The Tragedy of Julius Caesar Literary Analysis Project

The Tragedy of Julius Caesar Literary Analysis Project
For this project, you are creating a booklet with four two-page spreads and a cover. Each two-page spread will include
both visual and written work. This is a major grade and is due ______________ .
Step One: Choose your focus for each category, and write a full paragraph in APE (Answer, Prove, Explain) format. Look
for and use the best textual evidence to support your claim. Your final draft of each paragraph MUST BE TYPED and MLA
I. Character Pages 1
Brutus, Julius Caesar, Cassius, Marc Antony
1. Choose one character from above to explore.
2. Choose 1 prominent character trait. (Refer to character handout.)
3. Write an APE (Answer, Prove, Explain) style response for the character. You must incorporate two pieces of
evidence correctly cited per MLA specifications.
Visual: Create a page that includes a picture of the character AND a symbol, icon, or image to represent the character
trait you are proving.
II. Character Pages 2
Brutus, Julius Caesar, Cassius, Marc Antony
1. Choose one character from above to explore.
2. Choose 1 prominent character trait. (Refer to character handout.)
3. Write an APE (Answer, Prove, Explain) style response for the character. You must incorporate two pieces of
evidence correctly cited per MLA specifications.
Visual: Create a page that includes a picture of the character AND a symbol, icon to represent the character trait you are
III. Theme Pages:
Theme is a unifying idea that the author is trying to communicate to you. Choose one theme from this list:
 Language is a powerful weapon and can be used to persuade or manipulate others.
 The best intentions of good, noble men can lead to tragedy.
 Excessive pride often precedes destruction.
 Deceit may wear the guise of innocence.
1. Choose one theme.
2. Write an APE (Answer, Prove, Explain) style response. You must incorporate two pieces of evidence correctly
cited per MLA specifications.
Visual: Create a visual that conveys the essence of the theme through symbolism, color, and design.
IV. Rhetorical Strategies Pages:
Strategies: Logos, Ethos, or Pathos
1. Choose either Brutus’ speech or that of Marc Antony. Using your analysis sheet, select one rhetorical strategy to
2. Write an APE (Answer, Prove, Explain) style response. You must incorporate two pieces of evidence correctly
cited per MLA specifications.
Visual: Create a visual that conveys the essence of the strategy through symbolism, color, and design. (You may use the
specific text reference to create your visual.)
Step Two: Follow the steps below to put your booklet together.
Your booklet will have a front and back cover and four two-page spreads (one for each paragraph and its visual
1. You will create a two-page spread for EACH element. Each spread will include:
a. your typed, MLA formatted APE paragraph on ONE side (either right or left)
b. the corresponding visual, which may be hand-drawn, painted, printed, etc. on the OTHER side
2. Your front cover is to include the following (center aligned):
 Title of the play
 Author of the play
 Date of first performance of the play (1599)
 Your name
 My name
 Block #
 Visual representation of the summary of the play
3. On your back cover, write a coherent and concise summary of the play, including the setting (place and date -44
Project Specifications:
Again, visuals may be hand-drawn, painted, printed, etc. DO NOT USE PENCIL!!
You may use images from the computer or magazine; however, they MUST be cut and glued neatly.
All writing must be typed using MLA format.
Paragraphs must be attached neatly into booklet.
The booklet will be neatly assembled and bound. You may NOT use staples for binding. You may use brads,
yarn, etc. Be creative!!
Scoring Rubric
Scoring will be based on:
Inclusion and quality of the required written elements listed above for both the front and back covers.
Summary on back cover needs to be in MLA format (font, typed, double spaced)
Appropriateness of visuals to topic
Use of color and design (creativity)
Front cover of Booklet
Back cover of booklet
Scoring will be based on:
Adherence to Guidelines
Appropriateness of visuals to topic
Use of color and design (creativity)
Visual Representation #1
Visual Representation #2
Visual Representation #3
Visual Representation #4
Scoring will be based on:
Two Pieces of Appropriate Evidence
Relevant Commentary
Closing Sentence
MLA Format (font, typed, citations)
Character Paragraph #1
Character Paragraph #2
Theme Paragraph
Rhetorical Strategy Paragraph