9th Grade

9th Grade English
Introductory Oral Presentation
Due to the mentality of an English class as being open, communicative, and responsive, it is important for
all of us to get over our fears or anxieties of speaking in front of each other. Your first assignment will
accomplish this, ideally, while at the same time helping each of us to get to know one another better.
 Partners will be chosen for you on a random basis.
 Interview your partner and obtain enough information to complete a 2 minute speech. Please
remember that the level of detail you include will allow you to earn the best possible grade. A
speech that merely lists questions and answers is NOT ideal. To make sure your speech is
interesting, encourage your partner to elaborate on his or her responses.
 Questions are provided below. Feel free to use them or create your own questions. Any questions
that you create must be school-appropriate.
 You must complete either a typed or hand-written outline briefly describing what you will say.
The amount of detail will depend on you as the presenter.
 You will have time in class today to interview your partner and begin working on your outline.
 Speeches will begin and end tomorrow and will be based on random order. Your outline will be
collected after you have presented your speech.
 If you have any questions or problems, please talk to me about it. I am here to help you.
Possible Questions:
Where were you born?
Where did you grow up?
Do you have any nicknames?
Do you have any brothers or sisters, and
if so how many?
Where did you go to middle school?
Do you play any sports, and if so which
Do you plan on joining any clubs or
activities at school? If so, which one(s)?
Do you play an instrument, and if so
which one(s)?
Do you have a job? Do you like/dislike
it, and why?
What did you do this summer?
If you could go anywhere in the whole
world, where would you go? Why?
What was the most interesting place you
have visited? Why did you like it?
What is your favorite food? Candy?
What is your favorite color?
What is your favorite activity?
Do you like animals? Do you have any
What is your favorite movie? Why?
What is your favorite TV show? Why?
What is your favorite school subject?
Do you like English class? Why/why
What do you like to do on weekends?
Do you have any pet peeves? If so,
which ones, and why?
Do you one day want to get married and
have children? Why?
What is your biggest goal?
What are some of your greatest
What job/career do you want to have in
the future?
Which is your favorite holiday, and
Do you like board games? If yes, which
Do you like video games? If yes, which
Is there something super unique about
you that no one else knows about? If so,
what is it?
Are there any interesting stories about
you or your life that you could share?
Name: _________________________ Partner: ___________________________
(2) Distinguished
(1) Proficient
(0.5) Apprentice
Presenter holds attention of
entire audience with the use of
direct eye contact. Student
relies on notes for prompting
Presenter's voice is loud
enough to be heard by all
audience members throughout
the whole presentation.
Presenter holds attention of
entire audience with the use of
direct eye contact most of the
time. Student relies on notes
for prompting only.
Presenter's voice is loud
enough to be heard by most
audience members throughout
the whole presentation.
Presenter displays
minimal eye contact with
audience. Student
sometimes reads from
Presenter's voice is low.
Audience members have
some difficulty hearing
Presenter uses a clear voice and
precise pronunciation of words.
Presenter uses a clear voice
and pronounces most words
Presenter mumbles at
times and/or incorrectly
pronounces some words.
Presenter shows a full
understanding of the topic;
offers unique, insightful
perceptions; provides
sophisticated analysis when
appropriate; develops ideas
with engaging supporting
details that are specific,
necessary and thought
provoking; makes no errors or
Presenter shows a good
understanding of the topic;
includes perspective,
persuasive analysis when
appropriate; develops ideas
thoroughly with supporting
details that directly relate to
focus; makes few errors or
omissions, if any.
Eye Contact
Presenter articulates
information in logical,
interesting, and creative
sequence, which audience can
Speech was 2 minutes (or
Student addresses information
in logical sequence, which
audience can follow.
Speech was between 1 and 2
Presenter show basic
understanding of the
topic; provides basic
analysis; includes
supporting details which
relate to focus, but could
be more thorough; makes
some errors or omissions.
Audience has difficulty
following presentation
because the information
is not in a logical
sequential order.
Speech was between 30
seconds and 1 minute.
(0) Novice
Presenter makes no eye
contact with audience.
Entire presentation is
read from notes.
Presenter’s voice is often
too soft to be heard by
the majority of the
audience members.
Presenter mumbles
and/or cannot be
understood. Student
mispronounces many
Presenter shows minimal
or no understanding of
the topic; provides
inadequate analysis;
requires additional
supporting details, or
needs to clarify the
relationship between
detail and focus; may
make significant errors
or omissions.
Audience cannot
understand presentation
because there is no
sequence of information.
Speech was less than 30
TOTAL POINTS= ______ / 12
+ 3 for outline = _______ / 15