WHEN YOU COME IN… Please have your Shaping Sheet on your desk, ready for check-off. AS I’M CHECKING OFF YOUR SHAPING SHEET, PLEASE… Use your quote sandwich packet to fill out the information requested on the MLA Works Cited Information worksheet at your desk. You may work with your group. YOU WILL BE TYPING YOUR WORKS CITED PAGE AT THE END OF THE PERIOD, SO MAKE SURE YOU DO EVERYTHING EXACTLY AS STATED! TRANSITIONS ARE A MUST Currently, your Shaping Sheet has 3 separate quote sandwich ideas. YOU MUST MAKE THEM MAKE SENSE TOGETHER AS A WHOLE, otherwise it sounds incredibly disjointed. TRANSITIONING… PARAGRAPH EXAMPLE The Emmett Till story introduced to the world a different level of prejudice, with an African American boy being murdered simply because he whistled at a white woman. “The failure to punish anyone for the crime made headlines across the country and around the world…” (Leung 1). This was a prime example of prejudice because he was targeted simply for the color of his skin. Emmett Till wasn’t used to these rules, being from a northern state, so it was a deadly lesson to the world about the injustice still occurring. The Scottsboro Boys were nine boys accused of raping two white women, and “The case served to galvanize the nascent civil rights movement” (Dunn 2). With the nine boys being on an entirely different train car, it was clear this was a targeted act of prejudice. Unfortunately, none of the boys lived to see their story justified, and died with guilty sentences hanging over their heads. TRANSITION IDEAS WITHIN THE PARAGRAPH 1. Another good example of prejudice from To Kill a Mockingbird was seen when… 2. Prejudice was also seen… 3. This prejudice was demonstrated again in later years when… Transitions should come as either PART of your lead-in sentence, or a separate sentence before the lead-in all together. THIS IS PART OF YOUR FINAL ESSAY RUBRIC: STEP ONE: IDENTIFY YOUR CONCRETE DETAILS. Re-read the sentence right before EACH concrete detail. Does the concrete detail sentence talk about something new? Does it seem to jump right into that idea without ANY transitional statement? Insert those transitions now. You will have 20 minutes to work on adding in transition statements. WORKING WITH MLA CITATIONS Please refer to your packets for this information. BASIC MLA CITATION FOR A PAGE ON A WEBSITE (EACH RESOURCE I’M GIVING YOU IS FROM THERE) Info Needed: Last name, First name. “Title of Article.” Title of the Website. Publisher, Day Month Year published. Web. Day Month Year retrieved. Example: Lundman, Susan. “How to Make Vegetarian Chili.” eHow. Demand Media, n.d. Web. 6 July 2015 **Remember to use n.p. if no publisher name is available and n.d. if no publishing date is given.**