Unit 2 - Federalism - Windsor C

AP Government Unit 2 Schedule
Chapter 3 (Federalism & Political Culture)
Overriding Questions for Unit
1. How has the concept of federalism changed over time?
2. How does American Political Culture view economic and political rights?
3. How has American Political culture expanded civil rights and liberties since the Founding?
4. How has American changed since the Founding and how has it stayed the same?
Name: ___________________ Hour: ___ AP European History – Mr. W.B. Brooks
Assignment Title
Read Chapter 2 and take notes (complete by end of 3rd day of Unit)
Quick Write FRQ
Article - Current Events – “Bipolar Disorder”
Article – Coming End of the Culture Wars”
Various FRQ practices
Readings – Federalist #10 and #51
Test Corrections (Only required for those that scored BELOW 80%
on Unit Summative)
Reading Quiz (Only Over Textbook Chapters)
Unit Summative / Exam (MC, FRQ, DBQ – Possible Formats)
Unit Reading Journal (Completed By 3rd Day of Unit)
Reading Groups (Done In Class On Day Before Unit Exam)
Unit 2 - Federalism
(Note: HW means “Homework” and CL means “Classwork.”)
Readings: Edwards, George C.,et all. Government in America: Chapter 3
Federalist papers #10, #51
U.S. Constitution
Areas of Study:
 Articles of Confederation
 Constitutional Convention
 Judicial Review
 Amending the Constitution
 Bill of Rights
 Federalism
 Grants-in-aid and mandates
 Federal courts and Federalism
 See Schedule for Unit (Above)
After studying this Unit, students should be able to:
• Describe the three basic forms of governmental structures:
federalism, unitary, and confederacy.
• Identify the ways in which the Constitution determines the
powers of state and national governments.
• Evaluate how contrasting interpretations of the supremacy
clause and the Tenth Amendment lead to divergent views of
the scope of state and national powers.
• Describe how the Supreme Court set forth the principle of
implied powers in the McCulloch v. Maryland case.
• Understand the relationship of implied powers to enumerated
• Describe how the Civil War and the civil rights movement
contributed to the development of national supremacy over the
• List and analyze the clauses in the Constitution that define
the obligations that each state has to every other state.
• Trace the ways in which American federalism has changed
over the past two centuries.
• Compare the contrasting forms of dual federalism and
cooperative federalism.
• Describe what is meant by “fiscal federalism” and assess the
role that federal money plays in state policies.
From Unit II – Federalism, (Chapter 3)
Name: _________________________ Hour: ___ AP Gov’t & Politics – W.B. Brooks
HW#2: FRQ 25 Points
AP Government
Federalism FRQ
1. The Constitution designed a system in which various types of powers were
assigned to different levels of government. Those types of powers are
variously described as:
 Enumerated powers
 Reserved powers
 Concurrent powers, and
 Implied powers
Select three of the types of powers listed above.
a. Define each of the chosen types of powers.
b. Explain how each of the chosen types of powers affects the
distribution of powers between national and state governments.
HW# 3: “Current Events Article” 25 Points
Bipolar Disorder Jonathon Rauch
-Atlantic January 2005
Please answer the following questions...
1). What does James Hunter believe America is divided over?
2). What is red America like? Blue America?
3). What does Jonathon Rauch mean when he says, “American politics is polarized but the American public
is not”?
4). Do you agree with this article? Why or why not...
Name: ________________________________________________________________________________
HW#4: “Coming End of the Culture Wars” 50 Points
1. Define “culture wars” in your OWN words and what it means to politics.
2. What is “progressive legislature?”
3. Who are the “conservatives” in this article?
4. What doe sthe Introduction say about the plight of the conservatives?
5. What is a “non white evangical Protestant?”
6. Define: mitigate
7. Who are the progressives in this article?
8. Define: divisive
9. Who are the “Millennials?”
10. Use Table 1 to create a “plot chart.” Use years along the y-axis and estimated millennial percent of actual voters along
the x-axis.
What generalizations (trends) can be made
from the graph?
11. Use Table 2 to answer the following:
A) Looking at the “Minority” column and comparing it to the “White College Graduates” what
generalization can be made?
B) Looking at the “White College Graduates” columum, what can now be deduced from the “White
Working Class” column?
12. What is the plight of the white working class, according to this article?
13. What is happening in the battelground states?
14. What minority group seems to be the strongest (or most significant)? Support your answer.
15. What may be the most suprising find among singe and college-educated women?
16. What generalizations can be made about gay marriages and famliy values in the coming years?
17. Define the following generations:
“X” –
18. Define: affirmative action
19. Why is affirmative action so controversial? Is it constitutional? Support your answers.
20. Why is there public support on immigration issues that includes a path to citizenship?
21. What are some of the solutions to immigration?
22. Generally speaking, what is the “Millennial’s” view on abortion?
23. What is the trend with stem cell research from 2002 to 2008?
24. On page 19, there are two statements, A and B, which one would you answer and why?
25. What topic has the conservatives seen any gains in? What is it that they want to really address in this topic?
Points to Ponder (Short Essay)
1. summarize what you think the coming of future politics will be like (use examples from this reading to support your
2. Do you feel you fit in with the “Millennials?” (Support your answer from the data, trends, statistics, etc in this article)