Stat 155, Section 2, Last Time • Big Rules of Probability: – Not Rule ( 1 – P{opposite}) – Or Rule (glasses – football) – And rule (multiply conditional prob’s) – Use in combination for real power • Bayes Rule – Turn around conditional probabilities – Write hard ones in terms of easy ones – Recall surprising disease testing result Reading In Textbook Approximate Reading for Today’s Material: Pages 266-271, 311-323, 277-286 Approximate Reading for Next Class: Pages 291-305, 334-351 Midterm I Coming up: Tuesday, Feb. 27 Material: HW Assignments 1 – 6 Extra Office Hours: Mon. Feb. 26, 8:30 – 12:00, 2:00 – 3:30 (Instead of Review Session) Bring Along: 1 8.5” x 11” sheet of paper with formulas Recall Pepsi Challenge In class taste test: • Removed bias with randomization • Double blind approach • Asked which was: – Better – Sweeter – which Recall Pepsi Challenge Results summarized in spreadsheet Eyeball impressions: a. Perhaps no consensus preference between Pepsi and Coke? – Is 54% "significantly different from 50%? (will develop methods to understand this) – Result of "marketing research"??? Recall Pepsi Challenge b. Perhaps no consensus as to which is sweeter? • Very different from the past, when Pepsi was noticeably sweeter • This may have driven old Pepsi challenge phenomenon • Coke figured this out, and matched Pepsi in sweetness Recall Pepsi Challenge c. Most people believe they know – Serious cola drinkers, because now flavor driven – In past, was sweetness driven, and there were many advertising caused misperceptions! d. People tend to get it right or not??? (less clear) – Overall 71% right. Seems like it, but again is that significantly different from 50%? Recall Pepsi Challenge e. Those who think they know tend to be right??? – People who thought they knew: right 71% of the time f. Those who don't think they know seem to right as well. Wonder why? – People who didn't: also right 70% of time? Why? "Natural sampling variation"??? – Any difference between people who thought they knew, and those who did not think so? Recall Pepsi Challenge g. Coin toss was fair (or is 57% heads significantly different from %50?) How accurate are those ideas? • Will build tools to assess this • Called “hypo tests” and “P-values” • Revisit this example later Independence (Need one more major concept at this level) An event A does not depend on B, when: Knowledge of B does not change chances of A: P{A | B} = P{A} Independence E.g. I Toss a Coin, and somebody on South Pole does too. P{H(me) | T(SP)} = P{H(me)} = ½. (no way that can matter, i.e. independent) Independence E.g. I Toss a Coin twice: PH 2 | H1 ??? (toss number indicated with subscript) • Is it < ½? • What if have 5 Heads in a row? (isn’t it more likely to get a Tail?) (Wanna bet?!?) Independence E.g. I Toss a Coin twice, … Rational approach: Look at Sample Space Model all as equally likely Then: H1H 2 H 1T2 T1 H 2 T1T2 PH 2 & H1 1 / 4 1 PH 2 | H1 PH 2 PH1 1/ 2 2 So independence is good model for coin tosses New Ball & Urn Example H RRRRGG T RRG Again toss coin, and draw ball: 2 PR | H 3 PR PR | H PH PR | T PT 0 2 1 2 1 2 3 2 3 2 3 Same, so R & H are independent events Not true above, but works here, since proportions of R & G are same Independence Note, when A is independent of B: PA & B PA PA | B PB so And thus PAP{B} PA & B PA & B P{B} PB | A PA i.e. B is independent of A Independence Note, when A in independent of B: It follows that: B is independent of A I.e. “independence” is symmetric in A and B (as expected) More formal treatments use symmetric version as definition (to avoid hassles with 0 probabilities) Independence HW: 4.31 Special Case of “And” Rule For A and B independent: P{A & B} = P{A | B} P{B} = P{B | A} P{A} = = P{A} P{B} i.e. When independent, just multiply probabilities… Textbook: Call this another rule Me: Only learn one, this is a special case Independent “And” Rule E.g. Toss a coin until the 1st Head appears, find P{3 tosses}: Model: tosses are independent (saw this was reasonable last time, using equally likely sample space ideas) P{3 tosses} = PT1 & T2 & H 3 When have 3: group with parentheses Independent “And” Rule E.g. Toss a coin until the 1st Head appears, PT1 & T2 & H 3 PT1 & T2 & H 3 find P{3 tosses} PH 3 | T1 & T2 PT1 & T2 (by indep:) PH 3 PT2 | T1PT1 PH 3 PT2 PT1 I.e. “just multiply” Independent “And” Rule E.g. Toss a coin until the 1st Head appears, P{3 tosses} PH 3 PT2 PT1 • Multiplication idea holds in general • So from now on will just say: “Since Independent, multiply probabilities” • Similarly for Exclusive Or rule, Will just “add probabilities” Independent “And” Rule HW: 4.29 (hint: Calculate P{G1&G2&G3&G4&G5&G6&G7}) 4.33 Overview of Special Cases Careful: OR these can be tricky to keep separate works like adding, for mutually exclusive AND works like multiplying, for independent Overview of Special Cases Caution: special cases are different Mutually exclusive independent For A and B mutually exclusive: P{A | B} = 0 Thus not independent P{A} Overview of Special Cases HW: C15 Suppose events A, B, C all have probability 0.4, A & B are independent, and A & C are mutually exclusive. (a) Find P{A or B} (0.64) (b) Find P{A or C} (0.8) (c) Find P{A and B} (0.16) (d) Find P{A and C} (0) Random Variables Text, Section 4.3 (we are currently jumping) Idea: take probability to next level Needed for probability structure of political polls, etc. Random Variables Definition: A random variable, usually denoted as X, is a quantity that “takes on values at random” Random Variables Two main types (that require different mathematical models) • Discrete, i.e. counting (so look only at “counting numbers”, 1,2,3,…) • Continuous, i.e. measuring (harder math, since need all fractions, etc.) Random Variables E.g: X = # for Candidate A in a randomly selected political poll: discrete (recall all that means) Power of the random variable idea: • Gives something to “get a hold of…” • Similar in spirit to high school algebra… High School Algebra Recall Main Idea? Rules for solving equations??? No, major breakthrough is: • Give unknown(s) a name • Find equation(s) with unknown • Solve equation(s) to find unknown(s) Random Variables E.g: X = # that comes up, in die rolling: Discrete • But not very interesting • Since can study by simple methods • As done above • Don’t really need random variable concept Random Variables E.g: Measurement error: Let X = measurement: Continuous • How to model probabilities??? Random Variables HW on discrete vs. continuous: 4.40 ((b) discrete, (c) continuous, (d) could be either, but discrete is more common) And now for something completely different My idea about “visualization” last time: • 30% really liked it • 70% less enthusiastic… • Depends on mode of thinking • – “Visual thinkers” loved it – But didn’t connect with others So hadn’t planned to continue that… And now for something completely different But here was another viewpoint: Professor Marron, Could you focus on something more intelligent in your "And now for something completely different" section once every two weeks, perhaps, instead of completely abolishing it? I really enjoyed your discussion of how to view three dimensions in 2-D today. And now for something completely different A fun example: • Faces as data • Each data point is a digital image • Data from U. Carlos, III in Madrid (hard to do here for confidentiality reasons) Q: What distinguishes men from women? And now for something completely different And now for something completely different Context: statistical problem of “classification”, i.e. “discrimination” Basically “automatic disease diagnosis”: • Have measurm’ts on sick & healthy cases • Given new person, make measm’ts • Closest to sick or healthy populations? And now for something completely different Approach: Distance Weight Discrimination (Marron & Todd) Idea: find “best separating direction” in high dimensional data space Here: • Data are images • Classes: Male & Females • Given new image: classify make - female And now for something completely different Fun visualization: • March through point clouds • Along separating direction • Captures “Femaleness” & “Maleness” • Note relation to “training data” And now for something completely different Random Variables A die rolling example (where random variable concept is useful) Win $9 if 5 or 6, Pay $4, if 1, 2 or 3, otherwise (4) break even Notes: • Don’t care about number that comes up • Random Variable abstraction allows focusing on important points • Are you keen to play? (will calculate…) Random Variables Die rolling example Win $9 if 5 or 6, Pay $4, if 1, 2 or 4 Let X = “net winnings” Note: X takes on values 9, -4 and 0 Probability Structure of X is summarized by: P{X = 9} = 1/3 P{X = -4} = 1/2 P{X = 0} = 1/6 (should you want to play?, study later) Random Variables Die rolling example, for X = “net winnings”: Win $9 if 5 or 6, Pay $4, if 1, 2 or 4 Probability Structure of X is summarized by: P{X = 9} = 1/3 P{X = -4} = 1/2 P{X = 0} = 1/6 Convenient form: Winning Prob. a table 9 -4 0 1/3 1/2 1/6 Summary of Prob. Structure In general: for discrete X, summarize “distribution” (i.e. full prob. Structure) by a table: Values x1 x2 … xk Prob. p1 p2 … pk Where: i. All pi are between 0 and 1 k ii. pi 1 (so get a prob. funct’n as above) i 1 Summary of Prob. Structure Summarize distribution, for discrete X, by a table: Values x1 x2 … xk Prob. p1 p2 … pk Power of this idea: • Get probs by summing table values • Special case of disjoint OR rule Summary of Prob. Structure E.g. Die Rolling game above: P{X = 9} = 1/3 Winning 9 -4 0 Prob. 1/3 1/2 1/6 P{X < 2} = P{X = 0} + P{X = -4} =1/6+1/2 = 2/3 P{X = 5} = 0 (not in table!) Summary of Prob. Structure E.g. Die Rolling game above: Winning 9 -4 0 Prob. 1/3 1/2 1/6 P X 9 & X 0 PX 9 | X 0 PX 0 1 3 1 PX 9 2 3 PX 0 1 1 1 3 6 3 2 Summary of Prob. Structure HW: 4.41 & (c) Find P{X = 3 | X >= 2} 4.52 (0.144, …, 0.352) (3/7) Probability Histogram Idea: Visualize probability distribution using a bar graph E.g. Die Rolling game above: Winning 9 -4 0 Prob. 1/3 1/2 1/6 probability Toy example probability histogram 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 X values 4 5 6 7 8 9 Probability Histogram Construction in Excel: • Very similar to bar graphs (done before) • Bar heights = probabilities • Example: Class Example 18 Probability Histogram HW: 4.43 Random Variables Now consider continuous random variables Recall: for measurements (not counting) Model for continuous random variables: Calculate probabilities as areas, under “probability density curve”, f(x) Continuous Random Variables Model probabilities for continuous random variables, as areas under “probability density curve”, f(x): Pa X b = Area( b f ( x )dx a ) a b (calculus notation) Continuous Random Variables Note: Same idea as “idealized distributions” above Recall discussion from: Page 8, of Class Notes, Jan. 23 Continuous Random Variables e.g. Uniform Distribution Idea: choose random number from [0,1] Use constant density: f(x) = C Models “equally likely” To choose C, want: Area 1 = P{X in [0,1]} = C So want C = 1. 0 1 Uniform Random Variable HW: 4.54 (0.73, 0, 0.73, 0.2, 0.5) 4.56 (1, ½, 1/8) Continuous Random Variables e.g. Normal Distribution Idea: Draw at random from a normal population f(x) is the normal curve (studied above) Review some earlier concepts: Normal Curve Mathematics The “normal , density curve” is: 1 f ( x) e 2 1 x 2 2 usual “function” of x circle constant = 3.14… natural number = 2.7… Normal Curve Mathematics Main Ideas: • • Basic shape is: e “Shifted to mu”: 1 x2 2 e 1 x 2 2 1 x 2 2 • “Scaled by sigma”: • Make Total Area = 1: divide by • f ( x ) 0 as x , but never 0 e 2 Computation of Normal Areas EXCEL Computation: works in terms of “lower areas” E.g. for N (1,0.5) Area < 1.3 Computation of Normal Probs EXCEL Computation: probs given by “lower areas” E.g. for X ~ N(1,0.5) P{X < 1.3} = 0.73 Normal Random Variables As above, compute probabilities as areas, In EXCEL, use NORMDIST & NORMINV E.g. above: X ~ N(1,0.5) P{X < 1.3} =NORMDIST(1.3,1,0.5,TRUE) = 0.73 (as in pic above) Normal Random Variables HW: 4.57, 4.58 (0.965, ~0)