowship (Lewis Center for the Arts, Princeton University)
The Hodder Fellowship will be given to writers and non-literary artists of exceptional promise to pursue
independent projects at Princeton University during the academic year. Potential Hodder Fellows are
writers, composers, choreographers, visual artists, performance artists, or other kinds of artists or
humanists who have “much more than ordinary intellectual and literary gifts”; they are selected more “for
promise than for performance.” Given the strength of the applicant pool, most successful Fellows have
published a first book or have similar achievements in their own fields; the Hodder is designed to provide
Fellows with the “studious leisure” to undertake significant new work. Stipend is $79,000.
Citizenship Restrictions: Unspecified.
Deadline: September 14 (last known deadline)
Huntington Library
The Huntington offers both short- and long-term fellowships for recent PhD recipients to conduct research
at the Library. The holdings will be of interest to scholars studying British and American history,
literature, theater, art history, and history of science and medicine (11th century to present day). Amount:
between $3,000 and $5,500 per month (short-term fellowship awards); $50,000 (long-term fellowship
Citizenship Restrictions: Only US citizens can apply for the National Endowment for the Humanities
fellowships, but there is no citizenship restriction specified for other awards.
Deadline: November 15
Illinois Program of Research in the Humanities (IPRH; University of Illinois-Urbana Champaign)
A two-year post-doctoral fellowship that supports scholars who have received their Ph.D. in the humanities
between 2016 and 2018. Only untenured scholars who have not held the title of “assistant professor” are
eligible (visiting assistant professors are eligible); lecturers with indefinite appointments that renew (rather
than terminate after a fixed term) are ineligible. The Fellowship carries an annual stipend of $55,000, a
$5,000 research account, a modest moving allowance, and a comprehensive benefits package.
Citizenship Restrictions: Unspecified.
Deadline: November 6
Institute for Historical Studies (University of Texas at Austin)
The Institute offers tenure-track and tenured faculty fellowships and post-doctoral fellowships.
Fellowships are not restricted to historians, but projects must have significant historical content. Fellows
must be resident in Austin during the term of their appointment and are expected to participate actively and
regularly in the Institute's programming. Each fellow will present a pre-circulated paper at the institute's
workshops and may also be invited to participate in other programming at The University of Texas at
Austin. Amount: up to $50,000; $42,000 for postdocs.
Deadline: January 15 (last known deadline)
Institute for Research in the Humanities (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
The Institute for Research in the Humanities at the University of Wisconsin offers fellowships for scholars
at different stages in their career and with various specialties.
Kingdon Fellowships
This fellowship supports research in historical, literary, and philosophical studies of the JudeoChristian religious tradition and its role in society from antiquity to the present. Projects may focus on
any period and part of the world, and be in any field of the humanities. Fellows must be in residence
throughout the academic year and may extend their residency through the following summer on a nonstipendiary basis. Applicants must have the doctorate at the time of application. The award provides a
stipend of $51,000, office space, support services, and access to all university facilities.
Citizenship Restrictions: Unspecified.
Deadline: November 1
Solmsen Fellowships
The Solmsen Fellowships support four or five scholars from outside UW-Madison working on literary
and historical studies of the European Classical, Medieval, and Renaissance periods up to about 1700.
Fellows must be in residence throughout the academic year and may extend their residency through the
following summer on a non-stipendiary basis. Applicants must have the doctorate in hand at the time
of application. The award provides a stipend of $51,000, office space, support services, and access to
all university facilities.
Citizenship Restrictions: Unspecified.
Deadline: November 1
The A. W. Mellon Postdoctoral Program
This two-year fellowship is an interdisciplinary program providing postdoctoral fellowships in the
humanities and humanistic social sciences. The program, established in 2010, builds upon
interdisciplinary initiatives on campus exploring the broad question, “What is human?” These
initiatives have been examining the transnational circulations of culture and power on a global
landscape, questions of biocultures and biopolitics, and new ways of thinking about media in the
context of the digital revolution. Fellows teach one course each semester. Applicants must receive (or
have received) their PhD between August 2011 and August 2016. Fellows receive a stipend, which
was $59,627 for 2015-2016, with a $5,000 per year research allowance, and a one-time $2,500
computer allowance. Fellows are also eligible for health insurance.
Citizenship Requirements: None.
Deadline: November 2 (last known)
Jacob Rader Marcus Center of the American Jewish Archives
The Center sponsors several month-long fellowships for PhD candidates and postdoctoral scholars for
research in areas related to the history of the North American Jewish experience. Research must be
performed at the Archives in Cincinnati, Ohio. Amount: stipend is sufficient to cover transportation and
living expenses while in residence in Cincinnati.
Citizenship Restrictions: None.
Deadline: February 23 (last known)
Japan Foundation Fellowship Program
The Japan Foundation offers a number of fellowships for postdoctoral scholars interested in conducting
research in Japan with the aim of promoting Japanese studies overseas. Long-term fellowships for are
offered for periods ranging from 2-12 months, and short-term fellowships are offered for periods ranging
from 21-59 days. Long-term fellows receive a monthly stipend and short-term fellows receive a per diem
allowance. Both long-term and short-term fellowships cover the cost of travel to and from Japan.
Citizenship Restrictions: Nationals of Permanent Residents of a Country with Diplomatic Ties to Japan.
Deadline: November 3 (last known)
Leon Levy Center for Biography Fellowship (CUNY)
The Leon Levy Center for Biography at the City University of New York offers four yearlong residential
fellowships. Awards offer writing space, full access to research facilities, and a $60,000 stipend. They
engage in discussions on the craft of biography, both within and without the academy. Established and
emerging biographers, writers moving to biography from other genres, and artists working on biography in
film or other media are welcome. Fellows are expected to attend monthly seminars and the conferences
and lectures held by the Leon Levy Center, in addition to their own work on their projects.
Citizen Restrictions: Unspecified.
Deadline: December 15 (last known deadline)
Lauro De Bosis Postdoctoral Fellowship (Harvard University)
The Committee for the Lauro De Bosis Lectureship in the History of Italian Civilization at Harvard
University invites applications for a postdoctoral fellowship in any aspect of Italian culture, history, and
society, to be held during the academic year. Candidates must hold a completed Ph.D. or equivalent degree
obtained within the past ten years at the time of application. The fellowship may be one or two semesters
in length, depending on the proposed research project; it carries a stipend of $25,000 for one semester and
$50,000 for two semesters. The recipient of the fellowship will be expected to be in residence in
Cambridge for the entire period of her or his appointment, and to use the resources of the University to
pursue a project with a substantial Italian component. He or she will have the opportunity to teach a course
or organize a workshop at Harvard as well, and will be expected in any case to make a seminar
presentation of his or her work.
Citizenship Restrictions: None.
Deadline: March 13 (last known deadline)
Leslie Center for the Humanities (Dartmouth College)
The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation offers leading junior scholars in the vanguard of current research a
two-year postdoctoral fellowship in the humanities and related social sciences at Dartmouth College. Each
fellow is located in a particular department or interdisciplinary program, and linked with one or more
Dartmouth faculty mentors. Fellows are expected to teach two courses in their home department(s) or
program(s) in each year of their residency. At least one of the four courses should contribute something
new to the Dartmouth curriculum; at least one should be an introductory lecture course. Amount: $57,528,
plus an annual $2,000 research allowance and a one-time computer allowance of $2,500.
*Currently NOT accepting applications for Anthropology, Art History, Asian/ Middle Eastern Languages
and Cultures, Philosophy, Religion, Russian, Theater, and Women's and Gender Studies. (09/08/15).
Deadline: October 15
The Library Company of Philadelphia
The Library Company of Philadelphia and The Historical Society of Pennsylvania jointly award twenty
five one-month fellowships for research in residence in either or both collections. They also offer longterm postdoctoral fellowships. These two independent research libraries, adjacent to each other in Center
City Philadelphia, have complementary collections capable of supporting research in fields and disciplines
relating to the history of America and the Atlantic world from the 17th through the 19th centuries and MidAtlantic regional history to the present.
National Endowment for the Humanities Post-Doctoral Fellowship
These fellowships support research in residence at the Library Company on any subject relevant to its
collections, which are capable of supporting research in a variety of fields and disciplines relating to
the history of America and the Atlantic world form the 17th through the 19th centuries. The stipend is
$4,200 per month.
Citizenship Restrictions: None.
Deadline: November 1
Program in Early American Economy and Society (PEAES) Post-Doctoral Fellowship
These fellowships support research in the collections of the Library Company and other nearby
institutions into the origins and development of the early American economy, broadly conceived, to
roughly 1850. The fellowships provide scholars the opportunity to investigate the history of
commerce, finance, technology, manufacturing, agriculture, internal improvements, economic policymaking and other topics. The stipend is $40,000 for the academic year.
Citizenship Restrictions: None
Deadline: November 1
Mellon Scholars Program in African American History Post-Doctoral Fellowship
These fellowships are designed to increase the participation of scholars from underrepresented
backgrounds and others in the field of African American history prior to 1900. The fellowships
promote research in the collections of the Library Company and enhance the production of scholarly
work in African American history of the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries. The stipend is $50,000 for the
academic year.
Citizenship Restrictions: None.
Deadline: November 1
Lilly Fellows Program in the Humanities and the Arts at Valparaiso University
The Lilly Fellows Program offers a two-year residential postdoctoral fellowship for teacher-scholars who
seek careers at church-related institutions of higher learning. Fellows teach seven courses over two years in
the appropriate departments and the Honors College. While candidates will be asked to demonstrate their
commitment to explore teaching as a Christian vocation, fellows need not research religion to be eligible.
The fellowships include a starting salary of $47,300 plus standard benefits, a moving allowance, and an
annual professional and travel allowance.
Citizenship Restrictions: Unspecified.
Deadline: January 6
The Lilly Library (University of Indiana–Bloomington)
The Library offers Mendel Fellowships, which are available to scholars doing research in the history of the
Spanish Colonial Empire; Latin American independence movements; European expansion in the
Americas; voyages, travels, and exploration; geography, navigation and cartography; German literature
and history; or music, including sheet music. Stipends are based on length of stay, from one week to an
academic year. Fellowship stipends are up to $40,000. Applications from doctoral candidates through
senior scholars are considered.
Citizenship Restrictions: Unspecified
Deadline: September 30
Long-Term Fellowships at the John Carter Brown Library (Brown University)
Long-Term Fellowships support five to ten months of research at the library with a monthly stipend of
$4,200. In addition to general fellowships funded by the NEH, there are additional fellowships for research
on the history of exploration and discovery and for research on the history of the British West Indies and
the Caribbean basin. Applicants must be ABD or have PhD in hand to be eligible for these awards.
Citizen Restrictions: Unspecified for most fellowships; applicants for fellowships funded by the NEH
must be US citizens or have lived in the US for at least three years preceding the deadline.
Deadline: December 1; Interdisciplinary Cluster Fellowship applications are due January 15
Junior Research Fellowships (Trinity College, Cambridge University)
These fellowships support up to four years of research at Trinity College on any topic. Fellows receive a
stipend of £24,660 per year, along with a residential set of rooms in the College for free (if single), or a
£6,000 annual housing allowance. This should be the applicant’s first substantial paid academic or research
appointment, excluding any scholarship or other assistance toward a degree, and excluding up to nine
months of post-doctoral work.
Citizenship Restrictions: Unspecified.
Deadline: August 28 (last known deadline)
Kellogg Institute for International Studies (Notre Dame University)
The Visiting Fellowships provide scholars the opportunity to pursue research related to Kellogg Institute
themes of democracy and human development, share your research with the Notre Dame scholarly
community, and have the opportunity to publish in Kellogg’s peer-reviewed Working Paper Series. Senior
and junior scholars may apply. A two-year postdoc is available also. Fellowships offer a stipend and
conference travel support.
Citizenship Restrictions: U.S. Citizens and Foreign nationals
Deadline: November 1
Massachusetts Institute of Technology School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences
MIT’s School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences offers a two-year Mellon postdoctoral fellowship
to support scholarship across disciplinary boundaries. Four departments are participating in this search:
Comparative Media Studies/Writing, Literature, Foreign Languages and Literatures, Music and Theater
Arts. Applicants must designate in which of these departments they would like to be located. Fellows will
teach one course in the spring semester of the first year and one course per semester for the second year.
The fellowship includes a annual salary of $64,500 with standard benefits and a fund of $1,000 to cover
travel costs for research and personal development. Applicants must have received (or will receive) their
Ph.D. between July 1, 2013 and July 1, 2016.
Deadline: January 15
McNeil Center of Early American Studies (University of Pennsylvania) Barra Postdoctoral
This award is for a two-year term beginning 1 July 2016. Applicants must have earned the PhD no earlier
than 2011 in American History, American Literature, American Studies, or a closely allied field and must
have completed all requirements for the degree when the appointment commences. During the term of
appointment, the fellow will teach two courses in an appropriate department at the University of
Pennsylvania. The remainder of the fellow’s time will be devoted to research and writing. While this
fellowship is particularly appropriate for projects designed to turn a doctoral dissertation into a publishable
monograph, any proposal falling with in the Center’s area of interest will be considered. Candidates who
have received McNeil Center funding for a related project at the pre-doctoral stage are not eligible.The
Barra Postdoctoral Fellow will receive a starting stipend of $43,000, health insurance, and modest funds
for travel and research.
Citizen Restrictions: Unspecified.
Deadline: November 2
Metropolitan Museum of Art Residential Fellowships
The Museum offers residential fellowships to art history graduate students and postdoctoral researchers.
Recipients must use the collections; some fellowships allow students to gain experience necessary to enter
museums as curators. The fields of research include Asian art; arts of Africa, Oceania and the Americas;
antiquities; arms and armor; costumes; drawings; illuminated manuscripts; paintings; photographs; prints;
sculpture; textiles; and Western art. Additional funding is available to help cover travel abroad for fellows
whose projects involve firsthand examination of paintings in major European collections. Amount: stipend
of $42,000 for junior fellows with up to an additional $6,000 for travel.
Citizenship Restrictions: None.
Deadline: November 6
Michigan Society of Fellows (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI)
Each year the Society awards three-year postdoctoral fellowships to junior scholars in the humanities and
social sciences. Fellows are appointed as Assistant Professors in appropriate departments at the University
of Michigan and as Postdoctoral Scholars in the Michigan Society of Fellows. They must be in residence
during the academic years of the fellowship, teach for the equivalent of one academic year, participate in
the informal intellectual life of the Society, and devote time to their independent research. The annual
stipend is $55,000 and fellows can request up to $1,500 for research or travel support.
Citizen Restrictions: None
Deadline: September 29
Modeling Interdisciplinary Inquiry: A Postdoctoral Program (Washington University in St. Louis)
The Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship Program for new and recent PhD’s is designed to encourage
interdisciplinary scholarship and teaching across the humanities and social sciences. Fellows have an
opportunity to plan and pursue their own continuing research in association with a senior faculty mentor at
Washington University, and, over the course of their two-year appointment, to teach three undergraduate
courses and to collaborate in an interdisciplinary theory and methods seminar. Amount: $52,575.
Citizenship Restrictions: Unspecified.
Deadline: December 4
National Gallery of Art Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship Programs
The Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts offers a postdoctoral fellowship supported by a grant
from the A. W. Mellon Foundation. One fellowship is awarded each year for two consecutive academic
years. The A. W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow will reside in Washington. During the first year the fellow
will carry out research and writing related to the publication of a dissertation or appropriate articles or
books. The fellow will also design and direct an intensive weeklong seminar for the seven predoctoral
fellows at the Center, focusing on a topic related to the applicant's field of interest and with a special
emphasis on methodological issues. In the second academic year, while continuing research and writing in
residence, the A. W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow will be expected to teach one course (advanced
undergraduate or graduate) by arrangement at a neighboring university. Amount: $50,000/year
Citizenship Restrictions: None.
Deadline: October 15
The Newberry Library
The Newberry Library offers several post-doctoral long-term fellowships of six to eleven months to work
with the library’s collections. Long-term fellowships are available without regard to place of residence and
are intended to support significant works of scholarship that draw on the library's strengths. See website
for details about the research that is funded and how to apply.
Citizenship Restrictions: Varies, check eligibility guidelines.
Deadline: November 15
Notre Dame Institute for Advanced Study (NDIAS) (University of Notre Dame)
NDIAS offers Residential Fellowships to encourage scholars to include questions of values in their
analyses, to integrate diverse disciplines, and to ask how their findings advance civilization. The
fellowships support research for periods ranging from three weeks to a full academic year. Stipends for the
full academic year are up to $60,000, and fellows who do not reside in the greater Michiana area are
provided with subsidized visiting faculty housing located adjacent to the University during the fellowship.
The Institute welcomes applications from those who are beginning their careers with promise and have
appropriate projects.
Citizenship Restrictions: None.
Deadline: October 15
Omohundro Institute of Early American History & Culture (College of William and Mary)
The Omohundro Institute offers a two-year post-doctoral fellowship to support the development of
fellows’ dissertations into book-length manuscripts in the history and cultures of North America’s
indigenous and immigrant peoples during the colonial, Revolutionary, and early national periods of the
United States and the related histories of Canada, the Caribbean, Latin America, the British Isles, Europe,
and Africa, from the sixteenth century to approximately 1820. Applicants may not have previously
published or have under contract a scholarly monograph, and they must have met all requirements for the
doctorate before commencing the fellowship. Those who have earned the PhD and begun their career are
encouraged to apply. Fellows hold concurrent appointment as visiting assistant professors in the
appropriate department of the College of William and Mary and teach a total of six semester hours during
the two-year term. Fellows also have the option of spending a summer at the Huntington Library on a full
grant within five years of their residency in Williamsburg.
Deadline: October 28 (last known deadline)
Pembroke Center for Teaching and Research on Women, Brown University
The Center annually supports recent PhD recipients drawn from all disciplines whose work is qualitative
and humanistic in nature. It particularly encourages minority scholars and scholars from developing
nations to apply. The Center has an annual research focus, check the website. Amount: $50,000, plus a
health and dental insurance supplement and $1,500 for research expenses.
Citizenship Restrictions: None.
Deadline: December 3
Penn Humanities Forum (University of Pennsylvania)
This one-year Andrew W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship is open to junior scholars in the humanities and
related fields who will not yet be tenured during the fellowship year. The award is $50,000 plus health
insurance and a $3,000 research fund. Research must relate to the Forum's topic of study for the year in
residence at the University of Pennsylvania. Fellows must teach a freshman seminar each term, participate
in the weekly Mellon Research Seminar, and present their research at one of those seminars. Preference is
given to interdisciplinary proposals and to candidates who have not previously used resources at
University of Pennsylvania.
Citizenship Restrictions: None; international scholars are appointed under a J-1 Visa
Deadline: October 15
Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies (University of Toronto)
The institute provides up to four residential fellowships each year for research in a medieval field of study.
The Post-doctoral Mellon Fellowships are intended for young medievalists of exceptional promise who
have completed their doctoral work, ordinarily within the previous five years, and have defended their
thesis successfully before the 1 February application deadline, and may include those who are starting on
their professional academic careers at approximately the Assistant Professor level. Mellon Fellows are
required to participate in the interdisciplinary Research Seminar. Amount is approximately Can $35,000
Citizenship Restrictions: Unspecified.
Deadline: February 1
Princeton Society of Fellows in the Liberal Arts
Comprised of recent PhD recipients in the humanities and selected social and natural sciences, the society
seeks to promote innovative interdisciplinary approaches to scholarship and teaching. Postdoctoral Fellows
are appointed for three-year terms to pursue research and teach half time in their academic department, in
the Program in Humanistic Studies, or in other university programs. The stipend will be approximately
$82,000. Fellows are provided with a shared office, a personal computer, a research account of $5,000 a
year, and access to university grants, benefits and other resources.
Citizenship Restrictions: None.
Deadline: September 15
Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society
The Carson Center functions primarily as a research think tank that contributes to public discussions about
environmental issues and policies. It offers residential writing fellowships to both senior and postdoctoral
scholars working on international, historical, and comparative environmental studies whose projects fall
under one of the Center’s research themes. The length of fellowships is flexible. Fellowships are usually
granted for six, nine or twelve months, but can also be granted for three months or broken up into
individual three-month periods. Residencies are staggered for greater flexibility.
Deadline: January 31
St. Louis University, Fellowship Programs
The Mellon Fellowship
This fellowship assists doctoral candidates and post docs wishing to conduct research in the
manuscript collections of the Vatican Film Library at St. Louis University. Projects may involve any
subject supported by the research collections of the Library, particularly its microfilms of manuscripts
from the Vatican Library and other institutions, as well as Jesuit historical documents. Research topics
may include history, philosophy, theology, literature, art, and other studies. Amount: $2,250 monthly
allowance, plus travel expenses within the continental US (duration: 2 - 8 weeks).
Citizenship Restrictions: None.
Deadlines: March 1 (for June-Aug research); June 1 (for Oct-Dec research); and October 1 for
(Jan-May research)
Samuel H. Kress Foundation
Conservation Fellowships
Ten $32,000 Kress Conservation Fellowships for one-year post-graduate internships in advanced
conservation in European art at a museum or conservation research facility.
Citizenship Restrictions: Unspecified.
Deadline: Received by January 22
Interpretive Fellowships
Four $30,000 Interpretive Art Museum Fellowships for one-year internships for training in
interpretation (either as a museum educator or curator) in European art at an American art museum.
Citizenship Restrictions: Unspecified.
Deadline: Received by April 1
School for Advanced Research (SAR) Resident Scholars (Santa Fe, New Mexico)
Resident scholar fellowships are awarded annually by the School for Advanced Research (SAR) to four or
five scholars who have completed their research and who need time to prepare manuscripts or dissertations
on topics important to the understanding of humankind. Resident scholars may approach their research
from the perspective of anthropology or from related fields such as history and sociology. Scholars from
the humanities and social sciences are encouraged to apply. SAR provides Resident Scholars with low-cost
housing and office space on campus, a stipend up to $40,000, library assistance, and other benefits during
a nine-month tenure, from September 1 through May 31. A six- to nine-month fellowship is also available
for a female doctoral-level scholar to writer her book.
Deadline: November 2
Smithsonian Institution
The Smithsonian Institution offers a wide range of fellowships.
Citizenship Restrictions: Various.
Smithsonian Institution Fellowships Program
This program is open to students in American history, American material and folk culture, and the
history of music and musical instruments; history of science and technology, history of art, design,
crafts, and the decorative arts; anthropology, archaeology, linguistics, and ethnic studies; evolutionary,
systematic, behavioral, environmental biology, and conservation; geological sciences and astrophysics;
and materials characterization and conservation. Fellowships are available to pre-ABD PhD students
for up to 10 weeks (up to $7,000) and ABD PhD students for 3-12 months (up to $32,700). There are
no citizenship restrictions.
Deadline: December 1
Smithsonian Postgraduate Fellowships in Conservation of Museum Collections Program
These fellowships are offered to recent graduates of masters programs in art conservation or the
equivalent or conservation scientists, including those at the postdoctoral level, who wish to conduct
research and gain further training in Smithsonian conservation laboratories for a period of one year.
Additional facilities may be available to museum or archives fellows for analytical work at the
Museum Conservation Institute (MCI). Amount: $35,000
Deadline: December 1
Social Science Research Council (SSRC)
The SSRC offers postdoctoral fellowships. Many support research outside the US in various areas of social
science research, but particular focus is offered to the former Soviet Union states, North Africa, and Near
and Middle East. Check the website for specific programs and eligibility requirements. SSRC has funding
available for both US and non-US residents. There is a valuable tutorial on writing proposals for the SSRC
fellowships at
Citizenship Restrictions: Various.
Deadlines: Various
Stanford Andrew W. Mellon Fellowship of Scholars in the Humanities
Up to six two-year postdoctoral scholar-teacher positions in the humanities are offered to recent PhDs
(received their degrees within 3.5 years of the fellowships start) each year. Eligible fields change each
year; consult the website for current eligible fields. Amount: $66,000, plus a full package of employee
Citizenship Restrictions: None.
Deadline: November 15 (last known deadline)
The United States-Ireland Alliance
The George J. Mitchell Scholarship
The Mitchell Scholarship fosters research and networking between college graduates (ages 18-30) in
the United States and researchers in Ireland. It funds one year of study or research at one of several
universities in Ireland and Northern Ireland. No amount is given, but the scholarship covers tuition,
housing, a living expenses stipend, and an international travel stipend.
Citizenship Restrictions: US citizenship is required
Deadline: October 1
UCLA Institute of American Cultures (IAC) Visiting Researcher Program in Ethnic Studies
IAC offers a Visiting Researcher appointment for newly degreed scholars researching African Americans,
American Indians, Asian Americans, or Chicanas/os. Recipients will reside at one of the four Ethnic
Studies Centers. IAC Visiting Researchers will receive up to a 9-month academic-year stipend of $32,000
to $35,000. Amount: $32,000 to $35,000, plus up to $4,000 in research support and health benefits.
Citizenship Restrictions: U.S. Citizens only.
Deadline: February 4 (last known deadline)
University of Michigan, Department of Afroamerican and African Studies (DAAS)
The Du Bois-Mandela-Rodney Post-doctoral Fellowship for scholars working on Africa or the African
diaspora is a residential fellowship for the academic year. Fellows are expected to conduct a DAAS workin-progress seminar on their research during one of the semesters in residence. Applicants must have a
PhD in hand from an institution other than Michigan and be no more than five years beyond the
completion of their degree at the time the fellowship would begin. The Fellowship package provides a
$42,000 stipend and includes health insurance.
Deadline: December 1 at 5pm
Virginia Foundation for the Humanities (University of Virginia)
The Virginia Foundation offers residential fellowships with a maximum stipend of $15,000 per semester
for one semester or a full academic year. There are no topic restrictions, and applications from across the
broad spectrum of the humanities are invited, however, postdoctoral applicants are strongly encouraged to
apply for projects other than dissertation revisions. The fellowships include access to all University of
Virginia libraries, University faculty housing, and University recreational facilities.
Deadline: December 1
Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research Hunt Postdoctoral Fellowships
The fellowship supports the writing-up of already completed research and is offered to scholars in the early
stages of their careers to develop their research for publication. Scholars with a PhD in hand for no more
than ten years (from the application deadline) are eligible to apply. Amount: $40,000 for 12 months of
continuous full-time writing.
Citizenship Restrictions: None.
Deadlines: May 1 and November 1 (last known)
Wesleyan University, Andrew W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship Program
A postdoctoral fellowship supports a scholar who received a Ph.D. in the Humanities or a humanistic
social science within four years of the beginning of the fellowship period. The fellow will participate in the
Center for the Humanities programs and teach one undergraduate course on one of the center’s annual
themes. The award carries a stipend of $40,000.
Deadline: January 10 (last known)
William Andrews Clark Memorial Library (UCLA) Center for 17th- and 18th- Century Studies
The library offers the The Ahmanson-Getty Postdoctoral Fellowship, which is a theme-based one-year
residential fellowship. Applicants must have received a PhD in the last six years and be engaged in
research pertaining to the theme. Fellows must make a substantive contribution to the Center's workshops
and seminars. Residency is for three consecutive quarters. Amount: $42,840.
Deadline: February 1
William L. Clements Library, University of Michigan
The Library offers fellowships to help scholars gain access to the Library’s primary sources on early
American history. Sources cover almost any aspect of the American experience from 1492 through 1900
and include books, manuscripts, pamphlets, maps, prints and views, newspapers, photographs, and
ephemera. Fellowships for predoctoral and postdoctoral fellowships are available.
Citizenship Restrictions: Unspecified.
Deadline: January 15
Winterthur Museum, Garden, and Library NEH Fellowship
Winterthur participates in a NEH-funded program, Fellowships at Independent Research Institutions.
Fellows may receive four- to twelve-month fellowships to pursue advanced research. This fellowship may
not be used in the pursuit of a degree, although fellows with doctorate in hand may revise a dissertation for
publication. Stipend: up to $37,800.
Citizenship Restrictions: U.S. Citizens or Residents for three years prior to application.
Deadline: January 15