Aim: How can we use a pet peeve as a topic of a speech? Do Now

Aim: Why is the ability to speak well in
public an essential skill for everyone?
Do Now: Are you good at thinking on
your feet?
HW: Pet Peeve Speech is due
You will have time in the writing lab
tomorrow to finish your speech!
If you have an unexcused absence
the day you are scheduled to
present a speech – you will receive
a ‘0’ for that assignment.
•Impromptu Speeches
You will speak for 30 seconds on a random topic.
-Avoid saying – like, aahh, um.
-Make eye contact with your audience.
-Use the entire 30 seconds.
-You must stay at the podium until the full 30
seconds is up.
• I. Introduction
After you present your speech, you must
hand in a copy of your speech.
– Attention getter
– State your topic
– Give your viewpoint
• II. Discussion/Body
– Organize main points
– Personalize your speech
– Use vivid language
• III. Conclusion
Indicate the end of the speech
(cue your ending)
Leave a lasting impression
Pet Peeve Speech
Speech must be at least
45 seconds in length.
Speeches will begin on
Aim: How can we use a pet peeve
as a topic of a speech? Tuesday
Do Now: What annoys you?
HW: Continue rehearsing your
“Pet Peeve” speech. Presentations
begin TOMORROW!!!!
Nonverbal Communication
• Non-verbal language is communication without words.
– Body language, appearance, and the sound of the voice
are the cues, or signals of nonverbal communication.
– Body language: use of facial expressions, eye contact,
gestures, posture, and movement to communicate.
• Nonverbal language serves 4 functions:
To agree with verbal language
To emphasize verbal messages
To replace verbal messages
To contradict verbal messages
Communicating Meaning
• Connotation: of a word is its hidden meaning,
the often powerful feelings and associations
that the word produces.
• Denotation: of a word is its dictionary
meaning. The same word may have different
Sublanguage definitions
• Jargon: specialized vocabulary that is understood by
people in a particular group or field
• Slang: recently coined words or old words used in
new ways
• Dialect: a regional or cultural variety of language
differing from standard American English in
pronunciation, grammar, or word choice
Pet Peeve Speech
• You must speak for at least 45 seconds in length.
• Choose a pet peeve – something that really annoys,
irritates, bothers you.
• Can be something that many people experience or
something that is specific to you.
• Explain what the pet peeve is.
• What specifically annoys, bothers, irritates you?
• Why does this annoy, bother, irritate you?
• How do you deal with it? Ignore? Take action? Ect.
• You will have this week in class to work on your speech.
• Presentations will be Wednesday.
• You must hand in your written presentation after you
deliver your speech.
Wednesday and Thursday
9/18/13 and 9/19/13
Aim: How can we effectively
present our “Pet Peeve” speeches?
Do Now: Look over your speech.
Speeches will begin in 5 minutes.
HW: What subject do you know a
lot about?
While speeches are being presented…
• Be respectful. Your participation part of your
grade will be determined by your ability to be
a respectful audience.
• Take notes on common mistakes being made.
No specific names.
• Take notes on the good aspects of the