HOSA Hand book 2013-14 I. What is HOSA…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………pg 2 Purpose, Mission, Goals II. Membership…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………pg 3 National HOSA, Florida HOSA, W. Boca HOSA III. Officer Information……………………………………………………………………………………………………..pg 3 Executive board, General Positions IV. Meetings…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….pg 4 Policies, procedures V. Volunteering………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..pg 5 Volunteer hours, walks, volunteer partners VI. Competition………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..pg 7 Overview event preparation regulations dates for 2013-14 event categories VII. HOSA Cords ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..pg 10 Requirements for senior cords Page 1 I. What is HOSA Future Health Professionals is a National Career and Technical Student Organization (CTSO) endorsed by the U.S. and Florida Departments of Education and the Health Occupations Education Division of the Association for Career and Technical Education. Purpose The purpose of the HOSA organization is to develop leadership and technical HOSA skill competencies through a program of motivation, awareness and recognition, which is an integral part of the Health Science Education instructional program Mission The mission of HOSA is to enhance the delivery of compassionate, quality health care by providing opportunities for knowledge, skill and leadership development of all health science education students, therefore, helping the student meet the needs of the health care community. Goals The goals that HOSA believes are vital to each member are: To promote physical, mental and social well being. To develop effective leadership qualities and skills. To develop the ability to communicate more effectively with people. To develop character. To develop responsible citizenship traits. To understand the importance of pleasing oneself as well as being of service to others. To build self-confidence and pride in one's work. To make realistic career choices and seek successful employment in the health care field. To develop an understanding of the importance in interacting and cooperating with other students and organizations. To encourage individual and group achievement. To develop an understanding of current health care issues, environmental concerns, and survival needs of the community, the nation and the world. To encourage involvement in local, state and national health care and education projects. To support Health Science Education instructional objectives. To promote career opportunities in health care. Page 2 II. Membership National : National HOSA has more than 150,000 members in 48 states and Puerto Rico. The link to National HOSA is www.hosa.org Florida HOSA : Florida HOSA has the second largest membership at more than 12,700 students! The link to Florida HOSA is: www.floridahossa.org To be registered as a Florida State and National HOSA member you must: 1. Attend a minimum of monthly meetings. For the 2013-14 school year, the student must attend a min of 3 monthly meetings and be a registered member for the Regional competition. 2. Be a student in good standing 3. Membership in a local Chapter shall be open to students regardless of age, race, sex, color, national origin or religious beliefs. West Boca High: All Medical Academy students are members of WBHS HOSA club. Your fees are paid within your academy fees. III. Officer Positions Exective Board President Conducts meetings according to chapter bylaws and standing rules Takes the leadership role when working with officers and members Develops Program of Work and coordinate activities with chapter advisor Keeps chapter meetings and activities on task Appoints committees and serve as an ex-officio member Vice President Assists the president in all leadership functions Presides over chapter activities in the absence of the president Assumes the duties of president should the office be vacated Coordinates all committee work Secretary Prepares the minutes of meetings, chapter correspondence and reports Helps to develop meeting agendas with the president Records the roll at all chapter meetings Works with the treasurer in maintaining membership data Reads minutes and communications at chapter meetings Page 3 Treasurer: Maintains efficient management and documentation of chapter funds Helps to collect state and national HOSA dues Keeps financial records neat and accurate Assists in preparing the chapter budget Historian Maintains a history of local HOSA chapter activities throughout the year, and coordinates the HOSA chapter book for competition Compiles the local chapter’s Outstanding HOSA Chapter book Presents the Outstanding HOSA Chapter book at Competition General Positions Class Ambassadors The responsibilities of each class ambassador will be to: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Advertise upcoming HOSA events, dates, and programs. Encourage participation of their respective graduating class in committees, volunteer events, etc. Aid Officers in preparing presentations for HOSA meetings as needed. Bring before the board comments, questions, and concerns of their peers. Assist in the sign in/registration of their peers in programs such at HOSA meetings, HOSA Competition, Relay for Life, Cancer Walks, etc. IV. Meetings General HOSA meetings Will take place once a month on the first Wednesday of the month. They will be held in the cafeteria at 3 pm, unless otherwise noted. Reminders of meetings: Banner on the 12 building Medical Academy Board Flyers on building 12 doors List of dates will be posted in the HOSA bulletin board List of dates posted at the HOSA table in room 12-104 Our face book page Committee meetings Held in room 12-104 beginning at 3 pm on a Tuesday or Thursday and go no later than 4:30pm. These meetings will be announced on the morning announcements, the face book page and posted on the HOSA board. To remain on a committee the student must attend no less than half the meetings, unless otherwise pre-approved by the committee chair. Page 4 Procedure for meetings: o o o All students must sign in to every meeting they attend. If student wants to maintain their own record of meetings and activities, they will leave their HOSA PASSPORT in the box provided. Their name must be clearly written on the front, and placed into the appropriate Teacher box. By Friday of that week, each teacher will be given their students HOSA PASSPORTS back, stamped that they were at the meeting. This is the ONLY way your PASSPORT will be stamped. DO NOT bring the passport to an officer or the advisor after the meeting. They WILL NOT stamp them. It is the student’s responsibility to maintain the passport. o At the end of every meeting, student ambassadors will hand out a colored slip that will be handed in to your medical academy teacher the next class/ day. This will be counted as a extra credit grade. It is due the next class, and each teacher will keep track of the number of meetings attended. o When your volunteer hours are due, your medical teacher will award 1 hour for each meeting attended. They must have the slip the next class to be counted or a copy of your passport when the hours are due. o The hours and meeting attendance will not be verified by HOSA. V. Volunteering HOSA is a service organization, promoting healthcare in our community. We highly encourage you to volunteer with HOSA to complete your required medical academy hours of 50 per year. We have partnered with several organizations to assist every student in completing your required hours. Please remember, you may not get paid for any hours worked, and they cannot be in conjunction of any internship or clinical time. To have your hours accepted, you must have a volunteer sheet signed by a representative of the hospital, company, organization, walk or school with the proper time in and out and a complete narrative completed. The form must be turned in no later than 1 week after the activity to get credit. Ways to get your hours 1. Walks This is the easiest way to get several hours in one day. We promote many walks throughout the year, and will have a HOSA team for at least 1 walk every other month. To get hours for being a participant or a volunteer at a walk on a HOSA team, you MUST have your HOSA shirt on, have an WBHS volunteer sheet signed and properly completed AND handed in no later than 1 week after the walk. Page 5 The following is a list of walks in our area for the 2013-14 school year. If you are aware of any other walks, please let an officer know. Sept 28 8 am Heart Walk Myer amp WPB Oct 5 7:30 am Fight for air Ft Lauderdale Oct 19 9 am Making Strides for Breast Ca WPB (Myer ) Oct 26 8 am Autism Speaks Nova South Oct 26 8:30 am Making Strides for Breast Ca Mizner Park Nov 2 verify time (am) Alzheimer’s Walk WPB Meyer Nov 9 8 am Arthritis Walk Lake Worth November 16 5 pm Light the Night – leukemia lymphoma society Lightthenight.org Sunset cove November 23 8 am St Judes Children’s Hospital Walk Lake Worth November 28 7:30 am JCC Turkey Trot 5 K Levisjcc.org/5k JCC Boca Jan 5 7:30 am Flamingo 5- JCC 5 K S. County park Jan 25 7 am Race for the cure- Susan G Komen (Breast ca ) Makingstrideswalk.org Downtown WPB Relay for Life- American Ca Society Relayforlife.org 800-227-2345 JDRF 888-533-9255 Jdrf.org Autism speaks Cystic fibrosis cff.org/greatstrides April Jacobs Run Fsma.ors or ourshiningstar.com S. County Park As we find more walks or information we will update. Page 6 Our Volunteer partners 1. West Boca Medical Center You must be 16 and complete an application with the facility. Ms. Carroll is the contact person. Application period is open the first week of school and then only 2 times during the year. She will only verify hours when they are due. Please still hand in a weekly sheet with the narrative completed each week and the hours will be verified when due. She can be reached at 561-488-8293 for an application. You will need a copy of your transcript and a letter of recommendation. 2. YMCA : The Boca Raton YMCA has many opportunities for all type of volunteer work. Please email or call Gary Juidiciani at 4140616 to schedule a meeting to discuss what position might be best for you. He has weekly as well as 1 time volunteer positions. His email is: 3. Drop in Action Sports at Loggers Run Park : There is a new sports complex in town and they need help. This new complex needs bikers, skaters, child care and office personnel. They are willing to train and are very flexible on hours. They will also have some paying positions available for Jr & Sr’s who have completed either EMR or Health and Wellness. Email Cindy Shendell at drop_insk8@yahoo.com You can also go to their website at : dropinactionsportscomplex.org for more information 4. Boca Regional Medical Center: Contact the volunteer office directly Anytime you are representing HOSA at an event you must be in your HOSA t-shirt with appropriate bottoms. Short shorts, ripped jeans and leggings are not permitted. VI. Competition OVERVIEW HOSA members are encouraged to take full advantage of the HOSA National Competitive Events Program, a constantly expanding and improving series of health care related competitive events. Competition within a state is held in the spring as a means of identifying those members eligible for competition at the HOSA National Leadership Conference in June. This past summer ( June 2013) over 5,000 students competed and over 7,000 students and advisors were in attendance in Nashville Tennessee. Regardless of whether members receive a medallion in state or national competition, the real benefit of the Competitive Events Program is realized when the student prepares for competition. Members gain confidence in their abilities when they improve their health care skills in preparation for competition. The pride of representing the chapter and/or state association builds when members enter a competitive event. The competencies developed by members in local, district, state, and/or national competition build a foundation of confidence and skills that will last a lifetime of professional activities. HOSA members should believe in the competitive events program, not because of the awards to be received in competition, but because of the feeling of accomplishment and confidence gained in preparing for competition. HOSA does not provide competition for competition's sake; rather, HOSA provides a competitive events program as a means of recognizing those students who are willing to pursue excellence by preparing for competition and having the determination to attend a conference and demonstrate the competencies gained through the health occupations program. Placing at the state or national level also looks great on those college applications! Page 7 EVENT PREPARATION Members interested in the Competitive Events Program should follow ten steps in preparing for competition. 1. Talk with your HOSA Chapter Advisor or Officer and let them know your interest in entering a competitive event at district and/or state conferences. 2. Review the National Competitive Events Program and select the event that is consistent with your interests. 3. Visit www.hosa.org for the current edition of the specific event guidelines, and specifically concentrate on the "General Rules and Regulations" in preparing for the event. 4. Study the detailed guidelines and the judge's rating sheet(s) to know the criteria by which competitors are evaluated. 5. Practice, practice, practice and practice the event at the local chapter level before competing at a district or state conference. 6. Talk with other members who participated in competition previously and gain as much as possible from their experiences. 7. Know all rules and procedures for the event in which they are entering to avoid disqualification or point deductions. 8. Enter district and/or state competition and carefully review all instructions to event participants. 9. Enjoy the competition because the real benefit of competition was realized in the preparation BASIC EVENT REGULATIONS Regulations and procedures that should be noted by all competitors include: 1. Must be active members of HOSA. 2. Must have competed in the same event at the state level for which they are entered at the national level. 3. Must attend or be represented at the scheduled orientation session at the National Leadership Conference for the event in which they are competing. 4. Must not be late in arriving at the event area. 5. Must adhere to the dress code as specified in the event guidelines. Will be awarded bonus points for being in awarded bonus points for being in appropriate dress. 6. May be disqualified for falsification of any information used in competition. 7. Evidences of plagiarism in any written paper will result in the disqualification of the paper. For general Rules and Regulations, go to www.hosa.org and go to the HOSA handbook under competitive events. DATES for 2013-14 Regional Competition Jan or Feb of 2014 - specific date TBA State Competition / Leadership conference: April 3-6, 2014 At Disney’s Coronado Resort. Nationals / NLC : June 25-29 : Orlando Page 8 Competitive Event Categories: Health Science Events Dental Spelling Medical Terminology Medical Spelling Dental Terminology Medical Math Medical Reading Biotechnology Clinical Nursing Clinical Specialty Dental Science Home Health Aide Medical Assisting Nursing Assisting *Personal Care Physical Therapy Sports Medicine Veterinary Science Knowledge Tests Human Growth and Development Pathophysiology Medical Law and Ethics Pharmacology Nutrition Health Professions Events Emergency Preparedness Events CERT Skills CPR/First Aid Emergency Medical Technician Epidemiology *Life Support Skills MRC Partnership Extemporaneous Health Poster Extemporaneous Speaking Extemporaneous Writing Healthy Lifestyle *Interviewing Skills Job Seeking Skills Medical Photography Prepared Speaking Researched Persuasive Speaking Career Health Display Community Awareness Public Health Leadership Events *Speaking Skills Teamwork Events Biomedical Debate Page 9 Creative Problem Solving Forensic Medicine Health Education HOSA Bowl Parliamentary Procedure Public Service Announcement Health Care Issues Exam HOSA Happenings National Recognition Portfolio Outstanding HOSA Chapter National Service Project Recognition Events Barbara James Service Award HOSA Week Outstanding State Leader VII. HOSA Cords To be eligible for HOSA Cords as a senior, the student must : Be an active member in good standing Attended 50 % of the current years meetings Participated in HOSA competition at min the Regional level (min of Jr or Sr year) Paid HOSA dues at the beginning of the year Student may also be eligible by having held an officer position within the 4 years at WBHS Page 10