Name Date ______ ELA 8 Period ______ Vocabulary List 1

Name ___________________
Date ____________
Period ___________
Vocabulary List 1
Academic Vocabulary Words
Content Words
Activity Menu
Directions: Select from the activities below and complete the number of activities you
need to do to total up to 25 points. Activities are due the day before the quiz for review.
Flashcards – words on front/definition on back
Synonym/Antonym chart – create a chart with categories for the word, a
synonym, and an antonym – fill it in
Sentences – use each word in a sentence – be sure the sentence has enough
context to reveal the definition – underline the word
Word Search – create a word search puzzle using the words as clues – good
for spelling!
Crossword – create a crossword puzzle using the definitions as clues – see
my website for links to crossword puzzle generators
Pictionary – create a visual or symbolic representation of each word to help
remember the definition – can be done digitally if you provide image credit
Categorize It – create criteria to categorize the words – helps to connect
multiple words
Analogies - use each word to create an analogy (one analogy for each word)
- use any analogous relationship that works for each word - possible
relationships include: synonyms, antonyms, part to whole, cause and effect,
degree of intensity, or simple to complex
Narrative – write a narrative using all of the words – context should reveal
the definition
Fold It – create a “fold it” for each word – see Mr. Grande’s handout
Points Possible
domain – n. a field of action, thought, influence, etc.
assess – v. to estimate or judge the value, character, etc., of; evaluate
assume – v. to take over the duties or responsibilities of
available – adj. readily obtainable; accessible
benefit – n. something that is advantageous or good; an advantage
infer – v. to derive by reasoning; conclude or judge from evidence
incident – n. an individual occurrence or event
fate – n. something that unavoidably befalls a person; fortune
critical – adj. of decisive importance with respect to the outcome; crucial
tone – n. the attitude of an author toward the subject he/she is writing about