News of The 1980*s - Beavercreek City School District

rate grows from 1 in
3 marriages (1970) to 1 in 2;
one parent families have
increased 50%, unmarried
couples are up 300%, one
million teenagers, 2/3 of
them unmarried, become
volcano Mount
St. Helens erupts, 22 die
29- estimated 750
million people watch the
marriage of Prince Charles to
kindergarten teacher Lady
Diana Spencer
Couple announces in
November a child is expected
in June
Williams is arrested in
Atlanta murders of 23 black
John Paul II is wounded
at Vatican in assassination
attempt- Mehmet Ali Agca is
Day O’Connor
becomes the first woman
Supreme Court Justice
Veterans Memorial
in Washington D.C.- designed
by Yale student Maya Lin, is
dedicated in November- it is
inscribed with 57,939 names
of American soldiers killed or
missing in Vietnam
and film actor John
Belushi, 33, dies suddenly in
Grace of Monaco
dies in an auto crash
poisoning in Chicago
1982: 7 people dies in
Suspect put 65 milligrams of
cyanide into Tylenol capsules
10,000x deadly dose
Mass product recall for
Johnson & Johnson
$100 million
Tylenol had controlled 37% of
the market, had a $1.2
million revenue
Afterwards- market share
went to 7%
& Johnson had to
create a campaign
Triple seal tamper resistant
package- first time a company
complied with FDA rule
$2.50 off coupon
25% off of purchase for
Sales people going to the whole
medical community
income per capita
New York: $12,314
Washington D.C.: $14,550
Alaska: $16,257
Alabama: $8649
Mississippi: $7,778
Gandhi, Indian Prime
Minister, is assassinated by
Sikh bodyguards
Williams, the first
black Miss America, resigns
because of explicit photos
Penthouse magazine was
threatening to publish
Jackson earns $1.5
million for a Pepsi
commercial; during its
filming, his hair catches on
99 years, Coca-Cola
markets a new formula,
“New Coke”, three months
later, after consumer
objection, it reinstates “Coca
Cola Classic”
Hamburgers fires
Clara Peller, 84 (“Where’s
the beef” after her Prego
spaghetti sauce ad (“I finally
found it”)
children watch a
record 27 hours and 21
minutes of TV a week and
will have spent more time in
front of the TV than in the
classroom when they
graduate from high school
explodes 73
seconds after lift-off
Hart caught in picture
with ex-model Donna Rice on
his lap aboard yacht, the
Monkey Business
M case- Mary Beth
Whitehead is a surrogate
mother and changes her mind
after giving birth- custody is
granted to William Stern with
visitation rights for
McClure, 18 months
old, fell into a well 22 feet
deep and was stuck for 58
state treasurer,
convicted of bribery,
commits suicide during a
televised press conference
of kitchens have
microwave ovens
preacher Jimmy Swaggart
resigns after prostitute
reveals liaison
Supreme Court gives
school administration broad
powers of newspaper
Hazelwood East High School Principal Robert
Reynolds procedurally reviewed the Spectrum,
the school’s student-written newspaper, before
publication. In May 1983, he decided to have
certain pages pulled because of the sensitive
content in two of the articles, and acted quickly
to remove them in order to meet the paper’s
publication deadline. The journalism students
felt that this censorship was a direct violation of
their First Amendment rights. The Supreme Court
decided that Principal Reynolds had the right to
such editorial decisions, as he had “legitimate
pedagogical concerns.”
nose is broken
during a debate with white
Phil Donahue wears a dress
on a show about transvestites
Oprah Winfrey loses 67
pounds on a liquid diet
We associate Oprah with many things, one of
which is her battle of the bulge. The moment that
seemingly started it all was during her 1988 season
premiere when she wheeled out “Oprah’s Wagon
of Fat,” a Radio Flyer filled with 67 pounds of lard
to represent the weight she had lost in three
months on a liquid-protein diet. Following the
episode, she began eating solid foods to celebrate;
within two days the size 10 skinny jeans she
worked so hard to slip on no longer fit. From that
point, viewers have watched her weight
rollercoaster. But whether Oprah regrets that
moment or not (she's said that she does), it helped
her become one of the most approachable,
relatable celebrities there is and has won her
legions of fans.
Wall comes down- East
and West Germany are reunited
Square- We will
be watching The Tank Man
about the protests in China
in 1989.
11 million barrels of oil
Off of Alaska coast
Court case
5-4 ruling- burning of the
American flag is considered
free speech and is therefore
the state have the
authority to make it a crime
to burn the flag?
1984 Republican Convention
Gregory Lee Johnson burned
a flag to protest Reagan’s
and convicted
Fined $2000, sentenced to
one year in jail
Supreme Court ruled in favor
of freedom of speech
from Texas v
Banned physical desecration
of the flag
the Flag Desecration
Act was passed, thousands
burned flags in protest
Shawn Eichman and Mark
Haggarty were arrested- they
challenged the arrest
ruled once again in
favor of freedom of speech