Act II Review Questions

Review Questions Act I
1. What is the purpose or function of Scene 1? What important elements are introduced to the
2. What is meant by, “fair is foul and foul is fair”? (I,i,11-12)
What do we learn about the situation in Scotland in Scene 2? What do we learn about
Macbeth and Banquo?
4. What supernatural powers do the witches have?
5. What are the first words uttered by Macbeth in the play and what is their dramatic
6. What are the prophecies given to Macbeth and Banquo?
7. How are Macbeth’s and Banquo’s reactions to the prophecies different? Suggest a reason for
this difference. What is Macbeth thinking about that cause his peculiar reaction?
8. Why is it significant when Duncan says, “There is no art / To find the mind’s construction in
the face: / He was a gentleman on whom I built / An absolute trust.’ (I, iv, 40-57) What does
this tell us about King Duncan?
9. What important announcement does Duncan make in scene 4? What is Macbeth’s reaction?
10. What is the importance of the letter read by Lady Macbeth at the beginning of Scene 5?
What does it tell us about the Macbeths’ relationship and the situation that is unfolding?
11. According to Lady Macbeth, what is Macbeth’s great flaw?
12. What does Lady Macbeth’s soliloquy reveal about her character? (I, iv, 40-57) What does
she ask to lose? What does she ask for?
13. What is Lady Macbeth’s advice to Macbeth at the end of Scene 5? Does he need it?
14. What is the purpose of the comments of Duncan and Banquo on the situation and
environment at the beginning of Scene 6? How is it ironic?
15. MACBETH speaks a very important soliloquy at the beginning of Scene 7. What does it
reveal? What reasons does he have to abort his plan to kill Duncan? What reason does he
have to proceed?
16. Macbeth tells Lady Macbeth “we shall proceed no further in this business” (I, vii, 33). What
does this tell us about Macbeth? How does Lady Macbeth convince him to change his mind?
Why is her tactic effective?
17. How would you describe the Macbeths’ relationship?
18. What is Lady Macbeth’s motive?
19. Find examples in Act I where the theme of deceptive appearances is revealed by the words of
characters in the play.
Act II Review Questions
1. What is ironic about the gifting of a diamond to Lady Macbeth?
2. How is Banquo’s reaction to the prophecies shown to contract with Macbeth in Act II,
3. What proposition does Macbeth offer Banquo?
4. Why is the dagger scene so important (Act II, Scene I) in this play? Is the dagger real?
5. What evidence is there in Act II, Scene ii that Lady Macbeth is not as strong as she would
like to be? What are the dangers she warns Macbeth of if he thinks too deeply on the deeds
they have done?
6. How does each of the Macbeths react to the blood on their hands?
7. Are Macbeth’s last two lines in Scene ii sincere?
8. What is the dramatic purpose of the porter scene?(Act II, iii) Do you understand his “off
colour” jokes?
9. Why does Shakespeare introduce the references to the unruly night? (Act II, iii, 58-68) What
is Macbeth’s understatement?
10. Was killing the grooms a wise decision by Macbeth? How does he excuse his actions?
11. In Act II Banquo, Macduff, Lennox, Malcolm, and Donalbain all show by their speeches that
they suspect Macbeth. Why?
12. What does Macduff mean when he says, “Lest our old robes sit easier than our new”?(II, iv,
13. Macduff refuses to go to scone to see Macbeth crowned. What reasons might he have for
this decision? (Refer to the Bellona’s bridegroom allusion I, ii, 62) How will Macbeth react
to Macduff’s absence the coronation?
Act 3 Review Questions
1. Paraphrase Banquo’s opening soliloquy. What does it reveal about his character?
2. In his soliloquy (III, 1, 52-74), what does Macbeth reveal about his plans and purposes?
Why is he unhappy now that he is the king?
3. How does the planning of Banquo’s murder differ from the planning of Duncan’s murder?
What change has occurred in Macbeth’s character?
4. What does Macbeth tell the murderers to make them want to kill Macduff?
5. In Scene 2 Lady Macbeth also seems to be unhappy. What proof of this is there in this
6. Where did the third murderer come from in Scene 4? Are you sure?
7. In speaking of Fleance’s escape, the second murderer says: “We have lost the best half of our
affair.” Explain.
8. How is Macbeth’s guilt revealed in Scene 4? Is it typical for some one to appear guiltier as
they are trying to appear innocent? Why?
9. How does Lady Macbeth try to excuse Macbeth’s erratic behaviour?
10. What does Macbeth mean when he says, “We are yet young in deed”? (III, iv, 175) what
does this imply?
11. Why is Scene 5 omitted from most productions of Shakespeare?
12. Discuss the irony/sarcasm of Lennox’s remarks in Scene 6.
Act 4 Review Questions
1. What do the three apparitions reveal to Macbeth? How does he react to them?
2. How does Macbeth react to the show of eight kings?
3. How has Macbeth changed from Act I? What is his new philosophy of life? (IV, I, 161-162)
Is this a wise way to live your life?
4. What new plan does he make after meeting with the witches? Why? Why is this considered
to be his worst crime? What does this show about his state of mind?
5. What is the purpose of Macduff’s mission to see Malcolm? Why did he leave his family?
6. What does Malcolm say about himself? Why does he do this? What has Malcolm learned?
7. What do Malcolm and Macduff decide to do?
8. How does Macduff react to news of his family’s murder? To whom is Macduff referring
when he says, “He has no children”?(248)
Act 5 Review Questions
1. Why is the sleepwalking scene so powerful? What does the blood on Lady Macbeth’s hand
2. What important fact do we learn about Macbeth’s followers?
3. Explain the significance of Macbeth’s words in the famous, “To-morrow and To-morrow”
speech. Explain the metaphor used. What does it reveal about Macbeth’s state of mind?
Contrast this reaction to a family death with that of Macduff.
4. How are the witches shown to be equivocators?
5. Why is it fitting for Macduff to kill Macbeth.
6. What does Young Siward’s death reveal about Elizabethan beliefs about dying?
7. What is a usurper?