

“The Scottish Play”

11 th century Scotland

Based on Holinshed’s History titled Chronicles of England, Scotland, and Ireland

Shakespeare takes history and shapes it into tragedy – makes some characters more innocent, others more guilty.

Holinshed’s History titled Chronicles of England,

Scotland, and Ireland is an historical account of the areas/nations based on what was known at the time.

People did believe in witches, and Holinshed’s History actually does include a report of Macbeth’s encounter with witches.

Additionally, King James I of England (King James VI of Scotland) had written Daemonlogie, a book which made clear his belief in the existence of witches and that they should be hunted and executed .

The tanist system was used in Scotland at this time.

In Literature, see p. 382.

The tanist system/tanistry- In this system, the position of ruler shifted from tribe to tribe/clan to clan, not from father to son; the next ruler was chosen prior to the current ruler’s death; the next ruler had to be of age (at least 16) and had to be worthy (a strong warrior).

Therefore, Macbeth had a legitimate reason to expect the position of king to be his.

 Macbeth:

 Throughout, he holds the titles of Thane of

Glamis, Thane of Cawdor, and King of Scotland

 Kills Duncan

 Has Banquo killed

 Has Macduff’s family killed

 Over the course of the play, his mental state deteriorates.

 Is killed by Macduff (Macbeth’s death occurs offstage.)

 Lady Macbeth

 Wife of Macbeth

 Deeply ambitious, desires power

 Urges Macbeth to kill King Duncan

 Exerts incredible influence over Macbeth

 Eventually goes mad with guilt

 Dies (off-stage)….Most think that she committed suicide, but we don’t have proof in the play.

 The Three Witches

 Also called “the weird sisters” (*The word “weird” originates from “wyrd.” “Wyrd” is an Old English word that means fate—and a fate that cannot be resisted.)

 Make predictions about future – tempt Macbeth

 Are presented as evil and perverse

 Are ruled by Hecate


 Witches predict his children will inherit throne of


 Is killed by murderers that Macbeth convinces to kill him

 He’s a foil to Macbeth – has opposite character traits.

King Duncan

 King of Scotland – virtuous and kind

 Is killed by Macbeth (His death occurs off-stage.)

 His death symbolizes disruption of order in Scotland

 Macduff

 Scottish nobleman who opposes Macbeth

 Kills Macbeth


 Eldest son of King Duncan

 Is declared heir to the throne by his father/Duncan

 Challenges Macbeth

 Restores rightful throne in Scotland – return to order


Literary Terms, Genre, and Devices

Elizabethan drama


Tragic flaw

Symbols (e.g. the owl)

Characters (e.g. foils, internal conflict, and external conflict)


 Overall structure (Freytag’s Pyramid)- exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution

 Internal conflict vs. external conflict

Language of contradiction (3 witches)

Gender play/gender shifting

Prose (vs. poetry)

Rhyming couplets

Blank verse

Dramatic irony

Prose (vs. poetry)



Pathetic fallacy
