Selected Scriptures

the creature (self serving man) more than the Creator.
C. The Climax 24, 26, 28
1. What did God do? This decision didn’t shake God one bit.
2. If this is what you want to do go ahead. God gave them over…God gave
them up…
3. When you sin you will suffer.
Romans 1:21-31; I Cor. 6:9-11
Gay Marriage Is Legal In 50 States
1. The Supreme Court is not to make laws, but interpret them.
2. They made law with Roe v. Wade in 1972, but the Gay Marriage act will have a
much farther reaching implications.
3. Now the public school will have to indoctrinate our children…conservative clerks
and judges will now have to issue licenses and perform ceremonies which may be
against their convictions…will churches have to rent facilities to every request…will
pastors and priests be challenged to marry gay couples…will it be much like the cake
baker who was fined $130,000???
4. This decision echoes many major changes:
A. We have shifted from Judeo-Christian to new-pagan.
B. A secular view trumps being responsible to obey and worship the Creator.
C. Adults have chosen to cater to themselves rather than to children. Traditional
marriage blesses spouses and protects and cares for children. Statistics show
that a child best thrives with a father and mother. Both play a vital role in the
development of a child.
D. “Rights” take precedent over duties in America’s self-obsessed society.
“Rights” outweigh duties to God/family/country or community. I have my
E. The church is now marginalized. There is one way and one view (LGBT), and
heaven help those who would disagree. Bigots…Homophobs…Haters…
F. There are hundreds of changes that will arise in the years to come.
In light of these and dozens of other changes…what should be our response?
II. OUR SINS Romans 1:24, 26-28, 29-31
There is a God-shaped emptiness on the inside of everyone. Mankind is trying to
fill that emptiness with something.
God says, Go ahead…but you will suffer!
A. The Passion 24
*This is heterosexual relations.
* “Go ahead” lust of their hearts…impurity…dishonor their bodies
* “Go ahead” But you will suffer.
B. The Perversion 26-28
*This is homosexuality.
* “Go ahead” Natural affection is exchanged for unnatural…shameless…
receiving in themselves (when you sin you will suffer).
+I wish that a piece of paper would make a relationship fulfilling. I wish
these could experience permanent happiness.
+We can only guess the end of the grand experiment…the lawyers will gain
more clients as divorce will increase…counselors and psychiatrists will
flourish, because a piece of paper will not bring emotional stability.
* God turned them over to a depraved mind…they think they are right. They
become the standard. Wrong becomes right.
C. The Path 29-31
1. A list of 21 sins are given. Each sin is an attempt to fill a God-shaped
Unrighteousness, wickedness, greed, evil, full of envy, murder, strife, deceit,
malice, gossip, slanderers, haters of God, insolent, arrogant, boastful,
inventors of evil, disobedient to parents, without understanding,
untrustworthy, unloving, unmerciful…
Each is sin. Each is an attempt to fill an emptiness. When you sin you will
2. And although they know what God says about those who practice such
things and are worthy of God’s judgment, they not only do the same
but also give hearty approval to those who practice them. v. 31
In light of these and dozens of other changes…what should be our response?
I. OUR STATE Romans 1:20-22, 25
How did we get here? How did the Supreme Court arrive at their verdict?
A. The Creator 20
1. In creation we see the ‘finger print of God’. They are ‘without excuse’.
2. God is left out of the picture. Through the years God has evaporated.
3. God is forgotten.
B. The Crises 21-22, 25
Notice the progression:
1. When they knew God they did not honor Him as God.
2. Neither were thankful…they became totally selfish.
3. They became empty, futile, vain in their speculation.
4. Their foolish hearts were darkened…”the fool has said in his heart, ‘no
5. Professing themselves to be wise (so smart) they became fools. Fools in the
Greek is moraine (morons). They think they are so smart…smarter than
God (of which they deny).
6. v. 25 Exchanging the truth of God for a lie, they worshipped and served
In light of these and dozens of other changes…what should be our response?
With all of these other ‘sins’ (those listed here and Romans 1), why is the
spotlight on homosexuality?
A. The Difference
The reason for ‘shall not inherit the kingdom’ is this is their identity, and there
is no repentance.
1. Right now homosexuality is applauded and celebrated. The Supreme Court
has taken this sin and made it legal and legitimate. Such is not the case
with the others on the list.
2. Homosexuality is seen as a good thing. It is a new hall mark of progress.
3. All of these sins happen all the time and each if unrepentant has the same
And such were some of you, but you have been washed, sanctified, justified
by the blood of Jesus Christ.
B. The Draw
1. None of the other sins are applauded so aggressively.
2. There is no adultery agenda…greed agenda…take whatever you want by
whatever means agenda
3. Fornication is all type of sexual sin…not all are ‘accepted’ yet (beastiality,
pedophilia, etc.) has yet to be voted on as approved…yet.
C. The Damnation
1. To embrace this activity keeps people out of God’s kingdom. Even though
our society celebrates homosexuality, which has eternal consequences.
How can we be loving and caring and say nothing, if eternal damnation is
the end result??
2. If someone is going 100 mph toward a cliff ½ mile away, should you say
3. We are against any sin that would keep people from everlasting joy with
God. Homosexuality is getting all the press. It is the main sin that is freshly
4. The issue is sin. That’s what we’re against.
D. The Division
1. Some would like to see the issue divided into 2 camps…those who
celebrate it and those who hate it.
2. The Left: If you don’t support the homosexual agenda, you hate.
The Right: If you don’t hate the homosexual agenda, you support.
3. Followers of Christ should walk in neither path. We have something to say
that no one else is saying or can say.
E. The Directive
1. We don’t celebrate the homosexual practice. As we don’t celebrate any sin.
We acknowledge that God clearly reveals in His Word that it is sin.
2. We don’t hate those who embrace homosexuality. We love them enough to
not collapse under the pressure of society.
3. We speak the truth in love: That’s wrong and I love you.
4. To me the pattern of this approach is the Gospel and the Cross:
*You are wrong…that is called sin (Romans 3:23; John 3:36)…the wages
of sin is eternal separation from God in a place called hell (Romans
6:23)…to the unrepentant rebel…there is a price to pay…You are wrong
and if you sin you will suffer…
*You are loved…we are loved even as sinners (Rom. 5:8) But God proves
His love to Us in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us… (John
3:16) For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that
whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.
*Jesus died for those destined for wrath.
5. You’re wrong and you are loved is the message of the Gospel.
We’re far worse than we ever imagined and far more
loved than we could ever dream. Keller
Leave the standard…call sin, sin…we all desperately need a Savior.
There is a God-shaped emptiness in the heart of everyone.
We try to fill that emptiness with something.
We will never be satisfied until we fill that emptiness with Jesus Christ.