
FRIDAY SEPT 19, 2014 9:00-11:00AM
Church Hall, Penn State Harrisburg
Our Vision - Community Benefit Organizations work collaboratively with each other to effectively measure their impact in our community.
Our Mission - Provide a collaborative community resource for measuring program impact.
RESULTS-NOTES-ACTIONS MSC Meeting Sept. 19. 2014
Note: CONSORTIUM & MSC are interchangeably used referring to Measuring Success CONSORTIUM of South Central PA.
Thank you Jack Wright for helping with these notes!
Update on MSC funds - Cheryl Batdorf, Assoc. Dean, Millersville University advised:
 MU’s finance department confirmed (July) that $5,147.42 (less $17.17) remains for the CONSORTIUM to use
 MU is researching and will let the CONSORTIUM know if there are restrictions on how we may spend the funds
 Cheryl requests all documents/invoices to be funneled through her office.
We discussed that it has been confirmed that the CONSORTIUM has a $5,147.42 balance which needs to be spent. Denise Britton suggested
that those funds be allocated to a project resulting from her work on an “appreciated inquiry” on homelessness done with Ivy and Skip’s help.
(Denise reported on this project during the case study presentations at our May 16 meeting.)
We considered hiring a paid administrator. Jennifer Billman can no longer assist us given she has been called to help with other graduate
assistant duties at IUP’s "Administration and Leadership Studies", Dixon Center, Harrisburg. We discussed that the surplus $5,000 fund balance
be used to finance the cost of a paid administrator.
Suggestions for using these funds:
Could $5,000 be used to help develop a measurement project for the Harrisburg area “Appreciative Inquiry” initiative focusing on
homelessness? The point would be to have MSC members paid to help with project. (Is this a service delivery issue?).
Use $5,000 to pay for MSC administrator?
NOTE: MSC’s fiscal agent will sign contract with administrator – whether fiscal agent is TFEC, NPRN, etc.
What are your ideas for using the $5,000? (see upcoming SurveyMonkey).
CONSORTIUM administrator - needed
 THANK YOU Jenn Billman! What a marvelous job as our administrator over the past year. Good luck on your
"Administration and Leadership Studies" at IUP/Dixon Center.
 We are seeking a volunteer to serve as interim administrator.
Interested - let us know!
A job description is being developed – we are considering possibility of this as a paid (part-time) position. Funds will be sought.
Report from the MSC Structure Team:
 Thank you Susan, Janetta, Dave, Jack, Stephen! You completed your work in admirable fashion.
Susan Wokulich reviewed the “Recommendations from the Ad Hoc Structure Committee” (see the report and PowerPoint on the
CONSORTIUM website). Susan, Janetta Green, Dave Reed, Stephen Scanlon, Jack Wright and Skip Brown met twice to review the April 2014
report titled, “Development of Organization Structure for the Measuring Success CONSORTIUM” (see the report and PowerPoint on the
CONSORTIUM website). Susan’s group recommended establishing a Steering Committee, along with a Tools, Techniques and Practices Team
and a Website Team.
The Ad Hoc Structure Committee mentioned that, given the cost, it is not recommending that the CONSORTIUM become a 501 C 3
organization. Instead, it was suggested that we hire TEFEC to serve in the capacity as our 501c3. It was suggested that we first look at
whether another organization will perform that role for free. (Millersville’s NPRN has served in this capacity.)All members seemed to agree
It was emphasized that member are encouraged to develop teams based on “measuring success” ideas. Members are encouraged to contact
other members who may have a common interest. Such teams can learn from each other as they work on an idea or a tool or a concept of
shred interest. Teams can also apply for funding to support the team’s work. It was mentioned that the CONSORTIUM is not a serviceproviding or fund-granting entity. (Perhaps, there should be more discussion on this at future meetings?)
with this approach.
The consensus from the meeting participants was that the Steering Committee will work like a board of directors. One idea was that this
steering committee could be comprised of the same members who participated on the Ad Hoc Structure Committee (if those members choose
to be on the Steering Committee).
We then distributed a worksheet asking all meeting participants to consider which of the three committees or teams they wanted to serve.
(Those joining by phone had been sent a copy prior to the meeting.) The sign-up results were shared during the meeting. Jack Wright
suggested that we obtain feedback from those who were unable to attend and all agreed.
Names of new committee/Teams:
Steering Committee (executive team) – membership open
o Proposed Function: Steering Committee would serve as board of directors responsible for executive level decision making.
These members would be accountable to the members, but would work to make sure the CONSORTIUM remains on track and
accountable, establishing timelines etc. Provide approval of grant opportunities etc. Provide general oversight for the
Tools-Techniques-Practices Team (measurement) – membership open
o Proposed Function: Identify tools-techniques-practices and provide venue for inter-organizational storytelling and sharing of
these tools with one another. Team could identify measurement tools, provide support, feedback and assistance for
development of tools. Disseminating information is a key role here. (Tool development is not a service – done through member
collaboration as a learning opportunity.)
Website Team (learn how/maintain) – membership open
o Proposed Function: Maintain website making sure it is effective and continually updated. An issue to resolve is vetting
information that is placed on website.
Create your own team based on your “measurement” interest
o Example: Bridge Team might function as a “bridge” for ideas/issues between service agencies-funders-governments-academic
Susan mentioned that the Steering Committee will need Skip to attend their first few meetings and then commented that she would prefer
not to act as chair but will serve on the this committee.
Assignment: the Steering Committee will craft a job description for our administrator position.
It was suggested that the Tools, Techniques and Practices Team be responsible for organizing case studies presentations. Perhaps Survey
Monkey may be used to solicit ideas.
Concluding Recommendations from Structure Team:
 A formal structure of some kind is needed
 A strong steering committee and administrator are needed
 Team development is necessary
 With the exception of a paid administrator, participation would be voluntary. Possible tag line: MAKE the consortium
See the MSC website for the full report and accompanying PwrPt -
MSC member’s agreed upon the proposed structure
Join a committee/team interesting to you. See upcoming SurveyMonkey.
be (1) Members questions, ideas, concerns about MSC structure; and (2) Ideas for using $5,000 – including “do you support using
these funds for MSC administrator salary?)
Actions/Ideas of import
 Next meeting: November 21st @9:00-11:00am, Church Hall, Penn State Harrisburg, Middletown (see website for
o Remember, CONSORTIUM meetings are open - invite others who may be interested in measurement and evaluation.
o At the November meeting we’ll set 2015 meeting s calendar and discuss how to offer virtual participation at meetings.
o Come for the CASE STUDIES and the TOOLS! (Tools-Techniques TEAM will arrange a case study for November meeting)
o The Steering Committee will develop and send out the November agenda.
o SurveyMonkey will be arranged prior to November meeting for MSC members to sign up for a team if interested. (Solicited also will
Do you have recommendations for proven effective tools to measure collaboration? (In addition to the Wilder tool
on MSC’s website.) Contact Ivy at .
o Tish mentioned a PANO them is collaboration. Might an MSC short term team be borne? Love to hear more next meeting.
o Useful? Laura Bronstein’s 49-item 5-point scale Index of Interdisciplinary Collaboration tool -
Baltimore Data and Evaluation Meetup created
o Baltimore area nonprofits, foundations, and government agencies interested in collecting and using data to improve their programs.
o Connect via CRC (Carson Research Consulting)
o Want to attend but can't leave the office? Contact us-we’ll make a way to connect you.
CONTACT US - till new MSC administrator arrives e-mail Skip Brown
Attendance: Denise Britton (Shalom House), Ivy Schneider (Jewish Federation), Tish Morgan (PANO) Susan Wokulich
(United Way), Jennifer Billman (I.U.P. Graduate Student), Amber Stephenson & Tamar Wallace (Temple NEST),
Stephen Scanlon (DPW), Jack Wright (Dauphin County), Skip Brown (ConnectSynergy).
MSC principles and goals below
Four STRATEGIC GOALS – for 5 years
1: Offer access to useful tools and techniques for measuring
program success
2: Provide support, feedback, and assistance to the development of
evaluation tools and processes.
3: Maximize collaboration between agencies to develop agency
projects and inter-agency projects.
4: Employ technology to facilitate information sharing among
member organizations
Our guiding criteria/principles
1. Implement evidence-based and research-based programming
2. Develop useful data collection methods
3. Analyze and review data to determine program success
4. Maximize the use of emerging technologies
5. Use time-efficient processes/procedures
6. Work collectively as a creative, forward-thinking enterprise
7. Operate as a member-driven CONSORTIUM