Course Description - Parkersburg Bible College

Course List May Vary
1. Acts #310 An exegetical investigation of this account on early church history
(origin, growth, administration, leaders, ministry and methods) giving
special stress to New Testament examples of salvation and the missionary
journey of St. Paul
2. Church Government #309 2-1
This course is designed to give us a better understanding of the importance in
having a properly stated church Articles of Faith and Constitution. It will deal
with some common errors and misconceptions in the governing of the church
while gaining a Biblical understanding of God’s plan for the governing of the
3. Church History #302 2-2
This is a lecture class. It will start from 586 BCE to the close of the Old
Testament, and then continue into the Inter-Testimonial period. It will involve
outlining timelines of the early church that began in the book of Acts. You will
gain a better understanding of the Theodosia code and the Apostles Creed. You
will become familiar with the term Orthodox Christianity and the folly of Azusa
4. Counseling Perspectives for Recovery Ministry #709 1-2
This course will draw from Biblical truths and psychological principles. It will
address problems that will assist pastors, Christian counselors, and church leaders
to meet the needs of our communities. This course will bring Biblical knowledge
and understanding to current issues that are tearing families apart.
5. Davidic Kingdom #129 1-2
When studying the Davidic Kingdom, the covenant made by God with David
must be studied. This course will take a look at the different covenants of the
Bible but will focus on the Davidic Covenant and how it relates to the church
6. Dispensations #127 2-1
Dispensational truth will cover conscience, governments of man, and the
theocratic government with the Hebrews and Israel, the period of darkness, the
life ministries and death of Christ, the church age, the tribulation period, the
millennium, the white throne and the new earth. This course is designed to help
the student to rightly divide the word of truth according to II Timothy 2:15.
7. Eschatology (End Time) #318 4-1
A prophetic study of the doctrine of eschatology as related to the prophecies of
Daniel and St. John.
8. Family Living #130 1-1
Because of the unprecedented breakdown of family life in North America, it is
imperative that we understand God’s concept on family living. This study will
cover topics such as God’s order for the family, the husband’s role in the family,
the role of the wife, and the role of the children. The biblical concepts and
teachings will be explored on what God expects from the family. Each student
will gain an understanding to the importance of following God’s laws for family
responsibilities in order to successfully combat the pressures that have been able
to destroy and divide so many marriages and families.
9. Genesis I #305 4-2
This course is an exegetical study of the book in light of historical, cultural, and
archaeological data. Other books of the Pentateuch may be examined.
10. God’s Financial Concepts #120 2-1
A Biblical study of economics as it relates to the individual believer, the church,
and society.
11. Hebrew I #316 4-2
This course is an introductory course that acquaints the student with the basic
grammar, syntax, and vocabulary of the Old Testament Hebrew language. The
student will also learn to speak some basic polite expressions.
12. Hermeneutics #401 1-2
This course deals with the art and science of Biblical interpretation. Interpretation
of scripture is not self appointed nor is it self discovered. It must be interpreted as
God had intended for it to be. The student will learn how that Biblical
interpretation comes through the Holy Spirit.
13. Introduction to Psychology and Counseling #218 3-1 & 3-2
This course involves the basic principles concerning the development of children,
and a Biblical related survey of the discipline of psychology as a basic and
applied behavioral science. Emphasis is given to basic concepts and methods of
psychology and application of principles. It will teach students how to approach
people, lay persons and Christians in a general way to counseling and response to
the particular problems. The class will be instructed to consider a number of
important scriptural principles. This will bring dramatic results. Not only will
people’s immediate problem be resolved, but there will be many solutions to all
sorts of long term problems as well through the counseling studies received in this
14. Jewish Studies I #312 1-2
This course has been prepared to inform the student that the mercy of G-d has
come to the Gentile Christians through Israel, and is to be reciprocated to Israel
and to the Jewish people. We will learn some practical ways to accomplish this
15. Jewish Studies II #313 2-1
This is a look at Judaism. The religious concept known as Judaism had had the
most profound affect upon the world in which we live. Judaism is not only a
religion, but is also an ethical and social system that, if followed, would lead to
the Messiah and world wide peace for all people.
16. Jewish Studies III #314
This course is a continuing study of the Gentile Christians and Judaism.
17. Life of Christ #117 3-1
An introduction to the background of the Gospels, the world as it was in Christ’s
day, The Jews and their habits and characteristics, and all aspects of Christ’s life,
ministry, death, and resurrection.
18. Major Prophets #211 4-2
This course is a study of the prophecies concerning Christ and His kingdom, the
captivity of Israel, and the rise and fall of the Gentile nations.
19. Ministerial Ethics I #306 2-2
This course deals largely with the English grammar. You will have an
understanding of the importance of good grammar in spelling, letter writing, the
use of words, etc.
20. Ministerial Ethics II #360 4-2
This is a study of clear Biblical guidelines and principles designed to deal with
issues that will help motivate us to do what is good and right in the sight of man.
It deals with issues such as cultural awareness, the calling and qualifications of a
Pastor, Bishop, Evangelist, Elder, Deacon and their wives, the five fold ministries,
and ministerial courtesy.
21. The Ministry of Counseling #712 4-1
This counseling course deals with the pre-marriage, marriage, and the troubled
marriage relationships.
22. Minor Prophets #212 4-1
This course is a study of the prophecies of the twelve Minor Prophets: The social
context, the distinctive message, and the application for today.
23. Monotheism #322 4-1
The student will learn by Hebrew grammar and the Old Testament to understand
Jehovah and other ways that God reveals Himself. The student will also be
comparing Jesus of the New Testament with God of the Old Testament and will
become knowledgeable of the false doctrines of the Godhead. A full
understanding of the true doctrines of the Godhead will be imparted.
24. New Testament Survey #209 3-2
This course is a study of the New Testament in the light of its historical and
cultural context of the Graeco-Roman world as well as a survey study of each
Biblical book from Matthew to Revelation. We will discuss how the New
Testament came to us including such topics as the original autographs, divine
preservation, textual transmissions, and the establishment of the cannon, Bible
translations and modern versions.
25. Parliamentary Law #333
Proper parliamentary procedures are covered in detail. Robert’s rules of order
provide the basis for this course of study. A mock up meeting using parliamentary
Law will be conducted in class. Each student will be required to follow correct
procedures as though it was a genuine business meeting.
26. Pentateuch #321 3-2
This is the study of the five (5) books of Moses and how they together reveal the
Gospel of the Old Testament. Emphasis will be placed on: The tabernacle plan,
the sacrificial system, the law of the offerings, the Jewish feasts, the Day of
Atonement, the Year of Jubilee, the Kinsmen-Redeemer, and the cities of refuge.
27. Principles of Doctrine #301 1-1
This course brings out the importance of studying God’s Word and the named
sins of the Bible. Every aspect of the Apostolic Doctrine as it is according to the
principles of the Word of God is covered in this course discussion, as well as what
the scriptures teach for mankind today in regards to the law and the Sabbath.
28. Poetic Books #118 3-2
There are five books of the Bible that are known as Poetic Books, three (3) of
which will be covered in this course of study; Psalms, Proverbs, and Job also
known as “Wisdom Literature”. These books speak of the problem of suffering,
the conscience marred by sin, the quality of human life, and the passionate love of
woman and man. These are only a few of the matters that are dealt with in these
poetic books.
29. Romans #126
This course is a study of the book of Romans emphasizing the great doctrinal
truths of sin, salvation, sanctification, sovereignty, and confrontations.
30. Sociology #701
This course is a study of self-awareness and self evaluation. It is designed to help
us better understand ourselves and others and to help us see what changes are
necessary in our lives that would be more pleasing to ourselves and to God.
31. Techniques of Counseling #315 3-2
This course is designed to help equip the student with the knowledge of what
causes a counselee to break down and to know the difference between mental and
physical problems. You will learn some of the root cause of their problems and
how to deal with them. You will learn how the “Fruit of the Spirit” plays an
important role in a counselee’s life.
32. Typology #304 1-1
The types and shadows of the Old Testament that relate to the plan of salvation
given by the Lord Jesus Christ are presented in this course.
33. Winds of Adversity #325 1-1
This course teaches how that sometimes God allows adversity in our lives to help
teach us some basic principles of trust and obedience towards Him and the
importance of a self evaluation of our lives. Adversity is not always the enemy
but sometimes it helps bring life’s situations into better perspective spiritually,
socially, financially, physically, mentally, and in our family life.
34. Women of The Bible #131
This course is a study of twelve of the most known women of the Bible; their
calling and their place in scripture. You will see how that their lives relate to
women of today. You will learn of their character, strengths, weaknesses,
sorrows, joys, and their relationships with God and man.
35. Biblical Studies Methodology
Logos Bible Software gives access to thousands of digital resources and
cutting- edge research technology. This is a professional step-by- step
training course. It will equip you to make the most of Bible study technology.