1. The SHAPE of a cell greatly depends on the ________ of that cell. 2. Use nerve cells (which are long, skinny) and skin cells (flat) to explain #1. 3. Cells differ in both shape and _____. 4. True or false…larger cells are more efficient at meeting their own needs than smaller cells. EXPLAIN!!!!!!! Van ______________ was the first scientist to observe cells using a _______ light microscope ◦ It had ______ lens ____________ light microscopes use a series of lenses to magnify objects ◦ Can magnify up to 1500 times Robert _________ used a compound light microscope to study cork, the dead cells of oak bark ◦ Box-shaped structures ◦ Called these __________ 1. All organisms are composed of one or more cells ◦ A. __________ – bacteria, certain algae and fungi ◦ B. ___________ - all plants and animals 2. The cells are the basic unit of ______ 3. Cells originate from other __________ 2. CELLS ARE THE BASIC UNIT OF 1.EVERY LIVING THING IS MADE OF ONE OR MORE CELLS. A POLAR BEAR IS MULTICELLULAR LIFE EX: FAT CELLS ARE ANIMAL CELLS THAT PROVIDE ENERGY AND INSULATION 3. ALL CELLS COME FROM OTHER CELLS EX: THESE CUBS BEGAN AS ONE LIVING CELL NOT ALL BACTERIA IS BAD!!!!!! MOST IS GOOD ACTUALLY JUST A FEW OF THE UNICELLULAR ORGANISMS IN THIS POND (75X) THE FROG AND WATER LILLIES ARE MUTICELLULAR 1. List the 3 parts to the cell theory: _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ 2. Which type of cells hardly ever make new cells? Prokaryotes Lacks internal membrane-bound organelles No nucleus Most are unicellular Bacteria/Blue Green Algae Eukaryotes Have true membrane bound organelles Have nucleus Most are multicellular Prokaryotes Pro: Very simple make-up Con: Nonspecialized – don’t have different compartments that can do different things Eukaryotes Con: Complex to build Pro: Very specialized 1. ________ was the first person to coin the term “cells” after observing _____ cells under a compound light microscope. 2. Plant and bacterial cells are similar in that they both contain a _______ _______. 3. List 3 differences between prokaryotic cells and eukaryotic cells. ◦ A._____________________________ ◦ B._____________________________ ◦ C._____________________________ Also called Plasma membrane ◦ 1. Separates the cell’s contents from the materials outside the cell ◦ 2. Regulates what moves into and out of the cell ◦ 3. Maintains __________________ Is Selectively permeable****** ◦ Means that it will allow certain materials in while others cannot pass 2 Types of organic molecules make up the cell membrane: ◦ Proteins ◦ Phospholipids Made of 2 layers of phospholipids: ◦ PHOSPHOLIPID BILAYER Has 2 fatty acid tails and a phosphate molecule head attached to it Phosphate ◦ Head region ◦ polar Fatty acid ◦ Tail region ◦ Nonpolar region 1. The cell membrane, also called the ______ membrane is made of____ layers of phospholipids. 2. Draw a phospholipid. (Use these terms to label it: polar, nonpolar, fatty acid tails, phosphate head) 3. The _________ region of the membrane loves water, so it’s called___________ while the _________ region does not and is called ____________. The membrane is flexible – constantly in motion – “FLUID” ◦ Ex: like a bubble Proteins embedded in the membrane also move along the phospholipids – “MOSAIC” (Fill in the blanks to complete the paragraph) Scientists have given the cell membrane the name of __________ ___________ model….fluid because it is ___________ and not rigid, and mosaic because it looks like a piece of ________ since __________s are embedded all throughout the membrane. http://www.cellsalive.com/cells/cell_model.htm A. Organelles: ◦ “cell organs” ◦ Perform specific functions Jelly-like substance that fills the inside of the cell and holds all the organelles Contains a cell’s DNA or chromosomes Only found in EUKARYOTIC cells Enclosed in a double membrane– a nuclear envelope Is filled with pores. Why?____________________________ Dense center inside the nucleus JOB: make ribosomes ◦ Some ribosomes are found on the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) ◦ Some float around in the cytoplasm ◦ Ribosomes link together ______ ______s to make proteins ER: thin folds of membranes found right outside the nucleus ◦ 4a.Smooth ER: contain no ribosomes (has a smooth appearance) ◦ 4b.Rough ER: house ribosomes The ER makes up a highway for moving material throughout the cell Transfers energy from ORGANIC MOLECULES to ATP – which supplies the cell with energy!!! Bean-shaped Makes its own DNA (separate from nuclear DNA) **************************************************** 1. List four levels of organization that combine to form an organism. 2. _________ is a dense area of DNA found inside the nucleus in which ________(s) are made. 3. Ribosomes are important since they are the sites for ___________ synthesis. 4. Ribosomes leave the __________ and attach to the ____ ____, or the highway of the cell. 5. The mitochondria contains its own ________ and turns the energy from ________ molecules into ________ that will then supply the cell with ______. A. Another system of flattened membranous sacs B. processes, packages, and stores proteins – can fix them if necessary “little taxis” Carry molecules where they need to go (don’t copy) After a protein is made, part of the ER pinches off to form a vesicle surrounding the protein ◦ This is how it gets to the Golgi Think “Vacuum” ◦ Bigger in plants sac for storage– mostly water Central Vacuole: only in plant cells takes up most of space in a plant cell What causes plants to wilt? Contain enzymes – “clean up crew” Defend the cell against invading bacteria and viruses Break down damaged cell parts ****NOT found in plant cells**** (Look at animation under awe sci teachers) Network of thin tubes and filaments that give shape to the cell ◦ Ex: tent poles Types: ◦ 1. cilia – short, hair-like extensions ◦ 2. flagella – long, whip-like tail used for movement ◦ ****not found in PLANT CELLS**** Organelles that carry out photosynthesis Are filled with chlorophyll—green pigment Also contain their own DNA– like what other organelle?___________________ Structure and support **Not found in animal cells** 1. What are 2 main purposes for the golgi apparatus? 2. ___________ are vesicles that repair damaged cell parts and keep out invading bacteria and viruses. 3. Draw a diagram showing how a ribosome gets from the nucleus to the golgi. 4. The _______ vacuole, located inside plant cells, is much larger because ______________. Cytoplasm - icing Nucleus – Reese cups ER – rough and smooth – twizzlers, nerds on a rope Ribosomes - nerds Golgi Apparatus – air heads Vesicles – skittles, M&Ms Mitochondria – Mike n Ikes, hot tamales Vacuole (Central Vacuole for plants) – air heads Lysosomes – jelly beans cilia and flagella(only in animals)- twizzlers Chloroplast (plants) – mike n ikes Cell Wall (plants) – sour straws Cell Membrane – sour straws A. Solutes: the substance that’s being dissolved B. Solvent: the substance that DOES the dissolving ◦ Ex: kool-aid – what is the solute and what is the solvent? 1. Concentrated Solution is high in solutes! 2. Diluted solution is low in solutes, high in solvent ◦ Ex: Urine 1. What are 2 main purposes for the golgi apparatus? 2. ___________ are vesicles that repair damaged cell parts and keep out invading bacteria and viruses. 3. Draw a diagram showing how a ribosome gets from the nucleus to the golgi. 4. The _______ vacuole, located inside plant cells, is much larger because ______________. Passive Transport: ◦ Movement of molecules across a membrane WITHOUT the use of energy 2 Types: 1. Diffusion 2. Osmosis Movement of particles from high concentration to lower concentration DOWN the concentration gradient Until equilibrium is reached!!!!! ◦ Ex: O2 diffuses from blood to muscle cells The diffusion of WATER molecules through a membrane from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration 1. ___________ are responsible for making proteins. 2. ________ are little cell taxis that transport protein and other material throughout the cell. 3. ________stores and packages proteins until they are needed. 4.______ is the main energy source for cells. 5.Vesicles form when a piece of the ________ pinches off. 6.________ is just the diffusion of water from an area of _____ concentration to an area of ____ concentration 3 Types of solutions: When a solution has the same concentration of solutes as the cell Equal amounts of water move in and out Cell stays same size Solution has a HIGHER conc of solutes than the cell Causes cell to shrink or even DIE How will the water move along the: into or out of the cell? Solution has a lower concentration of particles than the cell Where is there more water and how will it move? Cell expands and can burst!!!! Example: You place an egg in salt water…how will the water move? And what will happen to the size if the egg? ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++ Diffusion across a membrane by use of a transport protein “Facilitated” means to make easier still passive transport– no Energy required!!! Why is facilitated diffusion necessary at times? Requires the use of cell’s energy because molecules go from LOW to HIGH concentration (backwards) Uses proteins pumps by expending ATP 1. Endocytosis: Process of taking in liquids or large materials into a cell by ENGULFING them in a membrane ◦ A. Phagocytosis: type of endocytosis “cell eating”– ex: white blood cells– engulf bacteria and destroy them ***Again, through the use of ATP 2. Exocytosis: Opposite of endocytosis, it’s the release of material out of the cell by the fusion of a vesicle with the membrane