Transition to Living and Learning Workshop: Academic Skills, Humanities Prof Adrian Smith (Faculty Director of Undergraduate Studies) Prof Alex Neill (Associate Dean Education and Student Experience) 26 June 2012 TLLP and Humanities partnership… • prompted by the 2010 pilot skills module in Social Sciences, hence close collaboration with its instigator Russell Bentley (Politics/IR); • Sarah Rogers and TLLP colleagues keen to extrapolate from the transitional experience of Humanities ’ Year 1 students lessons for the University as a whole; • Sensitive to the change in the fees regime, the Faculty of Humanities keen to gain a greater insight into the needs, expectations, and concerns of its Year 1 students, including prior to their arrival; • Humanities funded to run its own pilot skills component (HUMA1027), using the Social Sciences module as a model; • HUMA1027 envisaged as complementing each discipline’s skills training, but would it be financially and pedagogically justifiable as a permanent fixture within the faculty curriculum? 2 Outline of HUMA1027… • Humanities skills component based upon Social Sciences’ autumn 2010 pilot scheme, and intended to complement not duplicate disciplines’ cultivation of advanced study skills; • training of PGTAs in conjunction with Social Sciences; • module content, PGTA guide and student workbook adapted to Humanities’ needs by project administrator Dr Sara Perry; • weeks 2 to 5 four workshops with PGTAs; • Blackboard support site and eight on-line lectures linked to the workshops; • not compulsory but all Year 1 students urged during induction to attend; • 10 Graduate Passport points for students that attended every session. 3 HUMA1027 structure (compared to SSs) Topic Lecture Workshop Accessing support and what to expect X X Effective use of lectures X X Time management and effective reading X X Research practice and referencing, incl. academic integrity Good essay writing practice X X X X Group work and presentations X X Exam technique and revision methods X X Making the most out of feedback X X Quiz Managing qualitative challenges Careers for Humanities students, and the Graduate Passport 4 HUMA1027 feedback… Key questions in survey of 206 respondents: Q2: Have you found the module useful? 3.4/5 Q3: Have you enjoyed the module workshops? 3.5/5 Q4: Did you find the workbook used in the workshops useful? 3.2/5 5 Feedback on HUMA1027… – roughly consistent with the approval rating in the broader autumn 2011 Year 1 Transition survey – 50:50 approval:disapproval not that surprising for a fresh initiative, but disappointing when compared with the more favourable response generated by Social Sciences’ 2010 pilot; – based only on 206 UGs after the final session, but a harsh observation would be that the other students had already voted with their feet; – a second survey, following an amended Mk 2 HUMA1027 in 2012, would provide a more revealing insight into students’ views of a generic skills module. 6 Evaluation… • students valued: – above all, the interaction with the PGTAs (as an alternative to lecturers, who initially were perceived as distant and unapproachable); – the opportunity to work informally in a group and as a group (as a learning experience and an opportunity to socialise); – an early opportunity to become acquainted with Blackboard; – advice and reassurance regarding presentations; – an early insight into the nature of exam and essay marking at university level; – the review of marking criteria as a means of gaining an insight into how assessment operates beyond A-level/IB. 7 Evaluation… • students identified significant areas in need of improvement: – content and approach should signal more clearly post-A-level/IB study skills (some complained of being patronised, e.g. advice on note-taking); – each workshop crowded and seeking to do too much, not least because of the initial viewing of the online lecture (if online, why watch it in class?); – the videoed lectures poorly shot, too crowded re advice, and comprised solely of a ‘talking head’; – the timing in the term and the length of the workshops [but mixed signals]; – not enough detailed advice, e.g. re essay writing and referencing; – overlap and duplication with discipline-based advice on study skills; – no credits awarded for the module. 8 The future… • an initial assumption that, with considerable modification, HUMA1027 would run again, and that the module could be delivered on a more modest budget; • an alternative view that the necessary resource allocation from within the Faculty has an opportunity cost; • the seven disciplines helpful in the delivery of HUMA1027 but wary of skills duplication; • a faculty decision not to support a skills component for Humanities Year 1 students in 2012-13, although Social Sciences will continue fine-tuning Russell Bentley’s original conception; • the absence of HUMA1027 reinforces the importance of Humanities’ component disciplines fine-tuning the subject skills components of their Year 1 Semester 1 compulsory modules: • it would be ironic if, at the very moment student expectations are raised as a consequence of the new fees regime, Humanities disciplines failed to learn from the lessons learned of the 2011-12 pilot. 9 For further information… Prof Adrian Smith Director of Undergraduate Studies, Faculty of Humanities: “Congratulations on completing your skills training, Jonny” 10