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Kick-off 2nd year
Aerospace Engineering
Luchtvaart- en Ruimtevaarttechniek
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Contents today
A small introduction
Global overview of the 2nd year
Per-module pitches by teachers – periods 1 + 2
Break + grab yourself some lunch
Per-module pitches by teachers – periods 3 + 4
Panel discussions / questions
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Education Management Team
Director of Education: Aldert Kamp
Head O&S: Madeleine Bos
Coordinator BSc 1: René Alderliesten
Coordinator BSc 2+3: René van Paassen
MSc Programme director: Leo Veldhuis
Student representative from the Society of Aerospace Students
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Academic Counsellors
Open office hours:
Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 12.30 till 14.00, high
rise building, second floor.
Changes in availability are announced through Blackboard
Detailed contact information can be found on the AE Airport >
Support > Academic Counsellors
Merel Eggens
Susan de Rouw
Jill Morales
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BSc overview
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2nd Year
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From 1st to 2nd Year
Intro aerospace
Linear Algebra
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From 1st to 2nd Year
Intro aerospace
Linear Algebra
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From 1st to 2nd Year
Intro aerospace
Linear Algebra
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• The BSc 2nd year will bring a lot of exciting new topics
• Figure out how things relate – what knowledge is required +
adapt your study planning accordingly
• Start thinking about your minor in the 3rd year; plan ahead
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Pitches first Semester:
Aerospace System Design
Aerodynamics (sub- and supersonic)
Differential Equations & Probability and Statistics
Structural and Vibrational Analysis & Design
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AE2111 Module
System Design
Aerospace Design and
Systems Engineering
Elements II
Nando Timmer
Angelo Cervone
Durk Steenhuizen
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General study goals
• Define what are the aircraft/spacecraft subsystems and
how do they function and interact
• Understand how to design some important subsystems,
putting them in a systems engineering context
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Specific study goals (aircraft)
After completing this course you will be able to perform a preliminary
sizing of the aircraft wing and related sub-systems. In
particular, the course will focus on:
Wing functional requirements
Wing aerodynamic coefficients and characteristics
Airfoil shapes, taper ratio, aspect ratio, sweep and dihedral angles
Fuel systems, high lift devices, anti icing & de-icing systems
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Specific study goals (spacecraft)
During this course you will learn some fundamental systems
engineering principles and how to perform a preliminary sizing of
two sub-systems: attitude determination/control and
telecommunications. In particular:
Space mission architecture, key spacecraft functions and subsystems
Functional analysis and requirements
Attitude fundamentals, sensors and actuators
Telecommunications technologies, link budget
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Practical matters
• Required knowledge:
 AE1222 – Aerospace Design and Systems Engineering Elements I
• Educational method:
 One introduction lecture (1 hour) + 10 two-hour lectures (5 on
aircraft, 5 on spacecraft), weeks 1.1-1.2-1.3
• Assessment:
 Final exam, multiple choice + open questions (weight 4/6)
 Two homework group tutorials (weight 1/6 each): aircraft in
weeks 1.4-1.5, spacecraft in weeks 1.6-1.7
 All assessment items are mandatory, and a grade of at least 5.0
must be obtained in each
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AE2130 “Aerodynamics”
“Sub- and Supersonic”
AE2130-I: “Aerodynamics 1”
AE2130-II: Low-speed wind
tunnel practical
AE2130-III: “Aerodynamics 2”
The basics of aerodynamics and
incompressible flow theory
High-speed aerodynamics
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AE2130-I Aerodynamics 1
The basics of aerodynamics
Learning goals:
Teaching methods:
Basic concepts and the mathematical theory of aerodynamics
Connection with low-speed aircraft theory (airfoils & wings)
How can we model, compute and predict flow behaviour?
How do airfoils/wings work?
Lectures and exercises
Brush up on your maths!
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AE2130-II Wind Tunnel Practical
Low speed wind tunnel experiment
Learning goals:
Teaching methods:
Basic subsonic wind-tunnel testing
Practical and hands-on airfoil testing in the LTT windtunnel
How to measure aerodynamic properties in a windtunnel
What is the difference between 2D and 3D wing sections
How experiments compare to simulations
1 introductory lecture on basic concepts
3-hour practical session of 8-10 student group in the LTT
Xfoil session
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AE2130-III Aerodynamics 2
High-speed aerodynamics
Learning goals:
Teaching methods:
Shock & expansion waves
High speed wind tunnels & Nozzles
Transonic Aerodynamics
How can we model compressible flows
Understand essential phenomena
Prediction and computation of compressible flows
(airfoils, engine intakes, nozzles)
Lectures, exercises and practical
Brush up on your thermo!
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Module WI2180LR
Differential equations WI2180LR-I
Differential equations: Dynamics of structures such as aeroplanes
Important for aerodynamics;
Probability & Statistics WI2180LR-II
 Probability: Measure how likely it is that an event will happen.
 Statistics: Build models and interpret data.
Risk assessment and reliability engineering;
Quality control;
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Teaching and Assessment
Differential equations WI2180LR-I
Frontal lectures: 6 hours, 6 weeks.
Written exam: 8 short answer questions (NEW) + 3 open questions.
Probability & Statistics WI2180LR-II
 Frontal lectures: 2 hours, twice a week, 6 weeks.
 Tutorials: 2 hours, once a week, 6 weeks.
 Homework exercises.
 The final exam is multiple choice.
 Bonus: Non-mandatory graded tests along the course.
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Required knowlegde
• Calculus
Derivation and integration (also multivariate).
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AE2135 Structural and
Vibrational Analysis and Design
• AE2135 – I : Structural Analysis and Design (5 ECTS)
Christos Kassapoglou
• AE2135 – II : Vibrations (3 ECTS)
Sergio Turteltaub
This module is an introduction to analysis and design of aircraft structures under
static or dynamic loads. It presents the basic principles which relate applied loads to
displacements, stresses and strains. The characteristics of static and dynamic
behaviour are discussed and methods to come up with designs that exhibit desirable
characteristics are presented.
AE2135 – I Structural Analysis and Design
Christos Kassapoglou
• Application of material from previous courses:
– Calculus (differentiation, integration, determination of max or min points,
functions of more than one variable…)
– Differential equations (ODE’s, eigenvalue problems)
– Statics (bending stresses, neutral axis, moment of inertia calculations,
shear stresses, …)
– Materials (strength, yielding, von Mises stress)
New material: Unsymmetric bending, buckling, torsion, shear, cutouts,
tapered beams, energy methods (Castigliano’s theorems)
Application to future courses: Simulation, Validation & Verification, graduate
courses in structures
• In the end the student can: (a) Combine the above to analyse a
given structure or (b) given applied loads, come up with a good (or
optimum) design (geometry and material selection)
AE2135 – II Vibrations
Sergio Turteltaub
• For analysis and design purposes it is
critical to model the dynamic response of
a structure under free and forced loading
– Vibrations and modelling of structures
– Free and harmonically forced vibrations
– Impulse loading, step loading, arbitrary
transient loading
– Eigenfrequency, resonance, damping
• Required background: dynamics
• Application to future courses:
– Simulation, Validation & Verification, graduate
courses in structures
• In the end the student can:
– Formulate and solve the equation of motion
– Understand the influence of the main model
parameters on the structural response
Break + grab yourself some lunch
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Pitches Second Semester:
Test, Analysis & Simulation
Flight & Orbital Mechanics and Propulsion
Applied Numerical Analysis & Computational Modelling
Aerospace Signals, Systems & Control
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AE2223 Module
“Test, Analysis & Simulation”
AE2223-I (project, period 3 & 4)
AE2223-II (course, period 3)
Test analysis & Simulation
• Data analysis and assessment of results
• Scientific writing, communication of results
Experimental Research & Data Analysis
• Design of experiments (numerical/physical)
• Data analysis approaches
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Test analysis & Simulation
Dr. Herman Damveld (C&O/C&S) & Dr. Ferry Schrijer (AWEP/AERO)
•Content and Learning goals:
•Define research question based on literature investigation
•Analysis of experimental and/or model results
•Be able to draw conclusion in order to answer research question
•Work in a research environment
•Teaching methods:
•Project education (intro lecture, scientific writing sessions)
•Reader & literature provided by tutor
•Runs in periods 3 and 4
•Entrance requirements:
•45 ECTs of the first year and AE1111-I and AE1222-I completed
•Strongly recommended: programming course passed (AE1205)
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Experimental Research & Data Analysis
Dr. Roger Groves (ASM/SIC) & Prof. Pieter N.A.M. Visser (SpE/AS)
•Content and Learning goals:
•Design an experiment to test an hypothesis
•Data analysis & error identification
•Synthesis of results and draw conclusions about the hypothesis
•Teaching methods:
•Lectures (period 3) and Assignments (e.g. 787 fatigue test, GPS)
•Reader & slides
•Written exam (period 3, resit period 4)
•Intro. Aerosp. Eng, Calculus, Applied Num. Analysis, Prob. & Stat.
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In order to participate in the AE2223-I project, it is
mandatory to register through OSIRIS.
Go to OSIRIS > Register > Register for Course Module > Search a
course module.
Registering for AE2223-I (Test, analysis and simulation) in OSIRIS is
possible until November 27th, 2015.
Currently the registration is not yet open, please keep an eye out on
blackboard for an announcement.
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AE2230 Module
Flight and Orbital
Propulsion and
Mark Voskuijl
Ron Noomen
Joris Melkert
Angelo Cervone
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AE2230-I Flight and Orbital Mechanics
Study goals (1)
After completing this course you will be able to calculate accurate
aircraft performance characteristics. For example:
Minimum time needed to climb to cruise altitude
Runway distance needed for take-off and landing
Minimum turn radius
Fuel needed for a complete flight
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AE2230-I Flight and Orbital Mechanics
Study goals (2)
After completing this course you will be able to calculate the major
characteristics of satellite trajectories. For example:
Earth-repeat and Sun-synchronous orbits
Interplanetary transfers
Timing of events
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AE2230-I Flight and Orbital Mechanics
Practical matters
• Required knowledge:
 AE1110 – Introduction to Aerospace Engineering
• Educational method:
 Two classical lectures per week
• Assessment:
 Final exam with open questions (calculations, knowledge
questions, analytical derivations)
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AE2230-II Propulsion and Power
Study goals
After completing this course, you will be able to understand the
basic principles of thrust and power producing mechanisms
for aerospace vehicles. In particular, the focus is on:
Thermodynamics and cycle calculations
Gas turbine engines, turbo machinery, combustion
Electrical power systems (generators, solar cells, batteries, etc.)
Ideal rocket theory and space propulsion systems
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AE2230-II Propulsion and Power
Practical matters
• Required knowledge:
 AE1110 – Introduction to Aerospace Engineering
 AE1222 – Aerospace Design and Systems Engineering Elements I
 AE1240 - Physics
• Educational method:
 Two lectures per week (theory + demonstrations + exercises)
 Supporting videos on Blackboard
• Assessment:
 Final exam (mostly electronic), multiple choice + open questions
 Bonus assignments, spread through the whole course duration
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Grading method AE2230 Module
AE2230-I Flight and Orbital Mechanics
• You will have a regular exam
• The final grade must be at least 5.0 to pass the course
AE2230-II Propulsion and Power
• You will have a regular exam and several optional bonus assignments
• The bonus assignments can give you a total maximum bonus of 1.0 point
• Final grade = exam grade + bonus points
• Bonus points are assigned only if the exam grade is 5.0 or higher
• The final grade must be at least 5.0 to pass the course
AE2230 Module
• The final grades for the individual courses will be rounded off to 1 decimal
• The grade for the module is the average of the final grades for the
individual courses, rounded off to half points
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AE2220: Content
I: Applied Numerical Analysis
→ Introduces the concepts and tools to numerically:
 Solve non-linear equations
 Interpolate, differentiate, and integrate
 Solve ordinary differential equations (ODEs)
 Solve optimisation problems
II: Computational Modelling
→ Shows how to simulate physical systems described by PDEs using:
 Finite-difference methods
 Spectral and finite-element methods
 Time marching and iterative solution methods
 Verification/Error estimation techniques
AE2220: Format and Assessment
I: Applied Numerical Analysis
Lectures, python examples, homework problems
3 quizzes, or 1 resit exam
II: Computational Modelling
Lectures, work sessions, mapleTA examples
3 quizzes + 3 work sessions,
or 3 quizzes, or 1 resit exam
AE2220: Prerequisites
A basic knowledge of:
 Python programming
 Calculus, linear algebra
 Differential equations
• Aerospace Systems and Control Theory
• Instrumentation and Signals
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Aerospace Signals, Systems and Control Max Mulder, Coen de Visser, Rene van Paassen
Control & Simulation
AE2235-I : Aerospace Systems & Control Theory
AE2235 Module in a Nutshell...
AE2235-I Instrumentation & Signals (Max Mulder)
• Goal: Analyse signals in the time and frequency domain.
AE2235-II Aerospace Systems & Control Theory (Coen de Visser)
• Goal: Design control systems for aircraft, spacecraft, and drones.
AE2235-I : Aerospace Systems & Control Theory
AE2235 Module in a Nutshell...
Closed-loop control
 
u (s)
e( s )
 
C (s)
c( s)
H ( s)
y( s) 
G (s)
AE2235-I : Aerospace Systems & Control Theory
C ( s)  H ( s)
 u (s)
1  C ( s)  H ( s)  G( s)
AE2235 Module Requirements
Dynamic System Analysis:
AE1130 Dynamics (equations of motion)
WI1403LR Linear Algebra (matrix manipulation)
AE2135-II Vibrations (second order differential equations)
WI2180LR-I Differential Equations (Laplace transform)
Signal Analysis:
WI2180LR-II Probability & Statistics
(Stochastic signals)
AE1205 Programming & Scientific Computing in Python
AE2235-I : Aerospace Systems & Control Theory
AE2235 Teaching & Assessment
AE2235-I Instrumentation & Signals (3 ECTS)
• Lectures
• Studio Classroom sessions with Python/Matlab
• Written Exam
AE2235-II Aerospace Systems & Control Theory (4 ECTS)
• Lectures
• E-Lectures with Python/Matlab
• Computer Exam with Python/Matlab
AE2235-I : Aerospace Systems & Control Theory
What will AE2235 do for you?
Signals and Control are Everywhere!
AE2235-I : Aerospace Systems & Control Theory
Aerospace Signals, Systems and Control Max Mulder, Coen de Visser, Rene van Paassen
Control & Simulation
AE2235-I : Aerospace Systems & Control Theory