Test Chairperson’s Orientation Miami-Dade County Public Schools September 30, October 1, or October 2, 2015 1 Agenda • Accountability Update • 2015-16 Testing Calendar • Updates to the Testing Programs • FSA ELA and Mathematics • FCAT 2.0 Science • NGSSS and FSA EOC • FSAA • New Resources for Test Chairs • Updates to the Testing Programs , continued • SAT-10 • Grade 3 Opportunities for Promotion Agenda (cont.) • Updates to the Testing Programs , continued • PERT • ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 • CELLA Online • Interim Assessments • NAEP • DDEOC • IBTP • SAT and ACT • Test Security, Reporting Violations, and Responding to Inquiries Welcome Sally Shay District Director Assessment, Research, and Data Analysis All About You Number of Years as a Test Chair Other Roles at School Minimum 1 Maximum 31 Mean 6 Number Classes/ Periods Taught 0 82% 1 4% 2 3% 3 4% 4 2% 5 3% 6 or more 2% 2015 FSA Standard Setting: A Multi-Stage Process FSA ELA/Mathematics/EOC Scoring Spring/Summer/Fall 2015 o Student-level results will be reported using: o Percentile Rank o Content Area Scores with the Maximum Point Possible o Passing Information (Grade 10 ELA and Algebra 1 EOC) o State, District, and School level results will be reported using: o Mean T-score o Mean linked score with Percentage Passing (Grade 10 ELA and Algebra 1 EOC) 7 FSA ELA/Mathematics/EOC Reporting Spring/Summer/Fall 2015 o Online Reporting System (ORS) o Interactive Report o Aggregated scores for districts and schools o School Report of students o Individual Student Report o Hard copy of Individual Student Report 8 2015-16 Testing Calendar CBT Testing Platforms, 2014-2015 Assessments CBT Platforms On-line Comprehensive English Language Learning Assessment (On-line CELLA) AWSchoolTest.com Florida Assessments for Instruction in Reading (FAIRFS) PMRN Interim Assessment Gateway 2 Data (G2D) Next Generation Sunshine State Standards (NGSSS) End-of-Course (EOC) Assessments TestNav 8.3 Tentative Dates As-Needed Basis Fall, Winter, and Spring Fall and Winter October 12-30 November 30 – December 18 March 28– April 8 April 18– May 20 10 CBT Testing Platforms, 2014-2015 Assessments CBT Platforms Tentative Dates Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test (FCAT 2.0) Retake TestNav 8.3 PearsonAccess Next (Beginning with Spring 2016 administration) October 12-30 Postsecondary Education Readiness Test (PERT) College Success Florida Standards Assessments (FSA) English Language Arts (ELA) and Mathematics Test Delivery System (TDS) March 28-April 8 As needed October 12-30 February 29 – March 11 March 28-April 8 April 11-May 6 11 CBT Testing Platforms, 2014-2015 Assessments Florida Standards Assessment End-of-Course (FSA EOC) District-Designated EOCs (DDEOC) CBT Platforms Tentative Dates September 14-25 Test Delivery System (TDS) November 30-December 18 April 18-May 13 January 4-22 Gateway 2 Data (G2D) May 16- June 7 12 Framework for the School Grades Formula for 2014-15 and beyond › Gisela Feild › Administrative Director › Assessment, Research, and Data Analysis School Grading Rules (all levels) › The school grade is based on the percentage of total points earned › Provisions that may raise or lower a school’s grade beyond what the percentage of points would indicate are eliminated (no additional requirements; no additional weights/bonus; no automatic adjustments) › No more separate Writing component – Writing is included within the English/Language Arts components School Grades Model Components English/ Language Arts Achievement (0% to 100%) Mathematics Achievement (0% to 100%) Science Achievement (0% to 100%) Social Studies (Civics or US History EOC) Achievement (0% to 100%) Graduation Rate Acceleration Success Overall, 4Year Graduation Rate (0% to 100%) Percentage of students who can earn college credit AP,IB,AICE,DE, IC (0 % to 100%) Learning Gains (0% to 100%) Learning Gains (0% to 100%) Learning Gains of the Low 25% (0% to 100%) Learning Gains of the Low 25% (0% to 100%) Updates to the Testing Programs: Florida Standards Assessments (FSA), Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test (FCAT 2.0), and End-of-Course (EOC) Assessments , 2015-16 Maria C. Bruguera, Director 1 Mara Ugando, Staff Specialist Fall/Winter 2015 FSA EOC (Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2) o September 14–25 FCAT 2.0 Reading Retake and NGSSS EOC (Algebra 1 Retake, Biology 1, Civics, U.S. History) o October 12–30 FSA ELA Retake o October 12–23 (Writing component) and October 12- 30 (Reading component) FSA EOC (Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2), NGSSS EOC (Algebra 1 Retake, Biology 1, Civics, U.S. History) o November 30–December 18 ALL Fall tests are CBT with PBT accommodations 18 Spring 2016 – FSA FSA ELA Writing - February 29–March 11 o o o Grades 4–7 (PBT) Grades 8–10 & (CBT) Retake (Writing component) (CBT) FSA ELA Reading o o o Grade 3 (PBT) – March 28–April 8 Retake (Reading component) (CBT) – March 28–April 8 Grades 4–10 (CBT) – April 11–May 6 FSA ELA Mathematics o o Grades 3–4 (PBT) – March 28–April 8 Grades 5–8 (CBT) – April 11–May 6 FSA EOCs o Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2 (CBT) – April 18–May 13 19 FSA English Language Arts - Writing Component ONLY Grade/Subject 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Session Length 120 minutes 120 minutes 120 minutes 120 minutes 120 minutes 120 minutes 120 minutes Number of Sessions 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Delivery PBT PBT PBT PBT CBT CBT CBT 20 FSA English Language Arts - Reading Grade/ Subject 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Session Length 80 minutes 80 minutes 80 minutes 85 minutes 85 minutes 85 minutes 90 minutes 90 minutes *All sessions administered over two days. 21 Number of Sessions* 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Delivery PBT CBT CBT CBT CBT CBT CBT CBT FSA Mathematics Grade/Subject 3 4 5 6 7 8 Alg 1 Geo Alg 2 Session Length 80 minutes 80 minutes 80 minutes 60 minutes 60 minutes 60 minutes 90 minutes 90 minutes 90 minutes Number of Sessions* 2 2 2 3 3 3 2 2 2 Delivery PBT PBT CBT CBT CBT CBT CBT CBT CBT *All sessions administered over two days. For Grades 6-8, Session 1 is on Day 1, Sessions 2 & 3 on Day 2. 22 Spring 2016 – NGSSS Retakes o FCAT 2.0 Reading, Algebra 1 (CBT) – March 28–April 8 Statewide Science Assessment o Grades 5 and 8 (PBT) – April 11–May 6 NGSSS EOCs o Biology 1, Civics, U.S. History (CBT) – April 18–May 20 Please note, end dates for CBT windows are for CBT administrations only; PBT accommodations have earlier end dates listed on the schedule. 23 2015–16 FSA and NGSSS Specifications FSA NGSSS Contractor American Institutes for Research (AIR) Pearson Subject Tests Grades 3–10/Retake ELA Grades 3–8 Mathematics Algebra 1 EOC Geometry EOC Algebra 2 EOC Grades 5 & 8 Science FCAT 2.0 Reading Retake Algebra 1 Retake EOC Biology 1 EOC Civics EOC U.S. History EOC CBT Platform Test Delivery System (TDS) (FSA TestNav 8.3 Secure Browser & TA Interface) 24 2015–16 FSA and NGSSS Specifications, continued FSA FCAT 2.0/EOC Test Administration Manuals • Fall/Winter 2015 ELA Retake and EOC • Spring 2016 ELA Writing • Spring 2016 Paper-Based • Spring/Summer 2016 Computer-Based • Fall/Winter 2015 Retake and EOC • Spring 2016 Science • Spring/Summer 2016 CBT (FCAT 2.0 and EOC) CBT Management System Test Information Distribution Engine (TIDE) and Test Delivery System (TDS) PearsonAccess Next (Spring 2016) Access to Score Reports PearsonAccess Next (Spring Online Reporting System (ORS) 2016) 25 Computer-Based Testing Requirements TDS (AIR) TestNav 8.3 (Pearson) Required to Run Secure Browser Download Proctor Caching Eligible Devices • Windows desktops, laptops, and tablets • Mac desktops and laptops • Linux desktops and laptops • iPads • Chromebooks • Android tablets • Windows desktops, laptops, and tablets • Mac desktops and laptops • Linux desktops and laptops • iPads • Chromebooks • Android tablets 26 Computer-Based Testing Requirements, continued Create Test Sessions CBT Accommodations Technical Information and Resources Help Desk TDS (AIR) TestNav 8.3 (Pearson) Test Administrator – Realtime in TDS School/Technology Coordinator or PreID upload - PearsonAccess Built into TDS Built into TestNav 8.3 www.FSAssessments.org Technology Resources Page www.FLAssessments.com/TestNav8 866-815-7246 fsahelpdesk@air.org 877-847-3043 Florida@support.pearson.com 27 CBT Practice Tests TDS (AIR) TestNav 8.3 (Pearson) Name Training/Practice Tests ePATs Platform Secure Browser Web-browser, no download Required? Yes for new students, with ePAT Yes, with test administrator to mimic practice test script; strongly operational testing recommended for others Available Training Tests – Now Practice Tests - Grade 10: Now - All others: November 2015 28 Now Handheld Calculator Policy FDOE will provide an approved list of calculator models for the 2015–16 assessments by the end of September – FOR THIS SCHOOL YEAR ONLY Districts are responsible for noting any functionality changes to approved models FDOE will not review/approve additional models for the list; however, districts may provide calculators if Mathematics specialists in the district determine that they meet the published specifications Handheld calculators are OPTIONAL 29 Handheld Calculators Policy, continued School staff and Test Administrators MUST be trained on the appropriate use of calculators: o o o Grades 7 and 8 – SESSIONS 2 and 3 ONLY FSA EOCs – SESSION 2 ONLY NGSSS EOCs (Algebra 1 Retake, Biology 1) – 4-function handheld Tests for students who have access to a calculator during non-calculator sessions OR who have access to a calculator with prohibited functionalities must be invalidated 30 FSA (AIR/DRC) Updates 31 CBT Practice Tests FSA This fall, FSA PRACTICE TESTS available for each gradelevel/subject test; will replace the Training Tests o New practice tests have more items and more examples of each item type per grade-level/subject CBT students are required to participate in a practice-test session prior to testing Training/Practice Tests are available in the FSA Portal 32 PBT Practice Tests Students who will take an FSA Reading or Mathematics paper-based test ARE NOW REQUIRED to participate in a PBT Practice Test Session to familiarize themselves with the various item types they may encounter on the assessments o o o o Grade 3 FSA Reading Grade 3–4 Mathematics Grades 5–10 Reading PBT Accommodations Grades 4–8 Mathematics PBT Accommodations FSA PBT Practice Tests are/will be available in the FSA Portal in November 33 Accommodations Text-to-Speech (TTS) functionality will be available for all CBT tests (FSA and NGSSS) American Sign Language (ASL) videos will be provided for listening items on the ELA Reading tests (CBT and PBT) for students who require them (SPRING 2016) Students with PBT accommodations will have access to the listening items via a secure interface 34 Computer-Based Testing New Student Interface shell for 2015–16 Universally accessible o De-emphasize navigation components by using lighter colors Item tools menu o All tools now consolidated in a single location under a menu button in the top right corner of the item. 35 Item Response Recovery Every saved draft is available for recovery with just a few clicks. ** Animated GIF when viewed in slideshow 36 Computer-Based Testing New Test Administrator Interface o The test selection tree can be expanded or collapsed for easier navigation/selection. o Larger icons for viewing and approving students for testing. 37 Computer-Based Testing Moving to the Next Session Students should PAUSE at the end of the session If students click NEXT, TAs will receive an Exit Session Approval Request TAs should deny this request – if necessary, students can sign back into Session 1 If TAs approve, students must complete Session 2 the same day If a student moves on to Session 2 and it is discovered the next day, that student’s test must be invalidated. 38 Computer-Based Testing Moving to the Next Session If students mistakenly leave a session, schools may submit re-open requests and DISTRICTS will approve them in TIDE o If students are approved into Session 2 (or 3 for middle grades Mathematics), they must complete the entire test that day Directions are provided in the TIDE User Guide Students should be approved to return to a session ONLY on the same day 39 Computer-Based Testing Secure Browser A new version of the AIR Secure Browser was released last month (8.0) The new Secure Browser must be downloaded on student workstations in order to administer FSA tests for the 2015–16 school year, starting with Fall EOC The old browser will not work Please note, for the new version, there is not a version number on the desktop icon 40 Computer-Based Testing System Status Page AIR has established a System Status Page that may be accessed in the FSA Portal 41 Computer-Based Testing TA Certification Course The course has been updated to reflect the new TA Interface Be sure that TAs reference the supplemental document outlining Florida-specific policies not addressed in the training FDOE strongly recommends that test administrators participate in this course Schools can track course completion in TIDE 42 Computer-Based Testing Listening Items Grades 4-10 ELA Reading Listening items may appear in either or both sessions of the ELA Reading tests Schools must provide headphones/earbuds, or students may use their own o Headphones/earbuds should be plugged in and system settings checked (e.g., volume not muted) PRIOR to launching the secure browser ASL Videos will be available for eligible students taking CBT or PBT accommodated ELA Reading tests PBT accommodated students will have access to listening items (audio) through a secure site 43 Paper-Based Testing Return instructions are located in Appendix C of all FSA test administration manuals (not a separate document) Fall/Winter 2015 ELA Retake & EOC Manual Spring 2016 ELA Writing Manual Spring 2016 PBT Manual Spring/Summer 2016 CBT Manual 44 Paper-Based Testing Test and Answer Book Covers FSA test and answer book covers no longer contain bubbles for demographic information Required information must be printed on the sheets o o Student, School, and District Names SID OR Florida Student Number and Date of Birth Documents still contain the following bubbles: o o o o Test Group Code(s) DNS/UNDO Student Course Enrollment (EOC only) DRC Use Only 45 46 Paper-Based Testing Document Labels DO NOT PROCESS and District/School Labels will no longer be used If students do not have PreID labels from your initial shipment OR information for students has changed since initial labels were printed, On-Demand PreID Labels MUST be printed and applied to documents Documents with no label will be set aside and processed after regular reporting 47 TIDE Improvements Test Tickets o o Larger, improved font Options for number tickets per page (4, 6, or 10) Search/Display Features o Can display 2000 records at a time PreID Labels o May print by subject (Spring 2016) 48 FSA Portal Redesign Cleaner design Better organized pages Resources displayed logically User-friendly cards and links New pages added Parent FAQ 49 FSA Portal Redesign User cards replaced with userfriendly page links. New Pages added. Additional page links added. 50 FSA Portal Redesign Search by resource name or keyword. Tabs organize resources. Section headers further organize resources. Jump links conveniently return user to top of page. 51 FSA Portal Redesign Breadcrumbs allow users to return to higher-level pages with fewer clicks. 52 FSA Portal Redesign New page organizes technologyspecific resources. 53 FSA Portal Redesign New page organizes interpretive and historical resources and schedules. 54 FSA Portal Redesign New page with alphabetical list of portal pages. Accessible from the bottom of every portal page. 55 NGSSS (Pearson) Updates 56 TestNav 8.3 New Bookmark and Review features Mobile devices will prompt user to update app New desktop app now available o Installable application o Will help alleviate some Java issues 57 Student Experience Changes 58 PearsonAccess Next Spring 2016 More customizable and configurable for Florida’s needs Can easily monitor student progress across sessions Will allow certain tasks at a school level to help with clean-up activities o Can remove all Ready students from all sessions o Can start and stop all sessions in the school 59 CBT Certification Tool No Fall or Winter CBT Certification Spring 2016 CBT Certification (Required) o Will open in November and close in December Infrastructure Trials o No state-wide requirement o One day - district-wide trial will be required before the spring administrations o Each computer must run the trial to ensure it’s set up correctly 60 Resources Test Administration Manuals Training Materials Parent/Guardian Letters User Guides o o o o o o TIDE User Guide TA User Guide ORS User Guide PearsonAccess Next User Guide TestNav 8 Support Site Infrastructure Trial Guides 61 Resources Webinars and Trainings o o o PearsonAccess Next TA Certification Course FSA System Updates 2015-16 Webinar Monthly Summaries Student PowerPoints Read Aloud Instructions Forms and Ancillaries Parent FAQ 62 (January) Clarifications EOCs FSA Algebra 1* Algebra 2 NGSSS Algebra 1 Retake* (enrolled in course prior to Fall 2014) Biology 1 Geometry Civics US History *Students must take and pass the Algebra 1 EOC Assessment in order to satisfy their graduation requirements. Students taking the FSA Algebra 1 EOC Assessment in spring 2015 will receive a score linked to the previous Algebra 1 EOC passing score to determine if they meet the graduation requirements. When new performance standards are determined for the Florida Standards Algebra 1 EOC Assessment, a new passing score will be established. Senate Bill 1076 Weekly Briefing ID #: 16664 Florida Senate Bill 1076 requires that students enrolled in specified courses take the EOC assessments for the course and the results constitute 30 percent of the student’s final grade. • All students enrolled in an eligible EOC course for the first time will have the 30 percent included in the final course grade computation in the spring administration of each school year. o Final course grades for students who do not test or students’ whose test is invalidated will be reported as No Grade (NG). • For any students who currently have an “NG” and receive an EOC score, school staff must apply the 30% calculation to the final course grade that was initially held using the EOC chart and update the student’s final course grade in ISIS. o Schools should use the traditional grade change protocol to update the grade. Questions What EOC assessments are students required to pass? What students are eligible to take the FCAT 2.0 Reading Retake test? What students are eligible to take the NGSSS Algebra 1 Retake EOC test? Do students that need to retake the FSA ELA Retake test have to take both components (Writing and Reading)? How do I generate my list of eligible students for every test? Where do I locate the FL ID number? How can I identify students that did not receive a final grade (NG) due to the EOC test? FDM and Portal Report New Resources for Test Chairs Kathleen Sierra, Supervisor New Resources Newly released support modules for test chairs to help save time organizing test administrations Go to: http://oada.dadeschools.net/SupportModules/SupportM odules.asp Topics include demonstrations in: o o o o District Applications (FDM, ISIS, SPED EMS, SPI) Excel (pivot tables, subtotal function, macros, Vlookup) Word (mail merge for letters, CBT tickets, email) Google Forms Pivot Tables A pivot table can automatically sort, count total or give the average of the data stored in one table or spreadsheet, displaying the results in a second table showing the summarized data. Some uses: o o Get summary of number of students in Curriculum Groups Get instant summary of number of students assigned to rooms Excel Subtotal Function Macro for Test Chair Button A macro is used to conduct a predefined series of steps automatically In Excel, users can use the “record macro” function to record formatting steps that are used repeatedly Useful for: o Test Chair Button in File Download Manager Stanford Achievement Test, Tenth Edition (SAT-10) Grade 3 Opportunities for Promotion Post Secondary Education Readiness Test (PERT) Iowa Tests (Plan B Gifted) Mayda Cabeza, Director I 74 SAT-10 • • • What is the SAT-10? Who is administered the SAT-10? • Grades K - 2, districtwide Important dates to remember • April 4-7, 2016 75 SAT-10 Results School Listing of Results (May-July) • Must be picked up at ITS Individual Student Reports (August) • Delivered to schools Results • Not available on the Parent Portal • Posted to SPI under the tab FCAT/SAT-10 Scores Uses • Referral of students to the district’s gifted program • Early identification of students who would be considered at high risk for problems associated with reading comprehension 76 Grade 3 Opportunities for Promotion 77 Grade 3 Opportunities for Promotion Section 1008.25, Florida Statutes (F.S.), Eliminating Social Promotion. Spring FSA English Language Arts Spring Grade 3 Reading Student Portfolio Alternative Standardized Reading Assessment (ASRA)— ITBS, Level 9, administered the last two weeks of school Alternative Assessment for Grade 3 Promotion (AAGTP)— SAT-10, Primary 3, administered in Summer School Grade 3 Mid-Year Promotion (GTMYP)—ITBS, Level 10, administered in November 78 Grade 3 Reading Student Portfolio Administered during the 2nd semester Participants: All grade 3 students complete a portfolio Scored at the school site Represents the 2nd opportunity for a student to be promoted to grade 4 Student must demonstrate mastery of the standards Training conducted via Screencast 79 Alternative Standardized Reading Assessment (ASRA) Administered the last two weeks of schools. Participants: • Students scoring level 1 , or students who did not participate in the Spring FSA English Language Arts, and • Students without a passing Reading Portfolio Represents the 3rd and last opportunity within the school year prior to retention. Students must score at or above a given cut score on the ITBS to be considered for promotion. Training conducted via Screencast 80 Alternative Assessment for Grade 3 Promotion (AAGTP) Administered at the end of the summer Reading camp. Participants: Retained grade 3 students SAT-10, Primary 3 is scored locally through ITS Represents 4th opportunity for students to be promoted to grade 4 Students must score at or above a given cut score on the SAT-10 to be considered for promotion Training conducted via Screencast 81 Grade 3 Mid-Year Promotion (GTMYP) Administered mid-November Participants: Students who “just missed” passing the AAGTP, or other students at the principal’s discretion ITBS, Level 10 will be scored via Thinkgate securely. A listing of results will need to be picked up at TDC. Represents 5th opportunity for retained 3rd grade students to be promoted to grade 4 Students must have a passing score on the ITBS, representing 4th grade work. 82 Postsecondary Education Readiness Test (PERT) House Bill 7069 eliminates the requirement to evaluate college readiness. Results of the assessment will be used to advise students. PERT may still be used to meet the Algebra I graduation test requirement. A comparative score of 97 or higher on the PERT Math may be used for either the NGSSS Algebra I or FSA Algebra I (PERT retesting policy is minimum 6 weeks with remediation) Dual Enrollment Eligibility 83 PERT Score Repository • • • Houses all PERT scores across the state Miami-Dade College (MDC) is able to access PERT test scores for students participating in Dual Enrollment and incoming students interested in enrolling at MDC after graduation. Miami-Dade County Public Schools uploads PERT test scores on SPI for school access. 84 Iowa Tests Used only for students lacking standardized test scored to determine eligibility for the Gifted Plan B Program. Answer sheets available via G2D on the “secure” tab March 4, 2016 is the deadline to use the Iowa Tests for those students participating in the Spring FSA or SAT-10 administrations 85 2.0 Felicia Mallory, Executive Director Denetra Collins, Staff Specialist Purposes of ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 The results can provide: • Data useful for charting student progress over time, • Diagnostically useful information about students’ strengths and weaknesses in English, • One of multiple measures used to determine whether students are prepared to exit from English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) programs. • Identifies the proper ESOL level with respect to English Language Development Standards • Determining whether the District and schools met Annual Measureable Achievement Objectives (AMAOs) Students To Be Tested ALL students enrolled in the district (grades K-12) and classified ELL, with a code of “LY” on the 1st day of the test administration window, must be administered the English language proficiency assessment 88 ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 System of Assessments ▫ Kindergarten ACCESS for ELLs, a paper-based assessment for Kindergarten ▫ ACCESS for ELLs 2.0, a paper-based assessment for Grades 1 – 12 ▫ Alternate ACCESS for ELLs, a paper-based assessment for ELLs in Grades 1-12 who have significant cognitive disabilities 89 ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 assesses students’ English language proficiency in five areas: Access for ELLs 2.0 is reported in four domains listening, speaking, reading, and writing. 90 Domains & Grade Level Clusters *Note: Kindergarten will remain an interactive, paper-based kit. WIDA CONSORTIUM Tiers for ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 (grades 1-12) and Proficiency Levels Within each grade-level cluster ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 consists of three test forms: Tier A (beginner), Tier B (intermediate), and Tier C (advanced). 92 MDCPS Tier Assignment based on ESOL Level Tier A – Assigned to ESOL Level 1 ▫ For ELLs who have arrived in the U.S. or entered school in the U.S. within this academic school year without previous instruction in English; ▫ currently receive literacy instruction only in their native language; and/or ▫ have recently tested at the lowest level of English language proficiency. Tier B – Assigned to ESOL Levels 2 or 3 ▫ For ELLs who have social language proficiency and some, but not extensive, academic language proficiency in English; and/or have acquired some literacy in English, though have not yet reached grade-level literacy. Tier C – Assigned to ESOL Level 4 ▫ For ELLs who are approaching grade-level literacy and academic language proficiency in the core content areas; and/or will likely meet the state’s exit criteria for support services by the end of the academic year. Note: If in doubt, place the student in a higher tier. 93 Administration Logistics Students in grades 1 – 12 are administered the • Listening, Reading, and Writing sections in groups • Speaking on a one-on-one basis Kindergarten students are assessed individually in all four domains Alternate ACCESS students are assessed individually in all four domains with a semiadaptive format. Paper Based Test Grade clusters: Listening, Reading, Writing – K, 1, 2, 3, 4-5, 6-8, 9-12 Speaking - K, 1, 2-3, 4-5, 6-8, 9-12 Media-delivered Listening and Speaking Test Administrators will play pre-recorded prompts Speaking: Scoring Scale, Rules, and Procedures Individually administered with pre-recorded prompts Test Administrators will score student responses locally 95 Training and Certification Requirements for Test Administrators Complete the Test Administrator Checklist Access online training modules on WIDA’s secure website Read Test Administration Manual Complete Kindergarten, Speaking, and/or Alternate ACCESS for ELLS Quiz(es) with a passing rate of 80% or higher to become certified to administer the assessment. Test Administrators only need to be certified in the test that they are administering. 96 Important Dates for 2016 ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Administration: February 8 – March 25, 2016 ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Division of Bilingual Education and World Languages North Region Deland Innocent, Supervisor 305-995-2977 Dinnocent@dadeschools.net South Region Mercy Abadie Lux, Supervisor 305-995-2098 Mabadie@dadeschools.net Central Region Alina Plasencia, Supervisor 305-995-2433 Aplasencia@dadeschools.net National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) Felicia Mallory, Executive Director Denetra Collins, Staff Specialist Features of NAEP Provides district-level data to participating urban districts Provides a common yardstick to measure student achievement in comparison to • • • • • Other urban districts States Large Central Cities National Public Schools Census Regions Purpose of NAEP A common nationwide measure of student performance Reports changes over time Provides results for the nation, states, and some urban districts Secondary indicator for state progress and allows national comparisons between states and large urban districts Used by the President, Congress, and state leaders to set education policy Overview of NAEP A representative sample of schools and students are selected Randomly selected students in grades 4 and 8, and are assessed in reading, mathematics, writing, and the arts Assessments include multiple-choice and constructed responses Assessments are administered by NAEP field staff Assessments are 90 to 120 minutes, which include testing and answering background questions Accommodations are offered for ELL and SWD students Results are reported by scale scores, subscales, achievement levels, subgroups, and geography 2016 Assessment Components Digital Based Assessments Mathematics or Reading Grades 4 Mathematics, Reading, or Writing 8 Paper and Pencil Assessments Grades Arts (Music and Visual Arts) 8 NAEP 2016 Assessment Window January 25- March 4, 2016 Important Dates for NAEP 2016 Event Date Provide School Information Form registration October 14, 2015 •Go to http://www.mynaep.com to register your school. •Complete the Provide School Information Form online. Prepare for Assessment NAEP representative MyNAEP website December 2015 • NAEP Pre-assessment packets arrive •Review and verify list of students selected for NAEP on MyNAEP • Review and update SD/ELL students’ participation on MyNAEP i.e., withdrawn, ineligible, missing information, update demographic data • Notify parents of selected students •Manage questionnaires Prepare for Assessment – Part 2 January 2016 • Identify newly enrolled students • Preassessment review call with NAEP representative • Finalize assessment arrangements NAEP Testing Administration Window January 25– March 4, 2016 • Visit the Support Assessment Activities page to print appointment cards for students, teacher notification letters, and a list of sampled students for teachers one week before assessment. Wrap-Up By June 1, 2016 • Visit the Wrap Up page at http://www.mynaep.com to obtain directions for final disposal of materials. NAEP 2016 Results Results from the arts assessment will be released at the national level. Results from the Digital based assessment pilot will not be released but will be used to prepare for the full transition to assessments administered electronically by the end of the decade. Interim Assessment Program Formative Classroom Assessment Felicia Mallory, Executive Director Denetra Collins, Staff Specialist Overview of the Interim Assessment Program Interim Assessment tests: BBA - Science only Mid-Year Nov/Dec: Reading, and Mathematics Jan: Science and Social Studies Alignment with the Florida Standards and Next Generation Sunshine State Standards and the District’s pacing guides Data analysis and disaggregation, score reports, and item analysis are available in Gateway to Data (G2D) Purpose of the Interim Assessment Program To monitor student progress on the Reading, Mathematics, Science and Social Studies - Florida Standards and the Next Generation Sunshine State Standards (Mid-Year) To provide teachers with reliable student-level benchmark information to inform instruction To provide students with information on their progress on specific benchmarks To provide schools with a reliable and valid assessment tool for state progress reporting. Interim Assessment Program Administration Windows 2015-2016 Administration Windows BBA August 24,2015– September 18, 2015 Subjects and Grade Levels - Science: Grades 5 and 8 Mid-Year November 16, 2015 – December 18, 2015 - Reading: Grades 3-11 - Mathematics: Grades 3-8; Algebra 1, Algebra 2, and Geometry Mid-Year January 26, 2016 – February 19, 2016 - Science: Grades 5, 8, and Biology 1 - United States History - Civics Students to be Tested All eligible students* must take the Interim Assessment in Reading, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies. Reading, Grades 3-11,* Mathematics, Grades 3-8* Science: Grades 5 and 8* All students enrolled in: • Algebra I • Algebra II • Geometry • Biology I • U.S History • Civics Mid-Year Administration Format Content- Area Paper-Based Tests Computer-Based Tests Reading Grades 3 Grades 4 – 10 and Retake Grade 10 Mathematics Grades 3 -4 Science Grades 5 and 8 Grades 5, 6-8, Algebra I, Algebra Geometry Biology Social Studies *Retake can be administered paper-based. U.S. History Civics 2, and Approximate Testing Times Before the Test Approximately 10 minutes to pass out testing materials Administration Time ELA*: Approximately 75 minutes Mathematics*: Approximately 75 minutes After the Test Approximately 10 minutes to collect testing materials Science*: Approximately 112 minutes Civics*: Approximately 90 minutes U.S. History*: Approximately 90 minutes * It is suggested that longer assessments be administered over a two-day time period. Performance Levels The mid-year performance levels for grades 5 and 8 science, and Biology is as outlined: Satisfactory Progress Students who are likely to score in FCAT levels 3 and above Limited Progress Students whose performance was not sufficient to predict success Insufficient Progress Students who are likely to score below FCAT level 3 This student demonstrated a satisfactory level of achievement on the content focus of the Next Generation Sunshine State Standards assessed during this instructional period. To attain high levels of achievement in this content area, the student must receive continued instruction on the challenging content and skills across the benchmarks designated for this grade level. This student demonstrated a limited level of achievement on the content focus of the Next Generation Sunshine State Standards assessed during this instructional period. To attain high levels of achievement in this content area, the student must receive targeted interventions and remediation in the areas of concern, and continued instruction on the challenging content and skills across the benchmarks designated for this grade level. This student demonstrated an insufficient level of achievement on the content focus of the Next Generation Sunshine State Standards assessed during this instructional period. To attain high levels of achievement in this content area, the student must receive intensive interventions and remediation in the areas of concern, and continued instruction on the challenging content and skills across the benchmarks designated for this grade level. Score Reports Useful reports that can be retrieved via G2D: • • • • • • • • • • Report Card by Test Progress Report Item Analysis Distractor Analysis Score Analysis Proficiency Report At-Risk Students by Standard Report Card by Standard (classes) Test Summary Demographic Item Performance Gateway to Data (G2D) Consultants Carlos Lopez 305-995-1752 Lina Turnes 305-995-7529 G2Dsupport@dadeschools.net 116 District Designated End of Course Exams (DDEOC) Kathleen Sierra, Supervisor HB 7069 Removes the requirement to assess each course Allows some flexibility for districts to determine how to measure students’ performance Amends F.S. 1008.22,to read: o When available, provide instructional personnel with information on student achievement of standards and benchmarks in order to improve instruction. Use of DDEOCs Ensure that state-established course content is delivered consistently Provide teacher and administrators with reliable content specific data in previously untested courses Potential measure of content-specific student achievement to inform teacher evaluation Rollout of DDEOCs Each semester, selected DDEOC test forms will be field tested to determine psychometric properties of the assessment Results of field tests analyzed for validity Valid test forms used the next school year for full administration (all students enrolled in that course) At this time, no elementary courses are selected for field testing 2015-16 DDEOC Format All assessments will be CBT delivered through Gateway to Data (G2D) Tests forms will be 50 multiple choice items Timed: 60 minutes for standard curriculum 120 minutes for qualifying extended timed students 2015-16 Schedule of Activities January 2016 Field Test o Test Administration Window: January 4-22, 2016 Selected courses in secondary Physical Education Economics US Government Trigonometry Spring 2016 Field Test Test Administration Window: May 16 – June 7 Courses to be determined 2015-16 Schedule of Activities Spring 2016 DDEOC Full-Scale administration o Test Administration Window: May 16 – June 7 › › › › › › › › › › M/J Comprehensive Science 1 (will be field tested again) M/J Comprehensive Science 2 Physical Science (will be field tested again) Chemistry 1 Physics 1 M/J United States History M/J World History World History (will be field tested again) Spanish 1 and 2 Spanish for Spanish Speakers 1 and 2 NOTE: Due to Spring 2015 field test results, M/J Comprehensive Science 1, Physical Science, and World History (high school) will NOT be included in the Spring 2016 full-scale administration. They will be included in the 2016 Spring Field Test. Florida Item Bank and Test Platform (IBTP) Kathleen Sierra, Supervisor Florida Item Bank and Test Platform (IBTP) Item Bank created by state with Race to the Top Funds All Districts have access Access provided to all Miami-Dade Teachers for their use o Refer to Briefing 18219 Will be used for DDEOCs requiring access to audio/video files IBTP Features User Friendly Item banks in ELA, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, and Spanish for grades K-12 o Varied item types including MC, open-ended, and gridded response IBTP supports Technology Enhanced Items o o o Drag and drop In line response Hot spot Teachers can also create their own items IBTP Features (cont.) Students can access from home Ability to deliver computer or paper-based test CBT Features o o o o Tests can be derived via locked down browser or regular browser › Utilizing the regular browser allows students to access from home Tests can be timed Specify testing window (day and time of day) Scramble items (allow for multiple forms) Reporting Feature includes o o o General Reports Item Analysis Reports Skills and Standards Mastery Reports Reports MDCPS IBTP TEACHER TRAINING Resources for IBTP Go to http://oada.dadeschools.net/IBTP/IBTP.asp Miami-Dade IBTP User Guide Quick Reference Guides Additional Resources provided by FLDOE Test Security, Reporting Violations, and Responding to State Inquiries Dr. Sally A. Shay Security Standards, Guidelines, and Procedures for Test Administration and Test Security available at http://oada.dadeschools.net/ TestChairInfo/InfoForTest Chair.asp • General guidelines adopted by School Board Florida Test Security Statute and Rule From Standards: Designation of District Assessments (DDEOC) Validity of assessments Sources for selection Results: reporting and application Security concerns o Development o Materials o Administration 132 FSA, FCAT 2.0, EOC Caveon Data Forensics The FLDOE has contracted with Caveon Test Security to provide its Caveon Data Forensics™ for all statewide assessments. Caveon will analyze data to identify highly unusual test results for two primary groups: • Students with extremely similar test responses; and • Schools with improbable levels of similarity, gains and/or erasures. Flagging only the most extreme results. Caveon Similarity Index Most Powerful & “Credible” Statistic • Measures degree of similarity between two or more test instances • Analyze each test instance against all other test instances in the school Possible causes of extremely high similarity: • • • • Answer Copying Test Coaching Proxy Test Taking Collusion A Comparison… Index=0.25; Scores=303 & 309 2 1 0 0 5 10 15 No Match 20 25 Item Number Same Correct 30 35 40 45 40 45 Same Incorrect Index=15.7; Scores=303 & 309 2 1 0 0 5 10 15 No Match 20 25 Item Number Same Correct 30 35 Same Incorrect Caveon Erasure Analyses Based on estimated answer changing rates from: • Wrong-to-Right • Anything-to-Wrong Find answer sheets with unusual WtR answers Extreme statistical outliers could involve tampering, “panic cheating”, etc. Important! No student–level score invalidations based on erasure analysis; erasure analysis limited to school-level flagging for additional review. District Resources Assessment, Research, and Data Analysis Website: http://oada.dadeschools.net/ Test Chairperson Website: http://oada.dadeschools.net/TestChairInfo/InfoForTestChair.asp Testing Calendar (check for updates regularly): http://oada.dadeschools.net/TestingCalendar/TestingCalendar.asp Guidelines and Tips for School Test Chairpersons: • http://oada.dadeschools.net/TestChairInfo/27GuidelinesandTipsforSch oolTestChairpersons.pdf Standards, Guidelines, and Procedures for Test Administration and Test Security: • http://oada.dadeschools.net/TestChairInfo/StandardsGuidelinesan dProceduresMay2013.pdf Contact Student Assessment and Educational Testing: • Dr. Sally A. Shay, District Director Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test (FCAT 2.0) and End-of-Course Assessments (EOC): • Maria C. Bruguera, Director I • Mara Ugando, Staff Specialist Stanford Achievement Test-Tenth Edition (SAT-10), Grade 3 Promotion Opportunities, and Post Secondary Education Readiness Test (PERT): • Mayda Cabeza, Director I ACCESS to ELLs 2.0, Interim Assessment, and National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP): • Felicia Mallory, Executive Director • Denetra Collins, Staff Specialist District-Designated End of Course (DDEOC) • Kathleen Sierra, Supervisor Test Distribution Center • Magaly Hernandez, Supervisor