Purchasing Tips

How can we help
$ Susan Brown: 359-6403
$ Bill Santiago: 359-6604
$ Claudette Phelan-Lannoo: 359-6804
$ Mary Henningsen: 359-6055
$ Sandi Storie: 359-7905
What are we talking about
Customer Service Expectations and Turnaround time
Purchase Requisitions
Memorandum of Agreements
Quoting Limits
What is a Sealed Bid?
State Contracts for Computers, Furniture, and Copiers
Invoice Voucher
Travel/Registration/Meals & Lt. Refreshments
Enterprise Information/ Corporate Express to Office Depot
Thank you
Customer Service
We are dedicated to ensuring accuracy and speedy delivery of services for the
University and Vendor Community. Our expectation is to return your phone calls
and email within 24 hours unless we are out of the office. If we are out of the
office we will leave an alternate contact’s information.
Our turnaround times are as follows for services:
Purchase Requisitions: 4 business days ( if busy season, please allow for an
additional 4 days)
MOA’s: 5 business days (if busy season, please allow for an additional 5 days)
Quoting process: 10 business days
Sealed Bids: Please allow for 30 days. Sealed bids are any items that are over
$43,900. This process takes longer due to the amount of items and advertising.
Artistic Travel for Candidates, Students and Contractors: (Employee travel is
completed by Travel Accounting) Same day between the hours of 8:00am4:30pm.
Enterprise Rental Car for Candidates, Students, and Contractors: Same day
between the hours of 8:00am-4:30pm.
Purchase Requisitions
A purchase requisition is used by
departments to request services,
supplies, and equipment from a vendor
located off campus. If departments
place their orders against a
Procurement Card or an Open or
Blanket order, a requisition is not
Purchase Requisitions
Date & Delivery Date: The requisition date is when the requisition is
created and requested delivery date is the date you need the product. Please
do not use ASAP.
Ordering Department line: Provide your Department Name, Delivery
Location, Mail Location (Example: WLM 311A/312 WLM), and Phone Number
Item No: Each line item should be listed on the requisition. The purchase
order must be itemized to match the vendor's invoice. Use as many
requisitions as necessary to list your items with shipping shown as a separate
line item.
Description: Provide the details including the stock/part/model number,
manufacturer, product name, packaging, and general information. Attach
supporting information, such as; a quote, maintenance agreement, copy of
advertisement, order/membership/subscription form to your requisition.
Quantity (Qty): Number of units needed.
Unit: Unit is the Standard Unit of Measure, i.e. box, carton, bottle, each,
hours. Please provide the correct units of measure, i.e. 10/box. The unit is
Purchase Requisitions
Unit Price: The individual price each unit of measure costs. Please provide a quote
from the vendor to ensure accurate prices.
Extension: Quantity times the Unit Price.
Vendor: Put the Vendor's name and mailing address in this block. A complete mailing
address is required to generate a purchase order plus telephone and fax numbers, if
known. Do not put the URL or email address in this section. The vendor that we are
purchasing the merchandise from has to be the same as the vendor that will be doing
the shipping and invoicing.
Tax: Enter the tax in the appropriate field on the requisition, underneath the
subtotal. The tax has to be handled separately, so please do not include the tax in the
cost of the merchandise. We must use the correct tax code for the different counties in
Washington State; out of state tax is 8.6%.
Account Code(s): The Purchasing System counts the six digit account/budget code
plus the four digit sub code as one account. Splitting the dollar amounts of equipment
and supplies between four different account codes is possible. List account number and
associated dollar amounts in the account code section. If you have questions, please
call the Purchasing Department at 2253.
Purchase Requisitions
Requested by and Authorized Signatures: The name of person who will
be using the merchandise is the requestor and the person who has budget
authority is the “approved by” signature. As department budget
personnel change, it is important to contact Purchasing and request
a new signature card. Purchasing will accept any of the authorized
signatures shown on the signature card.
Additional Information:
Duplicate Orders: If you fax a requisition then mail the original,
or submit two originals, you will get two purchase orders, thus
duplicating your order.
Payment: If a purchase order is not issued before receipt of the
merchandise, the vendor has no guarantee of payment.
Competitive Solicitations: Items totaling over $3,100 are subject to the
competitive quotation/bid process unless a state contract or other contract
exists. Orders cannot be split to avoid the competitive process.
Purchase RequisitionsAdditional Information
Sole Source: Sole Source purchases are those purchases over $3,100 which
are clearly and legitimately limited to a single source of supply and involve
special facilities, services, or market conditions per RCW 43.19.1906. Source
limitations within geographical areas do not constitute a sole source
situation. Complete a Sole Source Justification Form and submit it along with
your completed purchase requisition.
Decentralized Receiving for Cheney campus: List your preferred “ship to”
address on your requisition. Because of unique situations, Purchasing may elect
to have the merchandise shipped directly to the Receiving Warehouse.
Merchandise for Spokane and other departments located outside of the Cheney
campus will be sent directly to their locations. All merchandise or services
ordered as a Regular Order or Quoted/Bid Order require receiving to be posted
before payment can be made. If your order has been shipped direct to
your department, you must call the Receiving Warehouse so that
receiving can be posted and the vendor can be paid.
Purchase RequisitionsAdditional Information
Internal Communications to Purchasing: Purchasing can phone the department with the
purchase order number or arrange to hold the purchase order so that it can be picked
up. On your requisition, indicate the following:
If department personnel will pick up the merchandise
If you want to phone the order to the vendor, a copy of the purchase order will be mailed to
the vendor confirming the order.
If the vendor will deliver the items or perform the services on site
If you want a fax order.
Routing: To save processing time, obtain any additional approvals before sending the
completed requisition to the Purchasing Office.
If the account code is a ledger four or five, Grants Accounting needs to sign for funds
A ledger six needs to be signed by the Director of Facilities, located in Showalter Hall Rm
Requisitions for printing jobs need to be reviewed by Bruce Armstrong located in 129
Tawanka Hall, 359-4323.
Requisitions for advertisements need to be reviewed by University Relations located in
Room 300 Showalter Hall, 359-6336.
Requisitions requiring the purchase of items with our EWU logo need to be reviewed by
University Relations, Room 300 Showalter Hall, 359-6336. The companies doing the logo
services need to be LRG approved as well. To verify the company go to LRG’s website,
Memorandum of Agreements
Contracts or Memorandums of Agreements (MOA) are required to authorize the payment(s) to contractors
for services and/or expenses. Personal Services are described as work that is independent from the day to
day control of the agency. It is also described as work that may be original and creative in character in a
recognized field of endeavor, or the result of which may depend primarily on the individual’s invention,
imagination, or talent.
Listed below are some instructions for completing the Contract/Memorandum of Agreement Form.
Contracts over $4,999 require competitive solicitation.
Provide the details regarding the “services to be provided”. Please note that the description of services
must be detailed because the scope of work is what is going to hold the contractor accountable for the
services provided.
Provide the beginning and completion date(s) of the service.
Provide the contract amount in the compensation section and then indicate if the travel is included in the
contract amount OR indicate if the travel will be paid in addition to the contract amount. Also indicate
what will be provided such as lodging, airfare, per diem (food), rental car, and an estimated amount.
Separate purchase requisitions will be needed for the lodging and airfare, if EWU is paying the provider
It is important to have the Contractor sign and fill in his/her address and Social Security Number or IRS ID
Number. Only original signatures on contracts will be accepted. Also, type the Contractor’s name and
address in the space provided in the Personal Services Invoice Voucher section. If this form is to be used
as a payment document, the contractor must sign the Services Provider’s Certificate. The department
indicates how the payment will be made, date, amount, and account code. The final payment cannot be
made until after the completion date of the contract.
At the bottom of the page the department provides the contact name, phone, and mail location. Please
send one original copy of the MOA to the purchasing office. Once a contract number has been assigned a
copy will be returned to the department, at the mail location provided, with the contract number.
Memorandum of Agreements
Competitive Solicitation: Personal service contracts over $4,999 require
competitive solicitation. Contact the Purchasing Manager for further assistance.
Payments to non-resident or foreign contractors:
Per IRS regulations beginning January 1, 2001, if a non-resident alien requests
that a payer organization (such as EWU) not withhold tax from the payment
because of a tax treaty exemption, that non-resident alien must report his/her
individual taxpayer identification number (ITIN) on the IRS Form 8233 that
he/she presents to the payer organization.
Per EWU procedures, a completed and signed Form 8233 must be submitted to
Purchasing with each contract that involves payment to a non-resident alien
contractor who claims exemption from U.S. tax withholding due to a tax treaty.
Tax will be withheld at the applicable rate of 30% if the Form 8233 is not
submitted. Additionally, regardless of tax treaty exemption status, all nonresident contractors must provide their ITIN before a contract will be processed.
Non-resident aliens may apply for an ITIN using IRS Form W-7. Forms 8233
and W-7 and applicable publications (e.g., 519 and 901) are available at IRS
web site
Payments to individuals with a SS# must go on a W-9 form, an MOA is required.
We cannot put our employees on an MOA.
If a change is needed to an MOA, please complete an amendment form.
Quoting Limits
Any items that are considered general authority (i.e. books, tools,
equipment rental, scientific equipment) that is over the quoting limit of
$3,100 must be competitively solicited.
If quoting is needed please include the following information
on the purchase requisition:
If you are not sure how much your purchase will cost please request a
quote from a vendor. This will ensure accuracy and limit unnecessary
Please include at least 3 vendors that can bid on the business. Please
include the vendor’s name, address, phone number, and fax number.
This information will cut down on the research time and speed up the
quoting process.
Please indicate if the products need to be installed or any special
delivery information.
Please indicate if alternates can be accepted.
Sealed Bids
Sealed Bids are required when a request for
purchase is over $43,900.
We are required to give the vendors an
adequate amount of time to respond.
Sealed Bids are required to be advertised to
increase competitive solicitation.
Please submit a purchase requisition for the
$100 fee for advertising.
State Contracts: PCs and Misc.
EWU is required to purchase the following items on state contract:
Computers and Equipment
Please request a quote for the products that are authorized by the
state contract. Please request that the quote references our state
contract number.
To purchase PCs and other IT services, please refer to the Washington
State techmall website:
To look up items that may be on state contract for purchased services
(i.e. light bulbs, equipment, janitorial services, etc) please refer to
Furniture Purchases Under State Contract
Purchases for furniture items are required to be on state contract from the following
contracted/interagency contracted vendors.
Please contact the vendor, ask for furniture items that are on state contract and obtain an itemized quote.
If necessary, coordinate with one of the contracted vendors to visit your office to conduct measurements,
discuss laminate, fabric choices, etc. Complete a purchase requisition (itemized) and attach the quote.
The quote should indicate the contract number.
Contract Design Associates (CDA)
Bob Shabano
402 E Sprague Ave
Spokane WA 99204
(509) 624-4220
US Communities Contract
Interior Solutions
Lisa Hildebrand
1229 N Monroe St
Spokane WA 99204
(509) 325-5335 x 19
or cell # 217-9193
US Communities Contract
Authorized Furniture Vendors Under State
Correctional Industries
Ron Hawley
Airway Heights Corrections Center
11919 W. Sprague
Po Box 1959
Airway Heights, WA 99001
(509) 926-5772
State Contract #14393
Interior Development East
Kurt Wood
921 W Broadway
Spokane, WA 99201
(509) 327-7150
WHIPE Contract
Copier Purchases
Copiers are required to be purchased on state contract.
Please purchase copiers from the following list of vendors. They are approved under state
contract #05899 or #07903. Please request a quote, for a copier, from one of these
vendors that references the state contract number.
Phone: 509 535-8000
FAX: 509 535-8866
Contact: MARK LENZ CELL #475-4144
ATTN Linda Davis
Phone: 509 944-7222
FAX: 509 891-9200
Charlie Perkins
6310 E Sprague Ave.
Spokane, WA 99212.
Phone (509) 755-8326
fax: (509) 777-2185
email: charliep@xofficetech.com
Fax Machine and Service Purchases
Please refer to the following link to
purchase Fax Machines and Service
under state contract #00902. Please
contact the vendor and request a quote
referencing the state contract number.
When reimbursing employees, provide their full legal name as it appears in the SIS System and their EWU
identification number. Employees cannot reimburse themselves. Their Chair or Supervisor needs to
authorize the reimbursements
Travel expenses for employees are processed through the Travel Department. These expenses include
parking, mileage, and registrations for workshops or seminars. Registration for Spokane seminars goes
through purchasing.
Reimbursement under $100.00: Send a purchase requisition and the valid, original, receipt(s) to the
Purchasing Department, 312 SHW. Providing these expenses are allowable purchases, the reimbursements
will be authorized by the Purchasing Staff and sent directly to Accounts Payable for processing. A purchase
order will not be issued.
Reimbursement $100.00 and over: Send a purchase requisition, valid receipt(s), and an invoice voucher to
the Purchasing Department, 312 SHW. Providing these expenses are allowable purchases, the Purchasing
Staff will authorize this reimbursement and a purchase order will be generated to process the
reimbursement as a check with order.
Valid Receipt: In order for a vendor receipt to be a valid document, it must be dated, indicate the unit
prices, subtotal, tax, shipping and grand total. The receipt must also contain the vendor’s name, address,
and an itemized description of all items purchased. The receipt must be marked “paid” or show a balance
due of zero and show the method of payment. A credit card slip without the itemization is not a valid
receipt. Receipts must be original.
Group meals, as authorized by the Light Meals and Refreshments Policy, require an itemized receipt,
names of attendees, and a Light Meals & Refreshments Form, copy of the agenda, and an invoice voucher.
If one person, such as a candidate or speaker, is requesting reimbursement for per diem and mileage, an
invoice voucher signed by the payee is required. This invoice Voucher must itemize the reimbursement by
line item such as what meals at what rate, or mileage to and from and at what rate. All receipts must be
original documents.
The candidate’s meals and travel expenses are authorized by State of Washington Office of Financial
Management (OFM). The speaker’s expenses must be listed on the Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) or
contract document before the reimbursement will be authorized.
Invoice Voucher
An Invoice Voucher, form A-19, is a state form that is used as a payment document. Important fields that
need to be completed:
Agency Name: Department’s name and correct mail location
Vendor or Claimant: Vendor’s name and mailing address
Vendor’s Certificate: This is for the payee’s signature only. Department personnel should not use the
Title: This field is used by Purchasing in determining if the Payee is an EWU employee, EWU students,
candidate, contractor, etc.
Federal Identification Number, Social Security Number, or EWU ID Number
Description, quantity, unit price, amount.
Prepared By, Telephone Number, Date
EWU department account code
Use the Accounting Approval for Payment section at the bottom left corner for the department signature, if
Some common uses are as follows:
Candidate’s Interview Expenses: An invoice voucher itemizing all expenses, signed in the “Vendor’s
Certificate Section” by the payee, attached to a purchase requisition will authorize the Purchasing
Department to generate a purchase order to reimburse him/her for meals and mileage not to exceed the
per diem rate. Itemized receipts are required for reimbursement of lodging, parking, and rental car.
Renewal of subscription and memberships: An itemized invoice voucher along with a renewal form and a
purchase requisition will authorize the Purchasing Department to generate a purchase order and pay next
year’s subscription or membership.
Reimbursements over $100: An itemized invoice voucher along with the receipts and an itemized purchase
requisition will authorize the Purchasing Department to generate a check to repay the EWU employee or
student for their expenses. For employees and students, please provide their full legal name as shown in
the SIS System and their EWU ID Number.
Travel and Registration
All employees that travel are required to go through the Travel
Please request travel for candidates on a purchase requisition.
If a student is traveling please send a letter verifying that the
student represented EWU and the travel is essential to their
course of study (class).
Travel for contractors requires an MOA.
For registration to conferences that are in Spokane, the
registration can be submitted to purchasing. Try to pay for
registration with a P-Card if applicable. If attending a
conference while traveling please use a Travel Authorization
(TA) Form.
Meals & Light Refreshments
You may access the Meals & Light Refreshments policy at (http://www.ewu.edu/x3186.xml)
Document procedures for the use of University funds to pay for employee meals and light refreshments at
university-sponsored meetings or formal training sessions. This policy covers all university funding sources
but does not cover foundation funds.
The Office of Financial Management State Administrative and Accounting Manual Sections 10.40.60-70 and
Other guidelines or policies may be more or less restrictive where meals and light refreshments are
authorized, such as Associated Student funding, NCAA guidance to Intercollegiate Athletics or specific
grant language.
Reimbursement may be authorized when the meeting or formal training is away from the employee’s
regular workplace. This authority is intended for use under the following conditions.
The purpose of the meeting is to conduct official university business or to provide formal training sessions
to employees.
The meal period is scheduled as an integral part of the meeting or formal training session. This authority
is not intended for use with normal daily business of employees but rather for special situations or
The payment for meals is approved in advance of the meeting or formal training session.
Meals for volunteers may be included when the volunteers contribute directly to the meeting
or training session. Benefit to university must be documented on the Meals and Light
Refreshments form.
Allowable Meals
Allowable activities for Meals
Meals for search committee members and other employees, including and
reporting, directly to the President, the Provost or the Vice Presidents for
Business and Finance and Student Affairs when interviewing a prospective
employee candidate. An interview schedule must be submitted with the Meals
and Light Refreshments form.
Mealtime off-campus meetings an employee is required to attend in an official university
capacity i.e. chamber of commerce, rotary
Meals served at approved university retreats (as supported by the university retreats policy)
Meals served at conferences or conventions
Mealtime meetings with external constituents such as, inter-institutional, interagency, and volunteers, where the meal is an integral part of the meeting. A
formal agenda is submitted with the Meals and Light Refreshments form and the
meeting is at least 2 hours in length.
Non-routine university employee training. A formal agenda is submitted with
the Meals and Light Refreshments form and the training is at least 2 hours in
length. This is not intended for on the job training.
When an employee, acting in a custodial or leadership role, must, as part of their
duties, dine with students or other clients of the university.
Other pre-approved special situations where meals are deemed appropriate
Non Allowable Meals/ Light Refreshment
Non-allowable activities for Meals
Normal daily business of University employee
Staff/departmental meetings
Anniversaries of units
Anniversaries of individual employment
Social events/reception buffets/meet and greet occasions
Any “hosting” activity. “Hosting” includes but is not limited to, those activities that are
intended either to lobby a legislator or governmental official or are to be a social rather than
university business event.
Light refreshments may be authorized at certain university-sponsored meetings or formal training sessions.
This authority is not intended for use with the normal daily business of employees but rather
for special situations or occasions under the following conditions.
The purpose of the meeting is to conduct official university business or to provide formal training sessions
that benefit the university or recognize university or employee accomplishments.
The meeting involves university employees or others the agency is legally authorized to
The light refreshments are an integral part of the meeting or formal training event.
The person responsible for the meeting or training session receives approval for serving light
refreshments prior to the event.
Light refreshments include non-alcoholic beverage and edible items commonly served between meals, but
not intended to substitute for meals, such as tea, coffee, soft drinks, juice, doughnuts, cookies, sweet rolls,
pieces of fruit or cheese.
Allowable/Non Allowable Light
Allowable activities for Light Refreshments
Inter-institutional meetings
Board of trustee meetings
Cabinet level briefing/meetings
Non-routine university employee training. A formal agenda is submitted with the
Meals and Light Refreshments form and the training is at least 2 hours in length.
This is not intended for on the job training.
Student recruitment functions under university recruiting strategy as
administered by Student Affairs.
Other pre-approved special situations where light refreshments are deemed appropriate
Employee recognition ceremonies (subject to provisions of RCW 41.60.150) Intended for
all university recognition, not departmental.
Non-allowable activities for Light Refreshments
Normal daily business of University employee
Staff/departmental meetings
Anniversaries of units
Anniversaries of individual employment
Social events/receptions/meet and greet occasions
Any “hosting” activity. “Hosting” includes but is not limited to, those activities
that are intended either to lobby a legislator or governmental official or are to
be a social rather than university business event.
Meals & Light Refreshments Prior
The appropriate dean, director, or vice president must approve the
expenditure of meals and light refreshments for meetings or formal
training sessions prior to the event via a Meals and Light Refreshments
For certain events, a formal agenda or schedule of events and
list of attendees must be submitted when completing the
Meals and Light Refreshments form.
All documents to secure meals or light refreshments must be
completed and submitted to Purchasing or Event Planning prior to the
Submit a Purchase Requisition, Meals and Light Refreshments form,
original itemized receipts and invoice voucher to the Purchasing Office.
(An agenda and list of attendees may be required for group events.
Please refer to the Meals & Light Refreshments Policy)
Meals & Light Refreshments
Glossary of Terms
COFFEE AND LIGHT REFRESHMENTS - For state purposes, coffee encompasses any
non-alcoholic beverage, such as tea, soft drinks, juice, or milk. For state purposes, a light
refreshment is an edible item that may be served between meals, for examples doughnuts,
sweet rolls, cookies and pieces of fruit or cheese.
FORMAL TRAINING SESSION – Non-routine employee training supported by a formal
agenda and at least 2 hours in length. This is not on-the-job training.
INTEGRAL PART OF THE MEETING - An activity within a meeting that is essential to
completeness of the meeting, i.e. speaker during lunch or business discussion through
lunch period per formal agenda. Certain situations require the meeting to be at least 2
hours in length.
OFFICIAL UNIVERSITY (STATE) BUSINESS - Activities performed by an official or state
employee, authorized volunteer, contractor, work experience program participant, student or
employee of another governmental jurisdiction as directed by his or her or as required by
the duties of his or her position or office.
REGULAR WORKPLACE - The location where a state employee or state official normally
performs his/her work (excludes meeting and conference rooms).
VOLUNTEER – Individual who contributes directly to meeting or formal training session.
The benefit to the university must be documented on the Meals and Light Refreshments
Retreat Policy
The following information is the policy set forth for payment of retreat expenses.
Retreat expenses shall be assessed according to the State Administrative and
Accounting Manual (SAAM) 10.10.55. Please see the following instructions for
submitting a retreat related payment request.
The department will be required to obtain prior approval by their Dean or
Director. Signature of Dean or Director on the purchase requisition or
interdepartmental purchase order signifies the following:
First priority to facility location has been given to state-owned facilities in lieu of
renting or leasing from other facilities.
I authorize the purpose and objective the meeting.
I am aware of who will be in attendance and permit them to participate.
Please consider the following:
If meals are being served at the retreat a meals and light refreshment form will
be required. Link to the following site for the meals and light refreshments
Employees will be required to stay within per diem guidelines for meals and
lodging. Please see http://www.ofm.wa.gov/policy/colormap.pdf for rates.
P-Card Information
It allows easier acquisition of small dollar purchases
Reduces paperwork
Reduces order and delivery time
Improves campus purchasing efficiency
You may run your own reports on your time schedule
Limits are $1,000 per transaction and $4,000 per month
Both the potential Cardholder and Approver will be required to study the online
training presentation, located on the Purchasing website. After completing the
online training and passing a quiz, two applications will be sent to the
Cardholder: one for the Cardholder and one for the Approver.
The completed applications may then be submitted to Purchasing, and
Purchasing will order cards.
Please consider a P-Card because you will receive your orders faster and you do
not need a purchase requisition for orders.
Enterprise Rental Car
Purchasing only processes car rentals for nonemployees such as Candidates, Students, or
Please complete a purchase requisition for the
Please include the Enterprise car rental form with all
of the pertinent information (name of renter, date of
rental, where they will pick up the car, how long the
rental will be, and size of vehicle.)
Purchasing will call in the rental to Enterprise and
email the confirmation to the contact person on the
purchase requisition.
Corporate Express to Office
Effective July 1, 2006, Office Depot has been
awarded the contract for office supplies.
Those departments using E-way Internet
Ordering must complete a new set up form.
Please complete the form and send it to the
Purchasing Office, SHW 312.
Those departments ordering office supplies
through phone and fax will be required to use
Office Depot as well. Catalogs will be
available in the Purchasing Office soon.
Thank you for taking the time out of your day
to come to our office.
Below is the link to the following forms that
may be needed:
Purchase Requisition, Sole Source Form,
Meals & Lt Refreshments, MOA, Office Depot
Online Sign Up, P-Card Applications
Please use our forms when making any
request to the purchasing office.