Annotated Biblography:
Contributors' names. "Title of Resource." The Purdue OWL. Purdue U Writing Lab, Last edited date. Web.
Date of access "ethics." Unabridged. Random House, Inc., 2009. 10 November 2013.
The difination of dictionary helped me explain the different aspects of ethics, thus helping me
explain nursing.
Russell, Tony, Allen Brizee, and Elizabeth Angeli. "MLA Formatting and Style Guide." The Purdue OWL.
Purdue U Writing Lab, 4 April 2010. 11 November 2013.
The Purdue Owl helped me with this bibliography, telling me how to cite any books, journals,
articles, and websites I used.
Margaret A. Burkhardt PhD, APRN, BC, AHN, BC, Alvita K. Nathaniel PhD, APRN, BC. "Ethics & Issues.
In Contemporary Nursing, Third Edition; Chapter 2: Ethical Theory." Cengage Learning. University of
Phoenix, 2008. 1 Dec 2013.<>
Margaret A. Burkhardt PhD, APRN, BC, AHN, BC, Alvita K. Nathaniel PhD, APRN, BC. "Ethics & Issues.
In Contemporary Nursing, Third Edition; Chapter 3: Ethical Principals." Cengage Learning. University of
Phoenix, 2008. 1 Dec 2013.<>
Margaret A. Burkhardt PhD, APRN, BC, AHN, BC, Alvita K. Nathaniel PhD, APRN, BC. "Ethics & Issues.
In Contemporary Nursing, Third Edition; Chapter 4; Values Clarification." Cengage Learning. University of
Phoenix, 2008. 1 Dec 2013.<>
Margaret Burkhart explained the concepts of ethics wonderfully, her writing had many examples
and questions to guide and help me understand how ethics is related to nursing and why ethics is
important for nursing. She is a true nurse understanding the way nursing works and ticks.
Alan Marzilli. “Physician-Assisted Suicide”. Point/Counterpoint. Chelsea House Publishers, 2004. 30
December 2013.
The book “Physician-Assisted Suicide” in the point/counterpoint series gave strong points and
counterpoints for and against euthanasia. It helped me see the views of those in either side and explain
them in my website. The questions asked makes you think deeply about the issue.
Renée C. Rebman. “Euthanasia and the Right to Die”. Hot Pro/Con Issues. Enslow Publishers, Inc., 2002.
30 December 2013.
This book helped me understand why it is a controversial issue in the modern world. It also
explains the views of the disabled, people who feel are victims if this law becomes nationally legal. It
also shows many cases and explains the law in Oregon thoroughly.
Linda Jacobs Altman. “Bioethics; Who Lives, Who Dies, and Who Decides?”. Issues in Focus Today.
Enslow Publishers, Inc.,2006. 2 January 2014.
The book was an easy to understand guide to what bioethics is and what its different subjects
are. It explains the goals of bioethics and gives examples of jobs within bioethics. I recommend readers
to read this first when studying bioethics.
Don Nardo. “Biomedical Ethics”. Compact Research. ReferencePoint Press, 2007. 2 January 2014.
“Biomedical Ethics” is a well-made book by Don Nardo. It is filled with diagrams, quotes, and
charts. The information is well organized and flows beautifully. It even explains why a person views it as
Jacqui Bailey. “Abortion”. Ethical Debates. Rosen Publishing’s Rosen Central, 2012. 2 January 2014.
Jacqui’s “Abortion” Is filled with case studys and quotes from opposing sides. As I read the book,
I could see the different sides fight for attention and begging for me to choose a side. It is also studded
with facts and pictures of the subject matter. It leaks history from its very text!
C. Alichnie “Ethics and Nursing”. Pennsylvania Nurse 67.2 (2012): 1-3
The author is a registered nurse with a doctorate degree. She writes to advance, protect, and improve
nursing through teaching about ethics. The article gave me broader views about what nurses have to go
through at work dealing with ethics.
H. Gardner. “The Tanner lectures on human values”. University of Utah, 2008. 20 December 2013.
The author provides many nursing lectures about human values and nursing ethics. The article was an
excellent source of pointers in making the right actions in difficult ethical situations.
Stephen S. Hall. “Wisdom: from Philosophy to Neuroscience”. Alfred A. Knopf, 2010. 04 January 2014.
Stephen S. Hall puts up quotes every chapter. Whether the chapter is related to ethics or
neuroscience, it seems to fit in his book. IT also helped me find a few quotes to use, and is very
“Nurses’ Bill of Rights”. American Nurses Association, 2014. <>. 03 January
The association is the main source of Code of Ethics for nurses serving as the guiding principle in
practice. The website is very informative and gives different resources about nursing ethical issues.
V. Lachman. “Applying the Ethics of Care to your Nursing Practice”. MEDSURG Nursing, March 2012. 03
January 2014
21(2), 112-116.
The author is a clinical nurse and a professor on ethics. The article defined ethics and caring in a
different view in taking care of patients.
P. Kelly. “Nursing Leadership and Management”. Clifton Park, New York Thomson Delmar Learning,
2008. 03 January 2014.
The author is a longtime manager and very knowledgeable about the ethical issues in nursing. The
book provides an additional insight about ethics in the perspective of a leader and a manager.
M. Woods. “An Ethic Care in Nursing: Past, Present, and Future Considerations”. Ethics and Social
Welfare, September 2011. 03 January 2014
5(3), 113-123.
The author is an ethics and law educator for more than 30 years. Being a representative in ethics and
human rights, the review he published is full of new knowledge and considerable insights about ethics
especially about the future.
M. Park. “The Legal Basis of Nursing Ethics Education”. Journal of Nursing Law, December 2009. 03
January 2014.
13(4), 106-113.
The author is a graduate level nurse expert in legal and ethical nursing. The article shows various
reasons why ethical issues arise more today than before and offers ways to solve through nursing ethics
(journal article)Tschudin, V. (2013, March). Two decades of nursing ethics: Some thoughts on the
changes. Nursing Ethics, 20(2), 123-125.
The author is a faculty in health and medical sciences specializing in nursing ethics. The article reflects
on current ethics guidelines and laws affecting nursing. The article gives a vivid understanding of
personal and professional responsibility in balancing ethics in a turbulent society.
J. J. Fitzpatrick; A. L. Whall. “Conceptual Models of Nursing: Analysis and Application (4th edition)”.
Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2005. 03 January 2014.
The authors are nurses well-known in developing books about the evolution of nursing from its early
years to the development of current theories. The book provides multiple informations about the
nursing, its history, and the theorists.
K. Frederickson. “Opportunities in nursing careers”. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Companies, 2003.
The author looks deeper into the nursing career. The book gives understanding about nursing, not
just about the work in itself but also about the issues that come with it.
J. Watson. “Caring Science as Sacred Science”. Philadelphia, PA: F. A. Davis Company, 2005.
The author is a nurse and an expert in “Caring Science” related to nursing. Her views are timely and
much related to the current nursing ethical dilemma.
J. Watson. “Caring Science ten caritas processes”. August 2009. <Http://>
The author is a nurse and an expert nursing theorist focusing on caring attitudes. The article provides
the basis of ethical decisions through caring and ethical actions.
D. Tinana, D. (2010). “Historical development of nursing timeline”. Submitted to University of
Phoenix for discussion in Theoretical Foundations of Practice.
The author is a graduate nurse with the paper detailing the important historical events in nursing. The
paper gives a true recollection of events during the early years of nursing helping with the development
of the project.
M. Bostridge “Florence Nightingale the making of an icon”. New York, NY: Farrar, Straus
and Giroux, 2008.
The author is an excellent historian about nursing. The book personifies Florence Nightingale
connecting the role of ethics in nursing.
J. K. Chaloner. “Ethics of abortion: The arguments for and against”. Nursing Standards, 2007.
The author is a nurse exploring the ethical connection between nursing and abortion. The article
offers a vast array of information about the position of in abortion.
American Nurses Association (2001). “Code of ethics for nurses with interpretive statements”.
Washington, DC: Author.
The association delivers the ultimate guide in the practice of nurse. The association provides a great
deal of information about ethics related to abortion, euthanasia, and bioethics.
Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs of the American Medical Association. “Code of Medical Ethics”.
Chicago, IL: American Medical Association, 1997.
The book is created by physicians trying to formulate the best way to deal with ethical issues in
practice of medicine. The book gives a detailed data about the actions to be taken in times of ethical
M. Kangasniemi; M. Vaismoradi; M. Jasper; H. Turunen. “Ethical Issues in Patient Safety: Implications for
Nursing Management”. Nursing Ethics, December 2013.
20(8), 904-916.
The authors looked into the current ethical issues in nursing in view of leadership. The article
provides input about what nurses need to do in every patient to be morally and ethically right.
S. Critchley; R. Bernasconi. “ The Cambridge companion to Levinas”. Cambridge, UK:
Cambridge Press, 2002.
The authors looked into the relationship of ethics in everyday life. The book gives additional
understanding of moral and ethics and what is right and what is wrong.
J. Rumi. “Hidden music”. London: Thirsons/Harper-Collins, 2001.
The author is an expert on living morally right. The book provides information important in
completing the project.