Lessons for week of 11/29/2010

Mon, Nov 29, 2010
DLG: Analyze the leadership qualities and responsibilities of George
Washington and Alexander Hamilton. [8.23.A]
HW: (1) RSG pgs 87 & 88 (no time to complete tomorrow)
(2)Chap 9 Quiz – Friday (3) Chap 8 & 9 Test – Wed, Dec 8
Warm-Up 8 minutes:
Read “A Voice from the Past” on page 277 and answer the questions on
back of Note Packet.
1. According to Thomson, why was Washington chosen as president?
2. What does Thomson mean by the “voice of America”?
TODAY’s Activity
1. Pick up Chap 9 Notes packet
2. Chap 9 Sec 1 Notes
3. Read Economic Problems and Hamilton Financial Plan
1. John Adams – National Bank
4. Finish Chap 9 Sec 1 Notes
5. Work with a partner and create 1 High Level Questions using
question stems for discussion in Netschool (chat) or on sticky note
Tues, Nov 30, 2010
DLG: Describe the significance of the Whiskey Rebellion to US History
HW: (1) RSG pgs 89 and 90 (no time to complete tomorrow), (2)
Chap 9 Quiz – Friday (3) Chap 8 & 9 Test – Wed, Dec 8
Warm-Up 7 minutes:
Pick-up Notecard
Use Chapter 9, Sec 1 Notes to answer-on notecard-the following 3 questions
1. Explain what it means to believe in a strict interpretation of the
2. Explain the importance of the Federal Judiciary Act of 1789.
3. Why did Hamilton favor imposing high tariffs on foreign goods and
creating a national bank?
TODAY’s Activity
1. Grade RSG pgs 87 and 88
2. Grade Warm-Up & Highlight answer in notes
3. Discovery Activity
4. Chap 9, Sec 2 Notes
Wed, Dec 1, 2010
DLG: Explain the origin and development of American political parties.
HW: (1) RSG pgs 91 and 92 (no time to complete tomorrow), (2)
(2)Chap 9 Quiz – Friday (3)Chap 8 & 9 Test – Wed, Dec 8
Warm-Up 7 minutes:
Pick-up Notecard
Use Chapter 9, Sec 2 Notes and Whiskey Rebellion Artifact Sheet to answeron notecard-the following 3 questions
1. What was the cause of the Whiskey Rebellion?
2. Explain the actions taken by George Washington during the Whiskey
Rebellion, do you agree or disagree, justify your answer with text
3. What makes this event important to US History?
TODAY’s Activity
1. Grade RSG pgs 89 and 90
2. Grade Warm-Up & Highlight answer in notes
3. Read Page 288 and Discuss
4. Chap 9, Sec 3 Notes
Thurs, Dec 2, 2010
DLG: Identify different points of view of political parties and interest groups on
important historical and contemporary issues.
HW: (1) Chap 9 Quiz – Friday (2) Chap 8 & 9 Review – Mon, Dec 6
(3) Chap 8 & 9 Test – Wed, Dec 8
Warm-Up 7 minutes:
Who’s P.O.V. is it?
Complete the following: (1) Federalists are like_________________________
because _________________________________. (2) DemocraticRepublicans are like ______________________ because
_____________. (select a picture below or use your own).
TODAY’s Activity
Discuss Warm-up
Grade RSG pgs 91 and 92
Chap 9, Sec 3 Notes or create a model of key ideas of Chap 9
Fri, Dec 3, 2010
DLG: Explain different points of view of political parties and interest groups on the
issues of constitutional interpretation and the national bank.
HW: (1) Chap 8 & 9 Review – Mon, Dec 6 (2) Chap 8 & 9 Test – Wed, Dec
Warm-Up 10 minutes:
Chap 9 Quiz
TODAY’s Activity
1. Grade Warm-Up
2. Go to my netschool page, click on “Development of Political Parties”
Journal Activity and answer the question.
1. Or Read the chart on Page 288 and Answer the following
question on a notecard
1.The Federalist and Democratic Republicans each had
different beliefs about the role of the national government
in American life. How were those beliefs reflected in their
stands on the issues of constitutional interpretation and
the national bank?