Balls, Bands & Balance

Balls, Bands,
and Balance
Balls, Bands & Balance Workshop
Canadian Centre for Activity and Aging
Workshop Overview
1. Balance, Flexibility & Strength Review
2. Balance Exercises
3. Ball Exercises
4. Basic Resistance Band Exercises
5. Dynamic & Multijoint Exercises
7. Wrap up & Questions
Balls, Bands & Balance
Fundamental part of functional mobility
Always balancing (except sleeping)
Independent movement without fear of falling
Lower extremity strength essential
Core stability
Balance exercises performed daily
Balls, Bands & Balance
Stability and Balance
Stability – postural control
– Maintained by adjusting the body position to accommodate for
Base of Support (BOS) – area surrounding the body parts
contacting the supporting surface
Centre of Mass – an imaginary point around which an
object’s mass is equally distributed
Balance – ability to maintain the centre of mass over the base
of support
– A person becomes unbalanced when their centre of mass moves
outside the base of support
Gait – repetitive loss and recovery of balance allowing us to walk
Balls, Bands & Balance
Factors Affecting Balance
1. Size of BOS
2. Movement of centre of mass outside of BOS
3. Altered sensory input
4. Changes to the nervous system
5. Certain diseases (i.e. Parkinsons)
6. Reduced muscle strength (especially muscles
of the lower body)
Balls, Bands & Balance
- Range of motion around a joint
- Required for independent living
- put on a sweater, reach top shelf
- Flexible spine indicates good posture
- reduces risk of spinal fracture
- Static stretching and/or range of motion
Balls, Bands & Balance
- Stiff muscles and joints in seniors is
- Decreased synovial fluid in joints due to
normal aging process
- Exercise promotes lubrication and keeps
joints supple
- Perform daily
Balls, Bands & Balance
Muscular Strength & Endurance
- Strength - Amount of force a muscle can
produce in one maximal contraction
- ADL’s: Lift heavy pot, get up from bathtub, lift
- Endurance – number of times muscle can
repeatedly contract
- Required for housework, standing for long periods
Balls, Bands & Balance
Muscular Strength
Atrophy critical problem for older adults
10% loss of mass up to age 50
After 60-65, accelerated loss
By age 70-80 there is 25-50% loss of
muscle mass
- ¼ men and 2/3 women aged 74, unable to
lift 10 lbs
- Perform 2-4 times per week
Balls, Bands & Balance
Keys to Effective Training
Core Stabilization: ability to recruit stabilizers
to support spine in it’s ideal alignment
Spinal alignment: natural curve of the spine in
it’s neutral position
Cervical spine – slight inward curve
Thoracic spine – slight outward (kyphotic) curve
Lumbar spine – slight inward (lorded) curve
Cervical Lengthening – slight chin tuck and lengthening
through the back of the neck extending out the top of the head
Balls, Bands & Balance
Keys to Effective
Range of Motion – total range of angle which a joint or series
of joints is able to move
Control – control the movement by going slowly and paying
attention to what you are doing; keep in mind each exercise
has a specific function
Concentration – focus on the muscle that you want to work
and you will see that you work harder just by concentrating on
that focus point
Breathe – Generally, Inhalation = opening/extending;
Exhalation = closing or contracting
- For beginning use a breathing technique that’s most
comfortable for you
Balls, Bands & Balance
Balance Exercises
Balls, Bands & Balance
Balance Training
- Important contributor to falls prevention
- Majority of falls occur in walking, turning,
climbing stairs or changing positions
- Effective interventions include practicing
these activities
- Strengthen muscles around the hips, knees
and ankles
Balls, Bands & Balance
Unipedal Stance
• Stand with feet shoulder width apart, with
ball in hands in front of body.
• Shift weight onto right leg, and slowly lift
left fot to mid-calf level; hold.
• To challenge balance further, slowly vary
position of arms by bringing balls forward,
back, to sides, and above head, etc.
Balls, Bands & Balance
Tandem Walking
• Feet together, ball in one hand, arms
stretched out to either side
• Walk forward, heel to toe, 10 steps
• Turn around, and return to start position.
• To challenge balance, raise arms laterally
above head and pass ball from one hand to
• Advanced option: If you are comfortable and
steady; moving forward, try walking backward
rather than turning around.
Balls, Bands & Balance
Functional Reaching
• Stand with feet shoulder width apart or wider
• Begin with ball in right hand, reach ball
forward keeping feet planted
• Repeat reaching to either side without moving
feet, and then with other arm
• To further challenge : reach as far as possible
while holding ball in both hands and narrow
your base of support
Balls, Bands & Balance
Hip Circles
• Stand with feet shoulder width apart, hold ball
in front with both hands
• Move hips around in circles, making circles
larger as you progress.
• Pass ball around waist as you circle hips
• After 10-20 circles switch direction and repeat
• Advanced Option: do same exercise with feet
closer together giving you a more narrow base
of support
Balls, Bands & Balance
Over the Moon:
Basic Stretch, Rock Forward & Sit up
• Sit tall at edge of chair, knees slightly apart,
shoulders back and down.
• Place both hands on ball. Take a deep
• Exhale fully leaning forward at hips while
reaching over the ball
• Inhale as you roll back to sitting tall
• Repeat 8-12 times.
Balls, Bands & Balance
Heavy Hands – Sitting or Standing
• Sit/Stand tall with shoulders back and
• Hold light hand weights in each hand,
bend both elbows 90 degrees.
• Begin to swing your arms at a slow and
steady pace. Repeat 8-12 times.
Sitting  Standing  Walking
* Try to increase length of strides as you walk
Balls, Bands & Balance
• Sit tall with feet flat on floor
• Both hands on pole, shoulder width,
palms down & lift pole to shoulder height
• Dip pole low on left side and pull back
• Return to center, Repeat on right side.
Return to centre
• Link strokes to develop rhythm.
• Repeat 8-12 times.
Balls, Bands & Balance
Chair Stands
• Sit tall in chair, engage abs and back.
• Breathe in and lean forward from the
hips (not waist)
• Stand up as you breathe out
• Slowly sit down on the chair while
keeping back, head and neck aligned
• Repeat 8-12 times
Balls, Bands & Balance
Step and Stop
• Stand tall, use a chair/wall as support if needed
• Mark a line 12-18in ahead with tape, chalk etc.
• Tap right foot on line. Bring it back and repeat 812 times.
• Tap left foot on line. Bring it back and repeat 812 times.
• Alternate right and left taps. Repeat alternate
sequence 8-12 times.
Balls, Bands & Balance
Tai Chi – Prayer Wheel
• Stand tall, feet shoulder-width apart, one foot
forward and one back
• Shift weight from rear foot to forward foot, keeping
hips and shoulders square and feet on ground
• With ball between palms, move hands in big
“wheel” motion (extend arms in front at hip level,
back towards body at shoulder height, then back
down to hips)
• Do 8-12 wheels then switch feet placement &
Balls, Bands & Balance
Standing Weight Shifts
• Stand tall; feet hip-width apart
• Shift weight to right foot, back to center then to
left foot, back to center
• Repeat alternating sequence 8-12 times.
• Progress by widening stance & add knee
bends to leg receiving body weight
• Progress further by lifting leg that is not
supporting weight
• Use chair for stability if needed
Balls, Bands & Balance
Opposing Circles
Divide participants to two
groups. Form an outer circle &
inner circle.
One circle walks counterclockwise
while the other walks clockwise.
Slow down, then change directions
Switch inner participants to outer circle and outer
circle participants to inner circle.
Repeat coordinated walking
Balls, Bands & Balance
(Plantar Flexion)
Stand tall. Place hands on chair for
Keeping heels on floor, shift weight to
Lift heels (standing on tip toe) & find
balance over balls of feet
Hold 3 seconds & lower heels back
Repeat 8-12 times.
Balls, Bands & Balance
Rock Forward, Knee Lift
Stand tall with right foot
slightly in front and toe
dorsi-flexed up (chair
for support)
Rock forward and lift
rear knee up and in front
Hold. Bring rear leg back down, shifting weight back &
lifting front toe off the ground
Repeat 8-12 times, then switch legs.
Balls, Bands & Balance
Heel-Touch and Roll-Up
Balls, Bands & Balance
Stand tall feet shoulder-width, one
forward & one back
Rock weight onto back leg, while
lifting front knee; Balance on back
With lifted-leg, touch heel down
first,& roll forward onto toes, coming
up to balance on toes
Shift weight back, and repeat 8-12x
Switch legs and repeat.
Pendulum Legs
• Stand tall behind chair. Place
one hand on chair for support.
• Shift weight to right leg & lift left
leg slightly in front
• Swing left leg from side to side
by abducting and adducting the
hip of the left leg
• Repeat 8-12 times
• Switch legs and repeat.
Balls, Bands & Balance
Come up with 2
additional exercises
you could do to
promote Balance
Balls, Bands & Balance
Ball Exercises
Balls, Bands & Balance
Training with Small exercise
- Incorporate small balls into functional mobility
- Learn stabilizing techniques to improve strength,
balance and flexibility of older adults
- Balls can be used to encourage fluidity and rhythm
and to help modify exercises and postures that
may be too easy/hard for older adult participants
Balls, Bands & Balance
Benefits of Using Balls
• Improves core stabilization
• Improves balance, posture, body awareness and
• Can progressively increase or decrease the
intensity of each exercise by making slight
adjustments in body position
• Provide dynamic resistance
• Help to reduce stress on joints
• Can enhance the “fun” of exercise
Balls, Bands & Balance
• Sit tall with thighs together
• Place the ball in lap; With both hands roll
the ball toward your knees and back again
for range of motion
• To add an upper back stretch, pause at the
end of the roll when the ball is closest to
your knees. Hold for 15-20 seconds.
Balls, Bands & Balance
• Hold ball in hand at
• Stretch one arm out away
from your body, then back
to your shoulder
• Repeat reaching over head
with ball
• Repeat with other arm
Balls, Bands & Balance
• Seated at a table, hold one small
ball in each hand and touch it to
the same shoulder.
• Extend your elbow so that the
back of your hand touches table,
then back up to your shoulder.
• Repeat with the opposite hand.
Balls, Bands & Balance
• Hold the ball in your hand with
your arm extended straight out
in front of you
• Raise your arms above your
head keeping elbows straight
• Repeat 8-12x then switch arms
Balls, Bands & Balance
• Seated in chair, place one foot on ball
• With opposite foot, step to the side
then return to start position
• Repeat with the other foot.
• For added challenge place ball under
moving leg and roll ball under the foot
while abducting hip
Balls, Bands & Balance
• Seated with a wall in front of
you, place the ball against
the wall at eye level.
• With both hands roll the ball
up the wall and back down
• Repeat reaching motion to
the left and right sides.
Balls, Bands & Balance
• Seated at a table, roll the ball to the left using
both hands, back to the centre, then to the right.
• Repeat motion rolling the ball under the palms,
forward and backward
Balls, Bands & Balance
• While seated in a chair, reach the ball to
the floor beside your chair while
maintaining core integrity
• Repeat using the other arm
Balls, Bands & Balance
Range of Motion & Coordination
• Hold one ball in each hand.
• With your left arm, touch the
ball to the top of your head
while reaching across your
body with your right arm.
• Repeat the same using the
opposite arms
• ….. Simon Says?!
• Hold ball in left hand with arms extended to sides at
shoulder height
• Slowly rotate your head to the left, looking over your left
shoulder, hold for 6-8sec
• Bring ball and head to centre, switch hands and repeat to
the right
• Strength is added by keeping arms up at shoulder level*
• Hold the ball at chest level
with both hands.
• Rotate ball in your hands so
that it rotates away from you
• Repeat rotating the ball
toward you.
• Seated tall, in front of a wall,
place ball against wall just below
eye level; both hands on ball
• Lean forward at the hips, flexing
the elbows, then exhale,
pressing hands through the ball
and extending the arms until you
return to start position
• Sit tall in chair.
• Place ball between your ankles and palms on
insides of either knee
• Squeeze legs together at ankles and knees
as you press outward with the hands creating
resistance on the adductor muscles
• Hold for 8-12 sec then release; repeat 2-3x
• Hold the ball between your palms at
chest level with your elbows pointing
• Press palms together through the ball,
while contracting the pectoral muscles
• Repeat 8-12x
• Place the ball on your shoulder.
• With the same hand, use your palm and
press down on the ball, then release.
• Repeat using the opposite side.
• With arm extended straight, place ball
underneath the arm
• Adduct the arm while squeezing through the
ball to create resistance, then release
• Repeat 8-12x then switch arms
• Hold ball in one hand with palm
facing up
• Squeeze ball while rotating arm so
that palm faces down; then release
• Squeeze ball again and rotate back
to palm-up position
• Repeat sequence 8-12 times, then
switch arms
• Hold ball in hand with arm straight
out and palm facing up
• Keep elbow straight and squeeze
ball while flexing wrist up
• Release squeeze as you extend
your wrist back to start position
• Do 8-12 reps, then repeat with
other hand
• Hold ball in hand(s) and
squeeze the ball with your
• Imagine you are touching
each finger to your thumb
through ball
• Repeat several times
• Sitting tall, place ball on one
knee & both hands on top of
one another on ball
• Press hands down through the
ball by contracting the
abdominal muscles
• Do 8-12 reps, then repeat with
ball on other knee
*note* The movement is coming entirely from the core –
Keep arms stable!
• While sitting in a chair place ball
behind back for lumbar support
• Hold a weight in your hand and
flex the elbow bringing weight to
the shoulder
• Do 8-12 reps, then repeat with
the other arm
• While seated tall in a chair, hold the ball
between both hands, & rest hands on thighs
• Keeping elbows tucked in at the waist,
squeeze hands together through the ball
while raising the ball up to your chest
• Release squeeze and return ball to start
• Repeat 8-12 times
• Sit tall in a chair & hold ball with
both hands, arms straight above
your head
• Flex elbows, bringing the ball back
behind your head
• Squeeze palms together through
the ball as you extend elbows back
to starting position
• Repeat 8-12x
• Stand behind a chair
with ball between
your thighs & feet hip
width apart
• Bend knees and squat down as far as
you can but keep your knees behind
your toes
• Repeat 8-12 times
• Hold onto the back of a chair with a ball between
your legs
• Lift yourself up onto your toes, hold, and return
heels back to the floor
• Repeat 8-12 times
Seated Alternative:
•Place ball between knees & hands on top of knees
•Lift heels off the ground as you press down through
the knees to increase resistance; hold, then return to
• Sit tall in a chair.
• Place ball between your knees (and one
behind your back if possible)
• Squeeze your knees together, pressing
through the ball; hold, then release.
• Repeat 8-12 times
• Sit tall in a chair
• Place the ball underneath the
arch of your foot.
• Press straight down through the
ball with your foot, hold, then
• Repeat 8-12 times then switch to
the other foot
• Place one ball under each foot (or do
one at a time)
• Extend one leg out, by rolling foot over
the ball, and hold for 8 seconds before
returning to start position
• Repeat extension with the opposite leg
• With 2 balls, develop a rhythm by
alternating leg flexion & extensions
…as if you were foot propelling a
Come up with 2
additional Exercises that
you can do with the
Balls, Bands & Balance
Strength and Resistance
Band Exercise
Balls, Bands & Balance
Training with Resistance Bands
In older adults, Resistance band training has
been shown to:
o increase strength of knees, ankles, shoulders etc.
o increase gait stability and velocity
o increase balance (in healthy and stroke patients)
o improve overall functioning and functional scores
o decrease disability
o decrease shoulder and back pain
o increase grip strength
o decrease fall risk
Balls, Bands & Balance
Benefits of Using Resistance Bands
• Convenient to use at home or gym
• Light weight = easy to travel with
• Many different lengths and resistances
• Changing hand placement can change resistance
• More safe than free weights if dropped
• requires muscle activation throughout ROM because
you cannot “cheat” & use momentum
• gravity does not affect bands like it does weights,
allowing more flexibility in the movements performed (ie.
Balls, Bands & Balance
Chest Press
Target Muscles: Pectoralis Major
• Stand tall (or sit with feet flat on floor)
• Wrap band around shoulder blades and
under arms
• Grasp band at shoulder level with both arms
at 90 degrees, palms down
• Extend arms forward, hold & return slowly
• Repeat 8-12 times
Chest Pull
Target Muscles: Triceps, Rear deltoid & Trapezius*
• Stand tall (or sit tall with feet flat on floor)
• Grasp band in both hands (palms down) in front at
chest level (shoulder width) with elbows pointed out
to sides
• Exhale and extend arms out to sides
• Hold and return slowly to start position
• Repeat 8-12 times
*Note* by alternating start position to shoulders rotated up
and palms facing forward you work the trapezius more
Elbow Extension
Target Muscles: Triceps
• Sit tall with feet flat on floor
• Hold band with both hands below chest level,
keeping elbows in at the waist
• Keep left arm stable while extending right elbow
down and back (keep both elbows tight to waist at
all times)
• Hold and slowly return arm to start position
• Repeat 8-12 times; Then switch arms
Shoulder Flexion
Target Muscles: Anterior deltoid
• Sit tall with feet flat
on floor &shoulders back
• Step on one end with right foot
& hold other end in right hand with palm down
• Keeping arm straight, flex the shoulder forward
until arm is parallel with the floor
• Slowly release to start position
• Repeat 8-12 times then switch arms
Arm Raise
Target Muscles: Deltoids
• Sit tall with feet flat on the floor & shoulder
blades down
• Step on one end of the band with right foot &
grasp the other with the right hand, palm
facing inward
• Laterally raise arm, keeping elbow straight,
until arm is parallel with floor; hold, then slowly
release arm back down to side
• Do 8-12 reps then repeat on left side
Elbow Flexion
Target Muscles: Biceps
• Sit tall on chair with feet flat
• Place band under right foot &
grasp band with right hand (palm
facing up)
• Flex elbow, bringing palm to shoulder
• Hold, then slowly release the arm
• Repeat 8-12 times then switch to left arm.
Hip Abduction
Target Muscles: Abductors
• Stand tall (or sit with feet flat on floor)
• Loop band around right ankle and step on
loose ends with left foot
• Abduct right leg to the side, hold, and
return leg slowly
• Do 8-12 reps, then switch band to left leg
for 8-12 reps
Hip Extension
Target Muscles: Gluteus Maximus &
• Stand tall behind chair (or wall)
• Loop band firmly around right ankle &
step on ends with left foot
• Extend the right hip back keeping the knee
straight and back upright (do not arch or flex
• Hold and slowly return hip to neutral position
• Repeat 8-12 times, then switch to other leg
Hip Flexion
Target Muscles: Hip Flexors
• Stand tall behind chair.
• Have band looped around
right foot and step on ends with left
• Keeping posture tall, slowly flex the hip bringing
the knee toward the chest
• Hold, then return leg slowly to neutral position
• Do 8-12 reps, then switch legs
Knee Flexion
Target Muscles: Hamstrings
• Stand tall behind chair
• Loop band around right foot &
step on ends with left foot
• Slowly flex the right knee up behind you as far
as possible (90 degrees)
• Hold, then slowly release to start position
• Do 8-12 reps then switch to left leg & repeat
Leg Press
Target Muscle: Quadriceps
• Sit tall in chair & hold band ends in either hand
• Flex right leg up, wrapping band around the
sole of the foot
• Keep elbows tight at the waist while slowly
extending right leg forward; hold, then slowly
return to starting position
• Repeat 8-12 times, then switch to the left leg
Come up with 2
additional exercises that
can be done with the
Dynamic Multi-joint Exercise
- multi-joint exercises involve movement of two or more
- For ADL’s, you rarely use a single joint to do the
- Multi-joint exercises can mimic everyday dynamic tasks
- Supports the exercise training principle of generality several aspects can be trained in one exercise
- In daily life muscular strength exists in general, not
specific, terms
Balls, Bands & Balance
Benefits of Dynamic Multi-Joint
-Efficient – spend less time doing exercise when you work
more than one area with a single exercise
-Promotes balance – isolating individual muscles could lead
to strengthening that muscle, but surrounding muscles may
become weaker in comparison; leading to imbalances
- Increases intensity – by working more muscles and joints
simultaneously, heart rate will increase which, in turn, will
raise the overall intensity of the session
-Fun – by combining various exercises in different ways you
can promote variety in your classes and prevent boredom
Balls, Bands & Balance
Chest Pull with Heel Raise
Target Muscles: Gastrocnemius, Triceps &
•Band at chest level; both hands
•Extend right arm laterally then slowly
Return to centre; repeat with left arm
•Lift heels rising up onto toes and slowly lower
•Repeat sequence 8-12 times
Triceps Kick with Toe Tap
Target Muscles: Tibilais Anterior & Triceps
• Band below chest level; both hands; elbows
tucked at side
• Slowly extend right arm down and back for 8
counts, keeping elbows in place
• Release slowly while tapping toes 8 times
• Repeat sequence 8-12 times, then switch to use
the left arm
Shoulder Shrug with Arm Abduction
Target Muscles: Trapezius & Deltoid
• Grab band at either end and step on
middle with one foot
• Shrug shoulders 4 times (2 counts/shrug)
• Simultaneously abduct both arms until
parallel with floor (4 counts up & 4 down)
• Repeat sequence 8-12 times
Lat Pull Down/ Leg Abduction
Target Muscles: Latissimus Dorsi & Leg
• Band above head; hands near middle
• Keep left arm stable and pull down right
arm contracting Lats
• Simultaneously abduct the same leg
• Repeat with other side; 8-12 times per
*Note* if simultaneous arm and leg movement is too difficult,
alternate between leg and arm movements
Back Extension & Squat with
Functional Pulls
Target Muscles: Erector Spinae, Quads & Triceps
• Feet apart; band below chest level; both hands &
elbows tucked in at sides
• Squat down and hold; complete 4 functional pulls
• Come up; keep left arm in place; extend right arm,
flexing shoulder above head, while extending the left
hip back
• Repeat sequence with left arm & right leg
• Complete 4-6 reps for each side
Lunge and Upward Row
Target Muscles: Quadriceps & Trapezius
• Lunge stance with right leg in front; band under
front foot and ends in each hand
• Press down into lunge (4 counts) come up (4
• Complete one upward row (4 counts up & 4
down); repeat sequence 8-12x
• Switch leg positioning and repeat
Squat with Shoulder Flexion
Target Muscles: Quadriceps & Anterior Deltoid
• Wide stance, band under right foot and end in
right hand
• Squat down (4 counts) and hold
• Flex right shoulder forward & release slowly,
then come up to standing
• Repeat 8-12x
• Switch band to left side & repeat
Lunge with Forward Punch
Target Muscles: Quadriceps, Triceps & Wrist
• Lunge stance with right foot in front; band
below chest level in both hands, elbows
tucked in at sides
• Lunge forward & punch with right arm keeping
left elbow in place; repeat 8-12x
• Switch band to left side & repeat
Hip Extension and Hamstring Curl
Target Muscles: Gluteus Maximus & Hamstrings
• Stand tall, loop band around right heel & step on
both ends with left foot
• Extend the hip back as far as possible & hold
• Flex the knee, contracting the hamstring and hold
• Slowly release to hip extension, then to start
position; repeat 8-12x
• Switch band to other leg and repeat sequence
Squat March with Leg Abduction
Target Muscles: Quadriceps, Hip Flexors & Leg
• Feet wider than shoulder width, squat down and
march for 10 steps before coming up
• Stand tall and abduct/adduct the right leg
• Repeat sequence alternating right and left legs
• Complete 4-6 lifts per side
Leg Press with Bicep Curl
Target Muscles: Quadriceps & Biceps
• Sit in chair with ball as lumbar support; right
knee up and flexed with band around right foot;
hold either end of band
• Keep elbows tucked in at sides & extend right
leg straight out in front; return slowly
• Pause and complete one tandem bicep curl,
before repeating the sequence 8-12 times
• Switch band to left foot & repeat
Abdominal Crunch with Seated Row
Target Muscles: Rectus Abdominus, Trapezius &
Sit at edge of chair with feet straight out front & band
looped around feet; ends in either hand
Keep hands on thighs & slowly lean toward the back
of the chair without touching it; pause and return to
Retract shoulders in a rowing motion; feel a squeeze
between shoulder blades & release
Repeat sequence 8-12 times
Abdominal Crunch with Shoulder Abduction
(elbows flexed at 90 degrees)
Target Muscles: Rectus Abdominus & Posterior
Sit at edge of chair with feet straight out front & band
looped around
Keep elbows at sides & slowly lean toward the back
of the chair; pause & return to upright
With elbows at 90 degrees, abduct arms until parallel
with ground, pause and return elbows to side
Repeat sequence 8-12 times
Oblique Crunch with Adductor
Target Muscles: External Obliques & Leg
• Sit tall at edge of chair with ball between thighs
• Lean back to the right slowly, then slowly return to
upright; repeat to the left
• Sitting upright squeeze ball between thighs and
hold for 8 counts
• Repeat sequence 8-12 times
Around the World Squat with Abs
Target Muscles: Quadriceps & Abdominals
• Stand with feet wider than shoulder width and ball
in hands above head
• Keep arms straight while squatting down &
simultaneously moving arms in large circles to the
• Complete 8-12 circles, then switch to the left for
8-12 circles
Come up with 2
additional Multi-Joint
Exercises that you could
do with your senior
Nazia Bhatti
Canadian Centre for Activity and Aging
The Scientific and Clinical Application of Elastic Resistance.
Page, P. & Ellenbecker, T. Human Kinetics, Champaign, Illinois
Hughes, C.J., P. Page & D. Maurice. 2000. “Elastic Exercise
Training.” Orthopaedic Physical Therapy Clinics of North
America 9(4): 581-95
Tudor-Locke, C., Ecclestone, N. A., Paterson, D. & Cunningham, D.
A. (1997). Seniors Fitness Instructors Course (SFIC): Resource
Manual. London, ON: Canadian Centre for Activity and Aging.
Balls, Bands & Balance