Disability Etiquette

Disability Etiquette
Tips for Interacting with Individuals with Disabilities
Did You Know…
• One in five Americans has a disability
• People are sometimes uncomfortable around people with
disabilities because they do not know how to act or what to
• Fear of the unknown and lack of knowledge about how to act
can lead to uneasiness when meeting a person who has a
Expected Outcome
• Interact more effectively with people with disabilities
• Remove communication barriers and promote understanding
and acceptance of individuals with disabilities throughout our
Attitude & Approach
• Always remember that a person
with a disability is a person
• People with disabilities prefer that
you focus on their abilities, not
their disabilities
• Treat people with disabilities with
the same respect and consideration
that you have for everyone else
• Treat the person as an individual,
not as a disability
• Use a normal voice when extending
a verbal welcome. Do not raise your
voice unless requested
• The attitude and behaviors of
others can be the most difficult
barriers for people with disabilities
to overcome
• If you do not understand someone because they have a
speech impairment or use a communication aid, do not
assume that they do not understand
• If you have difficulty understanding them, admit it and try to
get someone to translate for you
• Honesty is the best policy. In time, you will learn to
understand what they are saying
Hidden Disabilities
• Not all disabilities are apparent
• For example: low vision, seizure disorder, hearing loss, learning
disability, head injury, mental illness, etc.
• Do not make assumptions about the person or the disability
• Remain open-minded
Should I help someone with a disability?
Assist individuals with disabilities when necessary
Do not discourage their active participation
Introduce yourself and offer assistance
Ask how you can help and listen for instructions
Be courteous, but NOT condescending
Do not be offended if your help is not needed
Allow a person DIGNITY to do what he/she wants to do for
Terminology Tips
• People with disabilities are NOT conditions or diseases. They
are individual human beings
• A person is not an “epileptic,” but rather a “person who has
• Whenever possible, make reference to the person first, then
the disability
• A “person with a disability” rather than a “disabled person”
• An “individual with autism” rather than an “autistic individual”
Things to Remember
• Treat people as you would like to be treated
• Do not show pity for a person in a wheelchair. It makes he/she
feel demoralized
• People with disabilities are NOT alike and have a wide variety
of skills and personalities. We are all individuals!
• Emphasize the person, not the disability
• Treat adults as adults
• Do not patronize or talk down to people with disabilities
• People are not conditions. Do not label people with the name
of the condition or as part of a disability group. We do not say
“the cancerous,” nor should we say “the blind”
General Communication Tips
• When talking with a person with a disability, speak directly to
that person rather than through a companion or sign language
• When introduced to a person with a disability, it is appropriate
to shake hands. People with limited hand use or who wear an
artificial limb can usually shake hands. For those who cannot
shake hands, touch the person on the shoulder or arm to
welcome and acknowledge their presence
• When meeting a person with a visual impairment, always
identify yourself and others who may be with you
• If you offer assistance, wait until the offer is accepted. Then
listen to or ask for instructions
• Treat adults as adults
More General Communication Tips
• Leaning or hanging on a person’s wheelchair is similar to
leaning or hanging on a person and is generally considered
• Listen attentively when you’re talking with a person who has a
speech impairment. Be patient and wait for the person to
finish, rather than correct or speak for the person
• To get the attention of a person with a hearing impairment,
tap the person on the shoulder or wave your hand. Look
directly at the person and speak clearly, slowly, and
expressively to establish if the person can read lips
How do I communicate with someone
with a cognitive disability?
• Use very clean, specific language
• Be patient. Allow the person time to
tell or show you what he/she wants
• Condense lengthy directions into steps
• Use short, concise instructions
• Present verbal information at a
relatively slow pace, with appropriate
pauses for processing time and with
repetition if necessary
• Provide cues to help with transitions
(e.g. “In five minutes we’ll be going to
• Reinforce information with pictures or
other visual images
• Use modeling, rehearsing, and role
• Use concrete rather than abstract
• Limit the use of sarcasm or subtle
• If you are not sure what to do or say,
just ask the person what he/she needs
How do I communicate with someone
with a hearing impairment?
• Get his/her attention. Make sure your
face is in full view before speaking
• Let the person take the lead in
establishing the communication mode,
such as lip reading, sign language, or
writing notes
• Face the person when you are speaking
• Do not chew gum or cover your mouth
while talking. It makes speech difficult
to understand
• Rephrase sentences or substitute words
rather than repeat yourself again and
• Speak clearly and at a normal voice level
• Communicate in writing, if necessary
• Move away from noisy areas or the
source of noise (loud air conditioning,
loud music, TV, radio, etc.)
• Do not stand with bright light (window,
sun) behind you. Glare makes it difficult
to see your face
How do I communicate with someone
with a visual impairment?
When greeting the person, identify yourself
and introduce others who may be present
Be descriptive. You may have to help orient
people with visual impairments and let them
know what’s coming up. If they are walking,
tell them if they have to step up or down, let
them know if the door is to their right or left,
and warn them of possible hazards
Offer to read written information, when
If you are asked to guide a person with a
visual impairment, offer your arm instead of
grabbing his/hers
Do not leave the person without excusing
yourself first
Do not pet or distract a guide dog. The dog is
responsible for its owner’s safety and is
always working. It is NOT a pet
It’s okay to use terms like “see you later”
when speaking to a person with a visual
impairment. The person is likely to express
things the same way
Wheelchair Etiquette
Always ask the person using the wheelchair if
he/she would like assistance BEFORE you
help. It may not be needed or wanted
Do not hang or lean on a person’s wheelchair.
It’s his/her personal space
Speak directly to the person in the wheelchair
If a conversation lasts more than a few
minutes, consider sitting down or kneeling to
get yourself on the same level
Do not patronize the person by patting them
on the head
Give clear directions, including distance,
weather conditions, and physical obstacles
that may hinder the person’s travel
When a person using a wheelchair “transfers”
out of the wheelchair to a chair, toilet, car, or
bed, do not move the wheelchair out of
reaching distance
It’s okay to use terms like “running along”
when speaking to a person who uses a
wheelchair. The person is likely to express
things the same way
• Our own beliefs and comfort level regarding disabilities have a
major impact on how we view, interact, and provide services
to individuals with disabilities
• People with disabilities are individuals with families, jobs,
hobbies, likes, dislikes, difficulties, and successes. While the
disability is an integral part of who they are, it alone does not
define them. Treat everyone as individuals!
• St. Mary’s County Commission for People with Disabilities;
November 2007
• Disability Awareness, The Rehabilitation Center, Ottawa
Ontario- (613)739-5324
Print the quiz, indicate true or false, & submit to Mary Tennyson
______ Fear of the unknown and lack of knowledge about how to act can lead
to uneasiness when meeting a person who has a disability.
2. ______ The attitude and behaviors of others can be the most difficult barriers
for people with disabilities to overcome.
3. ______ All disabilities are apparent.
4. ______ To get the attention of a person with a hearing impairment, tap the
person on the shoulder or wave your hand.
5. ______ Leaning or hanging on a person’s wheelchair is appropriate.
6. ______ Use concrete rather than abstract language when speaking to
someone with a cognitive disability.
7. ______ If you are asked to guide a person with a visual impairment, offer your
arm instead of grabbing his/hers.
8. ______ Our own beliefs do not impact how we view and interact with
individuals with disabilities.
9. ______ Everyone with a cognitive disability has the same traits.
10. ______ When speaking to someone with a hearing impairment, speak clearly
and at a normal voice level.