Part II. The Civil War - Waterford Public Schools

U.S. History
Unit 3 Test:
Ultimate Review Sheet
Part I. The Road to the War
1. Why were southern congressmen opposed to the WIlmot Proviso because the Wilmot
Proviso would have banned slavery in all the land that the US got from Mexico in 1848
2. The Compromise of 1850 was designed to lessen the tension between the North and the
South over the issue of slavery. In the boxes below identify the parts of the Compromise of
1850 that pleased the North and the parts that pleased the South.
How the Compromise of 1850 pleased the
-California would become a free state
-Slavery was banned in Washington, DC
How the Compromise of 1850 pleased the
-The Fugitive Slave Act would be passed an
enforced throughout the country
What was the Fugitive Slave Act? A law that stated that all escaped slaves must be returned to
their “slave owner”.
4. True or False. People living in the South loved the book Uncle Tom’s Cabin. They believed
that the story depicted slavery in an honest and fair way.
I think that this statement is ________ false) because: Uncle Tom’s Cabin paitned a negative
picture of slavery – it showed that slavery was a brutal and cruel institution
5. What was the Kansas-Nebraska Act (hint: think about popular sovereignty): An act of
congress that stated the people of Kansas and Nebraska would be allowed to go to the polls
and vote to determine if slavery would be legal or illegal in their states.
6. True or False. People living in the North were proud of what Preston Brooks. Many
northerners sent him letters of thanks and new canes for standing up for their region.
I think that this statement is ________ false) because: Preston Brooks beat up a northern
Senator with his cane after the senator spoke poorly of slavery and the South – this angered
people in the North.
7. What did the Supreme Court decide about the citizenship status of African-Americans in the
case of Dred Scot v. Sanford? The court decided that African-Americans were not considered
to be citizens and therefore did not have the right to sue in the USA
8. Who was John Brown? An extreme abolitionists who killed proslavery supports in Kansas and
tried to start a slave rebellion in Harper’s Ferry, VA.
9. Who won the presidential election of 1860? Lincoln
10. How did the South react to the election of this man? They decided to secede
11. Define the word “ssecession”: to withdraw from, leave, quit
12. Identify the first southern state to secede from the Union. South Carolina
Part II. The Civil War
13. Define the term “ccivil war.” A war in which both of the fighting parties are from the same
14. What was the name given to the new country formed by the southern states that seceded
from the Union? Confederate States of America (The Confedreacy)
15. Union or Confederacy – Advantages at the Beginning of the War
a. Confederacy This region had more skilled military leaders who’d attended prestigious military
academies such as West Point.
b. Union This region had 85% of the country’s factories and mills.
c. Confederacy This region would be doing most of the fighting in their own land, giving them
the home-court advantage.
d. Confederacy This region’s population was more passionate about the war effort than the
e. Union This region had a much larger population (roughly 16 million more people than the
Union This region had a greater supply of weapons and cloth for their troops,
g. Union This region had more miles of railroad.
h. Confederacy This region should have had greater supplies of food because their economy was
based on agriculture.
Confederacy This region won most of the victories in the early part of the war.
Union This region was composed of more states.
16. Who was the lead general of the Union Army? Ulysses S. Grant
17. Who was the lead general of the Confederate Army? Robert E. Lee
18. Who was elected as president of the Confederate States of America? Jefferson Davis
19. Where were the first shots of the Civil War fired? Fort Sumter, South Carolina
20. Why was the Battle of New Orleans an important victory for the Union? It gave the Union
control of the port of New Orleans, which meant they controlled who enetered and exited
the Mississippi River
21. Which of the following statements is true about the Battle of Gettysburg?
a. It was an important victory for the Union because it marked a turning point in the war in
which they began to win more battles.
22. Who was Clara Barton? A nurse in the Civil War who went on to create the American Red
23. Why was the Battle of Vicksburg an important victory for the North? This was an important
victory for the North because it gave them full control of the Mississippi River
24. What was the name of the military plan adopted by the Union? Anaconda Plan
25. Briefly describe the plan. They planned on surrounding the South and smothering them. They
set up a naval blockade along the coast to prevent the South from being able to trade
26. Where did the Confederacy surrender to the Union in 1865? Appomattox Courthouse
27. Name the man who assassinated President Lincoln. John Wilkes Booth
28. What was the Massachusetts 54th Regiment of soldiers (formed right after the Emancipation
proclamation)? The first all African American regiment to serve in the Union Army
29. What was the Battle of Antietam? The bloodiest battle of the Civil War
30. Define the word “cconscription” military draft
31. What was the Emancipation Proclamation? Lincoln freed all of the slaves living in the
Confederacy. He believed it was constitutional because it was viewed as a military action
Part III. Reconstruction Era
32. What was the Freedman’s Bureau? A federal organization that provided assistance to former
slaves – gave them food, shelter, clothing education, medical assistance, etc…
33. Briefly describe each of the Reconstruction Amendments:
13th Amendment
Abolished slavery
14th Amendment
All people born in US are considered to be citizens and are entitled
to rights and protection under the Constitution
15th Amendment
Made it illegal to deny anyone the right to vote based on race or
previous condition of servitude
34. Who were Blanche Bruce & Hiram Revels? First African Americans elected to Congress
35. Which group of people wanted to help former slaves gain equal rights? Radical Republicans or
the Democrats? Radical Republicans
36. What were black codes? State and local laws that sought to deny African-Americans the rights
they were granted under the Constitution (i.e. poll taxes, literacy tests, etc…)
37. Briefly describe how each of these Supreme Court verdicts affected the rights of African
U.S. v. Cruickshank
Only states had the power to punish those who took away rights
form African Americans
U.S. v. Reese
States had the power to deny people the right to vote
38. What was the Panic of 1873 and how did it affect the rights of African-Americans? The Panic
of 1873 led to an economic depression. The poor economy became the main focus of our
government and people ignored the rights/needs of former slaves
39. True or False. Sharecropping helped many former slaves become very wealthy.
I think that this statement is ________ ( false) because: sharecropping was not very different
from slavery
40. What was Special Field Order #15? An order by Union General Sherman that gave former
slaves 40 acres of land and a mule to help them adjust to freedom and become independent.
It was eventually repealed by President Andre Johnson