Кафедра біохімії Module 4 Medical faculty 2- d course 1. DNA does not contain A. Thymine B. Adenine C. Uracil D. Deoxyribose E. Both C and D ANSWER: C 2. DNA is A. Usually present in tissues as a nucleo protein nd cannot be separated from its protein component B. A long chain polymer in which the internucleotide linkages are of the diester type between C3’ and C-5’ C. Different from RNA since in the latter the internucleotide linkages are between C-2’ and C-5’ D. Hydrolyzed by weal alkali (pH9 to 100°C) E. Both a and B ANSWER: B 3. Free ammonia is liberated during the catabolism of A. Cytosine B. Uracil C. Thymine D. All of these E. None of these ANSWER: D 4. Genetic information flows from A. DNA to DNA B. DNA to RNA C. RNA to cellular proteins D. DNA to cellular proteins E. RNA to RNA ANSWER: B 5. Genetic information in human beings is stored in A. DNA B. RNA C. Both (A) and (B) D. ATP E. None of these ANSWER: A 6. Gout is a metabolic disorder of catabolism of A. Pyrimidine B. Purine C. Alanine D. Phenylalanine E. Both A and B ANSWER: B 7. Hypouricaemia can occur in A. Xanthine oxidase deficiency B. Psoriasis C. Leukaemia D. All of these E. None of these ANSWER: A 8. In DNA molecule A. Guanine content does not equal cytosine content B. Adenine content does not equal thymine content C. Adenine content equals uracil content D. Guanine content equals cytosine content E. A and D are correct ANSWER: D 9. In the biosynthesis of purine nucleotides the AMP feed back regulates A. Adenylosuccinase B. Adenylosuccinate synthetase C. IMP dehydrogenase D. HGPR Tase E. Both B and C ANSWER: B 10. Orotic aciduria can be controlled by A. Oral administration of orotic acid B. Decreasing the dietary intake of orotic acid C. Decreasing the dietary intake of pyrimidines D. Oral administration of uridine E. Both B and D ANSWER: D 11. Progressive transmethylation of ethanolamine gives A. Creatinine B. Choline C. Methionine D. N-methyl nicotinamide E. Adenine ANSWER: C 12. RNA does not contain A. adenine B. OH methyl cytosine C. d-ribose D. Uracil E. Both A and B ANSWER: B 13. Tetrahydrofolate is required as a coenzyme for the synthesis of A. UMP B. CMP C. TMP D. All of these E. None of these ANSWER: C 14. Transcription is the formation of A. DNA from a parent DNA B. mRNA from a parent mRNA C. pre mRNA from DNA D. protein through mRNA E. protein through DNA ANSWER: C 15. Translation is the formation of A. DNA from DNA B. mRNA from DNA C. Protein through mRNA D. mRNA from pre mRNA E. Protein through DNA ANSWER: C 16. UDP and UTP are formed by phosphorylation from A. AMP B. ADP C. ATP D. GTP E. All of these ANSWER: C 17. UTP is converted to CTP by A. Methylation B. Isomerisation C. Amination D. Reduction E. Oxidation ANSWER: C 18.Whcih of the following compound is present in RNA but absent from DNA? A. Thymine B. Cytosine C. Uracil D. Guanine E. Both A and B ANSWER: C 19. Which of the following contains a deoxy sugar? A. RNA B. DNA C. ATP D. UTP E. AMP ANSWER: B 20. 5-Phosphoribosyl-1-pyrophosphate is required for the synthesis of A. Purine nucleotides B. Pyrimidine nucleotides C. Both (A) and (B) D. Uric acid E. None of these ANSWER: C 21. A nitrogenous base that does not occur in mRNA is A. Cytosine B. Thymine C. Uracil D. Both A and C E. All of these ANSWER: A 22. A purine nucleotide is A. AMP B. UMP C. CMP D. TMP E. Both A and B ANSWER: A 23. A pyrimidine nucleotide is A. GMP B. AMP C. CMP D. IMP E. C and D are correct ANSWER: A 24. Alanine is formed from catabolism of A. Thymine B. Thymine and cytosine C. Thymine and uracil D. Cytosine and uracil E. Adenine ANSWER: D 25. Alimentary hyperuricemia, which can appear due to functioning of „salvage pathway” in which excess of hypoxanthine transforms into: A. Xanthine B. Inosine C. Uric acid D. Guanine E. Uracil ANSWER: D 26. All the following statements about primary gout are true except A. Its inheritance is X-linked recessive B. It can be due to increased activity of PRPP synthetase C. It can be due to increased activity of hypoxanthine guanine phosphoribosyl transferase D. De novo synthesis of purines is increased in it E. Both C and D ANSWER: C 27. Amount of uric acid which excreted daily is: A. Not excreted B. 10-12 g/day C. 4-8 mg/day D. 270-600 mg/day E. 2-5 g/day ANSWER: D 28. Biochemical index, which characterizes the genetic disorder of UMP biosynthesis is following: A. Aspartataciduria B. Orotaciduria C. Gomogentisinuria D. Uraciluria E. Cytosinuria ANSWER: B 29. Carbamoyl phosphate reacts with aspartate with formation: A. Dihydroorotic acid B. Orotic acid C. Orotidine-5-phosphate D. Carbamoyl aspartate E. UDP ANSWER: D 30. Choose enzyme which catalyses the first reaction of pyrimidine nucleotides biosynthesis: A. Carbamoyl phosphate synthetase B. Phosphoribosil transferase C. Ornitine carbamoyl phosphattransferase D. Aspartate aminotransferase E. Alanine aminotransferase ANSWER: A 31. Daily uric acid excretion in adult men is A. 2–6 mg B. 20–40 mg C. 150–250 mg D. 40–600 mg E. 2-6 g ANSWER: D 32.De novo synthesis of purine nucleotide occurs in A. Mitochondria B. Cytosol C. Microsmes D. Ribosomes E. Nucleus ANSWER: B 33. De novo synthesis of pyrimidine nucleotides occurs in A. Mitochondria B. Cytosol C. Microsomes D. Nucleus E. Ribosomes ANSWER: B 34. Deficiency of which of below mentioned enzyme causes orotaciduria? A. Carbamoyl phosphate synthetase ІІ B. Aspartate carbamoyl transferase C. Orotate phosphoribosyl transferase D. Orotate carboxylase E. Dihydroorotate dehydrogenase ANSWER: C 35. Deposition of uric acid crystals in joints results in development of such desease: A. Pellagra B. Diabetes mellitus C. Xanthinuria D. Gout E. Alkaptonuria ANSWER: D 36. Dietary purines are catabolised in A. Liver B. Kidneys C. Intesitnal mucosa D. Brain E. All of these ANSWER: C 37. Disintegration of nucleic acids in small intestine requires such enzymes: A. Lipase B. DNA and RNA-аse C. Amylase D. Glucose-6-phosphatese E. Alcoholdehydrogenase ANSWER: B 38. Double helical structure model of the DNA was proposed by A. Pauling and Corey B. Peter Mitchell C. Watson and Crick D. King and Wooten E. Horbachevsky ANSWER: C 39. For the synthesis of pyrimidine bases used all substanses except: A. NH3 B. CO2 C. ATP D. N2O E. H2SO4 ANSWER: E 40. For transformation of inosine monophosphate to adenylate NH2 is needed. The donor of it is: A. glycine B. aspartate C. glutamine D. serine E. methionine ANSWER: B 41. Gout is characterized by increased plasma levels of A. Urea B. Uric acid C. Creatine D. Creatinine E. Ammonia ANSWER: B 42. How uric acid excretes from an organism? A. With saliva B. With feces C. With sweat D. With urine E. With hepato-enteral circulation ANSWER: D 43. In humans end product of purine catabolism is A. Uric acid B. Urea C. Allantoin D. Xanthine E. Ammonia ANSWER: A 44. In inherited deficiency of hypoxanthine guanine phosphoribosyl transferase A. De novo synthesis of purine nucleotides is decreased B. Salvage of purines is decreased C. Salvage of purines is increased D. Synthesis of uric acid is decreased E. All of these ANSWER: B 45. In mammals other than higher primates uric acid is converted by A. Oxidation to allantoin B. Reduction to ammonia C. Hydrolysis to ammonia D. Hydrolysis to allantoin E. None of the above ANSWER: A 46. Last reaction of uric acid synthesis catalyses such enzyme: A. 5-nucleotides B. Adenosine deaminase C. Xantine oxidase D. Guanine deaminase E. Phosphorylase ANSWER: C 47. Lesch-Nyhan syndrome, the sex linked recessive disorder is due to the lack of the enzyme: A. Hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyl transferse B. Xanthine oxidase C. Adenine phosphoribosyl transferase D. Adenosine deaminase E. Both A and B ANSWER: A 48. Medicine, which is used for treatment of gout is the structural analogue of hypoxanthine, it: A. Salts of lithium B. Anturan C. Allopyrinol D. Uridine E. Acetilisoniazid ANSWER: C 49. Name an enzyme which catalyzes oxidation of hypoxanthine to xanthine and xanthine to uric acid: A. Pirophosphorylase B. Isocitratdehydrogenase C. Succcinatdehydrogenase D. Cytochromoxidase E. Xanthineoksidase ANSWER: E 50. Name nitrogen bases that enter into the structure of DNA: A. Guanine, uracil, thymine B. Cytosine, uracil, thymine C. Uracil, adenine, guanine D. Adenine, thymine, guanine E. Thymine, adenine, uracil ANSWER: D 51. Name nitrogenous bases included into the structure of RNA: A. Guanine, uracil, thymine B. Cytosine, adenine, thymine C. Uracil, adenine, guanine D. Adenine, thymine, guanine E. Thymine, adenine, uracil ANSWER: C 52. Name the structural monomers of DNA molecule: A. Mononucleotides B. Nucleosides C. Nitric bases D. Polynucleotides E. Peptides ANSWER: A 53. Name the substrate for synthesis of pyrimidine bases: A. Cytosine B. Ornithine C. Carbamoyl phosphate D. Citrate E. Fumarate ANSWER: C 54. Nitrogen at position 1 of pyrimidine nucleus comes from A. Glutamine B. Glutamate C. Glycine D. Aspartate E. Asparagine ANSWER: D 55. Nitrogenous bases are used for the synthesis of such substances as? A. Cholesterol B. Carbohydrates C. Catecholamines D. Nucleic acids E. Fatty acids ANSWER: D 56. Nucleic acids are: A. Mononucleotides B. Nucleosides C. Nucleoproteins D. Polynucleotides E. Dinucleotides ANSWER: D 57. Nucleotides required for the synthesis of nucleic acids can be obtained from A. Dietary nucleic acids and nucleotides B. De novo synthesis C. Salvage of pre-existing bases and nucleosides D. De novo synthesis and salvage E. Both A and B ANSWER: D 58. Orotaciduriya is accompanied the followings symptoms: A. Dermatitis of the opened areas of body B. Bleeding, disorders of growth C. Disorders of mental development, galactosemia D. Disorders of physical and mental development, megaloblastic anemia E. Diarrhea, dermatitis, demention ANSWER: D 59. The constant increase of uric acid concentration in blood is named: A. Uremia B. Hyperazotemiya C. Hyperacidaminemiya D. Hyperlaktatemiya E. Hyperuricemia ANSWER: A 60. The end product of purine catabolism in man is A. Inosine B. Hypoxanthine C. Xanthine D. Uric acid E. Urea ANSWER: D 61. The enzyme aspartate transcarbamoylase of pyrimidine biosynthesis is inhibited by A. ATP B. ADP C. AMP D. CTP E. GMP ANSWER: D 62. According to Chargaff's rule, the following proportion exists in DNA A. C=G B. C»T C. C»G D. C=T E. None of the above ANSWER: A 63. Conformity of A-T, G-C in the DNA molecule is defined as a rule of: A. Watson B. Crick C. Chargaphe D. Jakob E. Starling ANSWER: C 64. In DNA guanine always pairs with A. Adenine B. Cytosine C. Guanine D. Thymine E. Uracil ANSWER: D 65. In DNA, thymine always pairs with A. Adenine B. Cytosine C. Guanine D. Thymine E. Uracil ANSWER: A 66. In replication of DNA, the helix is opened and untwisted by A. Ribase B. Ligase C. Deoxase D. Helicase E. Polymerase ANSWER: D 67. In the DNA molecule: A. Adenine pairs with thymine B. Guanine pairs with thymine C. Cytosine pairs with thymine D. Adenine pairs with cytosine E. All of the above are possible. ANSWER: A 68. Name nitrogen bases that enter to the structure of DNA: A. Guanine, uracil, thymine B. Cytosine, uracil, thymine C. Uracil, adenine, guanine D. Adenine, thymine, guanine E. Thymine, adenine, uracil ANSWER: D 69. Name nitrogenous bases included into the structure of RNA: A. Guanine, uracil, thymine B. Cytosine, adenine, thymine C. Uracil, adenine, guanine D. Adenine, thymine, guanine E. Thymine, adenine, uracil ANSWER: C 70. Name proteins that take part in the regulation of transcription in eukaryotes? A. Albumins B. Globulins C. Immunoglobulins D. Histons E. Cathepsins ANSWER: D 71. Name the mechanism of DNA replication: A. Semiconservative B. Conservative C. Depressive D. Repressive E. Replicative ANSWER: A 72. Named the structural monomers of DNA molecule: A. Mononucleotides B. Nucleosides C. Nitric bases D. Polynucleotides E. Peptides ANSWER: A 73. Okazaki fragments are used to elongate A. The leading strand toward the replication fork B. The lagging strand toward the replication fork C. Both strands in both directions D. The leading strand away from the replication fork E. The lagging strand away from the replication fork ANSWER: D 74. Primer is synthesized by specific: A. Primase B. DNA – ligase C. RNA – ligase D. RNA - polymerase E. None of above ANSWER: A 75. Proteins that block the passage of RNA polymerase are called: A. Operons B. Activators C. Repressors D. Enhancers E. Promoters ANSWER: C 76. RNA synthesis on a DNA template is called __________. A. Transformation B. Translation C. Transduction D. Transcription E. Transfection ANSWER: D 77. What biochemical symptoms are specific for diabetes mellitus? A. Hyperglycemia, glucosuria, decreased urine density B. Hypoglycemia, glucosuria, increased urine density, acidosis C. Hypoglycemia, glucosuria, normal urine density D. Hyperglycemia, glucosuria, decreased urine density, acidosis E. Hyperglycemia, glucosuria, increased urine density, acidosis ANSWER: E 78. What from next hormones has anabolic effects? A. Insulin B. Glucagon C. Epinephrine D. Thyroxine in high concentrations E. Norepinephrine ANSWER: A 79. What from the below mentioned hormones are catecholamins? A. Cortisol, hydrocortisol B. Thyroxine C. Estriol, estradiol D. Epinephrine, Norepinephrine E. Insulin, glucagon ANSWER: D 80. What from the transferred hormones is not secreted by a pancreas? A. Somatostatin; B. Glucagon; C. Somatomedin; D. Insulin; E. Lipocain. ANSWER: C 81. What hormone promotes glycogen synthesis? A. Glucagon B. Epinephrine C. Thyroxine D. Insulin E. Parathormone ANSWER: D 82. What hormone promotes lipogenesis? A. Epinephrine B. Thyroxine C. Parathormone D. Glucagon E. Insulin ANSWER: E 83. What is the chemical nature of catecholamins? A. Proteins B. Peptids C. Derivatives of amino acid D. Steroids E. Derivatives of arachidonic acid ANSWER: C 84. What is the chemical nature of insulin? A. Nucleotide B. Protein C. Steroid D. Carbohydrate E. Lipid ANSWER: B 85. What metal is needed for functioning of insulin? A. Iron B. Copper C. Cobalt D. Calcium E. Zinc ANSWER: E 86. Where are catecholamins secrected? A. In a thyroid gland B. In a parathyroid glands C. In the cortex of a suprarenal gland D. In the medulla of a suprarenal gland E. In the islets of Langerhans of pancreas ANSWER: D 87. Where is insulin synthesized? A. In alfa-cells of Langergans ilets B. In the beta-cells of Langergans ilets C. In the delta-cells of Langergansa ilets D. In the endothelial cells of conclusion channels of pancreas E. In стромі of pancreas ANSWER: B 88. Where is rennin synthesized? A. In a liver B. In a pancreas C. In a thyroid gland D. In kidneys E. In a hypophysis ANSWER: D 89. Which from below mentioned hormones is a complex protein? A. ACTH. B. Follicle stimulating hormone C. Oxytocin D. Glucagon E. Somatostatin ANSWER: B 90. Which of the following hormones promotes hypoglycemia? A. Epinephrine B. Norepinephrine C. Insulin D. Glucagon E. Glucocorticoids ANSWER: C 91. A dietary deficiency of iodine can: A. Directly affect the synthesis of thyroglobulin on ribosomes B. Result in increased secretion of thyroid stimulating hormone C. Result in decreased production of thyrotropin releasing hormone D. Result in increased heat production E. Result in decreased heat production ANSWER: B 92. A hormone that increases sodium loss and lowers blood pressure is A. Aldosterone B. Atrial natriuretic peptide C. Antidiuretic hormone D. Calcitonin E. Glucagon ANSWER: B 93. Adrenaline is... A. Produced by the adrenal cortex B. Also called epinephrine C. Released when the parasympathetic nervous system is stimulated D. None of the above E. All of the above ANSWER: B 94. An example of a mineralocorticoid is: A. Glucagon B. Cortisol C. Aldosterone D. Testosterone E. Insulin ANSWER: C 95. Chemical nature of calcitonin: A. A. Peptide B. B. Steroid C. C. Derivative of amino acid D. D. Derivative of аrachidonic acid E. E. Glycoprotein ANSWER: A 96. Chemical nature of parathormone: A. A. Protein B. B. Steroid C. C. Derivate of amino acid D. D. Lipid E. E. Derivate of arachidonic acid ANSWER: A 97. Chemical nature of sex hormones A. A. Proteins B. B. Peptides C. C. Steroids D. D. Derivates of the unsaturated fatty acids E. E. Derivates of amino acids ANSWER: C 98. Choose a male sex hormone: A. A. Estradiole B. B. Testosterone C. C. Cortizon D. D. Progesterone E. E. Cortikosterone ANSWER: B 99. Choose the correct name of the state of hyperglycemia and glucosuria that appears in hypercorticism? A. A. Diabetes mellitus B. B. Diabetes insipidus C. C. Steroid diabetes D. D. Kidney diabetes E. E. Adrenal diabetes ANSWER: C 100. Excessive production of thyroid hormones by the thyroid gland A. Is called hypothyroidism B. Can cause nervousness, irregular heartbeat, and weight loss C. Can cause stunted growth and retardation in children D. Can cause a goiter E. Can cause riskets ANSWER: B