BS in HEALTH SCIENCE TYPICAL PRE-MEDICAL SCIENCES PATTERN RECOMMENDED MINIMUM GPA 3.25 FRESHMAN FALL Truman Week Program MATH 186 Elementary Functions ^BIOL 107 Intro Biology I w/Lab (Life Science Mode) CHEM 129 Basic Principles of Chemistry HLTH 255 Intro to Community & Public Health OR HLTH 260 Human Sexuality OR HLTH 270 Consumer Health SEMESTER TOTAL SOPHOMORE FALL CHEM 131 Chemical Principles II w/Lab HLTH 290 Principles of Health Ed & Health Science STAT 190 Basic Statistics BIOL or PHYS Pattern Science POL 101 Constitutional Government OR HIST 298 American Institutional History SEMESTER TOTAL 1.0 3.0 4.0 3.0 3.0 14.0 4.0 3.0 3.0 4.0 1.0 15.0 JUNIOR FALL CHEM 331 Organic Chemistry II CHEM 333 Organic Chemistry Lab BIOL 365 Human Anatomy HLTH Selective ^MODE OF INQUIRY/INTERCULTURAL HLTH 250 Public Health Practicum SEMESTER TOTAL SENIOR FALL BIOL 325 Human Physiology ^HLTH 410 W/E Health Communication Methods OR HLTH 440 Program Implement & Evaluation FOREIGN LANGUAGE ^PSYC 166 General Psychology (Social Scientific Mode) ELECTIVE Register for CHES Exam (Senior Test) SEMESTER TOTAL 3.0 2.0 4.0 3.0 3.0 1.0 16.0 4.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 16.0 FRESHMAN SPRING BIOL 108 Intro Biology II w/Lab ^CHEM 130 Chemical Prin I w/Lab (Phys Science Mode) ENG 190 Writing as Critical Thinking HLTH 195 Lifetime Health & Fitness (Personal well being) HLTH 196 Lifetime Physical Activity (Personal well being) HLTH 245 Substance Abuse Prevention OR HLTH 255 Intro to Community & Public Health OR HLTH 260 Human Sexuality OR HLTH 270 Consumer Health SEMESTER TOTAL SOPHOMORE SPRING CHEM 329 Organic Chemistry I HLTH 349 Research Methods in Health Science *COMM 170 Public Speaking BIOL or PHYS Pattern Science ^MODE OF INQUIRY/INTERCULTURAL SEMESTER TOTAL JUNIOR SPRING ELECTIVE SCIENCE COURSE ^HLTH 366 W/E Program Planning & Assessment ^JINS/Intercultural ^MODE OF INQUIRY/INTERCULTURAL HLTH 321 Seminar in Graduate Admissions 4.0 4.0 3.0 1.5 .5 3.0 16.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 4.0 3.0 16.0 4.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 1.0 Take MCAT, OAT, or DAT (and Kaplan course, if desired) SEMESTER TOTAL 14.0 SENIOR SPRING ^HLTH 410 W/E Health Communication Methods OR HLTH 440 Program Implement & Evaluation FOREIGN LANGUAGE ELECTIVE SCIENCE COURSE ELECTIVE Take CHES Exam (Senior Test) SEMESTER TOTAL 3.0 3.0 4.0 3.0 13.0 ^NOTES: All students must complete 6 of the 8 Modes of Inquiry; Health Science Pre-Medical Science students are specifically required to complete BIOL 107 (Life Science Mode) and PSYC 166 (Social Scientific Mode) to fulfill Required Support, as well as CHEM 130 (Physical Science Mode). The Writing Enhanced (WE) course requirements are met by completing HLTH 366, HLTH 410 and JINS 3XX. It is recommended students select a Mode of Inquiry or JINS course that meets the Intercultural Perspectives requirement. *COMM 170 test-out procedure is available on the following website: Students who earn varsity sport credit may use this credit in place of HLTH 196 (activity only). See course pre-requisites at the following link: This document reflects the recommended 4-year sequencing of courses specifically required for the Health Science Pre-Medical Sciences pattern. A minor in Biology will be awarded to students who complete this pattern and satisfy all other requirements for the minor. You are encouraged to use these materials in conjunction with the Truman Catalog and Degree Works (available on TruView) as a guide in planning your progress toward completion of degree requirements. The Office of the Registrar is responsible for certifying completion of degree requirements based on requirements specified in the catalog. Total Required Hours: 2011-2012 Catalog 22 Aug 11 120.0