Chapter 29 APUSH

Mrs. Price
“The important thing is not to
stop questioning.” - Albert
The Marshall Plan
To rebuild Europe
$12.5 billion in 4 years to 16 countries
Produced economic miracle in Europe
Reasons: economic interest & to stop
Plan aid
sent to
International Organizations
International Monetary
Fund (IMF) 1944
World Bank 1944
United Nations 1945
The Cold War
Between the US & the USSR
Began in mid 1940s and lasted until 1991
Roots in Wartime Diplomacy
Wartime Diplomacy
1943 Casablanca: no second front
1943 Teheran: dispute over Poland
USSR could annex some Polish territory
 Issue: govt in independent Poland – two govts
claimed legitimacy
1945 Yalta: dispute over Germany
USSR wants reparations
 Divide Germany & Berlin into 4 zones
 Agreed to plan for UN
Spreads in Europe
Communist govts in:
Poland, Romania,
Bulgaria, & Albania
Soviet position: USSR needed a buffer against
Western position: concerned about spread of
communism; wanted self-determination & open
Conflict over Germany
Germany was divided into 4 zones controlled by
France, Britain, US, & USSR after war
USSR wanted reparations; other Allies refused
US wanted to reunite Germany; refused to
collect reparations (Potsdam Conference:
Truman, Churchill, & Stalin)
Berlin Airlift
1948: Stalin imposed
blockade around Western
US-led airlift to aid city
lasted over 10 months;
Stalin lifts blockade in
spring 1949
Division of Germany
Oct 1949
Federal Republic (west)
Democratic Republic
Containment Doctrine
Creator: George Kennan
Asserted USSR was expansionist;
US should contain it
Impacted US policy throughout
Cold War
Example: Truman Doctrine
Truman Doctrine
Soviets showed interest in Greece & Turkey
US gave $400 million in military & economic aid
Impact of Cold War
Creation of new security apparatus in US:
National Security Act of 1947
Department of Defense
 National Security Council
 Central Intelligence Agency
 Joint Chiefs of Staff
Created Blocs in Int’l Community
NATO (1949): attack on one member by an
aggressor would be an attack on all; standing
military force in Europe
Warsaw Pact (1955): military alliance for the
defense of the communist states of Eastern
Led to an Arms Race
1946: Atomic Energy Commission created
Sept 1949: Soviets test 1st atomic bomb
1950: Truman approves development of
hydrogen bomb; created 1952
NSC-68 (1950): US must stop communist
expansion no matter where; called for expansion
of US military power
National Defense Budget [1940-1964]
Election of 1948
Divisions in Democratic Party
Truman (D)
 Dewey (R)
 Thurmond (Dixiecrat)
 Wallace (Progressive)
Truman wins
Korean War
Kim Il-Sung
Syngman Rhee
“Domino Theory”
Korean War
Korea was divided in half after WWII (38˚
Parallel); North became communist
June 24, 1950: North Korean Army invaded
South Korea
June 27: Truman orders troops into Korea
commanded by MacArthur (most UN troops
made up of US)
Congress never declared war – police action
N. Koreans forced back across border;
MacArthur pursues
Nov 1950: China enters the war – drives UN
forces out of N. Korea, move into S. Korea
March 1951: UN armies regain most of lost
territory = stalemate
The Shifting Map of Korea
MacArthur wants to
attack China; is relieved
of his command by
Peace talks begin July
1951; armistice signed
More than 54,000 US
Second Red Scare
Fear of communist subversion
House Unamerican Activities Committee
(HUAC): 1947
Investigated if govt had tolerated communist
 Targeted Hollywood – led to Hollywood Blacklist
 Committee blacklisted 500 actors, directors, writers
and producers whom they believed had communist
during the
Red Scare
Alger Hiss
Young diplomat
Accused of turning state
secrets over to USSR
Found guilty of perjury
Government Actions
Federal Loyalty Program: reviewed loyalty of
federal employees
McCarran Int’l Security Act (1950): required all
communist groups to register with the govt
Julius & Ethel Rosenberg
Accused of passing
secrets of the atomic
bomb to USSR
Found guilty &
Joseph McCarthy
Claimed there were 205
Communists in State
Ruined careers
Brought down when he
began to accuse
members of US Army
Election of 1952
Dem: Adlai Stevenson
Rep: Eisenhower
Nixon: Checkers Speech
Eisenhower &
Republicans won control
of Congress