Faculty of Science Curriculum Vitae and Teaching Dossier Annual merit evaluations of Faculty Members in the Faculty of Science comprise several steps, including an assessment and ranking by the unit head (Chair/Director), and then discussions between the unit head and the Dean. Some cases require further discussion between the Dean and the senior administration. Evaluations must be based on documented evidence (not only does this seem fair, it is mandated by the Framework Agreement and our Faculty Evaluation Policy). It is in part for this reason that you are required to submit your CV and core Teaching Dossier to the Dean's office annually. Annual merit evaluations take in a 3-year window of past performance, unless the Member has joined the Faculty more recently, or has had a Study Leave during that time (see the explanatory note at the beginning of the Teaching Dossier form). Older data as available may also be important at times of application for promotion or tenure. The following document contains the format for the Curriculum Vitae and Teaching Dossier to be used by Members of the Faculty of Science. Each year, the CV and TD should be submitted to the Chair’s and Dean's offices. The submission to the Dean’s office should be in electronic form (rtf or pdf format). Chairs may wish to have a hard copy (or not). When submitting the electronic version to the Dean’s office, you may choose to submit the CV and TD as one document or separately. The following excerpt from the Guidelines on Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIPOP), issued by the University Secretary on December 22, 1994, applies to these documents (assume that it applies to the TD as well as the CV – in 1994 we didn’t have Teaching Dossiers): “Faculty CVs as Public Information: “Faculty CVs are records of the University. According to the FOI legislation, information about a public employee’s position, function and remuneration is public information. Therefore, information normally recorded on a CV, such as teaching responsibilities, research publications, Membership on committees and attendance at conferences is public information. Because the University considers CVs to be public information, professors should not include personal information such as birthdate, nationality and activities not directly related to the Faculty Member’s functions at the University.” Some older versions of the UVic standard CV contain personal information that does not appear on the current form: for example, place and date of birth, family information, and citizenship. You may delete this information. A component of the Teaching Dossier is the student evaluations, and a summary of such evaluations is required in the core Teaching Dossier. For several years now the Faculty has used a standardized student evaluation form, to which a department/school may add other questions as it wishes. A suggested method of summarizing the results from such evaluations is given in the TD form below. Supplementary information, containing comments of students, or other information, can be attached to the core Teaching Dossier as needed for tenure or promotion, but should not be submitted to the Dean's office with the annually revised Teaching Dossier. UNIVERSITY OF VICTORIA - CURRICULUM VITAE Last Update: September 20, 2002 Name: Faculty: Science Department: 1. EDUCATION and TRAINING Degree Institution Year obtained Postdoctoral experience 2. POSITIONS HELD PRIOR to APPOINTMENT at UVic List period, position and institution. 3. APPOINTMENTS at the UNIVERSITY of VICTORIA Period Rank Academic unit 4. MAJOR FIELD(S) of SCHOLARLY or PROFESSIONAL INTEREST Provide several key words or phrases. 5. RESEARCH GRANTS and FELLOWSHIPS a. Research operating grants Agency Title Grant holders (indicate PI) Time period Amount awarded per annum to me List all research grants, giving the source of funds, and the amount provided to your laboratory for the years indicated. The PI for the grant should be indicated if there are several co-holders. In some cases, the distribution of funds granted is difficult to tease apart - in such cases, try to make the information as clear as possible. b. Equipment grants Agency Equipment Grant holders Year Amount awarded c. Honours, fellowships, and scholarships 6. PUBLICATIONS and PRESENTATIONS To maintain uniformity in the listing of publications, please follow the formats described at the end of the CV form. a. Articles published in refereed journals (list all articles published, accepted for publication, in press, or submitted; include reviews) b. Refereed conference proceedings (note item 6e) c. Books and chapters in books (indicate whether published, accepted for publication, or submitted) d. Other publications (reports to agencies, patents applied for and granted; do not include articles published in the popular press - these belong in section 8) e. Presentations at conferences or institutions (include conference contributions that are not already described in 6b, above; indicate type of presentation, whether poster, plenary talk, seminar, etc.; list coauthors. title, and indicate whether presentation was by invitation) 7. SERVICE and PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES a. University and Faculty committees (include any offices held and dates) b. Departmental committees and responsibilities c. Membership and service on international, national and provincial professional bodies and societies (include any offices held and dates; do not include grant selection committees - these belong in 7e, below) d. Conference organisational committees (indicate position in organisation) e. Grant committees (agency, committee, period served) f. Grant proposals reviewed (include site visits) g. Visiting scientists hosted (include lab visitors who have spent more than two weeks in your group) h. Editorships i. Reviews for journals, book reviews, published commentaries j. Other professional activities 8. OTHER ACTIVITIES Any other information you consider pertinent; include articles published in the popular press, talks to lay groups, public policy contributions, and other activities related to the communication of science to the larger community FORMATS FOR PUBLICATIONS Articles in Refereed Journals Smith, J.A., 1972. Turbulent structure of boundary layers. J. Fluid Mech. 55, 17-24. Adams, B.W. and J.A. Smith, 1973. Internal waves in Georgia Strait. Can. J. Earth Sci. 10, 102-106. Published Conference Proceedings (refereed) Brown, P.L., J.A. Smith and B.W. Adams, 1972. Off-shore tidal studies. Proc. 5th International Conference on Ocean Waves held at Univ. CA, San Diego, Sep 20-27, pp. 22-25. Univ. California Press, Los Angeles. Scientific Reports Smith, J.A., 1975. Turbulence studies in the North Pacific. Defence Research Establishment Pacific Tech. Rep. 75-6, Victoria, B.C., 34 p. Books Smith, J.A., 1970. An Introduction to Fluid Dynamics, Wiley, New York, 297 p. (3rd year level teaching text) Smith, J.A., 1974. Recent developments in Physical oceanography, in: The Oceans (J.P. Doe, ed.), Vol. 2, pp. 211-324, Pergamon Press, Oxford. (Chapter in a research text) Unrefereed Articles Smith, J.A., 1975. Oceanographic research in Canada. Physics in Canada 31, 23-26. Smith, J.A., 1976. Natural resources in the oceans. Times Colonist, Victoria, B.C., Sep 10. Internal Reports Smith, J.A., 1971. A preliminary analysis of internal waves in the Strait of Georgia. UVic Oceanography Rep. 71-2, 5 p. UNIVERSITY OF VICTORIA - TEACHING DOSSIER The information on this form represents the "core" Teaching Dossier mandated by the Framework Agreement and described in the Faculty of Science Faculty Evaluation Policy. There may be attachments to the core Teaching Dossier which are important for tenure and promotion, but these would not be routinely submitted to the Chair's or Dean's offices. Last Update: September 20, 2002 Name: Faculty: Science Department: Guidelines for period of reporting 1. The Framework Agreement specifies that the annual review of performance is meant to normally cover the 3 year period ending March 31. The teaching dossier should describe the three years of teaching activity available as of that date (the evaluations of the current Spring term won't usually be available). Each year, Members can simply add the latest 12 months of activity. Older information can be included or retained, but won't have much importance for the annual review – it would, however, be useful if the Member is being proposed for tenure or promotion. 2. In cases where Members are on leave, the Framework says (Art. "Where a Faculty Member has been on leave, except leave without pay, for more than one teaching term during the three-year period, the review period for the purposes of evaluating Teaching Effectiveness and Other Contributions shall be the four years preceding March 31st of the year in which the review is made." 3. Members who have joined the Faculty less than 3 years ago would not have a full 3 years of records. TEACHING EXPERIENCE You may include teaching performed at another university before you joined UVic. How far back you go in listing your teaching experience is up to you. Undergraduate courses taught Academic Year Course and term Hours Number of students Undergraduates supervised Student Type of supervision (e.g. Honours thesis, summer project, Coop) Period of supervision Graduate courses taught Academic Year Course and term Hours Number of students Graduate students I have directly supervised or co-supervised Name Period of Supervision *Degree Awarded Present position (if known) *Indicate if the student is still enrolled, or if the student left without obtaining a graduate degree Other contributions to graduate student supervision Period of Supervision Name Degree Program *Type of Supervision *Types of contributions: (1) (2) (3) Member of supervisory committee (but not direct supervisor or co-supervisor) External examiner (indicate if at another university) Chairman of examination committee Postdoctoral Supervision Name Period of Supervision Present position (if known) Training and Supervision of highly qualified personnel Name Period of Supervision Present position (if known) COURSE EXPERIENCE SURVEY SUMMARY RESULTS Average response for question number: Course Term 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 MUSI 424 2012/01 3.57 3.00 3.57 4.86 4.86 3.29 4.71 3.71 MUSI 429 2011/09 4.17 4.33 4.50 4.83 4.17 4.83 4.67 4.33 PSYC 429 2011/09 4.17 4.33 4.33 4.50 4.00 4.50 4.83 4.17 Questions: 1. The instructor was prepared for course sessions. 2. The instructor’s explanations of concepts were clear. 3. The instructor motivated you to learn in this course. 4. Instructor was available to answer questions or provide assistance. 5. Instructor ensured that assignments/tests were returned within reasonable time. 6. Instructor was helpful in providing feedback to improve learning in course. 7. The instructor demonstrated respect for students and their ideas. 8. Overall, the instructor was effective in this course. 1 Very Poor 2 Poor 3 Adequate 4 Good 5 Excellent TEACHING PHILOSOPHY and NARRATIVE of TEACHING EXPERIENCE A narrative of no more than two pages is required. EXPERIENCE in CURRICULUM and COURSE DEVELOPMENT, and in INNOVATIVE TEACHING A brief description of any relevant experience; include new courses developed, or the significant renovation of existing courses, or the teaching of courses for the first time HONOURS Awards and other recognition for teaching PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT in TEACHING and LEARNING Examples might include teaching upgrading through courses taken at the Learning and Teaching Centre "Scholarship of Teaching", including published papers, invited presentations, other examples of scholarly activity in teaching, should appear in the curriculum vitae under the appropriate headings. THIS IS THE END OF THE “CORE” TEACHING DOSSIER ATTACHMENTS (primarily for tenure and promotion; not part of the core Teaching Dossier; not to be submitted to the Dean's office annually) - comments of students If the comments of students from teaching evaluations are included for a given course, ALL comments for that course must be provided. - peer review of teaching (required for awarding of tenure and promotion ) - course outlines (optional) - comments from former students who have left the university Such comments may not be solicited by you, but may be obtained by your Chair or Dean