Chapter 2
Planning, Implementing,
and Controlling
Marketing Strategies
• Describe strategic planning process
• Explain how organizational resources &
opportunities affect planning process
• Understand role of mission statement in
strategic planning
• Examine corporate, business-unit, and
marketing strategies
• Understand process of creating marketing plan
• Describe marketing implementation process and
major approaches to marketing implementation
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Strategic Planning
The process of establishing an
organizational mission and formulating
goals, corporate strategy, marketing
objectives, marketing strategy, and a
marketing plan.
Strategic Marketing Plan FAQs
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Components Of
Strategic Planning
Source: From Marketing Strategy, 2nd Edition. Reprinted with permission of South-Western, a division of Thomson Learning:
www Fax 800- 730-2215.
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Marketing Strategy
A plan of action for identifying and analyzing
a target market and developing a marketing
mix to meet the needs of that market.
Apple’s iPod
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Effective Marketing Strategy
 Reflects overall direction of organization
 Coordinated with firm’s functional areas
 Contributes to achievement of:
• Marketing objectives
• Organizational goals
Apple’s Unusual Marketing Strategy
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Marketing Plan
A written document that specifies the
activities to be performed to implement and
control the organization’s marketing activities.
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Assessing Organizational
Resources and Opportunities
• Assessing financial and human
– Capabilities vs. changes
– Marketing and financial affect
• Goodwill, reputation and brand
as resources
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Core Competencies
Things a firm does extremely well, which
sometimes give it an advantage over its
Core competencies
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Market Opportunity
A combination of circumstances and timing
that permits an organization to take action to
reach a particular target market.
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Strategic Window
Temporary periods of optimal fit between
the key requirements of a market and the
particular capabilities of a firm competing
in the market.
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Competitive Advantage
The result of a company’s matching a
core competency to opportunities it has
discovered in the marketplace.
Dell vs. Apple
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SWOT Analysis
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Customer Satisfaction
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Four-Cell SWOT Matrix
Source: Adapted from Nigel F. Piercy, Market-Led Strategic Change.
Copyright © 1992 Butterworth-Heinemann Ltd., p. 371. Reprinted with permission.
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Establishing an Organizational
Mission and Goals
• Mission Statement
– A long-term view, or vision, of what the
organization wants to become.
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Statement Answers:
 Who are our customers?
 What is our core competency?
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Corporate Identity
 Unique Symbols
 Personalities
 Philosophies
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Marketing Objective
A statement of what is to be accomplished
through marketing activities.
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Marketing Objectives Terms
 Product
 Market Share
• Introduction
 Pricing
• Improvement
 Distribution
• Innovation
 Sales Volume
 Advertising
 Employee Training
 Profitability
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Objective Characteristics
 Clear, simple terms
 Measurable
 Specify time frame
 Consistent with unit and corporate strategy
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Developing Corporate, BusinessUnit, and Marketing Strategies
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Corporate Strategy
A strategy that determines the means for
utilizing resources in the various functional
areas to reach the organization’s goals.
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Microsoft Announces Shift In
Corporate Strategy
• “Trustworthy Computing”
• Emphasize security and privacy over new
• Highest priority is to ensure that computer users
continue to venture across an increasingly
Internet-connected world
• “Microsoft announces corporate strategy toward
security and privacy”
Information Security News, “Microsoft announces corporate strategy toward security and privacy”, Jan. 2002,
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Business-Unit Strategy
• Strategic Business Unit (SBU)
– A division, product line, or other profit center
within the parent company.
Example of SBU organization
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A group of individuals and/or organizations
that have needs for products in a product
class and have the ability, willingness, and
authority to purchase those products.
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Market Share
The percentage of a market that actually
buys a specific product from a particular
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Growth Share Matrix
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Marketing Strategy
• Components of marketing strategy
– Selecting target markets
– Creation of marketing mix.
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Competitive Advantage
An advantage that the competition
cannot copy.
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Marketing Planning
The process of assessing marketing
opportunities and resources, determining
marketing objectives, defining marketing
strategies, and establishing guidelines
for implementation and control of the
marketing program.
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Marketing Implementation
The process of putting marketing strategies
into action.
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Intended Strategy
The strategy the organization decided on
during the planning phase
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Realized Strategy
The strategy that actually takes place
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Components Of
The Marketing Plan
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Approaches To
Marketing Implementation
• Customers
– External
– Internal
• Internal Marketing
• Total Quality Management
– Benchmarking
– Empowerment
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External Customers
Individuals who patronize a business.
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Internal Marketing
A management philosophy that coordinates
internal exchanges between the organization
and its employees to achieve successful
external exchanges between the organization
and its customers.
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Total Quality Management
A philosophy that uniform commitment to
quality in all areas of the organization will
promote a culture that meets customers’
perceptions of quality.
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Comparing the quality of the firm’s goods,
services, or processes with that of its bestperforming competitors.
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Giving customer-contact employees
authority and responsibility to make
marketing decisions without seeking
approval of their supervisors.
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Marketing Activities
• Organization
– Centralized
– Decentralized
• Structure
– Function
– Product
– Region
– Type of customer
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Controlling Marketing Activities
• Marketing Control Process
– Establishing performance standards,
evaluating actual performance by comparing
it with established standards, and reducing
the difference between desired and actual
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The Marketing
Control Process
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