A. Astronomy-the study of objects beyond earth. B. Meteorology- the study of the forces and pressures that cause the atmosphere to change and produce weather. A. Geology-the study of the materials that make up Earth, the processes that form and change these materials and the history of the planet. B. Oceanography- the study of the earth’s oceans and freshwater systems. C. Environmental Science- The study of the interactions of organisms and their surroundings. Biosphereall organisms and their environment Hydrosphereall water on earth. Geospheresurface of earth down to its center. Atmospherethe gases that surround the earth. Anthrospherehumans Scientific Method and Writing a formal lab report in Science A. Scientific Method- Steps 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) B. Writing a Formal Lab Report a) Hypothesis- an educated guess as to what you think the outcome of the experiment will be and why? b) Variables Question or Problem Research/Background info i. Independent- The change that is made, does NOT depend on another variable. Hypothesis ii. Dependent- The results of the change, will Experiment/Procedure usually depend on the ind. var. c) Control- things that are kept the same in an Results experiment d) Procedure- detailed, numbered steps that Analysis/Conclusion can be replicated to come to the same Retest results e) Data- results of the experiment organized into a data table and graph with very specific observations and numbered data with 2 #’s after decimal. f) Content Application-**How does this lab relate to the content being covered in this unit? II. Metrics- SI International System A. Measuring Length a) Metrics are the only measurement units used in this class. b) 1 meter = 100 cm c) milli=one thousandth d) Kilo= one thousand e) 1 km= 1,000 m f) Down Right Easy- when decreasing, move down the stairs and the decimal to the right. Increasing, move up stairs and decimals to the left g) Converting metrics to English EX: miles to kilometers EX: Down Right Easy EX: The distance from the floor to a door knob is approximately 1 meter. *All measurements MUST have TWO numbers after the decimal. Metrics Practice 1. A potato has the mass of 0.25kg. Your recipe for potato salad calls for 1 kilogram of potatoes. How many potatoes do you need? 4 potatoes 2. 800mg= 0.0008 kg 3. 25.73m= 2,573 cm 4. 1.00 ml of water is poured into a cube. What is 1.00 cm3 the volume of the cube? 950 5. 0.95L= ml 6. 1,685.36dg= 16.8536 dkg 3,972 7. 0.03972hm= mm B. Mass- the amount of matter in an object 1. Mass depends on what is making up the object. 2. A dense material such as lead is made up of many tightly packed atomic particles and is more dense. EX: An anvil in space maybe weightless but not massless! EX: One gram is approximately one small paper clip Q: What instrument measures mass? Triple Beam Balance C. Volume- the amount of space an object takes up. EX: One liter is approximately a medium size carton of milk a) b) c) d) Q: How is a graduated cylinder accurately read? from the bottom of the meniscus at eye level Measured with a graduated cylinder or if cubic, Length x width x height Units: a) Liquid = mL b) Solid = cm3 True or false, an object with a large mass has a large volume. Measure liquid at the bottom of the meniscus-always Density A. Density- mass per unit of volume 1. Formula- Density = mass/volume 2. Units= g/mL or g/cm3 3. Density is determined by the alignment of the atom, closely packed= more dense • How can the density of a fluid change if it never changes chemically? Temperature We use….. Degrees Farenheit. -Freezing point of water = 32°F -Boiling point of water = 212°F Metric system uses….. Degrees Celsius. -Freezing point of water = 0°C -Boiling point of water = 100°C CONVERSION IF YOU START WITH °F... C = (F - 32)/1.8 IF YOU START WITH °C… F = (C x 1.8) + 32 ***Examples on board*** 1. 2. Conversion and Math Practice How would you check the density of our E & E book? Convert the following metrics to km. 1. 125.63mm 2. 52,638cm 3. .0568dkm 4. .004656hm 5. 154.26m 3. What are these temperatures in F°? 1. 100° 2. 32° 3. 65° 4. 24° 5. 45° Dimensional Analysis The process of changing unit from the English to metric system and vice versa. 1. Use your “cheat sheet” for your conversion factors. 2. Always setup units first, then fill in the appropriate numbers 3. Use cross multiplication to cancel units out. 4. Always write out what you have remaining before completing the math. Scientific Notation • The expression of extremely large or extremely small numbers. • Numbers are expressed in values of 10 Graphing: A. Line Graphs- displays how two variables are related a. Independent on x axis b. Dependent on y axis B. Circle Graphs- used to demonstrate percentages. C. Bar Graphs- used to show amount for each variable Theory vs. Law Scientific Theory • An explanation based on many observations during repeated investigations. • A theory can be changed or modified with the discovery of new data. – Examples: Dinosaur Extinction and Big Bang Theory Scientific Law • Is a principle that describes the behavior of a natural phenomenon. • Scientific laws for rules of nature. – Examples: Newton’s Laws of motion and gravity