ð Shoulder Flexion - health staff for hire

Home Shoulder Program
Exercise Principles
The following exercises are designed to aid in re-establishing your shoulder range of motion, decreasing the
amount of pain, and increasing your overall shoulder and arm strength. In order to get the most from your
prescribed exercise program, please follow the principles stated below, unless told otherwise by your therapist.
Perform your exercise routine 2-3 times per day per day as exercises of short duration performed more
frequently will aid in faster recovery.
Use moist heat (hot shower/moist heating pad) for 10-15 minutes before exercising, especially in the
Use some type of ice on the shoulder for 10 minutes after exercise to help prevent muscle soreness
and inflammation. Also ice for 15 to 20 minutes just before bed time may aid in relieving night time pain.
Although these exercises cannot be expected to be entirely pain free, the amount of pain and soreness
should be your guideline for progression. If anyone exercise or all should cause extreme discomfort in
your shoulder either: (1) cut back on the amount of resistance used, (2) drop back on the number of
repetitions done, (3) stop short of the area of pain in the range of motion of that exercise, (4) delete the
exercise causing this pain from the program all together. As your strength and range of motion return,
the amount of pain soreness will decrease.
Use good body mechanics to prevent further shoulder pain, use good posture, and stand straight with
shoulders square. Attempt to keep your hands in front of your body as much as possible when doing
activities around home, at work, or at play. Lift and carry loads close to the body with elbows bent.
When reaching upwards for any object, try to keep your elbow below your hands and avoid the "flying
elbow" position as seen below. Also avoid activities which place the arm and elbow in this position such
as polishing your car, long distance driving with arm held up, washing windows, talking on the
telephone, or reading for long periods with arm up. Also avoid propping the body on your arms when
lounging in front of the television.
Attempt to use your body more in activities of daily living – in order to avoid strain to your shoulder,
bend your elbow and take a step forward when reaching for an object.
If you are confused with the exercise program or are having and extreme problem with pain, swelling,
or lack of progress then please call your therapist.
Standing Active Range of Motion
Shoulder Exercises
General Instructions: Do only those exercises with the box
checked as recommended by therapist.
The objective of these exercises is to perform each motion by using only the muscles
of the involved arm. The exercises should be done standing.
 Shoulder Elevation
With the palm facing forward (thumb out), raise the arm up and away from the body at a 130° angle
from the body, keeping the arm straight.
Repeat _____times and perform ______times per day.
Special Instructions:
 Shoulder Flexion
With the palm facing inward (thumb up), raise arm up in front of you keeping the arm straight.
Repeat _____times and perform ______times per day.
Special Instructions:
 Shoulder Abduction
With the palm facing inward (thumb out/up), raise your arm out to the side and up toward your ear
keeping arm straight.
Repeat _____times and perform ______times per day.
Special Instructions:
 30  Shoulder Flexion / Empty Can
With the palm facing backward (thumb down) raise the arm out to the side at approximately 30° from
the side of the body keeping arm straight.
Repeat _____times and perform ______times per day.
Special Instructions:
 Shoulder Hyperextension
Standing upright without bending forward at the waist, lift your arm straight behind your body as high as
you can keeping arm straight.
Repeat _____times and perform ______times per day.
Special Instructions:
 Grip Strengthening
Squeeze a hand exerciser, small ball, or towel in the palm of your hand and hold for 5 to 10 seconds.
Repeat _____times and perform ______times per day.
Special Instructions:
Active Resistive Theraband
Shoulder Exercises
General Instructions: Do only those exercises with the box
checked as recommended by therapist.
The objective of these exercises is to gain strength and will require the use of
Theraband or resistive tubing.
 Shoulder Extension
Using tubing, pull arm back. Be sure to keep elbow straight.
Repeat _____times and perform ______times per day.
Special Instructions:
 Shoulder Flexion
Using tubing, start with arm at side and pull arm outward and upward.
Move shoulder only through pain free range of motion.
Repeat _____times and perform ______times per day.
Special Instructions:
 Shoulder Abduction
Using tubing, start with arm across body and pull away from side.
Move shoulder only through pain free range of motion.
Repeat _____times and perform ______times per day.
Special Instructions:
 Shoulder Adduction
Using tubing, pull arm in toward buttock. Do not twist or rotate trunk.
Repeat _____times and perform ______times per day.
Special Instructions:
 Shoulder Internal Rotation
Using tubing, and keeping elbow at side, rotate arm inward across body
Be sure to keep forearm parallel to floor.
Repeat _____times and perform ______times per day.
Special Instructions:
 Shoulder External Rotation
Using tubing, and keeping elbow in at side, rotate arm outward away from body.
Be sure to keep forearm parallel to floor.
Repeat _____times and perform ______times per day.
Special Instructions:
 Anterior Deltoid
Raise the arm in front of you keeping the elbow straight and palm faced into the body.
Hold for 2 to 5 seconds.
Slowly allow arm to return to the starting position.
Repeat _____times and perform ______times per day.
Special Instructions:
 Middle Deltoid
With the thumb of the hand pointed up, raise your arm outward to the side and up from your body.
Hold for 2 to 5 seconds.
Slowly allow arm to return to the starting position.
Repeat _____times and perform ______times per day.
Special Instructions:
 Posterior Deltoid
The weak arm is pulled back with elbow bent behind the body being careful not to lean forward with
your body.
This must be done standing up.
Hold for 2 to 5 seconds.
Release and allow arm to return to starting position.
Repeat _____times and perform ______times per day.
Special Instructions:
 External Rotators (infraspinatus, supraspinatus, teres minor)
With the upper arms close to your body and with elbows bent at right angles, rotate the lower portion of
the arms away from the body stretching the theraband.
Do not let the elbows move away from the body.
Hold for 2 to 5 seconds.
Slowly allow arm to rotate back to starting position.
Repeat _____times and perform ______times per day.
Special Instructions:
 Subscapularis
Attach theraband to doorknob.
Stand with weak arm next to the door and elbow bent at a 90 angle.
Holding the theraband, pull hand across waist away from the door
Hold for 2 to 5 seconds.
Slowly allow arm to rotate back to starting position.
Repeat _____times and perform ______times per day.
Special Instructions:
 Upper Trapezius
Grasp theraband in hand and place other end of theraband under foot.
Shrug shoulder up toward your ears
Hold for 2 to 5 seconds.
Slowly relax and allow shoulder to return to resting position.
Repeat _____times and perform ______times per day.
Special Instructions:
 Middle Trapezius
Grasp theraband in hand and place other end of theraband under foot.
Bend from waist so trunk is at 90 angle, and parallel to floor.
Arm should be at 90 angle to body with elbow straight.
Slowly pull arm up towards the ceiling.
Hold for 2 to 5 seconds.
Slowly return arm to starting position.
Repeat _____times and perform ______times per day.
Special Instructions:
 Pectoralis
Lie down on your back with your arm at a 90° angle to your body and elbow straight.
With theraband attached to a stationery object, pull your arm up towards the ceiling, keeping elbow
Hold for 2 to 5 seconds.
Slowly allow arm to return to starting position.
Repeat _____times and perform ______times per day.
Special Instructions:
 Serratus Anterior
Lie down on your back with your arm pointed toward the ceiling, elbow straight.
Grasp theraband in both hands and push up towards ceiling lifting shoulders off of table.
Hold for 2 to 5 seconds.
Slowly relax and allow shoulders to return to table.
Repeat _____times and perform ______times per day.
Special Instructions:
Sidelying and Supine Active Range of Motion
Shoulder Exercises
General Instructions: Do only those exercises with the box
checked as recommended by therapist.
The objective of these exercises is to perform each motion by using only the muscles
of the involved arm. The exercises should be done lying down.
 Shoulder Flexion
Lie on your back with your arm at your side and palm of your hand facing in (thumb up).
With your elbow straight, lift your arm until it is pointing straight up, then return to your side.
Repeat _____times and perform ______times per day.
Special Instructions:
 Shoulder Internal Rotation
Lie on your back with your elbow held close to your side, bent to 90°, and your fist pointing up.
Slowly lower the forearm to the outside while maintaining the 90° angle, then return to the starting
Repeat _____times and perform ______times per day.
Special Instructions:
 Sidelying Shoulder Abduction
Lie on the opposite side with your arm straight at your side.
Slowly lift your arm up from your side until pointing straight up to the ceiling, then return to the starting
Repeat _____times and perform ______times per day.
Special Instructions:
 Sidelying Shoulder External Rotation
Lie on your opposite side with your elbow held close to your side, bent to 90°, and your forearm across
your stomach.
Keeping elbow at your side slowly raise fist until it is pointed at the ceiling, the slowly lower.
Repeat _____times and perform ______times per day.
Special Instructions:
 Internal & External Rotation with Arm Abducted to 90°
Lie on your back with your arm straight out to the side and elbow bent to 90°.
First rotate arm backwards to bed and then lift back up to upright position.
Next lower arm forwards.
Repeat _____times and perform ______times per day.
Special Instructions:
Shoulder Exercises
General Instructions: Stand with your feet shoulder width apart. Bend forward at the hips. Bend your knees
slightly. Steady yourself by holding onto a sturdy table or chair. Let your arm relax and
hang down straight towards the floor from the shoulder. You may also attach a 1-2 lb.
wrist cuff or hold a 1-2 lb object in your hand. Start with small motions and gradually
swing farther without causing any pain.
Swing your arm forward and backwards.
Swing your arm across your chest, then swing it down and out to the side
Make circles both in a clockwise and counter clockwise direction. Make the circles both with the palm
facing forward and with the palm facing backwards.
Wand Active Assisted Range of Motion
Shoulder Exercises
General Instructions: Do only those exercises with the box
 checked as recommended by therapist.
 Supine Shoulder Flexion
Lie on your back.
Grasp can with palms facing upward.
Raise cane over your head
Slowly lower cane to starting position.
Repeat _____times and perform ______times per day.
Special Instructions:
 Supine Shoulder Horizontal Abduction / Adduction
Lie on your back.
Raise cane up toward ceiling.
Move arms from side to side
Repeat _____times and perform ______times per day.
Special Instructions:
 Supine Shoulder Diagonals
Lie on your back.
Grasp cane with left hand (palm down) arm extended out to side.
Right hand grasps cane (palm up)
Raise cane up and out toward the right.
Repeat on opposite side
Repeat _____times and perform ______times per day.
Special Instructions:
 Seated Shoulder Flexion
Start sitting or standing.
Grasp cane with both hands and begin with arms at waist level with arms straight.
Raise cane up over head as far as possible (you may use a mirror to observe form)
Allow cane to lower slowly to starting position.
Repeat _____times and perform ______times per day.
Special Instructions:
 Seated Shoulder Flexion with Abduction / Adduction
Start sitting or standing.
Grasp cane with both hands and raise cane overhead.
Move cane from side to side
Repeat _____times and perform ______times per day.
Special Instructions:
Rotator Cuff Stretches
General Instructions: Do only those exercises with the box
 checked as recommended by therapist.
 Posterior Cuff
The back portion of the shoulder joint can be stretched out in this position, by gently pulling your arm
across your body
Hold the stretch for _____ seconds.
Repeat _____times and perform ______times per day.
 Inferior Cuff
The lower portion of the rotator cuff can be stretched by reaching overhead and gently pulling on your
elbow with the unaffected arm.
Hold the stretch for _____ seconds.
Repeat _____times and perform ______times per day.
 Internal Rotation Stretch
Grasp affected arm with unaffected arm and stretch by raising the hand of affected arm up the back as
high as possible.
Hold the stretch for _____ seconds.
Repeat _____times and perform ______times per day.
Thoracic Outlet Syndrome Exercises
General Instructions: Do only those exercises with the box
Stand erect with the arms at the sides holding in each hand with a weight.
Shrug the shoulders forward and backward, then relax.
Shrug the shoulders backward and forward, then relax.
Shrug the shoulders upward, then relax.
Repeat _____times and perform ______times per day.
Stand erect with the arms out straight from the sides of shoulder level; hold _____ lb. weight in each
hand (palms should be down).
Raise the arms sideways and up until the thumbs meet above the head (keep elbows straight), then
Repeat _____times and perform ______times per day.
 checked as recommended by therapist.
Stand facing a corner of the room with one hand on each wall, arms at shoulder level, palms forward,
elbows bent, and abdominal muscles contracted.
Slowly let the upper part of the trunk lean forward and press the chest in to the corner; inhale as the
body leans forward.
Return to the original position by pushing out with the hands; exhale with this movement.
Repeat _____times and perform ______times per day.
Stand erect with arms at the sides.
Tilt the neck to the left attempting to touch the left ear to the left shoulder without shrugging the
Tilt the neck to the right attempting to touch the right ear to the right shoulder without shrugging the
shoulder. Then relax.
Repeat _____times and perform ______times per day.
Lie face down with the hands clasped behind the head and neck.
Raise the head and chest from the floor as high as possible while pulling the shoulders backward. Hold
this position for a count of three. Inhale as the chest is raised.
Exhale and return to the original position.
Repeat _____times and perform ______times per day.
Lie down on the back with arms at the sides with rolled towel or small pillow under the upper part of the
back between the shoulder blades and no pillow under the head.
Inhale slowly and raise the arms upward toward ceiling and relax back after reclining.
Exhale and lower the arms to the sides and make angel wings.
Repeat _____times and perform ______times per day.