Context Matters: Empirical Analysis in Social Science, Where the Effect of Anything Depends on Everything Else Interaction Terms, Multilevel Models, & Nonlinear Regression Blalock Lecture ICPSR Summer School, 30 July 2009 (Here for fuller pedagogical slides & materials: Robert J. Franzese, Jr. Professor of Political Science, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Overview Interactions in Pol-Sci: Ubiquitous, but more The Linear-Interaction Model From theory to empirical-model specification: Arg’s that imply interax (& some that don’t), & how write. Interpretation: Effects=derivatives & differences, not coefficients! Std Errs (etc.): effects vary, so do std errs (etc.)! Presentation: Tables & Graphs, & Choosing Specifications Elaborations, Complications, & Extensions: Use & abuse of some common-practice “rules” Multilevel/Hierarchical Issues: Sample-Splitting v. (Dummy-) Interacting Variances in Interax, & Rndm-effect/Hierarchical/Multilevel, Models Interax in QualDep (inherent-interax, latent-var) models Complex Context-Conditionality & Nonlinear Least-Squares Interactions in Pol-Sci Research Common. ‘96-‘01 AJPS, APSR, JoP: 54% some stat meth (=s.e.’s), of which 24% = interax (so interax ≈ 12.5% or 1/8th total). (N.b., most rest QualDep & formal theory, not counted, so understate tech nature of discipline) Journal (1996-2001) Total Articles American Political Science Review American Journal Political Science Comparative Politics Comparative Political Studies International Organization International Studies Quarterly Journal of Politics Legislative Studies Quarterly World Politics TOTALS 279 355 130 189 170 173 284 157 116 2446 Statistical Interaction-Term Usage Analysis Count % of Tot Count % of Tot % of Stat 274 77% 69 19% 25% 155 55% 47 17% 30% 12 9% 1 1% 8% 92 49% 23 12% 25% 43 25% 9 5% 21% 70 40% 10 6% 14% 226 80% 55 19% 24% 104 66% 19 12% 18% 28 24% 6 5% 25% 1323 54% 311 13% 24% Interactions in Pol-Sci Theory1 Our Theories/Substance say should be more; core classes of argument almost inherently interactive: INSTITUTIONAL: institutions=interactive variables: funnel, moderate, shape, condition, constrain, refract, magnify, augment, dampen, mitigate political processes that… …translate societal interest-structure into effective political pressures, &/or pressures into public-policy responses, &/or policies to outcomes. I.e., they affect effectsinteraction. Views from across institutionalist perspectives: Hall: “institutionalist model=>policy more than sum countervailing pressure from soc grps; that press mediated by organizational dynamic.” Ikenberry: “[Political struggles] mediated by inst’l setting where [occur]” Steinmo & Thelen: “inst’s…constrain & refract politics… [effects of] macrostructures magnify or mitigated by intermediate-level inst’s… help us…explain the contingent nature of pol-econ development…” Shepsle: “SIE clearly a move [to] incorporating inst’l features into R-C. Structure & procedure combine w/ preferences to produce outcomes.” Interactions in Pol-Sci Theory2 Thry/Subst: core classes arg inherently interax (cont.): INSTITUTIONAL: … STRATEGIC: actors’ choices (outcomes) conditional upon inst’l/struct’l environ., opp.-set, & other actors’ choices. CONTEXTUAL: actors’ choices (outcomes) conditional upon environ., opp. set, & aggregates of other actors’ choices. Across all subfields & areas: Comp Pol… Int’l Rltns… U.S. Pol… For examples: Electoral system & societal structure party system. System polarity & offense-defense balance war propensity. Divided government & polarization legislative productivity. PolEcon… PolBehave… LegStuds… PolDev… Electoral & partisan cycles depend on inst’l & econ conditions Gov’t inst’s shape voter behavior: balancing (Kedar, Alesina); economic voting (Powell & Whitten); etc. Effects divided gov’t depend presidential v. parliamentary. Effect inequality on democratization depends cleavage structure. Interactions in Political Science Theory & Substance: Everyone’s Favorite “Model” Economics Affects Politics and Society Politics Affects Economics and Society Society Affects Politics and Economics Economy Polity Society Interactions in Political Science Theory & Substance: An Old (& still) Favorite “Model” of Mine Result of Outcomes at T-1 The Cycle of Political Economy (A) Interest Structure of the Polity and Economy Result of Outcomes at T0 On to T+1 Elec tion t en rnm n ve atio Go orm F Examples of the Elements at Each Stage: (A) Interests: Sectoral Structure of Economy Income Distribution Age Distribution Trade Openness Elections: Electoral Law Voter Participation s (B) Partisan Representation in Government Action at Time T0 Government Formation: lA ct o rs Fractionalization Polarization nta (B) Representation: ov Pol ern i cy me Partisanship Policy: No n-G Fiscal Policy Monetary Policy Institutional Adjustment Government Termination: Replacement Risk (C) Outcomes: Unemployment Inflation Growth Sectoral Shift Debt Institutional Change (C) Political and Economic Outcomes t men ) v er n (Go ination Term Exogenous Factors Interactions in Political Science Theory & Substance: An Newer Favorite “Model” of Mine Complex Context-Conditionality: Effect of (almost) everything depends on (almost) everything else. E.g., Principal-Agent Situations If fully principal, y1=f(X); if fully agent, y2=g(Z); institutions: 0≤h(I)≤1. y h(I ) f ( X) 1 h(I) g (Z) y x h(I ) f (xX ) ; y z h(I) g(zZ ) ; y i h ( I ) i f ( X) g ( Z ) (Complex) Context-Conditionality: (Hallmark of Modern Pol-Sci Theory?) Principal-Agent (Shared Control) Situations, for example: If fully principal: y1=f(X); If fully agent: y2=g(Z); Institutions=>Monitoring & Enforcement costs principal must pay to induce agent behave as principal would: 0≤h(I)≤1. RESULT: In words… … … …i.e., effect of anything depends on everything else! y h(I ) f ( X) 1 h(I) g ( Z) y x h (I ) f ( X ) x y z h(I ) y i h ( I ) i ; g ( Z ) z ; f ( X) g ( Z ) Not Every Argument Is an Interactive Argument Not Interactive: X affects Y through its effect on Z: XZY X and Z affect each other: XZ. I.e., X and Z endogenous to each other. Note: irrelevant to Gauss-Markov (OLS is BLUE); merely implies care to what partials (coefficients) mean. Y depends on X controlling for Z, or Y depends on X & Z: E(Y|X,Z)=f(Z), E(Y|X)=f(Z), Y=f(X,Z) In (political) psychology / behavior, this called mediation. Interaction is called moderation in this literature. I.e., the outcomes differ across 22 of X and Z. Interactive: Effect of X on Y depends on Z ( converse: Effect of Z on Y depends on X): Y Y f Z f X X Z From Theory/Substance to Empirical-Model Specification Classic Comparative-Politics Example: Societal Fragmentation, SFrag, & Electoral-System Proportionality, DMag, Effective # Parliamentary Parties: ENPP “Theory”: ENPP f ( SFrag , DMag , , ) Hypotheses: ENPP 0 ENPP 0 SFrag ¶ {¶¶ ENPP SFrag } ¶ DMag º DMag ¶ {¶¶ ENPP DMag } ¶ 2 ENPP ¶ 2 ENPP º º ³ 0 ¶ SFrag ¶ SFrag¶ DMag ¶ DMag¶ SFrag Empirical Specification: Lots ways get there... A Typical Linear-Interactive Specification Want linear f() w/ these properties; many ways to get there: ENPP β0 β1 SFrag β2 DMag ε ? ENPP β1 f DMag α0 α1 DMag SFrag ? ENPP β2 f SFrag γ0 γ1 SFrag DMag ENPP β0 α0 α1 DMag SFrag γ0 γ 1 SFrag DMag ε β0 α0 SFrag α1 DMagSFrag γ0 DMag γ1 SFragDMag ε β0 α0 SFrag γ0 DMag α1 γ1 SFragDMag ε β0 βSF SFrag β DM DMag βSFDM SFragDMag ε ENPP βSF βSFDM DMag SFrag ENPP β DM βSFDM SFrag DMag Interpretation of Effects: Derivatives & Differences, Not Coefficients Standard Linear Interactive Model: ENPP β0 βSF SFrag βDM DMag βSFDM SFragDMag ... ε Effect of SFrag on ENPP (is a function of DMag): Effect (SFrag ) º ¶ ENPP = βSF + βSFDM DMag ¶ SFrag º ΔENPP = βSF ΔSF + βSFDM DMag ×ΔSF º ΔENPP = βSF + βSFDM DMag ΔSF Effect of DMag on ENPP (is f of SFrag): Effect (DMag ) º ¶ ENPP = β DM + β SFDM SFrag ¶ DMag º ΔENPP = β DM ΔDM + β SFDM SFrag ×ΔDM º ΔENPP = β DM + β SFDM SFrag ΔDM Interpretation of Effects: NOTES1 “Main Effect”: e.g., SF = “main effect of SFrag” ….but SF is merely the effect of SFrag at other variable(s) involved in interaction with it=0, so: Other-var(s)=0 may be beyond range, or sample, or even logically impossible. Other-var(s)=0 substantive meaning of 0 altered by rescaling Other-var(s)=0 may not have anything subst’ly main about it COEFFICIENTS ARE NOT EFFECTS. EFFECTS ARE DERIVATIVES &/OR DIFFERENCES. E.g., by “centering” (centering changes nothing, btw…) Only in purely linear-additive-separable model are they equal b/c only there do derivatives simply = coefficients. SF is not “effect of SFrag ‘independent of’…” & definitely not its “effect ‘controling for’…other var(s) in the interax” Cannot substitute linguistic invention for under-standing the model’s logic (i.e., its simple math) Interpretation of Effects: Interactions are logically symmetric: For any function, not just lin-add. If argue effect x depends z, must also believe effect z depends x. 2 y 2 y z x xz zx y x y z Interactions often have 2nd-moment (variance, i.e., heteroskedacity) implications too: 2 NOTES Larger district magnitudes, DMag, are “permissive” elect sys: allow more parties… Fewer Veto Actors allow greater policy-change… (both need additional assumpts) All of this holds for any type of variable: Measurement: binary, continuous… Level: micro or macro; i, j, k, … Frequent 2nd-Moment Implications Interactions DMag permissive ele sys: allows more parties… NP 0 1DM ; V ( ) f ( DM ) , e.g., 0 1DM Few Veto Actors allows greater policy-change… y 0 1VP ; V ( ) f (VP) , e.g., 0 1VP I.e., these are Rndm-Coeff &/or Het-sked Props… Interpretation of Effects: Standard Errors for Effects ENPP β0 βSF SFrag βDM DMag βSFDM SFragDMag ... ε Std Errs reported with regression output are for coefficients, not for effects. ˆ SFstd. err. for est’d effect SFrag at DMag=0 The s.e. (t-stat, p-level) for is (…which is logically impossible). Effect of x depends on z & v.v. (i.e., which was the point, remember?), so does the s.e.: y y ˆ Effect x β x β xz z Est.Eff. x E β x βˆ xz z x x y Est.Var. Est.Eff. x E Var E E Var βˆ x βˆ xz z x In words… More Generally: V (xβˆ ) x V (βˆ ) x V βˆ x βˆ xz z V βˆ x V βˆ xz z 2 2 C βˆ x , βˆ xz z From Hypotheses to Hypotheses Tests: Does Y Depend on X or Z? ENPP β0 βSF SFrag βDM DMag βSFDM SFragDMag ... ε Hypothesis x affects y, or y is a function of (depends on) x Mathematical Expression y=f(x) y x x xz z 0 x increases y y x x xz z 0 x decreases y y x x xz z 0 z affects y, or y is a function of (depends on) z y=g(z) y z z xz x 0 z increases y y z z xz x 0 z decreases y y z z xz x 0 91 Statistical test F- test: H0: x xz 0 Multiple t-tests: H0: x xz z 0 Multiple t- tests: x xz z 0 F- test: H0: z xz 0 Multiple t-tests: H0: z xz x 0 Multiple t- tests: H0: z xz x 0 From Hypotheses to Hypotheses Tests: Is Y’s Dependence on X Conditional on Z & v.v.? How? Hypothesis The effect of x on y depends on z Mathematical Expression92 y=f(xz,•) y x x xz z g ( z ) Statistical test t-test: H0: xz 0 y x z y xz xz 0 2 The effect of x on y increases in z y x z 2 y xz xz 0 t-test: H0: xz 0 The effect of x on y decreases in z y x z 2 y xz xz 0 t-test: H0: xz 0 The effect of z on y depends on x y=f(xz,•) y z z xz x h( x) t-test: H0: xz 0 The effect of z on y increases in x y z x 2 y zx xz 0 t-test: H0: xz 0 The effect of z on y decreases in x y z x 2 y zx xz 0 t-test: H0: xz 0 y z x 2 y zx xz 0 Does Y Depend on X, Z, or XZ? Hypothesis y is a function of (depends on) z, z, and/or their interaction Mathematical Expression y=f(x,z,xz) 93 Statistical Test F-test: H0: x z xz 0 Use & Abuse of Some Common ‘Rules’ Centering to Redress Colinearity Concerns: Must Include All Components (if x∙z, then x&z): Adds no info, so changes nothing; no help with colinearity or anything else; only moves substantive content of x=0,z=0. Specifically, makes coeff. on x (z), effect when z (x) at samplemean, the new 0. Do only if aids presentation. Application of Occam’s Razor &/or scientific caution (e.g., greater flexibility to allow linear w/in lin-interax model), but Not a logical or statistical requirement. Safer rule than opposite & to check almost always, but Not override theory & evidence if (strongly) agree to exclude Pet-Peeve: Lingistic Gymnastics to Dodge the Math “Main effect, Interactive effect”: the effect in model is dy/dx. Discussion of [coefficients & s.e.’s] as if [effects & s.e.’s]. Presentation: Marginal-Effects / Differences Tables & Graphs Plot/Tabulate Effects, dy/dx, over Meaningful &/or Illuminating Ranges of z, with Conf. Int.’s 2 dyˆ / dx tdf , p Var(dyˆ / dx ) ˆx ˆxz z tdf , p V ( ˆx ) V ( ˆxz ) z 2C ( ˆx , ˆxz ) z Figure 5. Marginal Effect of Runoff, Extending the Range of Groups Explain axes Explain shape Linear-interax: Will cross 0 & be insig @ 0. Rescaling & “main effect” “centering” Max(Asterisks) 20 15 d (Number of Candidates )/d (Runoff ) 10 5 0 -5 -10 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 Effective Number of Societal Groups (Groups ) 5 6 Presentation: Expected-Value/Predictions Tables & Graphs Predictions, E(y|x,z): yˆ tdf , p Var ( yˆ ) ˆ0 ˆx x ˆz z ˆxz xz tdf , p V ( ˆ0 ) V ( ˆx ) x 2 V ( ˆz ) z 2 V ( ˆxz )( xz) 2 2C ( ˆ , ˆ ) x 2C ( ˆ , ˆ ) z 2C ( ˆ , ˆ ) xz 0 x 0 z 0 xz 2C ( ˆx , ˆz ) xz 2C ( ˆx , ˆxz ) x 2 z 2C ( ˆz , ˆxz ) xz2 Here’s one place a little matrix algebra would help: yˆ tdf , p Var ( yˆ ) ˆ0 ˆx x ˆz z ˆxz xz tdf , p xVˆ (βˆ ) x ˆ0 ˆx x ˆz z ˆxz xz tdf , p 1 x z Vˆ ( ˆ0 ) Cˆ ( ˆ0 , ˆx ) Cˆ ( ˆ0 , ˆz ) Cˆ ( ˆ0 , ˆxz ) 1 ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ V ( x ) C ( x , z ) C ( x , xz ) x C (0 , x ) xz ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ Vˆ ( ˆz ) Cˆ ( ˆz , ˆxz ) z C (0 , z ) C ( x , z ) ˆ ˆ ˆ xz ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ V ( xz ) C ( 0 , xz ) C ( x , xz ) C ( z , xz ) Use spreadsheet or stat-graph software (…list coming...) Presentation: Choose Illuminating Graphics & Base Cases Interpretation same regardless of “type” of interax: effect always ≡ dy/dx, but present appropriately… All combos Dummy, Discrete, or Continuous: Powers (e.g., X & X2=>parabola) viewable as interax w/ self; certain slope shifts too (e.g., dy/dx=a for x<x0 & b for x>x0 may see as x interacting w/ dummy for that condition) Always plot over substantively revealing ranges. Esp. w/ dums, have several (identical) specification options: Dum-Dum=>4 (or 2#interax vars) points estimated, so box&whisk or histograms Dum-Contin or DiscFew-Contin=>2 (or # categories) slopes, so E(y|x,z) as line or dy/dx as box&whisker or histograms Contin(DiscMany)-Contin(DiscMany)=>Effect-lines best or (slices from) contour plot (i.e., slices from 3D) (full-set,set-1): choose which (& what base if use full-set-minus-1) to abet presentation & discussion (overlap, disjoint): choose to facilitate presentation & discussion. Scale Effectively: e.g., center only if & to extent that aids presentation & discussion (b/c centering does nothing else) Examples & Practice: Basic Linear-Interactive Model Basic Linear-Interactive Model: Effect of edu? eusup b0 bedu edu blftrt lftrt bedlr edu lftrt ... eusup bedu bedlr lftrt edu For the record, the effect of lftrt: eusup blftrt bedlr edu lftrt Std Error of that Effect (of edu on eusupp)? Vˆ bˆedu bˆedlr lftrt Vˆ bˆedu Vˆ bˆedlr lftrt 2 2 Cˆ bˆedu , bˆedlr lftrt Std. Err. effect of edu: To do this (e.g. in Stata, using the .dta subset) Vˆ bˆlftrt bˆedlr edu Vˆ bˆlftrt Vˆ bˆedlr edu 2 2 Cˆ bˆedu , bˆedlr edu First: gen edlr=education*leftright Then: reg eu_supp leftright edlr... Examples & Practice:1a Basic Linear-Interactive Model: Education & Leftright Purely Micro-level Model . reg eu_support education leftright edlr Source | SS df MS -------------+-----------------------------Model | 7869.51854 3 2623.17285 Residual | 301474.935 42676 7.06427347 -------------+-----------------------------Total | 309344.453 42679 7.24816545 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------eu_support | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------education | .5918654 .0302344 19.58 0.000 .5326053 .6511255 leftright | .080127 .0147551 5.43 0.000 .0512068 .1090472 edlr | -.0320928 .0054447 -5.89 0.000 -.0427646 -.021421 _cons | 5.093097 .0831665 61.24 0.000 4.930089 5.256105 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ What’s effect of edu? Of lftrt? How moderate each other? eusup .5919 .0321 lftrt edu eusup .0801 .0321 edu lftrt = = = = = = 42680 371.33 0.0000 0.0254 0.0254 2.6579 2eusup bedlr .0321 edulftrt Only for modifying effect does standard regression output tell us directly. What are the standard errors of these effects? Number of obs F( 3, 42676) Prob > F R-squared Adj R-squared Root MSE Only for modifying effect does standard regression output tell us directly. Recall: Main Effects refer to beyond-range values; they not direct evidence on whether effect (generally) positive Examples & Practice: Basic Linear-Interact Model1b Education & Leftright Purely Micro-level Model What are the standard errors of these effects? Need this: .vce Covariance matrix of coefficients of regress model e(V) | education leftright edlr _cons -------------+-----------------------------------------------education | .00091412 leftright | .00037584 .00021771 edlr | -.00014825 -.00007456 .00002965 _cons | -.00234221 -.00110293 .00037572 .00691666 I prefer spreadsheet at this point: Copy (“as Table”) regression-estimation results; Paste into spreadsheet. Ditto for estimated v-cov of estimated coefficients (as text or table) Finally, you’ll want summary stats for vars in your model (as text best): . tabstat dgovpw psupgpw npgovpw PD NPPD NPGS NPPDGS, statistics( mean max min median iqr skewness sd ) columns(variables) stats | dgovpw psupgpw npgovpw PD NPPD NPGS NPPDGS ---------+---------------------------------------------------------------------mean | 25.24783 57.38261 1.965217 .6521739 1.369565 116.3004 765.9826 max | 45.1 80.4 4.3 1 3.8 305.52 2181.2 min | 11 41.1 1 0 0 49 0 p50 | 26.6 57.2 1.8 1 1.6 96 916.2 iqr | 13.7 10.8 1.7 1 2.2 83.47 1108 skewness | .1587892 .821165 .907747 -.6390097 .2729543 1.218438 .1633625 sd | 9.655468 9.103879 .9599284 .4869848 1.213723 69.04308 644.2565 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ex’s & Practice: Basic Linear-Interact Model1c Education & Leftright Purely Micro-level Model Spreadsht Formula to Plot Effect Lines w/ C.I. Col 1: Conditioning Var (lftrt in deusup/dedu) 1st Cell (A29): Enter min of range to consider (smpl min) 2nd Cell: =A29+1 Or sub “+(max-min)/(#steps)” for +1 (choose big# to smooth) Copy down until reach max value you want plot to cover. Column Two: Effect (dGovDur/dNP here) 1st Cell (B29): Enter =$B$3+$B$5*$A29, where: $B$3 is absolute reference to cell containing coefficient on edu $B$5 is absolute reference to cell containing coefficient on edlr $A29 is reference to cell containing value of lftrt for that row $ optional, but helps if want copy whole block later for other effects Copy Down Ex’s & Practice: Basic Linear-Interact Model: Education & Leftright Purely Micro-level Model Spreadsheet Formula to Plot Effect Lines w/ C.I. Column Three: standard error (or can skip to bounds) 1st Cell (A29): =($B$11+$D$13*$A29^2+2*$B$13*$A29)^0.5 $B$11 is absolute reference to cell containing variance of edu coefficient $D$13*$A29^2 is absolute reference to cell containing variance of edlr coefficient, times the square of the value of lftrt for that row. 2*$B$13*$A29 is absolute reference to cell containing 2 times the covariance of edu and edlr coefficients times value of lftrt for that row. ^0.5 turns that estimated variance into a standard error. Copy down. Column Four: Lower bound of 95% C.I. 1st Cell (B29): Enter =+$B29-1.96*$C29, where: $B29 is (column-absolute opt.) reference to cell containing effect est $C29 is (column-absolute opt.) reference to cell containing std err est 1.96 is critical value for 95% C.I. on large-N t-dist or std-norm dist; can sub crit.val. for diff. C.I. % or smpl-size or use sprdsht formula Copy Down Column Five: Upper bound (analogous, but +1.96*$C29) Ex’s & Practice: Basic Linear-Interact Model: Education & Leftright Purely Micro-level Model In Stata, plot dY/dX w/ c.i. from smpl min-max: egen zmin = min(z) ; egen zmax = max(z) finds those sample min & max for variable z. (z=psupgpw in our case, i.e., GS) gen z0 = (_n-1)/(v-1)*(zmax-zmin)+zmin in 1/v creates var counting v equal-size steps from sample min to max. gen dyhatdx=_b[x]+_b[xz]*z0 creates var of dY/dX ests (x=npgovpw) Stata code tedious to get to s.e.’s & c.i. plots (bit better in matrix form) First have to work in matrices for bit, then back to vars: Finally, you can generate variances & std errors, which you could tabulate: matrix V = get(VCE) (makes matrix of v-cov mat) matrix C= V[3,1] (grabs 3,1 element as covar) gen column1 = 1 in 1/v (makes a variable equal to all ones) mkmat column1, matrix(col1) (makes vector called col1 of that var) matrix cov_x_xz = C*col1 (makes a constant vector of covar) svmat cov_x_xz, name(cov_x_xz) (makes that vector a variable) gen vardyhatdx=(_se[x])^2+(z0*z0)*(_se[xz]^2)+2*z0*cov_x_xz gen sedyhatdx=sqrt(vardyhatdx) (makes variable equal to s.e. of effect) tabdisp z0, cellvar(dyhatdx sedyhatdx) (makes table effects & s.e.’s) Or you can generate the confidence interval bounds & plot: gen LBdyhatdx=dyhatdx-invttail(e(df_r),.05)*sedyhatdx gen UBdyhatdx=dyhatdx+invttail(e(df_r),.05)*sedyhatdx twoway connected dyhatdx LBdyhatdx UBdyhatdx z0 Ex’s & Practice: Basic Linear-Interact Model Calculating Predicted-Values & Standard Errors Procedures Create the variables which set the values of the variables x, z, and xz (& other variables, if any) for which ŷ will be calculated. Assemble the variables into a matrix, Mh Create betas, a column vector with k x 1 dimensions. Calculate the predicted values. Convert the vector into a variable. Create a matrix from the estimated covariance matrix of the coefficient estimates. Calculate the variance of the predicted values. Extract the diagonal elements into a row vector. Transpose elements into a column vector. Convert the vector into a variable. Calculate the estimated standard error of each predicted probability. Present a table of predicted values with corresponding standard errors of the predicted values. Generate lower and upper confidence interval bounds. Graph the predicted probabilities and the upper and lower confidence intervals. Command syntax egen xmin = min(x) egen xmax = max(x) gen xh = ((_n-1)/(v-1))*(xmax-xmin) in 1/v egen zh=mean(z) gen xhzh=xh*zh gen col1h=1 mkmat xh zh xhzh col1h in 1/v, matrix(Mh) matrix betas=e(b)’ matrix yhat=Mh*betas Google ‘kam franzese michigan press’ for that data, and stata & excel resources or go directly to /KamFranzese/Interactions.html svmat yhat, name(yhat) matrix V = get(VCE) matrix VYH=Mh*V*Mh’ matrix DVYH= vecdiag(VYH) matrix VARYHAT=DVYH’ svmat VARYHAT, name(varyhat) Google ‘Matt Golder interaction’ or go directly to /~mrg217/interaction.html gen seyhat1 = sqrt(varyhat1) tabdisp xh, cellvar(yhat1 seyhat1) gen LByhat1=yhat1-invttail(e(df_m),.05)*seyhat1 gen UByhat1=yhat1+invttail(e(df_m),.05)*seyhat1 twoway connected yhat1 LByhat1 UByhat1 xh Stata help mfx Elaborations, Complications, & Extensions: Sample-Splitting v. (Dummy-)Interacting Split-sample (e.g., unit-by-unit) ≈ Full-Dummy Interax: Subsample by binary (or multinomial, e.g., CTRY in TSCS) category to est sep’ly ≈ Dummy @ category & interact @ dummy w/ @ x. Subsample by hi/lo values some non-nominal var equivalent to nominalizing the extra-nominal info & dummy-interact; Coeff’s same (or equal substantive content if using set-1 dummies). S.E.’s same except s2 part of OLS’s s2(X'X)-1 is si2 for splitting Can make exact by allow si2 (FWLS) I.e., wasting information, when usually have too little (non-parametric or extrememeasurement-error arguments might justify…) Split-sample abets eyeballing, obfuscates statistical analysis, of the main point: the different effects by category. s.e.b b V b V b 2C b , b V b V b What’s s.e/signif. of b1i-b1j? Need 1i 1j 1i 1j 1i 1j 1i 1j Luckily, cov=0, but, still, squaring 2 terms, sum, & square-root in head? Can choose full dummy set to mirror the split-sample estimates directly (& report that way, if wish) or the set-less-one to get significance of differences b/w samples directly (in the standard reported t-test) One big advantage of hierarchical modeling is how it affords, naturally, various positions b/w these extremes Cross-Level Interactions: From the (C or G)LRM to the HLM eusupij j0 lrj lftrt ij ... ij 0j 0 1GSPEND j u 0j or lrj 0 1GSPEND j u1j eusupij 0 1lftrt ij 2GSPEND j 3lftrt ij GSPEND j ... ij If (C or G)LRM assumptions apply, then (O or G)LS unbiased, consistent, and efficient. I.e., not much changes; +/- as before re: effects, v(effects), symmetry, neither micro-/macro-level coeff’s=effects, etc. Two main issues of concern: Parameter heterogeneity: (see pictures) systematic &/or stochastic (fixed v. rndm intrcpt/coeff) can cause bias if pattern unmodeled hetero relates to X, Non-spherical error var-covar matrix (v-cov() will not be spherical): efficiency & proper s.e.’s issue, not a bias/consistency issue. But “mere inefficiency” can be serious, & accurate s.e.’s very important. From the (C or G)LRM to HLM Examples of parameter hetereogeneity that covaries w/ X values, and so LS is biased: Note re: FE v. RE -- both theoretically could cause bias if cov w/ X, but RE i.d.’d off orthogonality. Elaborations, Complications, & Extensions: Random-Effect & Hierarchical/Multi-level Models R.E. Model: Odd that std. lin-interax model: Assumes know y=f(X)+error: But dy/dx=f(z) w/o error!: So, try: y β0 βx x βz z βxz xz ε y x β x β xz xz y β0 β1 x β2 z ε 0 y x β1 0 1z ε 1 y z β2 0 1 x ε 2 y β0 0 1z ε 1 x 0 1 x ε 2 z ε 0 β0 0 x 0 z 1 1 xz ε 0 ε 1 x ε 2 z => std. lin-interact again!...Except compound error-term… HLM: Same model, except xij & zj,& * ij0 1j xij ij2 z j So it just std. lin-interact too, but w/ different compound-error stochastic properties… Typical 2nd-Moment Implications of Interactions DMag permissive ele sys: allow more parties… NP 0 1DM ; V ( ) f ( DM ) , e.g., 0 1DM Few Veto Actors allow greater policy-change… y 0 1VP ; V ( ) f (VP) , e.g., 0 1VP I.e., these are Rndm-Coeff &/or Het-sked Props… NP 0 1DM 2 SF 3 DM SF ; V ( ) f ( DM ) , e.g., 0 1DM From CLRM to Hierarchical Model: An Example Std. HLM: Same model, except xij & zj,& different compound-error stochastic properties. eusupij j0 lrj lftrt ij ... ij 0 GSPEND 1 2 u0 0j * 0 ij 1 j xij ij zj j j lrj 0 1GSPEND j u1j eusupij 0 1GSPEND j u 0j 0 lftrt ij 1lftrt ij GSPEND j lftrt ij u1j ... ij gathering terms : eusupij 0 ... 1GSPEND j 0 lftrt ij 1lftrt ij GSPEND j u 0j lftrt ij u1j ij eusup eusup blftrt blrGS GS & bGS blrGS edu lftrt GS Properties of OLS under HLM Conditions Properties of OLS Estimates of Lin-Interact Model if truly RE/HLM: y β0 β x x βz z β xz xz ε 0 ε 1 x ε 2 z Xβ ε 0 ε 1 x ε 2 z So, OLS coeff. est’s sill differ from truth by Aε*: 1 1 βˆ LS X X X y XX X Xβ ε 0 ε 1 x ε 2 z 1 1 1 X X XXβ X X Xε 0 ε 1 x ε 2 z β XX Xε* So, OLS coeff. est’s unbiased & consistent (iff…): 1 1 E βˆ LS E β XX Xε* E β XX Xε 0 ε 1 x ε 2 z 1 1 β XX XE ε 0 ε 1 x ε 2 z β XX XE ε 0 E ε 1 x E ε 2 z 1 1 β XX X0 E ε 1 x E ε 2 z β XX X0 0 0 β. Q.E.D. Note: only works for models with additively separable stochastic component; not nec’ly others (e.g., logit/probit) Properties of OLS under HLM Conditions But, OLS s.e.’s will be wrong; not s2(X'X)-1, but: 1 ˆ V β LS V β XX Xε* 1 1 * * V β V X X X ε 2C β, X X X ε 1 0 V XX Xε* 0 XX XV ε X XX 1 XX 1 * 1 1 0 1 2 X V ε ε x ε z X XX 1 0 1 2 XX X V ε V ε x V ε z X XX (note : the covariance terms are assumed zero) 1 Sandwich Estimators V βˆ XX XV ε V ε x V ε z XXX 1 0 1 1 2 LS Not σ2I (even if each ε* is), so whole thing doesn’t reduce to σ2(X'X)-1, so OLS s.e.’s wrong. Be OK on avg (unbiased) & in limit (consistent) if that term varied in way “ orthogonal to xx' ” But def’ly not b/c [∙] includes x & z, which part of X! =brilliant insight of ‘robust’ (i.e., consistent) s.e. est’s: Only need s.e. formula that accounts relation V(ε*) to “X'X”, i.e., regressors, squares, & cross-prod’s involved in X'[∙]X” “, robust” & “, cluster” can work (for RE & HLM, resp’ly) 2 ˆ ˆ zztrack V βRE I xx so e2 rel xx' & zz' heterosked.: Vˆ βˆ HM 02I 12 xx sim+grpng 22 zz 1 n 2 [ ] ei X i X i' n i 1 cluster: nj nj [ ] ( eij X ij ) ( eij X ij ) i 1 j 1 i 1 J From the CLRM to HLM y β0 0 x 0 z 1 1 xz ε 0 ε 1 x ε 2 z 1 1 V βˆ LS XX X V ε0 V ε 1 x V ε 2 z XXX appropriate “, robust” & “, cluster” can work I.e., asymptotically s.e.’s right…BUT need large nj & N-k I.e., coefficients still inefficient. Specifically, from small-sample corrections, seems need small: én (n - 1)ùé(N - 1) (N - k )ù j êë j úê ú ûë û Want/need efficiency, or nj or N-k low? HLM/RE or FGLS/FWLS. Note: similarity RE and HLM, RE & FWLS. As that sim suggests, RE only helps efficiency and only rightly does so if that’s all it does. (I.e., if the RE’s orthogonal to X.) I.e., “work” thusly only or models with additively-separable stochastic components As w/ all such “sandwich” estimators, a sort of logical disconnect in applying them to models w/o such separability… Elaborations, Complications, & Extensions: Interax in QualDep (Inherently Interactive) Models Probit/Logit Models w/ Interactions Probit: p(y = 1) = F (x ¢–)Logit: p(y = 1) = - 1 exp( x ¢) = éêë1 + exp(- x ¢)ù ú û 1 + exp( x ¢) Marginal Effects: (nonlinear, so must specify @ what x) Start w/ x' pure lin-add, model inherently inter. b/c S-shaped: Probit: ¶ p ¶ xk = ¶ xk ¶ x ¢ = f (x ¢)× = f (x ¢)×k ¶ xk Logit: ¶ p ¢ ¢ ¶ {e x [1+ e x ]- 1 } ¢ ex = = ¢ ×k ¶x 1+ e x ¶x k ¢ ¢ ¢ e x (1+ e x ) (e x )2 ù é = ê (1+ e x¢ )2 - (1+ e x¢ )2 ú×k = ë û = ¶ F (x ¢) ex ¢ 1+ e x ¢ ex ¢ (1+ e x )2 ×e x ¢ ×x ex ¢ (1+ e x )2 ×k ¢ ¢ ×1+ 1e x¢ ×k = p ×(1 - p )×k If x' =…+xx+zz+xzxz… same except dx'/dx=xx+xzz; underlying propensity, i.e., movement along S-shape also interact explicitly x & z. [Discuss meaning inherent v. explicit interax…] ¶p Probit: ¶ p = f x ¢ × +• Logit: z = p ×(1 - p )×(x + xz z ) ( ) ( ) x xz ¶x ¶x Elaborations, Complications, & Extensions: Interax in Nonlin/Qual (Inherently Interax) Models Standard Errors? Delta Method: β Probit Marginal-Effect s.e.: ¢ é ù ˆ ê¶ {f (x ¢) }ú ê ú ¶ x ¢ˆ ¶ x1 ê ¶ ˆ1 ê ê M ê ê¶ f x ¢ˆ ¶ x¢ˆ ( ) ¶ xk ê ê êë ¶ k { ˆ f β V βˆ f βˆ AsymVar . . f (βˆ ) ú éê Vˆ (ˆ1 ) úê úê M úê ú êCˆ (ˆ , ˆ ) 1 k úë ú ú û } β é ¶ x ¢ˆ ê¶ f (x ¢ˆ ) ¶ x1 ê L Cˆ (ˆ1, ˆ k )ù ¶ ˆ1 úêê ú O M úê M ê ú L Vˆ (ˆ k ) úêê¶ f (x ¢ˆ ) ¶¶xx¢ˆ ûê k êë ¶ k { { ˆ ¶ x ¢ ˆ ) ¶ x¢ˆ ¢ Logit: same, except pˆ (1 - pˆ )replaces f ( x ¶x ¶x For first-difference effects, similar, but need specify from what x to what x, and not just at what x. Or you could CLARIFY… or mfx… }ùúú ú ú ú ú ú ú ú ú û } Complex Context-Conditionality and Nonlinear Least-Squares Complex Context Conditionality: The effect of anything depends on most everything else. E.g.: Policymaking: Socioeconomic-structure of interests Party-system and internal party-structures Electoral system & Governmental system Socio-economic realities linking policies to outcomes Voting: Voter preferences & informational environment Party/candidate locations & informational environment Electoral & governmental system Institutions: Sets of institutions; effect each depends configuration others present (e.g., that core of VoC claim). Strategic Interdependence: each actors’ action depends on everyone else’s; complex feedback (see Franzese & Hays….) Complex Context-Conditionality EmpiricallyMulticolinear Nightmare: Options? Ignore context conditionality (stay linear-additive): Isolate one or some very few interactions for close study; ignore rest (stay linear-interactive): Same, to degree lessened by amount interax allow, but demands on data rise rapidly w/ that amount. “Structured Case Analysis”: Inefficient at best, biased more usually, and, anyway, context-conditionality is our interest! May help ‘theory generation’, but, for empirical evaluation, doesn’t help; worsens problem! (See Franzese OxfHndbk CP 2007). EMTITM: Lean harder on thry/subst to specify more precisely the nature interax: functional form, precise measures, etc. Refines question put to the data (changes default tests also). GIVEN thry/subst. specification into empirical model, can estimate complex interactivity. Side benefits. But must give. Nonlinear Least-Squares Estimate NLS: y f ( X, )+ wit h ~ g( ) E y f ( X, ), so y= f ( X, ˆ ) ˆ y f ( X, )] Min ˆˆ Min [y f ( X, )][ Min SSE= yy - yf ( X, ) f ( X, ) y f ( X, ) f ( X, ) FOC: SSE= 0 2 f ( X, ) y 2 f ( X, ) f ( X, ) 0 So, if, e.g., f ( X, ) X, t hen: Xy XX ˆ LS XX 1 Xy, and if 1 y f X, ˆ LS y f X, ˆ LS (also, as always). n k T hat is, int uit ively, writ ing ˆ f ( X, ˆ LS ) as simply , we hav e: ˆ () 1 y V( ) 2I, t hen V(ˆε)LS LS V ˆ LS V () 1 y () 1 V( y)() 1, LS which if f ( X, ˆ LS ) Xˆ LS meaning X, &, if = 2I, gives t he famiar ˆ LS ( XX) 1 Xy & V(ˆ LS )LS 2( XX) 1, as always. NLS is BLUE under same conditions OLS, w/ for X. Interpreting NLS (already know how): Effects = deriv’s & 1stdiff’s; s.e.’s by Delta Method or simulation… Generalized Nonlinear Least-Squares GNLS: y f ( X, )+ wit h V ( ) 2 2I ˆ GNLS ( 1)1 1y V (ˆ GNLS ) ( 1) 1 1V ( y) 1( 1) 1 ( 1)1 1 1( 1)1 ( 1)1 1( 1)1 ( 1)1 GNLS is BLUE in same cond’s NLS, but for I. …don’t know , so need consistent 1st stage (e.g., NLS) FGNLS is asymptotically BLUE: y f ( X, )+ wit h V ( ) 2 2I ˆ 1) 1 ˆ 1y ˆ ( FGNLS ˆ 1) 1 ˆ 1V ( y) ˆ 1( ˆ 1) 1 V (ˆ FGNLS ) ( ˆ 1) 1 ( Nonlinear Least-Squares & EMTI EITM: Empirical Implications of Theoretical Models TMEI: Theory-specified Models for Empirical Inference Vision: Emp. regularities, findings, measures inform theory dev’p. EMTI: Empirical Models of Theoretical Intuitions Vision: Theory structures empirical models & relations b/w obs specification & (causal) i.d. of empirical models TIEM: Theoretical Implications of Empirical Measures Vision: Theory more, sharper predictions better tests, which therefore inform theory more, which… Vision: Intuitions derived from theoretical models specify empirical models. I.e., empirical specification to match intuitions, not model. Note: Strongly counter some alternative moves stats & econometrics, & related; there toward non-parametric, matching, & experimentation—there, “model-dependence” a 4-letter word. Alternative audiences & rhetorical purposes? Convince skeptic some causal effect exists, vs. For the convinced, give richer, portable model of how world works. Nonlinear Least-Squares: “Multiple Hands on the Wheel” Model (Franzese, PA ‘03) Monetary Policy in Open & Institutionalized Econ Key C&IPE Insts/Struct: CBI, ER-Regime, Mon. Open º CBI ≡ º Govt Delegated Mon Pol to CB º Peg ≡ º Domestic (CB&Gov) Delegate to Peg-Curr (CB&Gov) º FinOp ≡ º Dom cannot delegate b/c effectively del’d to globe Effect of ev’thing to which for. & dom. mon. pol-mkrs would respond diff’ly depends on combo insts-structs & v.v., &, through intl inst-structs, for. on dom. & v.v. P E C 1 ( X1 ) P E (1 C ) 2 ( X2 ) P (1 E ) C ( X ) P (1 E ) (1 C ) ( X ) 3 3 4 4 (1 P) E C 5 ( X5 ) (1 P) E (1 C ) 6 ( X6 ) (1 P) (1 E ) C 7 ( X7 ) (1 P) (1 E ) (1 C ) 8 ( X8 ) Multicolinear Nightmare: 23=8 inst-struct conds, i, times k factors per πi(Xi) if lin-interact Exponentially more if all polynominials; k!/2(k-2)! if all pairs. Good thing can lean on some thry to specify more precisely! Nonlinear Least-Squares: “Multiple Hands on the Wheel” Model CB & Govt Interaction (Franzese, AJPS ‘99): E ( ) c c (xc ) (1 c) g (x g ) c c g (x g ) g (GP,UD, BC , TE , EY , FS , AW , a ) Full Monetary Exposure & Atomistic zero domestic autonomy 1 (x1 ) 2 (x 2 ) 5 (x5 ) 6 (x6 ) a E a P (1 E ) C 3 (x3 ) P (1 E ) (1 C ) 4 ( x 4 ) (1 P) (1 E ) C c (1 P) (1 E ) (1 C ) g ( x8 ) s.t. that, full e.r.fixCB&Gov match peg 3 ( x3 ) 4 ( x 4 ) p E a P (1 E ) p (1 P) (1 E ) C c (1 C ) g (x8 ) Nonlinear Least-Squares: “Multiple Hands on the Wheel” Model Compact & intuitive, yet gives all theoretically expected interactions, in the form expected Nonlinear Least-Squares: “Multiple Hands on the Wheel” Model Effectively Estimable, yet gives all theoretically expected interactions, in the form expected Just 14 parameters (plus intercepts & dynamics, assuming those constant), just 3 more than lin-add! Parameters substantive meaning, too: Degree to which…constrains certain set of actors. Yields est. of inflation-target hypothetical fully indep CB general strategy for estimating/measuring unobservables If know role factor will play & explanators of factor well enough, can estimate unobservables conditional on both those theories, if both powerful enough & enough empirical variation. Nonlinear Least-Squares: “Multiple Hands on the Wheel” Model Neat, but does it work? (Try it! Data online; stata: help nl). Estimated Equation, w/ Std. Errs.: Estimated Effects (highly context-conditional): Nonlinear Least-Squares: “Multiple Hands on the Wheel” Model Nonlinear Least-Squares: “Multiple Hands on the Wheel” Model Nonlinear Least-Squares: “Multiple Hands on the Wheel” Model Multiple Policymakers: Veto Actors Bargaining in Common Pools Multiple implications for policy outcomes dispersal of policymaking-authority across diverse actors: Veto-Actor Theory (Tsebelis ‘02) emphasizes: Collective-Action/Common-Pool Theories (WSJ ‘81): Externalities & so overexploit/underinvest public goods. Bargaining & Delegation Theories rather stress: Privileges S.Q., & so retards policy adjustment, reduces change. Bargaining Strengths/Positions, yielding Weighted Compromise. This project attempts a synthesis: Disting. theoretically/conceptually many effects of # (fragment.) & diversity (polar., partisan) policymakers. Empirical model of many effects distinctly & effectively. Preliminary application to evolution fiscal policy (pub debt) in developed democracies, 1950s-90s. Veto Actors: Deadlock, Delayed Stabilization, & Policy-Adjustment Retardation Tsebelis (‘95b, ‘99, ‘00, ‘02): Essential Argument: # &/or ideological/interest polarization of pol-mkng actors whose approval required to SQ, i.e., veto actors, , loosely, probability &/or magnitude policy . I.e., strictly, as size W(SQ) , which generally does as # &/or polarization VA , range possible policy ∆(SQ) . following empirical prediction (Tsebelis 2002, Fig. 1.7): Suggests both mean/expected policy-∆ & variance pol & pol-∆ as size of W(SQ) (aside: why only suggests) No prediction of pol-level or of direction pol-∆, only of E(|∆p|), V(∆p). Veto-Actor Implications # (=Frag) & Polar of VA Privileges SQ Retards policy-adjustment rates/delays stabilization, range of possible policy-, & so, possibly, magnitude/variance policy- (1st- & 2nd-order E()). Results, e.g. in fiscal policy, deficits & debts; originally mixed, but tighter specify thry into empirical analysis: (F ’00, ’02) How model: policy-adjustment-rate effect = conditional coefficient on LDV in dynamic model, not level. (F ’00, ’02) How measure: frag & polar in VA theory = raw #, not eff. # (size-wtd) VA; max range pref’s, not V(pref’s) or sd(pref’s), (size-wtd) Model: yt=…+(#VA,Range{pref(VA)})yt-1… &/or V(yt)=f(#,Range) empirical support. Common-Pool Theory (1) Weingast, Shepsle, Johnsen (1981): districting & distributive/pork-barrel spend (law of 1/n) Benefits concentrate district i: Bi=f(C), f’>0 & f”<0 Costs disperse across n districts: Ci=C/n optimal project-size from i’s view in # districts: f’(C*)=1/n (…loglinearly?) Alternative Decision Rules/Processes […] […] Law of 1/n is general, & stronger as legislative behavior more Universalistic & less Minimal-Winning, which tendency as rational ignorance, winning-coalition uncertainty, or legislative-rule closure to amend or veto . E.g., PubRev = common pool for n reps, overused to distribute bens; this CA prob worsens “proportionally” by law 1/n, i.e. at rate b/w those at which (n+1)/2n (MWC) & 1/n (uni) in n 1 Ratio of Benefits to Costs of Projects Passed 0.9 Minimum-Winning-Coalition Decision-Making Universalistic Decision-Making 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 Number of Constituencies 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 Manifestations of Common Pools Velasco (‘98, ‘99, ‘00): inter-temporal totality pub rev is C-P to today’s policymakers deficits & debts also law of 1/n Peterson & co’s, Treisman: federalism multiple tax authorities several common-pool problems: Again, should be quite general: Anything that gains set of pol-makers credit underinvested as n Anything that gains set of pol-makers blame overexploited as n E.g., (thry 2nd-best), ELECTIONEERING: Inter-jurisdiction competition (w/ high factor mobility) C-P of investment resources over-fishing: taxes too low. National govt as lender last resort subnational jurisdictions see fed guarantee & funds as common pool excessive borrowing by subnat’l units. (e.g., EU, EMU & Euro common pools…) Magnitude incentive electioneer fades w/ n (see, e.g., Goodhart) Control over electioneering diminishes w/ n. Notice: CP not arise in Tsebelis’ VA Theory b/c # & pref’s of VA’s exog & predetermined, whereas in CP theory: prefs=f(#). Modeling Common-Pool Effects CP Effects distinguishable from VA Effects: C-P Effects on levels, not (as in VA) in dynamics. Proportional to 1/n for equal-sized actors. Standard Olsonian encompassingness logic proper n here is sizeweighted (effective & s.d./var.) Fractionalization (#) & esp. polarization (het.) relate to VA effects; CP, conversely, relate primarily to #, although het. can exacerbate some CA probs. Suggests Proper Model of Policy-Response to some public demand for, x1’1, or against, x2’2: …+(x1’1)(1-f(ln(Eff#))+(x2’2)(1+f(ln(Eff#))+… Same f(ln(Eff#), b/c overexploit/underinvest same º Bargaining, Delegation, & Compromise Explicit extensive-form delegation & bargaining games: huge theoretical & empirical literature F (‘99,‘02,‘03): less context-specific empirical strategy… Because broad comparativist seek thry that travels, not that requires different model each context. Offering is roughly equivalent Nash Bargaining. Most ext forms eqbm bounded by actors’ ideal pts: Policy outside that range possible, Convex set/hull, upper-contour set (=core of coop. game thry), So like Tsebelis, but further, though short of explicit ext-form e.g., if uncertainty resolved unfavorably, but that highly unlikely that E(pol) outside this range Thus, E(pol)=some convex-combo (wtd-avg) pol-mkrs’ ideals convex-combo emp. models compromise If Nash Bargain, e.g., (n.b. NB=coop. game-thry but equiv. sev. reasonable extform non-coop barg. games: Rubinstein ‘82), (geometric) wtd-influence pol-mkng; i.e., simple wtd-avg. Empirical Manifestations & Model of Compromise Policymaking Re: def’s & debt, Cusack (‘99, ‘01; cf., Clark ‘03) Arg: left more Keynes-active counter-cyc; right less, even pro-cyc Add Nash-Barg Model wtd-avg pol-mkr partisanship conditions º Keynesian cntr-cyc fisc-pol response to macroecon. Empirical Implementation: Ideally: Describe barg power party i as f(charact’s i & barg envir, j, f(vij) Desc. pol response to conditions xk if i sole pol-mkng control: qi(xk) Then embed Nash-Barg sol’n, if(vij)qi(xk), in emp. model to est. Currently: Assume wtd-avg compromise outcome pre-estimation. I.e., simply assume by measure & specification that Policy responds to WtdPartisanshipCurrGovt MacroeconomicConditions. Empirical Model of the Theoretical Synthesis (1) Different aspects of policy-maker fragmentation, polarization, & partisanship: V-A Effects: raw # (frag) and ideological ranges (polar) C-P Effects: eff # (frag) &, maybe, ideol. s.d./var (polar) D-B Effects: power-wtd mean ideologies (partisanship) Different ways these distinct effects manifest in pol: V-A (primarily) to slow pol-adjust (delay stabilization); C-P induces over-draw from common resources (incl. from future as in debt); under-invest in common properties (less electioneering), log-proportionately D-B induces convex-combinatorial (compromise) policies, incl. greater left-activist/right-conservative Keynesiancountercyclical/conservative pro-cyclical, in proportion to degree left/right controls policymaking Empirical Model of the Theoretical Synthesis (2) …implies specification where: Abs # VA & ideol range modify pol-adjust rates (log) Eff # pol-mkrs & s.d. ideol (wtd measures) gauge C-P prob in electioneering (+debt-lvl effect?) Some barg process among partisan pol-mkrs (e.g., Nash wtd-influence) determines combo reflected in net policy responsiveness to macro (º K-activism) Dit i 1 n NoPit ar ARwiGit 1Di ,t 1 2 Di ,t 2 3 Di ,t 3 Y Yi ,t U U i ,t P Pi ,t 1 cg CoGit e1 Eit e 2 Ei ,t 1 1 en ENoPit sd SDwiGit xit η z it ω it Empirical Model Specification & Data Dit i 1 n NoPit ar ARwiGit 1Di ,t 1 2 Di ,t 2 3 Di ,t 3 xit η z it ω it Y Yi ,t U U i ,t P Pi ,t 1 cg CoGit e1Eit e 2 Ei ,t 1 1 en ENoPit sd SDwiGit Dit = Debt (%GDP); NoP & ARwiG = raw Num of Prtys in Govt & Abs Range w/i Govt: VA conception, so modify dynamics. Expect n & ar >0. By thry & for efficiency: modify all lag dynamics same. CoG (govt center, left to right, 0-10): Modifies response to macroecon (equally, by thry & for eff’cy) : βcg<0. Macroec: Y = real GDP growth; U = unemp rate; P = infl rate. x’ = controls: set pol-econ cond’s response to which not partisan-differentiated or gov comm-pool: (e.g., E(real-int)-E(real-grow), ToT) ENoP & SDwiG = Effective Num of Prtys in govt & Std Dev w/i Govt: Frag & Polar by wtd-influence concept. CP lvl-effects modify (at same rate) electioneering, Et, pre-elect-year, & Et-1, post-elect-yr.: en & sd<0. z’ω = set of constituent terms in the interactions: ENoP, SDwiG may have positive coeff’s by CP effect lvl debt, but issue is temporal fract more than curr. govt fract. Thry o/w says omit. Coeff. D t-1 1.212 Lagged Dependent D t-2 -0.153 Variables D t-3 -0.121 0.007 ρn (veto-actor effect: fractionalization) -0.000 ρar (veto-actor effect: polarization) -0.336 ΔY Macroeconomic 0.992 ΔU Conditions -0.188 ΔP -0.037 βcg (partisan-compromise bargaining) x1 (open) 15.891 x2 (T oT ) 0.388 Controls x3 (open∙ T oT ) -10.681 x4 (dxrig) -0.036 x5 (oy) 2.064 Et 0.687 Pre- and Post-Electoral Indicators Et-1 1.490 -0.547 γen (common-pool effect: fractionalization) 0.573 γs d (common-pool effect: polarization) z1 (CoG) 0.051 Constituent z2 (ENoP) 0.281 T erms z3 (SDwiG) 0.542 from the z4 (NoP) 0.181 Interactions z5 (ARwiG) -0.312 Sum m ary Statis tics N (Deg. Free) R2 ( R 2 ) 735 (691) 0.991 (0.990) Std. Err. 0.060 0.085 0.045 0.006 0.006 0.111 0.308 0.063 0.037 5.279 1.744 5.156 0.066 1.094 0.568 0.645 0.182 0.486 0.131 0.446 0.437 0.277 0.259 t-Stat. 20.112 -1.792 -2.677 1.089 -0.013 -3.033 3.219 -2.965 -0.988 3.010 0.222 -2.072 -0.544 1.886 1.210 2.310 -3.001 1.179 0.390 0.629 1.242 0.654 -1.205 Pr(T> | t| ) 0.000 0.074 0.008 0.277 0.990 0.003 0.001 0.003 0.323 0.003 0.824 0.039 0.587 0.060 0.227 0.021 0.003 0.239 0.697 0.530 0.215 0.514 0.228 se2 2.525 2.101 DW-Stat. Pace Brambor et al. (‘06), but joint-significance of multiple-policymaker conditioning effects (en, sd, n, ar, cg) overwhelmingly rejects excluding (p.001), whereas joint-sig coeff’s on constit. terms, z, clearly fails reject (p.602) exclusion. (Almost) All theory says should be zero, so… Coeff. Std. Err. D t-1 1.207 0.060 Lagged Dependent D t-2 -0.158 0.085 Variables D t-3 -0.117 0.045 ρn (veto-actor effect: fractionalization) 0.011 0.005 ρar (veto-actor effect: polarization) -0.002 0.004 ΔY -0.375 0.087 Macroeconomic ΔU 1.095 0.286 Conditions ΔP -0.207 0.053 βcg (partisan-compromise bargaining) -0.051 0.020 x1 (open) 16.128 5.314 x2 (ToT) 0.414 1.728 Controls x3 (open∙ ToT) -10.780 5.194 x4 (dxrig) -0.038 0.066 x5 (oy) 1.898 1.100 Et 0.475 0.420 Pre- and Post-Electoral Indicators Et-1 1.146 0.562 γen (common-pool effect: fractionalization) -0.570 0.209 γsd (common-pool effect: polarization) 0.881 0.586 Sum m ary Statistics N (Deg. Free) R2 ( R 2 ) 735 (696) 0.991 (0.990) t-Stat. 20.290 -1.851 -2.577 2.369 -0.437 -4.332 3.829 -3.889 -2.484 3.035 0.239 -2.076 -0.578 1.724 1.133 2.040 -2.727 1.503 Pr(T>| t| ) 0.000 0.065 0.010 0.018 0.662 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.013 0.002 0.811 0.038 0.563 0.085 0.258 0.042 0.007 0.133 se2 2.522 2.099 DW-Stat. Table 1: Estimated Veto-Actor, Bargaining, and Common-Pool Effects of Multiple Policymakers Adjustment Rates Lag Coefficienta Policy-Adjust/Yrb Long-Run Mult.c ½-Lifed 90%-Lifee Veto-Actor Effects: Estimates of Policy-Adjustment Rate NoP=1 NoP=2 NoP=3 NoP=4 NoP=5 0.943 0.952 0.960 0.969 0.978 0.057 0.048 0.040 0.031 0.022 17.498 20.639 25.154 32.200 44.727 11.778 13.956 17.087 21.971 30.654 39.127 46.362 56.761 72.985 101.832 NoP=6 0.986 0.014 73.208 50.397 167.415 Bargaining Effects: Estimates of Keynesian Fiscal Responsiveness Growth d(UE) Infl Mean Econ. Performance -2 std. dev. -2.354 1.915 -3.593 Mean Econ. Performance -1 std. dev. 0.454 1.034 1.230 Mean Economic Performance 3.261 0.153 6.054 Mean Econ. Performance +1 std. dev. 6.069 -0.728 10.877 Mean Econ. Performance +2 std. dev. 8.877 -1.608 15.701 CoG E(D|Econ) f E(D|Econ) E(D|Econ) E(D|Econ) E(D|Econ) 3.0 4.2 5.4 6.6 7.8 9.0 3.157 2.930 2.703 2.476 2.250 2.023 0.599 0.556 0.513 0.470 0.427 0.384 -1.959 -1.818 -1.677 -1.536 -1.396 -1.255 -4.516 -4.192 -3.867 -3.543 -3.218 -2.894 -7.074 -6.566 -6.058 -5.549 -5.041 -4.533 Fiscal-Cycle Magnitudeg 10.231 9.496 8.761 8.026 7.291 6.555 Collective-Action/Common-Pool Effects: Estimates of Electoral Debt-Cycle Magnitude ENoP=1 ENoP=2 ENoP=3 ENoP=4 ENoP=5 Electoral-Cycle 1.07410 0.86454 0.65497 0.44541 0.23585 Magnitudeh a Calculated as the sum of the coefficients on the dependent-variable lags f Predicted deficits given the state of the macroeconomy listed in that column and Extension & Refinement E ( yt ) 0 xt0b0 0 1 ln( NoPt ) 2 ln(1 ARwiGt ) yt 1 1 1 I 2 xt b p(cit ) qi (xt ) i 1 1 1 ln( NoPt ) 2 ln(1 ARwiGt ) 1 ln( ENoP ) ln(1 SDwiG ) 1 t 2 t x0 = factors that affect policy-outcomes unless pol-mkrs act to change status quo, i.e., that have effect on pol-out directly. x1 = factors affecting policy-outcomes if policymakers act to change status quo, without partisan-differentiated response x2 = factors affecting policy-outcomes if policymakers act to change status quo, with partisan-differentiated response {NoP,ARwiG} = sources of veto-actor effects; as before {ENoP,SDwiG} = sources of common-pool effects; as before {p(cit),qj(xt)} = sources of bargaining & delegation effects: p(cit): Effective policy-influence of party i in context t. (E.g., as now: cabinet seat-shares, but could become richer model.) qj(xt): Model of response of party i to pol-econ conditions xt. (E.g., as now: CoGiMacroecont, but could become richer model.) Preliminary Results of Fuller Model Temporal Dynamics Veto-Actor Effect On Outcom e-Adjustm ent Rate x 0 : Variables with “Direct” Effect on Outcome x 1 : Variables with Effects via Non-Partisan-Differentiated Policy Response Com m on-Pool Effect on Policy Response x 2 : Variables with Effects via Partisan-Differentiated Policy Response Bargaining-Com prom ise Effects on Partisan Policy-Responses Veto-Actor Effect On Policy-Adjustm ent Rate Common-Pool Effect on Debt Level N (Deg. Free) R2 ( R 2 ) D(t-1) D(t-2) D(t-3) Coeff. 1.197 -0.139 -0.121 Std. Err. 0.059 0.085 0.045 t-Stat. 20.144 -1.629 -2.698 Pr(T>| t| ) 0.000 0.104 0.007 NoP 0.008 0.004 1.883 0.060 Open Open*ToT Ele(t) Ele(t-1) OY DXRIG3 16.624 -11.190 0.315 0.873 2.833 -0.073 3.758 3.135 0.363 0.399 1.295 0.072 4.423 -3.569 0.867 2.186 2.187 -1.009 0.000 0.000 0.386 0.029 0.029 0.314 ln(ENoP) -0.277 0.071 -3.903 0.000 Growth d(UE) Inflation -0.238 0.749 -0.137 0.084 0.228 0.047 -2.815 3.289 -2.947 0.005 0.001 0.003 CoG -0.049 0.026 -1.893 0.059 NoP 0.215 0.121 1.773 0.077 ln(ENoP) 1.128 Sum m ary Statistics 0.486 2.320 0.021 se2 2.510 2.090 735 (697) 0.991 (0.990) DW-Stat.