Second Quarter Exam Review Guide NAME_____________________________ The Renaissance began in what modern European country? Which city state is often referred to as the “cradle of the Renaissance”? The term Renaissance means: The most dramatic change of the Renaissance was: A release from all or part of the punishment for committing a sin is a(n): Author of the “Praise of Folly” and an outspoken critic of the church: Where did Martin Luther post his statement of ideas? Why here? Why was Martin Luther excommunicated by the pope? Did Luther recant at the Diet of Worms? Why/Why not? Why couldn’t the Portuguese take the overland route to the Indies? Why couldn’t the Portuguese take the Mediterranean sea route to the Indies? What technology allowed late 15th century navigators to undertake blue water travel for the first time? When the Spanish and the Portuguese began to argue about control of land in the New World, to whom did they go to solve the problem? Why? How was the problem solved? Directions: Answer the following question Who set up a navigation school in Portugal to teach sailors? Who was the first European to sail all the way around Africa to India? What English navigator was considered a pirate because he raided Spanish settlements on the west coast of the Americas? Who conquered the Aztecs of Mexico? Who conquered the Incas of Peru? Who were tried to sail around the world, but was killed in the Philippines? Who claimed the first island discovered in the New World? What Protestant reformer believed that God knows in advance who is going to go to heaven and who is not? What Protestant reformer believed that people could be saved by grace and go to heaven by faith in God alone? Who supported and financed Columbus’s first voyage to sail west to the Indies? Directions: Complete the following sentences. What did Martin Luther seek to accomplish? What steps did the Catholic Church eventually take to reform itself? Why were the Portuguese seeking an all water route to India? What three things spurred on European explorers even though they were risking their lives? What were the most famous works of Michelangelo and Leonardo Da Vinci? What impact did the printing press have on the Renaissance? Why didn’t Martin Luther support the Peasants Revolt? After the Diet of Worms what happened to Martin Luther? What was the Diet of Worms? What was the Edict of Worms? What error did Columbus make when calculating the circumference of the earth? What term means to sail around the world? A Spanish soldier who fought for gold, glory, and God Martin Luther’s statement of ideas/reforms was called the Define the following terms: conquistador Middle Passage circumnavigate perspective excommunication vernacular Identify the following: His decision to split with the Catholic Church was for purely personal and political reasons, not religious ones He kidnapped and protected Martin Luther after Luther had been declared an outlaw He was referred to as the “Prince of Humanists”; had a huge effect on Martin Luther An ingenious architect; he solved the problem of how to build a dome for the cathedral of Florence As Holy Roman Emperor, he was torn between his loyalty to the Catholic Church and his loyalty to his German subjects Italian city-state considered the birthplace of the Renaissance When the Muslims captured this city in 1453, European traders had to find an alternate route to the Indies Luther was called to this German town to renounce his beliefs and writings When Columbus first landed in the New World, he claimed the island for Spain and called it this Capital city of the Aztec Empire; conquered by the Spanish Term that means to take back a previous statement A person that holds beliefs that run contrary to Church doctrines A person who is of mixed Spanish and Native American descent System of labor employed by the Spanish that forced native Americans to work in mines and on plantations System of thought attaching prime importance to human rather than divine or supernatural matters