9-18-12 Nevada HOSA Competitive Events 2012-2013

Preparedness Events
CERT Skills
CPR/First Aid
Emergency Medical Technician
Life Support Skills
Public Health
MRC Partnership
CERT Skills
 This event will consist of two
rounds competition for a 2-person
team. Round One is a written,
multiple choice test of knowledge
and understanding. The top scoring
teams will advance to Round Two
for the performance of selected skill
procedure(s) identified in a written
scenario. The scenario will require
the use of critical thinking skills. The
performance will be timed and
evaluated according to the event
Procedure I: Treating LifeThreatening Conditions
Procedure II: Triage
Procedure III: Head-to-Toe
Procedure IV: Lifts and Carries
Procedure V: Splinting a
Closed Fracture
CERT Training:
September 28-30
CPR/First Aid
 This event will consist of two
rounds of competition for a 2person team. Round One is a
written, multiple choice test of
knowledge and understanding.
The top scoring teams will
advance to Round Two for the
performance of selected skill
procedure(s) identified in a
written scenario. The scenario
will require the use of critical
thinking skills. The performance
will be timed and evaluated
according to the event
First Aid Procedures – Rescuer 1 Initiated
Procedure I: Severe Bleeding and Shock
Procedure II: Choking
Procedure III: Compound Fracture and
Procedure IV: Severe Burns
Procedure V: Heat-Related Emergency
BLS for Healthcare Providers – Rescuer 2
Procedure VI: Adult BLS/CPR
Procedure VII: Adult BLS/CPR (Rescuer 1
Procedure VIII: Adult BLS with AED
Procedure IX: Adult BLS with AED (Rescuer
1 Assists)
Emergency Medical Technician
 This event will consist of two
rounds of competition for a 2person team. Round One is a
written, multiple choice test of
knowledge and understanding.
The top scoring teams will
advance to Round Two for the
performance of selected skill
procedure(s) identified in a written
scenario. The scenario will require
the use of critical thinking skills.
The performance will be timed and
evaluated according to the event
Procedure I: Patient Assessment Trauma
Procedure II: Patient Assessment Medical
Procedure III: BVM Ventilation: Apneic
Adult Patient
Procedure IV: Immobilization/Splinting
A. Spinal Immobilization: Seated Patient
B. Spinal Immobilization: Supine Patient
C. Joint Injury
D. Long Bone Injury
Procedure V: Bleeding Control/Shock
Procedure VI: Cardiac Arrest
*Need to find your own person to train you
Public Health
This event involves a team of 2-4 members who select a topic of public
health concern and create an effective public health presentation to educate
the public on the chosen topic. Specific topic selection will be based on a
category announced annually:
• National Prevention Strategy 2012
Teams will use the National Prevention Strategy: America’s Plan for Better
Health and Wellness as their resource for developing a public health
presentation about one or more of the following strategies that contribute
to the prevention of disease and the promotion of healthy practices.
o Injury and violence free living
o Tobacco free living
o Preventing drug abuse and excessive alcohol use
o Active living
o Healthy eating
MRC Partnership
 The MRC Partnership event is
designed to encourage HOSA
chapters to initiate and maintain a
partnership with the Medical
Reserve Corps. The partnership will
promote and support the mission of
HOSA, the mission of the Medical
Reserve Corps, and the priorities of
the United States Surgeon General.
The event will consist of the
implementation and
documentation of partnership
activities that contribute to strong,
healthy and prepared communities.
Health Professions
Dental Science (New event for 2012-13)
Veterinary Science
Medical Assisting
Sports Medicine
Nursing Assisting
Personal Care
 This event will consist of
two rounds of competition.
Round One will be a
written, multiple choice test
of knowledge and
understanding. The top
scoring competitors will
advance to Round Two for
the performance of
selected skill procedure(s)
identified in a written
scenario. The scenario will
require the use of critical
thinking skills. The
performance will be timed
and evaluated according to
the event guidelines
Procedure I: Identifying Laboratory
Instruments (Including name of instrument
and purpose or use.)
Procedure II: Infection control and
transmission-based precautions
Procedure III: Inoculate and streak an agar
Procedure IV: Using a microscope
Procedure V: ABO Grouping
Procedure VI: Gram Stain
Procedure VII: Fecal Occult Blood
Dental Science
 This event will consist of
two rounds of competition.
Round One will be a
written, multiple choice
test of knowledge and
understanding. The top
scoring competitors will
advance to Round Two for
the performance of
selected skill procedure(s)
identified in a written
scenario. The scenario will
require the use of critical
thinking skills. The
performance will be timed
and evaluated according to
the event guidelines
Procedure I: Preparing the Dental Treatment
Procedure II: Seating the Dental Patient
Procedure III: Dismissing the Dental Patient
Procedure IV: Patient Education: Brushing and
Procedure V: A: Preparing for an Alginate
B. Pouring an Alginate Impression with Plaster
– Single Pour
Procedure VI: Identify Instruments (Including
name of instrument and purpose or
Veterinary Science
 This event will consist of
two rounds of competition.
Round One will be a written,
multiple choice test of
knowledge and
understanding. The top
scoring competitors will
advance to Round Two for
the performance of selected
skill procedure(s) identified
in a written scenario. The
scenario will require the use
of critical thinking skills. The
performance will be timed
and evaluated according to
the event guidelines
Procedure I: Preparation of the Operative Site
Procedure II: Lifting and Restraining a Dog
Procedure III: Identify Equipment and
Instruments (Including name of
equipment or instrument and purpose or use.)
Procedure IV: Simple Fecal Floatation
Procedure V: Identification of Parasites
Procedure VI: Canine Cardiopulmonary
Procedure VII: Identification of Companion
Animal Breeds/Species
Procedure VIII: Apply/Remove Gauze Restraint
Medical Assisting
 This event will consist of
two rounds of
competition. Round One
will be a written, of Event:
multiple choice test of
knowledge and
understanding. The top
scoring competitors will
advance to Round Two for
the performance of
selected skill procedure(s)
identified in a written
scenario. The scenario will
require the use of critical
thinking skills. The
performance will be
timed and evaluated
according to the event
Procedure I: Telephone Techniques
A. Schedule an Appointment
B. Take a Message for Prescription Refill
Procedure II: Complete Insurance Form
Procedure III: Alphabetical Filing
Procedure IV: Wrap Items for Autoclave
Procedure V: Obtain Medical History
Procedure VI: Position/Drape Patient in:
A. Horizontal Recumbent Position.
B. Prone Position.
C. Sim’s Position.
D. Semi-Fowler’s Position.
Procedure VII: Put on Sterile Gloves
Nursing Assisting
 This event will consist of
two rounds of competition.
Round One will be a written,
multiple choice test of
knowledge and
understanding. The top
scoring competitors will
advance to Round Two for
the performance of selected
skill procedure(s) identified
in a written scenario. The
scenario will require the use
of critical thinking skills. The
performance will be timed
and evaluated according to
the event guidelines.
Procedure I: Hand washing
Procedure II: Make a Closed Bed
Procedure III: Make an Occupied Bed
Procedure IV: Position patient with specified
disability in bed
Procedure V: Transfer patient with specified
disability from bed to a
Procedure VI: Measure and record vital signs:
TPR and blood pressure
Procedure VII: Prepare patient for a meal;
determine intake
Procedure VIII: Changing a Patient’s Gown
Sports Medicine
 This event will consist of
two rounds of competition.
Round One will be a written,
multiple choice test of
knowledge and
understanding. The top
scoring competitors will
advance to Round Two for
the performance of selected
skill procedure(s) identified
in a written scenario. The
scenario will require the use
of critical thinking skills. The
performance will be timed
and evaluated according to
the event guidelines.
Procedure I: Flexibility Exercises
Procedure II: Assessment A. Assess ROM and
Strength Testing of Shoulder
B. Assess ROM and Strength Testing of Ankle
& Foot
Procedure III: Taping A. Ankle
B. Arch
C. Elbow
D. Thumb
Health Science
 Dental Spelling
 Dental Terminology
 Knowledge Tests
- Medical Law & Ethics
- Human Growth & Development
- Nutrition
- Pathophysiology
- Pharmacology
 Medical Math
 Medical Spelling
 Medical Terminology
Dental Spelling
 This event shall be divided into
two rounds. Round One will be a
50-item written multiple choice
test to be completed in 60
minutes. The competitors who
score in the top 50% will proceed
to Round Two. Round Two will be
a "spell-down" where
competitors will spell terms.
Definitions will be provided by a
judge upon request of the
competitor. Competitors will be
eliminated when a dental term is
misspelled. The last remaining
competitor in Round Two
becomes the first-place winner
• Rounds 2 and 3, numbered 1 100 will be easy terms.
• Rounds 4, 5 and 6, numbered
101 – 200, will be moderate
• Round 7 and beyond, numbered
201 – 300, will be difficult terms.
Dental Terminology
 This event shall be a
written test dealing with
selected terms which are
common to all dental
occupations and others
unique to the varied dental
specialties. Competitors
shall be expected to
recognize, identify, define,
interpret or apply these
terms by responding
correctly to 100 multiple
choice items in 90 minutes.
40% Dental Specialties (definitions,
related procedures, and
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology
Pediatric Dentistry Orthodontics
Dental Public Health Periodontics
Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology
20% Instruments and materials
10% Prefixes and Suffixes
10% Anatomy & Physiology of the
10% Infection Control
5% Ethics & Legal
5% Radiation Safety
 All stages include biophysical, mental/cognitive, social, and
emotional development.
• Culture 10%
• The Family 10%
• Communication 5%
• Theories of Growth and Development 10%
• Prenatal 5%
• Infancy and Toddler 10%
• Early Childhood and School-Age 10%
• Adolescence 15%
• Adulthood: Young, Middle and Older 20%
• Death and Dying 5%
• The Basics: Medical Law,
Ethics and Bioethics 5%
• The Legal Environment 35%
• State and Federal Regulations
• The Legal System
• Professional Liability
• Law for Health Professionals
• Public Duty
• Consent
•The Health Care Environment 35%
• Physician Patient Relationships
• Medical Malpractice
•Medical Records
•Workplace Law and Ethics
• Cultural Perspective
•Patient Confidentiality
•Employment Practices
•Bioethical Issues 25%
•Ethical and Bioethical Issues in
• Allocation of scarce resources
• Genetic engineering
•Reproductive Issues
•End of Life Issues
 • Carbohydrates, fats and proteins 15%
• Vitamins & minerals 15%
• Water (Fluid & electrolyte balance) 5%
• Diet through the life span 10%
• Digestion, absorption and metabolism 10%
• Cultural and religious influences 5%
• Food related illnesses and allergies 10%
• Medical nutrition therapy 30%
o Diabetes
o Cardiovascular disease
o Renal disease
o Gastrointestinal disease
o Cancer
o Clients with special needs
• Disease Process and Terminology 12%
• Body Systems:
Integumentary 8%
Musculoskeletal 10%
Heart 8%
Blood vessels 4%
Lymphatic 6%
Respiratory 8%
Digestive 12%
Endocrine 8%
Nervous (including senses) 12%
Reproductive 6%
Urinary 6%
Safety will be integrated throughout the test plan
• Basic Concepts in Pharmacology 12%
• Career Opportunities in Pharmacology 3%
• Ethical and Legal Responsibilities 10%
• Pediatrics and Geriatrics Adaptations 10%
• Drug Names, Classifications, Action, and
Interactions 30%
• Drug Administration 20%
• Drug Measurement, Dosage, Conversions 10%
• Technologies in Pharmacology 5%
Medical Math
 This event shall be a written
test dealing with selected
problems involving
conversions between the
Fahrenheit and Celsius scales
and the metric and household
systems of measurement. It
will also involve identification
of related symbols and
abbreviations. The
competitors shall be expected
to convert problems of
weight, volume, and
temperature by responding
correctly to 50 multiple choice
and tie-breaker items in 90
Test Plan:
• Dimensional Analysis 5%
• Conversions 15%
• Computation of drug dosages. 35%
• Calculate IV flow rate 5%
• Calculate pediatric dosages 10%
• Intake and Output 5%
• Ratios; Proportions: Percent - Solution
Problems 25%
Medical Spelling
 This event shall be divided into
two rounds. Round One will be
a 50-item written, multiple
choice test to be completed in
60 minutes. The competitors
who score in the top 50% will
proceed to Round Two. Round
Two will be a "spell-down"
where competitors will spell
terms. Definitions will be
provided by a judge upon
request of the competitor.
Competitors will be eliminated
when a medical term is
misspelled. The last remaining
competitor in Round Two
becomes the first-place winner.
• Rounds 2 and 3, numbered 1 - 100 will
be easy terms.
• Rounds 4, 5 and 6, numbered 101 –
200, will be moderate terms.
• Round 7 and beyond, numbered 201 –
300, will be difficult terms.
Medical Terminology
 This event shall be a
written examination
dealing with selected terms
common to Health Science
Education and others
unique to the varied health
care specialties.
Competitors shall be
expected to recognize,
identify, define, interpret
and apply these terms by
responding correctly to 100
multiple choice items in 90
45% Roots, prefixes, suffixes, and
combining forms
5% Overview of Body
5% Skeletal
5% Muscular
5% Respiratory
5% Digestive
5% Cardiovascular & Lymphatic
5% Nervous/Special Senses
5% Endocrine
5% Reproductive
5% Integumentary
5% Urinary
Leadership Events
 Extemporaneous Health Poster
 Extemporaneous Speaking
 Extemporaneous Writing
 Healthy Lifestyles
 Job Seeking Skills
 Interviewing Skills
 Medical Photography
 Speaking Skills
Extemporaneous Health Poster
 This event shall be in the
form of an individual
creation of a poster
conducted in a setting with
individual work tables and
sufficient space for each
competitor to carry out
his/her form of artistic
expression, to be
completed within three (3)
hours of work time.
Extemporaneous Speaking
 Competitors shall report
to a designated holding
room or area. Each
competitor shall be called
by number to a
preparation room and
after being presented the
topic by the event
manager, will have ten
(10) minutes to prepare a
speech of up to five (5)
minutes in length. At the
conclusion of the
preparation time, the
competitor shall be
introduced to the judges
and shall present his or
her speech.
Extemporaneous Writing
 Competitors shall
report to the site of the
event where they will
be presented the topic
by the event manager.
They will have one hour
to write an essay on the
Healthy Lifestyles
 This event will consist of
two rounds of
competition. Round One
will be a written,
multiple choice test that
will assess content
knowledge of health
literacy topics such as
the physical benefits of
exercise, healthy eating,
and avoiding risky
behaviors. The focus will
be on the short and
long-term effects of
healthy living on the
function of the human
Job Seeking Skills
 Competitors shall apply
for any healthcarerelated position for
which they are trained or
are being trained.
Competitors will prepare
a cover letter and
resume to bring with
them to the conference.
At the conference,
competitors will
complete a job
application (at
orientation) and
participate in a job
interview (assigned time
received at orientation.).
Interviewing Skills
 Competitors shall apply
for any health care related
position for which they
are trained or and being
trained. Competitors will
prepare a cover letter and
resume to bring with
them to the conference.
At the conference,
competitors will complete
a job application (at
orientation) and
participate in a job
interview (assigned time
received at orientation.).
Medical Photography
 In this event, competitors
will use digital
photography to illustrate
the health professions.
Competitors will
photograph three
different health
professionals, edit the
photos using computer
software technology, and
then present the three
printed pictures to a panel
of judges
Speaking Skills
 Competitors shall
develop a speech
related to a selected
national topic.
2012-13 Topic:
HOSA: Caring
for the Future
Recognition Events
 Barbara James Service Award
 Healthcare Issues Exam
 National Recognition Portfolio
The Barbara James Service
 The Barbara James Service
Award is in memory of
Barbara James, 1982-83
HOSA Inc. Board
Chairman. Her leadership
skills and contributions to
HOSA exemplify the caring
and compassion of HOSA
members. This award
seeks to recognize
individual HOSA members
whose commitment to
community service is
worthy of recognition.
Bronze Level
100-174 hours
Silver Level
175-249 hours
Gold Level
250 hours or more
Healthcare Issues Exam
 This event shall be in
the form of a 50 item
multiple choice test and
one essay question that
will be graded only to
break a tie. All
questions will be written
at a level to measure
thinking skills.
Competitors will have
60 minutes to complete
the test.
National Recognition
 The HOSA member will
create a portfolio of
evidence of his/her
accomplishments in
preparation for a health
Teamwork Events
 Career Health Display
 Forensic Medicine
 Health Education
 HOSA Bowl
 Medical Reading
Career Health
 Teams consisting of two (2)
competitors shall develop a
visual display of a specific
career or cluster of careers
in healthcare. The display
allows the students to
express ideas through an
artistic medium to highlight
the benefits of a particular
career focus. The students
will also be judged on their
ability to present
themselves and
communicate the career
information to others.
Public Service
 In this event, teams consisting of
3-6 members will produce a 30second Public Service
Announcement. The PSA will
promote a healthcare service
organization, bring awareness to
a healthcare situation, or educate
the public at large in regard to
health and well-being. Members
will have 4 minutes to present
their PSA to a panel of judges.
 2012-2013 Topic:
“No Pressure! Tips for Recognizing
and Preventing Hypertension”
Forensic Medicine
 This event will involve two
rounds of competition. Round
One will consist of a written
test to evaluate the team’s
understanding of forensic
medicine. The top scoring
teams will advance to Round
Two and will be given a case
study related to forensic
medicine. Teams will have six
(6) minutes to analyze a case
study, which will include
written information and may
include physical evidence.
Finally, teams will be given
thirty (30) minutes to write
their conclusions.
Health Education
 This event involves a team
of 2-4 members who select
a health-related concept or
instructional objective, then
prepare a lesson, provide
instruction, and evaluate
results. The instruction
must include the use of
presentation tools such as a
student-made video,
computer demonstration
software, slides, overhead
transparencies, or any other
form of media. Teams will
provide instruction to a
selected group of learners.
 Teams consisting of three-four (3-4) members each will take a
written test in Round One. Top scoring teams advance to Round
Two and compete by giving appropriate responses to items
presented by a moderator. These items may be in the form of
questions, incomplete statements, and/or definitions. Winners will
be determined by a series of elimination rounds. The last remaining
team becomes the first-place winner of a section. Section winners
play in final rounds to determine the top three teams.
Medical Reading
 This event is for individual competitors and will consist of a 50-item
multiple choice test with five (5) short essay questions. The questions
will require the competitors to apply, analyze, synthesize and/or
evaluate information from the assigned books for the year.
 This event is an individual event. Individual competitors will read all
five (5) books and take a written test that will consist of 50 multiple
choice questions and five (5) short essay questions.