1 Texas Woman’s University College of Nursing Denton/Dallas/Houston Advanced Placement through Challenge Examination for RN to BS/MS and Post Baccalaureate Programs Purpose: Advanced placement through challenge examination offers the registered nurse the opportunity to challenge courses for which the student has gained knowledge through continuing education, life experiences, or academic course work. Courses: The following courses are available for challenge for students who meet the criteria as specified for each course. Nurs 3612: Nurs 3614: Nurs 3804: Nurs 4612: Nurs 4803: Nurs 4813: Introduction to Nursing Research * Nursing Assessment Across the Life Span * The RN Nursing Experience with Families and Groups Promoting Wellness in the Aging Family The Nursing Leadership and Management Experience The RN High Acuity Nursing Experience *Course not available for challenge for RN to MS and Post Baccalaureate RN to MS students. Qualification for Eligibility: All students in the RN-BS and RN-MS programs are potentially eligible to challenge courses in the RN-BS program. Students however, must meet the criteria for eligibility for each individual course. Application Process: 1. The application to challenge a course must be submitted to the program coordinator. 2. Students that meet the criteria for challenge will receive notification of their eligibility one month in advance of the examination date by faculty. 3. Students will also be notified of the place and time of the examination or the deadline for submitting the required assignment. 4. All assignments and notification of results for challenge examinations must be completed by the end of the first week of class during each semester. Challenge Examination: Faculty in the College of Nursing will select and administer the exam. The challenge exam can be any or all of the following: 1. A comprehensive exam (multiple choice, matching, true and false, short answer and/or essay questions). 2. A demonstration of desired skills. 3. A written case study report. 4. A scholarly paper. Approved 08.23.11 Approved: UAAC 8.10.11 2 Level of Performance Required for Credit: A score of 72% (out of a possible 100%) on the examination is required to receive course credit. Students who score 72 and above will receive the grade made on the challenge examination at the end of the semester. The letter grade will be as follows: 90 – 100 A 80 – 89 B 72 – 79 C Students may take the challenge examination only one time. Students Who Score Less Than 72: Students who score less than 72 on the examination may complete the course in the semester in which they are enrolled. If students choose not to continue in the course, they will need to withdraw from the course prior to the last day to drop without penalty (See academic calendar). If the student withdraws after the last day to drop without penalty, the grade of “WF” is assigned and the student is subject to the College of Nursing Academic Policies. Option to Continue in the Course: A student who passes the challenge examination may take the course in hopes of earning a higher grade if the course is taken in the same semester in which the challenge examination is taken. Students electing to continue in the course will receive the grade earned from attending the course and not the grade made on the challenge exam. Examination for Students with Disabilities: If you anticipate the need for reasonable accommodations to meet the requirements of this course, you must register with the office of Disability Support Services (CFO 106, 940-898-3835, dss@twu.edu ) in order to obtain the required official notification of your accommodation needs. Please plan to meet with your course instructor by appointment or during office hours to discuss approved accommodations and how course requirements and activities may impact your ability to fully participate. Admission to the Examination Room: At the time of the examination, students must present picture identification of either a driver’s license or TWU ID. The name on the identification must match the name that is on the class roster. Students will be required to sign in and sign out of the test. Application Deadlines to Course Faculty: To challenge a course, you must mail the application form to the Program Coordinator by the deadline. The mailing address is located at the bottom of the application. Fall Semester Challenge Spring Semester Challenge Summer Semester Challenge Approved 08.23.11 July 1st November 1st April 1st Approved: UAAC 8.10.11 3 Texas Woman’s University College of Nursing Advanced Placement Application Name: Student ID (Last) (First) Address: Telephone Home (Area Code) Home (Area Code) Work (Area Code) Cell E Mail Advanced Placement through Challenge Examination requested for (please circle one and insert year): Fall Spring Year Summer Year Year Advanced placement request for (a separate application must be submitted for each course requested for approval to challenge): Nurs 3612 – Introduction to Nursing Research Nurs 3614 – Nursing Assessment Across the Life Span Nurs 3804 – RN with Families and Groups Nurs 4612 – Promoting Wellness in the Aging Family Nurs 4803 – The Nursing Leadership and Management Experience Nurs 4813 – RN High Acuity Nursing Approved 08.23.11 Approved: UAAC 8.10.11 4 Instructions 1. The application is to be submitted to the RN Coordinator on the center at which you are enrolled by the stated deadlines: July 1 November 1 April 1 Fall Semester Advanced Placement Challenge Spring Semester Advanced Placement Challenge Summer Semester Advanced Placement Challenge 2. The examination will be given in the semester the course is offered and after verification of enrollment in the course that semester. 3. Students will be notified by the course faculty of the date and time the challenge examination or the deadline for submitting the required assignment. 4. All examinations/assignments and notification of the challenge results must be completed by the end of the first week of class for the semester. 5. Courses can only be challenged if they are offered in the semester the student wishes to challenge. The student must check the official class schedule or verify course offering with the RN Coordinator. 6. Students may take the challenge exam one time per course during their enrollment in the College of Nursing. Students who score 72 and above will receive the grade made on the challenge examination at the end of the semester. Students who score less than 72 on the challenge examination may complete the course in the semester in which they are enrolled for the challenge exam or withdraw and re-enroll in the course during a later semester. Students who choose not to continue in the course will need to withdraw from the course prior to the last day to drop without penalty (see academic calendar). If the student withdraws after the last day to drop without penalty, the grade of “WF” is assigned and is subject to the College of Nursing Academic Policies. A student who passes the challenge examination may take the course in hopes of earning a higher grade. The course must be completed in the same semester in which the challenge examination was taken. Students electing to continue in the course will receive the grade earned and not the challenge exam grade. 7. Students with disabilities are referred to the policy for individuals with disabilities in all course syllabi. Students must register with the office of Disability Support Services in Denton. RN – BS/MS Coordinator TWU College of Nursing P.O. Box 425498 Denton, Texas 76204-5498 (940) 898-2401 Student Signature Approved 08.23.11 RN – BS/MS Coordinator TWU College of Nursing 5500 Southwestern Medical Ave. Dallas, Texas 75235-7299 (214) 689-6650 RN – BS/MS Coordinator TWU College of Nursing 6700 Fannin Street Houston, Texas 77030-2897 (713) 794-2100 Date 5 Texas Woman’s University College of Nursing Denton/Dallas/Houston NURSING 3612 – Introduction into Nursing Research Course Credit by Challenge Examination RN to BS/MS Program Course Description: Focuses on research process at an introductory level. Emphasizes nursing research and its relevance to nursing practice. Purpose: The challenge examination is to allow students to earn course credit by examination. This credit will satisfy degree requirements in the same way as credit earned by taking and passing the course. Eligibility Requirements: 1. Students must be officially enrolled in N3612. 2. Eligible students must meet and submit proof of the following requirements: a. A minimum of one year of fulltime experience as an RN within the last 5 years, and b. A prior college research course. Challenge Examination: Faculty in the College of Nursing will select and administer the exam. The challenge exam will consist of two parts: 1. A comprehensive exam (multiple choice, matching, true and false, short answer and/or essay questions). 2. An evaluation of a published research article selected by the faculty. Approved 08.23.11 6 Texas Woman’s University College of Nursing Denton/Dallas/Houston NURSING 3614 – Nursing Assessment Across the Life Span for the RN Course Credit by Challenge Examination RN to BS/MS Program Course Description: Focuses on physical and psychosocial techniques of health assessment. Emphasizes influences of spirituality, culture, and human sexuality on individuals of all ages. Clinical experiences provide the opportunities to apply interview and assessment skills in community-based settings. Purpose: The challenge examination is to allow students to earn course credit by examination. This credit will satisfy degree requirements in the same way as credit earned by taking and passing the course. Eligibility Requirements: 1. Students must be officially enrolled in N3614. 2. Eligible students must meet and submit proof of one of the following requirements: c. A college assessment course, or d. A minimum of one year of full-time experience as a Registered Nurse within the last 5 years, and 10 hours of continuing education within the last 2 years that focused on assessment skills. Challenge Examination: Faculty in the College of Nursing will select and administer the exam. The challenge exam will consist of two parts: 1. A comprehensive exam (multiple choice, matching, true and false, short answer and/or essay questions). 2. A demonstration of an assessment on an adult (live or videotape). In order to demonstrate the assessment skill, the student must pass the comprehensive exam with a minimum of 72. Approved 08.23.11 7 Texas Woman’s University College of Nursing Denton/Dallas/Houston NURSING 3804 – The RN Nursing Experience with Families and Groups Course Credit by Challenge Examination RN to BS/MS Program Course Description: Focuses on nursing’s role with families and groups. Emphasizes aspects of health promotion and health maintenance with families and groups. Examines the developing family and group, family and group dynamics, impact of illness (disease) states, situational crises, the advocacy process, and the impact of politics on the systems. Purpose: The challenge examination is to allow students to earn course credit by examination. This credit will satisfy degree requirements in the same way as credit earned by taking and passing the course. Eligibility Requirements: 1. Students must be officially enrolled in N3804. 2. Eligible students must meet and submit proof of one of the following requirements: a. Certified Family Life Educator, b. Degree in Family Science, or c. Eighteen (18) hours in the Family Sciences Challenge Examination: Faculty in the College of Nursing will select and administer the exam. The challenge exam will be: 1. A comprehensive exam (multiple choice, matching, true and false, short answer and/or essay questions) or 2. A scholarly paper. Approved 08.23.11 8 Texas Woman’s University College of Nursing Denton/Dallas/Houston NURSING 4612 – Promoting Wellness in the Aging Family Course Credit by Challenge Examination RN to BS/MS Program Course Description: Focuses on preserving health in families with aging individuals. Builds knowledge base for nurses’ participation in managing health care problems and developing strategies for promoting wellness in aging individuals. Examines role changes in the family constellation as a result of the aging process. Purpose: The challenge examination is to allow students to earn course credit by examination. This credit will satisfy degree requirements in the same way as credit earned by taking and passing the course. Eligibility Requirements: 1. Students must be officially enrolled in N4612. 2. Eligible students must meet and submit proof of one of the following requirements: a. National certification as a Gerontological Nurse, or b. A minimum of two years of fulltime experience as a gerontological nurse within the last 5 years, and 10 hours of continuing education within the last 2 years that focused on gerontology. Challenge Examination: Faculty in the College of Nursing will select and administer the exam. The challenge exam will be: 1. A comprehensive exam (multiple choice, matching, true and false, short answer and/or essay questions). Approved 08.23.11 9 Texas Woman’s University College of Nursing Denton/Dallas/Houston NURSING 4803 – The Nursing Leadership and Management Experience Course Credit by Challenge Examination RN to BS/MS Program Course Description: Focuses of leadership and management theories, trends, and issues in health care. Emphasizes professional nursing’s role in health care and health care delivery systems. Compares strategies for entry into the professional nursing practice. Purpose: The challenge examination is to allow students to earn course credit by examination. This credit will satisfy degree requirements in the same way as credit earned by taking and passing the course. Eligibility Requirements: 1. Students must be officially enrolled in N4803. 2. Eligible students must meet and submit proof of one of the following requirements: a. National certification in healthcare administration (e.g. ANCC Certification), OR b. A minimum of two years of fulltime experience in lower to upper management (e.g. head nurse, unit coordinator, Director of Nursing) in a health care facility within the last 5 years, and 10 hours of continuing education within the last 2 years that focused on management and leadership skills, or c. A college level leadership/management course. Challenge Examination: Faculty in the College of Nursing will select and administer the exam. The challenge exam will be: 1. A comprehensive exam (multiple choice, matching, true and false, short answer and/or essay questions). Approved 08.23.11 10 Texas Woman’s University College of Nursing Denton/Dallas/Houston NURSING 4813: The RN High Acuity Nursing Experience Course Credit by Challenge Examination RN to BS/MS Program Course Description: Focuses on collaborative management, critical thinking, and interventions utilized in high acuity nursing of individuals of all ages. Differentiates the nurse’s role in a variety of settings including homes, transitional, and acute care. Purpose: The challenge examination is to allow students to earn course credit by examination. This credit will satisfy degree requirements in the same way as credit earned by taking and passing the course. Eligibility Requirements: 1. Students must be officially enrolled in N4813. 2. Eligible students must meet and submit proof of one of the following requirements: a. Current AACN Certification for Critical Care Registered Nurse (CCRN), or b. A minimum of two years of full time experience in an intensive care unit within the last 5 years, and 10 hours of continuing education within the last 2 years that focused on critical care. Challenge Examination: Faculty in the College of Nursing will select and administer the exam. The challenge exam will be: 1. A comprehensive exam (multiple choice, matching, true and false, short answer and/or essay questions). Approved 08.23.11