Name ________________________________________________ Period ________________ CP Chemistry Chapter 11 Syllabus: Thermochemistry- Heat and Chemical Change - 2015 Complete the following assignments and staple them to the back of the packet in order. Points Date Assignment Stamp /4 3/24 Guided reading 11.1 and 11.2 /4 3/25 Guided reading 11.3 and 11.4 /4 3/26 Practice Problems 11.1 through 11.2 (8 prob) /4 3/27 Practice Problems 11.3 through 11.4 (7 prob) /2 3/27 Ch. 11.1 # 6,8,10,37,41,44,45 /4 3/30 Calorimetry POGIL /2 3/30 Ch. 11.2 # 15,16,18,46 /4 3/31 Whiteboards Ver. A (11 problems) /2 3/31 Ch. 11.3 # 27, 53abd, 67, 85 /2 4/1 Thermo problems #2 /2 4/1 Thermo problems #3 /2 4/1 Section 11.4 Section Review /2 4/2 Thermo problems #4 /2 4/2 Ch. 11.4 # 57, 58, 59 /2 4/13 Cumulative review problems p. 324 # 78,79,81 Total Lab 15 – Specific Heat of a Metal – due Monday 4/17 CP Chemistry Chapter 11 Syllabus: Thermochemistry- Heat and Chemical Change – 2015 Monday 3/23 Tuesday 3/24 Wednesday 3/25 Section 11.1 and 11.2 Slides 1-21 Thursday 3/26 Section 11.3 and 11.4 Slides 22-45 Friday 3/27 Practice Problems 11.3 through 11.4 (7 problems in packet) HW:Guided reading 11.1 and 11.2 3/31 Whiteboards Ver A 11 problems HW: Guided reading 11.3 and 11.4 4/1 Thermo problems #2 (8 prob) Thermo problems #3 (9 prob) HW: Practice problems 11.1 and 11.2 (8 prob) 4/2 OPEN HOUSE Thermo problems #4 (7 prob) HW: Ch. 11.1 # 6,8,10,37,41,44,45 4/3 Quiz Chapter 11 Thermochemistry HW: Ch. 11.2 # 15,16,18,46 HW: Ch. 11.3 # 27, 53abd, 67,85 and HW: 11.4 # 57,58,59 and prepare study buddy for quiz HW: Have a great spring break 4/6 SPRING BREAK 4/7 SPRING BREAK HW: 11.4 Section Review “Calculating Heat Changes” 4/8 SPRING BREAK 4/9 SPRING BREAK 4/10 SPRING BREAK 4/13 Go over quiz 4/14 Specific Heat Lab Computer based lab Lab due on 4/17 4/15 Debrief lab, work on lab writeup, it is due tomorrow. 4/16 Go over Thermo problems #2,3,4 4/17 Test Chapter 11 Thermochemistry HW: Work on lab writeup, due Thursday HW: Finish lab writeup HW: Study for test HW: Work on full lab writeup 3/30 Calorimetry POGIL HW: Cumulative review problems p. 324, # 78,79,81 Chapter 11 Study Buddy – Thermochemistry