AHS 115 mod 2 course development v4 (new window)

Course Outline: Module 2
Body Organization
AHS 115 Medical Terminology
The primary goal of this module is to:
Identify the directional and positional terms used in healthcare. Learn the organization of the 12 systems
and the major organs in each.
Module 2 – Body Organization
How are the systems defined in the body? What organs are in each? You will explore the systems and
what is contained in each during this module. Directional terms are very useful in healthcare. There is a
uniform method to describing a direction or position. Chapter 2 in our text will lead you to these concepts
and test your knowledge of each.
Learning Objectives
After completing this module, students will be able to:
1. Recognize the combining forms introduced in this module.
2. Define the organization of the body in terms of cells, tissues, organs, and systems.
3. Correctly spell and pronounce medical terms and anatomical structures relating to body structure.
4. Define the 4 types of tissues.
5. Describe anatomical position.
6. List the major organs found in the 12 body systems.
7. Define body planes.
8. Define directional and positional terms.
9. Build body organization medical terms from word parts.
10. Interpret abbreviations associated with body organization.
Due This Week
Reading assignment
Interactive Lecture Quiz
Questions at end of PowerPoint
Body systems and major organs
blog post
Mod 2-Body Organization assignment
fill in the blanks; matching
WIKI flash cards
(to be developed)
Module 2 QUIZ
online questions- fill in the
Learning Activities
Read pages 21-48 in your textbook, Medical Terminology, A Living Language
After completing the reading, click “MARK REVIEWED” to show your progress.
Interactive Lecture
“Body Organization”
This interactive lecture will present the directional and positional terms used in healthcare. We will discuss
anatomical position and why it is important in patient care. Many new combining form root words are
©2012 Gateway Community College
introduced in chapter 2 of our text. You will gain practice from the learning check questions at the end of
the lecture.
**STUDY TIP** I am a user of Index Cards- I write my prefixes, suffixes and root words on cards. Be sure
to keep them in 3 different stacks (maybe use different colors). I can have a friend test me on my
knowledge of them while at a practice with my kids, or test myself while waiting for an appointment. As
you begin to learn how to build terms you can select a card from 2 stacks and then call out a term that
uses them. This is very good practice for the tough definitions we are learning. I just add to my stacks
each module, maybe just the terms/parts giving me particular trouble. You do not have to include every
part we are introduced to. For the long list of suffixes meaning pertaining to… put 6 or 7 suffixes on a
card- Go ahead ‘nerd’ it up a little bit!
Assignment Name
Graded Assignment
Points Possible
Blog Type
Body Systems and Major Organs
Body Systems and Major Organs Blog
1. List the 12 body systems and the major organs in each system.
2. Describe how directional and positional terms are used, no matter what position the patient is in.
I expect your answers to be in paragraph form. Use complete sentences, correct spelling and
(Please list the expectations on the BLOG home page to remind students)
Grading and Feedback
Check “My Grades” for your grade and feedback. Click here for GRADING RUBRIC. Make sure to review
the rubric before you begin your blog so you are familiar with how you will be graded.
(Rubric submitted in mod 2 drop box – Grading Rubric mod 2 BLOG Body Organization)
WIKI Flash Cards- (to be developed)
Activity (LINK to DEV AHS115 Michelle Dameron; course tools; tests, surveys and pools;
tests; mod 2 Body Organization)
Assignment Name
Graded Assignment
Points Possible
Number of Attempts
Body Organization Assignment
2 attempts permitted
“Body Organization”
©2012 Gateway Community College
This assignment consists of a matching set for the body systems and major organs and fill in the blank
This assignment requires me to manually grade the fill in the blank questions. Check “My Grades” for your
grade and feedback.
Score 10-11 A; 8-9 B; 6-7 C; 5 or less correct is not passing
Quiz (LINK DEV AHS115 Michelle Dameron; course tools; tests, surveys and
pools; tests; mod 2 Quiz)
Assignment Name
Points Possible
Due Date/Time (if tracking)
Number of Attempts
Test Duration
Test Availability
Module 2 Quiz
Sunday Feb 3 @ 11:59 pm
Only 1 attempt is permitted
20 minute time limit, quiz will auto save and close if open when
time limit is up
Monday Jan 21 @ 8 am
Sunday Feb 3 @ 11:59 pm
Description of assignment
Successful completion of this quiz continues to build your schema (background knowledge) of medical
Score 14-15 A; 12-13 B; 10-11 C; 9 or less correct is not passing
Instructions for Submission
When you complete the quiz, simply click on the submit button. There are fill in the blank questions on the
quiz which require me to manually grade each quiz.
There is a Pronunciation test over instructor selected terms for modules 1-7. You will record yourself
speaking the terms. See the course calendar for due date. Detailed instructions and the list of terms are
part of the Course Syllabus.
Up Next
Module 3 Integumentary System
There will be an ESSAY assignment in mod 3. Please take a minute to review the instructions now so you
are able to plan time to complete it. (LINK to ESSAY in mod 3)
©2012 Gateway Community College