History is about •Time More than just the hands on a clock •Evidence Is it for real? Prove it. Time in History What is time? How do we measure time? Why is time important in History? Why is the calendar useful? Why was it invented? When we study History, we measure time not distance We get the sequence of events in the correct order If events are in the wrong order, their meaning can change enormously What do you think happened? What do you think the story would be if the order of events was changed? Oldest part of history and does not have any written record is ‘prehistory’ We use artefacts to study prehistoric periods It is divided into ‘ages’ named after what the people at that time made their tools from. Stone Age – when man created tools from stone Bronze Age – when humans began with the first widespread use of copper and bronze tools Iron Age – Iron was used extensively and there was some evidence of written records Historians also break up time into other ages like Golden Age, Elizabethan Age etc. History is split into dynasties e.g Shang Dynasty. Gupta Dynasty etc. Dynasty – period of rule by people from the same family group Periods Shang dynasty 1523-1027 BC - Dynasties Zhou dynasty 1027-221 BC Qin dynasty 221206 BC Han dynasty 202 BCAD 220 How do Historians decide where to start counting from? AD – Anno Domini (In the year of our Lord) • Indicate anything that happened after Christ was born • Counted forward beginning with 1 • Written AD1945 – but we don’t normally write like this • This year was One thousand nine hundred and forty-five years after the birth of Christ About 1,500 years ago, there was a dispute within the Christian Church over how to date important events in church history. The Pope asked a monk to develop a standard method. The monk decided to start with what he believed was the year Jesus Christ’s birth. This became year 1. The years before Christ’s birth later became known as Before Christ, abbreviated B.C. The monk called the years after Christ’s birth anno Domini. These Latin words mean ‘in the year of the Lord’ and are abbreviated A.D. Time Specific points BC - before Christ AD - Anno Domini Century - a period of 100 years The 2nd century AD lasted from AD 101 to AD 200 BC – Before Christ • We write the letter BC after the number e.g. 242 BC • Counted back from the birth of Christ e.g. Shang ruled China from 1500 BC to 1027 BC • Higher the date; earlier it had happened There is no Year 0 Han ruled China from 206 BC to AD 220 How long did they rule China? • 206 years before Christ was born • 220 years after • 426 years altogether AD and BC are divided into smaller units • Biggest 1000 years – Millennium • So AD 1000 is 1000 years after Christ was born Each millennium is divided into centuries • 100 years – century Each century is divided into decades • 10 years – 1 decade 1945 is year 5 of the 4th decade of the 9th century of the 2nd millennium The notation c, is short for circa which means ‘around’. We don’t know the exact year the event happened but we think it was probably around that time Timeline A jagged line means an interval is not represented Gupta Dynasty (c. AD320 – 540) BC 1600 1000 800 600 400 200 AD 1 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 AD Dates before AD 1 refer to the years before the birth of Jesus Christ Dates after AD 1 refer to the years after the birth of Jesus Christ AD 1 The year Jesus Christ was born Some countries have changed AD and BC to CE – Common Era and BCE – Before Common Era To avoid the linkage to Christ but keeping the same dates Assuming that our starting point is the YEAR ONE (there is no YEAR ZERO), then BCE, meaning "before common era" is the abbreviation used for years that occurred before the YEAR ONE. CE means "common era" and is used on all dates starting with YEAR ONE. Sometimes, we omit the abbreviation CE if we are only talking about modern history--no one would say that Barack Obama was elected in the year 2008 CE, although they could if they wanted to Muslim year has 12 months – all of 28 days Significant event was when Prophet Mohammed was driven out of Mecca to Medina This move was called hijrah and happened in the year AD 622 AD 622 is 1 AH (After Hijrah) Dates before Ad 622 is labelled BH (Before Hijrah) Other calendars are of the Chinese, Jewish and Indian origins Some are used for religious purposes – not for historical recordings Imagine the confusion if everyone worked in a different system of time dating How would this affect: business arrangements, school holidays, writing history textbooks etc. Activity Time Century Years 5th century BC 500 - 401 BC 2nd century BC 200 - 101 BC 11th century AD AD 1001 - 1100 15th century AD AD 1401 - 1500 21st century AD AD 2001 - 2100 Arrange these events in chronological order A B C D E Dates Events 1500 B.C The Indus Valley Civilisation ended abruptly A.D 300 The Gupta Dynasty was established 3000 The original people settled in the B.C. Indus Valley 185 B.C. The Mauryan Dynasty collapsed A.D. 376 King Chandragupta II ruled India to 415