Accessibility Resources: An Introduction to the Memo Presentation

Accessibility Resources:
An Introduction to the Memo
Professor and student sitting and talking
Door matt that says “Hello”.
Hello! This presentation is to explain what is a “Memo” from Accessibility Resources. This
presentation is viewed best after the Transition Power Point that explores how to set up
accommodations at the University at Buffalo. If you have not already done so we encourage you to
view that presentation first.
The details that will be covered in this presentation are:
What is a “Memo”
How does a student receive Memos every semester.
The Student Role
The instructors Role
What is a Memo?
A memo from the Accessibility
Resources Office is an official letter
that states accommodations that
were discussed and agreed upon in
the students initial meeting with an
AR staff person.
This letter informs your professors
so that they know how to support
you in the classroom.
It is important to note that only the
accommodations are noted on the
memo and no mention of the
Communicating this letter with the
faculty is a essential to building an
understanding on obtaining
accommodations for each course.
Sample of a UB Memo
The Memo Lifecycle:
The next four slides will explore the four basic steps to obtaining
your memo every semester. In addition to obtaining the memo the
next few slides will outline the responsibilities and roles for the
Student, the Instructor and Accessibility Resources.
Step 1: Request & Revise
Order your memos at least 5 business days prior to the
first day of classes every semester.
Rule of Thumb: One memo per every course where you
will be using accommodations
You can order your memos by phone 716-645-2608,
email, or stop by our
office at 25 Capen Hall.
Step 2: Pick-Up & Read
Review the accommodations and ALL the attachments
you received. There are many helpful procedures
and dates in this packet to make note of.
Attached to the memos are events that you may be
interested in. For example, check out the Universal
Yoga event.
Step 3: Meet & Share
Contact your professors to meet with them to talk about
how your accommodations are to be met.
It is encouraged to meet with your instructors as early as
possible to discuss accommodations.
• Note: Timely notice is essential.
Failure to give
enough notice to faculty or Accessibility Resources
may result in not being fully accommodated.
Speaking with professors one-on-one in a confidential
setting allows both the student and the professors the
time and the environment that will be conductive to
exploring implementation of the accommodations.
Step 4: Discuss & Connect
If you or your professors have any questions about
implementing your accommodations please contact
our office.
If questions arise regarding accommodations and
services contact Accessibility Resources at 716-6452608.
Student Right & Responsibilities
Students are responsible for or to:
• identify themselves as needing accommodation in a timely fashion;
professors will not retroactively provide academic accommodations
in situations where students did not submit their accommodation
• Have the same obligation as any student to meet and maintain the
institution's academic standards, technical standards, and codes of
Students have the right to:
• be evaluated based on their ability, not their disability. If their
disability affects the outcome of an evaluation format, they are
entitled to an evaluation by alternate means if the alternative
measures the essential skills, knowledge or abilities;
• appeal decisions concerning accommodations. For information on
appeal processes, contact the university’s Office for Institutional
Faculty Responsibilities
Provide reasonable accommodations, academic
adjustments, and/or auxiliary aids in a timely manner.
Maintain the confidentiality of information regarding
disability issues.
Meet with the student individually to discuss a specific plan
for implementing accommodations. You are encouraged
to follow up with an email reviewing the plan so that you
and the student have a common reference outlining your
individual responsibilities.
Implement AR accommodations once the student provides
an accommodation memorandum from the AR office.
Faculty Responsibilities
An instructor should contact AR for consultation whenever there is a
question or concern about a recommended academic adjustment
AR strongly encourages faculty members to put the following
statement (example) in their syllabus: Faculty and Instructors are
strongly encouraged to include a statement on their syllabus
informing students of their rights and providing information on how
to contact Accessibility Resources. Please feel free to use the
following sample statement:
"If you have a disability and may require some type of instructional
and/or examination accommodation, please inform me early in the
semester so that we can coordinate the accommodations you may
need. If you have not already done so, please contact the
Accessibility Resources office. The office is located at 25 Capen Hall
and the telephone number is (716) 645-2608."
In Conclusion…
Keep in mind:
• Order and distribute your memo’s to your professors as
early as possible.
• Meet with your professor in a quiet setting so that you may
ask questions about how to implement your
accommodations for that course.
• Late accommodations are not retro active and cannot
replace previous grades.
• Timely notice is essential to receiving your
• Our staff is available to you if you have any questions or