AES Presentations - Ministry Of Education Science And Technology

(JUNE 2010 – JUNE 2015)
• The mandate of the Education sector is to deliver free and
compulsory quality education to all children---------------------- of
South Sudan. To realize this task the Directorates and
Department are constituted to carry out day-to-day tasks under
the guidance and directives from the Minister, his Deputy and
the Undersecretary. The Ministry has eight Directorates and it
plays the following roles:
• Policies Formulation
• Planning & budgeting to achieve implementation of the Policies
• Promote literacy and numeracy
• Coordination of National Administration & Management
• Quality Promotion and Innovations
• Quality Assurance
• National Educational monitoring and evaluation
• The Directorate of Planning and Budgeting is
mandated to facilitate the effective and
efficient development, implementation and
review of Education Policies, Strategies,
Plans, Programs and Projects as well as
coordinate Stakeholder support to the
• The Directorate is also mandated to raise
resources for education domestically,
bilaterally and multilaterally
• 2,900 primary schools benefited from
capitation grants in the country
• 6,1659 girls benefited from cash transfer in
1,242 schools
• Enrolment increased in primary schools from
1,584,808 in 2010 all the states to 1,213,308
in 2015 for the seven non-conflicted affected
• 19,872 primary school classrooms constructed
• 861 (77%) secondary schools classrooms constructed
in 2010
• Decentralization of EMIS Activities was piloted in two
states of Central Equatoria and Western Bahr el Ghazal
respectively in 2015
• Annual Education Census 2015 was successfully done
• Total of 38,974 teachers are teaching early child hood
development, primary schools, secondary schools and
alternative Education systems classes
Full class room
• 549 schools benefiting from school feeding
program with 215,000 beneficiaries
• 21,000 girls benefiting from Girls Incentives in
75 schools
To provide direction on financial matters,
General administration & Management of
Human Resource including coordinating
Education Programs with the State Ministries
of Education
General Accounting Services ensure all
financial activities within the depts. are
consistent with Govt Policies, Procedures,
Regulations and Legislations
• Initiated new electronic payroll
• Purchased six (6) vehicles (3 V8s and 3 mini-buses
for the Staff transportation and facilitation
• Renovated office blocks, compound and built wall
fence around the Ministry’s Headquarters
• Maintained maximum operationalization of the
• Maintenance of the Ministry’s vehicles to
enhance daily transportation.
• Prepared departmental claims for submission to
the Ministry of Finance.
Achie---• Procured construction of 34 Presidential pledged schools
• Procured the Secretariat of Examinations ‘ Printing Press
• Procured school furniture of the 47 primary schools funded
• Procured good number of text books for Secondary Schools
• Supplied food to National Teachers Training Institutes and
National Secondary Schools
• Trained 409 senior education managers on management,
M&E and public relations.
• Ministry web site is established and has improved
communication and coordination
• Ministry has installed view security cameras at the
examination complex
• Carry out press conferences and media coverage of the
daily events
The mandate of QAS is to ensure
development of Minimum Standards, put in
place a strong team Of Inspectorates, Schools
Supervisors and Advisors.
The Directorate also guarantee curricula
compliance within the national aspiration as
well as integration to international best
Achievements of curriculum dept
• Developed South Sudan Curriculum Framework
• Carried out basic School Subjects Overview
• Printed and distributed 9,000,000 Primary Schools and
ALP Pupils and Teachers’ Guide Textbooks to 10 states
• Unified Curriculum for Teacher Training Institutes
• Developed LS & PE, learners’ Activity Books, Teachers,
Curriculum Guidelines
• Conducted pre piloting training of master trainers and
teachers in CES, WBGS, WS, UPNS and WES.
• Integrated Peace Education in the LSE curriculum
• CDC officers trained in Conflict Sensitive Management
Teacher Educations and Training Dept
• Inclusive Education Curriculum harmonized to the
TET unified curriculum
• 900 student teachers admitted to the five (5)
• Absorption of 131 tutors and managers as
teacher trainers in NTTIs.
• Teacher education policy documents and
guidelines developed.
• The teacher certification policy is on process.
• Over 5,000 Primary school teachers graduated
between 2010 -2015 from both government
NTTIs and private TTIs.
Graduation of teachers
• Private partnership in teacher training is scaling up – 7
private TTIs.
• Arrangements to provide Capitation grant to NTTIs has
been finalized.
• Arapi NTTI has been electrified with solar power 24 hours,
equipped with furniture and water system upgraded.
• 9 students sponsored to Bridge2Rwanda career center on
University-gap year program by Edward Eisele
• 4 South Sudanese Bridge2Rwanda scholars offered
scholarships to American and Abu Dhabi Universities resp• 15 secondary school teachers trained at Arizona State
University (ASU) for one semester on academic and
professional training- sponsored by Mr. Edward Eisele
Graduation of teachers in Yei TTI
Yei TTI teachers Choir group
National Languages Department
• Created awareness in training 100 teachers who are
bilingual in South Sudan
• Developed draft principles practice and planning of
multilingual education
• The department printed and distributed 36,000
Mother Tongue Books for five languages of Moru,
Nuer, Dinka, Luwo and Azande.
• Launched Moru Language reading textbooks at the
Ministry’s premises
• Conducted basic training for 102 Mother Tongue
teachers from the States of Warrap, Northern Bahrel-Ghazal, Lakes , Western Equatoria and Jonglei –
with financial contribution from SIL
Achievements-• Conducted Mother Tongue training on teaching
• Developed Mother Tongue materials for P1 to P8.
• Designed new structure of the Secretariat of
National and Foreign Languages
• Conducted consultative workshop on Foreign and
National Languages
• Conducted the Foreign and National Languages
Conference in 2015
The overarching mandate of the Directorate of
Basic & Secondary Education is policy
formulation, planning, coordination,
supervision, monitoring and evaluation of
Basic and Secondary education to improve the
quality of education delivery
Achievements of Primary Education Department
The dept started constructing the 30 primary
schools and 4 secondary schools pledged by H.E.
Gen. Salva Kiir Mayardit, President of the
Republic of South Sudan. The Ministry was given
a budget for construction of 20 out of these 34
schools. Moreover, the Ministry started
constructing Kuajok Boarding Secondary Schools
for Girls, Mangar Primary School and Akon
Primary School. However, the Ministry of Finance
and Economic Planning only released SSP
6,384,645 to the Contractors. As a result, the
process of construction of the schools was
slowed down but construction still going on
Achievements ---• 30 Primary Schools in four States of Warrap, Upper Nile,
Northern Bahr El Ghazal and Eastern Equatoria through
DFID funds completed.
• The Dept got UNESCO scholarship in School Mapping and
Japanese Scholarship in administration for reducing
disparities in basic Education.
• Inspection and Monitoring of Primary Education
Activities and implementation of policies in the states.
• Distribution 9 million of South Sudan curriculum
textbooks to all the states.
• Provision of capitation grants to all schools through the
facilitation of GESS.
Secondary Education Department
Dept identified and created 11 National Secondary Schools.
National Secondary Schools are model Schools that states
should follow in terms of standards.
The schools are national in character in terms of students’
admission and teachers’ recruitment.
The major aim of the establishment of the Schools is to create
a culture of unity among our students.
The admission to these Schools is yet to be formulated to
guide admission decisions.
Governance of the Schools is to be as stipulated in the
educational policy.
The administration shall be under the national ministry
However, states authorities being nearer to the Schools, shall
be partners in the management of the Schools
• The Ministry visited and supervised 11 National
Secondary Schools and states secondary schools in
all the (10) States to assess schools needs.
• The Department transferred operation funds to
National Secondary Schools to help in running of
• The Department procured and distributed 25,000
English dictionaries and 70,000 reference books to
all 170 secondary Schools.
• Department transferred and absorbed 44 teachers
to 11 National Secondary Schools.
Achievements--The dept developed and disseminated the following:
• Code of conduct
• Governing regulations for the board of
governors and Parents teachers association
• Students register books
• basic Standards for secondary Schools
• Secondary Curriculum
• The Department trained trainers and mentors
• The Department sent teachers for training
courses to Kenya, Malaysia and Zambia, Japan,
• The Department Procured and distributed
laboratory equipments and chemicals to 10
National Secondary Schools and 20 States
Secondary Schools
Co-Curricular Department
• Co-curricular Activities refer to the spectrum of activities
and experiences that are mainly performed out-ofclassroom and which contribute to the development of
the child physically, mentally, emotionally, socially and
• The Dept strives to promote culture of peace by getting
all schools to play in a manner to identify and nurture
talents through Inter schools Competitions at various
• Organize Schools National Art and Cultural festivals in a
way to promote the diverse cultures of the people of
South Sudan.
• Coordinate with the States and form committees (High &
Technical Committees) at National and States levels to
participate in organizing Inter-Schools Sports and Cultural
• The Department of Co-curricular Activities, in
collaboration with the Ministry of Culture, Youth and
Sports, participated in organizing National Celebrations
particularly carnival show.
• Secondary School Students participated in the 8th
Edition of the Federation of East Africa Secondary
School Sports Association’s (FEASSSA) games in Kigali,
Rwanda in August
• The ten states of South Sudan participated in the 20th
National inter-Schools sports and cultural Competitions
held in Dongola, Northern State in December 2008
Achievements---• 24 Teachers attended Art Carnival Sports Training in
Beijing, May – June 2012
• The Ministry organized sports delegations that
participated in the 10th Edition of FEASSSA in Nakuru,
Kenya in August 2010 and the 11th Edition in Mbarara,
Uganda in August 2011.
• Following the participation of South Sudan in FEASSSA
games in Nakuru, it was awarded the honor to represent
FEASSSA in the Intercontinental Cup organized by the
Cleveland Sports Commission in – Ohio, USA.
• The Ministry made preparations to host the 22nd National
Inter-Schools sports and cultural competitions in Wau,
Kuajok and Aweil in 2010, but however, failed due to
political reason.
Achievements --• The Ministry organised the 1st National Inter-Schools
Competitions for the independent Republic of South Sudan in
Rumbek 2012 where 1500 Secondary School Students
participated in the tournaments.
• 220 Secondary School Students and administrators participated
in the 12th Edition of the Federation of East Africa Secondary
Schools Sports Association’s Games (FEASSSA) in Bujumbura,
Burundi in 2012.
• Basketball in Bujumbura, Burundi, during the 11th Edition of
• The 2nd National Inter-school Sports and Cultural Competitions
in Wau in 2013, under the supervision of the National High
Committee and National Technical Committee.
Achievements---• The winning school teams took part in the
finals of the 13th Edition of the Federation of
East Africa Secondary School Sports
Association’s Games in Lira, Uganda, AugustSeptember 2013.
• Closed camp training organised for 3 months
in Wau for selected teams to participate in
FEASSSA games in Lira, Uganda.
• Handball Ground in Wau, during 2nd National
Inter-Schools Competitions
Achievements---• The Ministry arranged 24 Teachers who attended Art Carnival Sports
Training for one month in Beijing, China in 2012.
• The 24 teachers were deployed in Schools in Wau to train 1,100 Pupils
• Carnival Show during opening of 2nd National Interschool
competitions in Wau, June 2013
• The Dept initiated and formed South Sudan Secondary Schools Sports
Association at the National level and similar Associations in the
• The Associations are tasked with organizing Inter-Schools
Competitions at National and States levels respectively.
• South Sudan is registered member of FEASSSA as well as a member of
the Cleveland Sports Commission, Ohio and USA.
• The Republic of South Sudan is being nominated by the
Federation of East Africa Secondary Schools Sports
Association (FEASSSA) to host the 13th Edition of its games
in Juba, Aug – Sept 2014
• The Ministry of Education trained 491 teachers both Men
and Women as referees for various Sports (football,
basketball, handball, volleyball & Athletics) in preparation
to provide the bulk of the officials required by FEASSSA to
manage the games during hosting of the FEASSSA games
in Juba.
• The Dept procured and distributed sports equipment to
Secondary Schools in 2011.
• The Dept of Co-curricular in collaboration with the Dept of
Curriculum Development and UNICEF is currently piloting
Life Skills and Peace Education curriculum in Schools.
Early Childhood Education Department
• Dept implemented some reforms to improve the quality
of Early Childhood Development (ECD) through the
• ECD trained 18 ECD Teacher Trainers in Yei – Central
Equatoria for period of two (2) weeks
• The Dept drafted The guiding Rules and Regulations to
guide the establishment and management of ECD
Centres throughout the country.
• Developed policy frame work for management and
administration of pre-primary schools all over South
Sudan in 2014.
• The dept participated in seminar organized by china in
Zhejiang Province on administration and management
of Pre-school education in2014.
Alternative Education System (AES) is the second largest part
of the education system equal to approximately 18 percent of
the enrollment of primary school.
It offers learning opportunities to children and adults who
never attended formal education or who have attended school
but dropped out and are not likely to re-enroll.
It offers a variety of learning programs, including active and
demobilized SPLA and other security forces.
Six main components are implemented in partnerships with
development partners:
Accelerated Learning Programs (ALP),
Community-based Girls Schools (CGS),
Adult Education, Intensive English Course (IEC),
Interactive Radio Instruction (IRI),
Pastoralist Education.
• AES is established at all levels (MOEST, and
States) guided with MOEST frame work and
implementation guides.
• The enrolment in AES centers has reached to
462,000 learners across the ten states
• The AES directorate has developed all syllabus
for ALP and CGS
• 64,000 SPLA and other Security forces learners
are enrolled including their family members in
Adult literacy
Achievements---• 360 SPLA and other organized forces Education
managers trained on education management, advocacy
and life skills in the four greater zones of West bank,
East bank, Bahr el Gazal zone and Greater Upper Nile
• 16,800 children in Pastoral communities have been
enrolled in AES mobile centers and recruited 180
teachers in CES, EES, JS, WS, NBGS, LS and US states.
• 640 government employees have graduated in
Intensive English courses since 2010-2015 in Epheatha
primary school just behind Ministry of Finance offices.
• AES has mapped 60 international development
partners and encouraged 125 community-based
organizations to implement AES programs.
SPLA Adult literacy center
Achievements---• 1250 AES Teachers and 60 Parent teacher Association
and local education officials trained.
• Baseline survey conducted in 2011 on all AES centers
where new areas are identified to open new centers
in conflict-affected areas
• The Directorate has popularized itself by conducting
several literacy awareness creations through Mobile
Life skills and Literacy Advocacy videos
• 3000 demobilized child soldiers of former cobra
militia enrolled in Accelerated learning programs in
greater Pibor
Children of SPLA soldiers in class
Achievements---• 680 community Girls schools opened from 20102015 in Lakes, CES, EES, JS, WES and WBGS
• 8,000 Youth are trained in functional Literacy
skills in tailoring, Constructions, electricity,
• 6,200 AES Teachers are paid monthly incentives
to teach in 10 states established centers
• 400 Semi- permanent classrooms constructed for
Children in pastoralist enrolled
Pastoralist mobile center twic east
Community girls school
Achievements---• Over 180,000 adults are enrolled and graduated
in Adult literacy
• Over 60,000 ALP learners graduated from level 4
and joined either secondary schools or vocational
schools all over ten states since 2010-2015.
• 3800 MP3 radios were distributed to all 1500
primary schools in 10 states to sustain South
Sudan interactive radio instructions that improves
teaching of mathematics and English from
primary 1-4 and ALP centers including Teacher
training Institutes and Adult literacy groups
Intensive English Language course for
Mobile life skills and Literacy advocacy video
Functional Youth training center
ALP learners in Evening secondary
Functional business class custom
SSIRI Adult literacy center
• Examinations Act 2013 established South Sudan
National Examinations Council in the year 2011.
In 2012, the President of the Republic issued
Presidential Order No. 29/2012 forming the
National Examinations Council comprising 39
members drawn from public universities,
teachers training colleges and some ministries of
the government.
• The key mandate of South Sudan National
Examinations Council as spelt out in the Act are
to; conduct primary, secondary and post-school
certificates examinations in the country.
• Enactment of the Examinations Council Act (2011) which paved
the way for formation of National Examinations Council
• Established Printing Press with funding from Multi-Donor Trust
• Successful conduct of 2013 examinations to 16,898 secondary
school students from which 11,736 passed.
• Establishment of an independent examinations premises
• Designed the South Sudan National Certificate of Secondary
Education and won government Cabinet’s approval for its
adoption as the desired form /type of the national certificate of
secondary education.
• Successful conduct of 2014 examinations to 13,126 Secondary
Schools students from which 10,591 passed.
• Successful conduct of 2015 Examinations (Control and marking
are underway)
The Directorate is mandated to promote Gender & Inclusive
Education Programs in education systems and develop
policies and guidelines on gender equity and inclusive
Among other specific mandates include:
gender sensitive policy development in education sectors;
capacity building on gender issues in education;
gender based research and documentation in education;
advocacy and promotion in the rights of all teachers
including those with disability and monitoring and
• Developed girls’ education strategy for South
• Developed policy on inclusive education
• Drafted Gender and Social Inclusion Training
• Established a mentoring system, awareness
raising and advocacy for Promotion of girls’
education in South Sudan
• In collaboration with development partners
established a functional Gender Thematic
Working Group (GTWG).
The mandate of TVET is to Plan, Coordinate
Programs and develops policies for Technical
and Vocational Education Programs in the
National Ministry of Education, Science &
• TVET strategy is already drafted and waiting for
endorsement by the council of ministers
• The national TVET qualification Framework is already
drafted and will be endorsed after the strategy is
• Awareness creation about TVET is done through live
radio once but has to be done regularly
• The architectural designs for the 10 new TVET schools,
which are going to be constructed by the two Chinese
companies, have been completed
• Curriculum review has been done on primary TVET
element and secondary academic and a separate
occupational standard base curriculum will be
developed for TVET for pure TVET.
• Different proposals are being developed to raise funds
and get the support of NGOs and sister countries
• The new structure of TVET directorate is already drafted,
revised and amended
• Meeting with TVET school principles conducted in2014
to plan for TVET curriculum workshop.
• Workshop conducted in market assessment, skills gaps
and youth needs study organized by the World Bank in
• Agreement is reached with UNESCO to support the
process of TVET policy framework review in2014.
• Guidelines for Accreditation of TVET Institutions is
• About 850 Scholarships are obtained from 4 countries,
Sudan, Ethiopia, Egypt and Zimbabwe, in TVET from
Diploma to PHD.