Physics Midterm Review Game

Physics Review Game:
Midterm Ediçion
Senor Vannucci
9) A person on a unicycle accelerates
from rest to 10 m/s in 2
seconds. What is their acceleration?
(continuing from previous) In how
much distance did they complete
this acceleration?
Describe a car’s change in motion
when the velocity and acceleration
are in opposite directions.
Draw a position vs. time graph for
the following scenario: A car starts
at 0 m and 0 m/s and is speeding up
in a positive direction
(continuing from previous problem)
Now, draw a velocity versus time
graph for the same situation: a car
starting at rest that is accelerating in
a positive direction
A girl jumps into the air with initial
velocity of 3 m/s.
a. What is the girl’s hangtime?
b. How high did her feet get off the
A book is tossed in the air reaching a max
height of 5m above the person’s hands who
tossed it.
a. How long will it take the book to get to its
max height?
b. How long will the total time of flight be for
the book?
c. With what initial speed does the book
leave the person’s hands?
Using the ticker tape picture in your
review packet, find the velocity of
the top tape. You will need a ruler
A Lasso is twirled in a circle. Making
one revolution every .7
seconds. The length of the lasso
from the cowboys hand to the edge
is 1.2 m. What is the speed of the
loop at the end of the lasso?
A ski lift takes a skier 1.2 km
vertically up to the top of a
mountain. The skier then skis down
the slope for 4.8 km. What is the
angle of the slope? (Hint: draw a
sketch – it’s a triangle)
A bullet is fired and a bullet is
dropped simultaneously from the
same height. Which bullet hits the
ground first? or do they hit at the
same time? Explain your reasoning.
Draw a strobe photo of a dropped object and
a horizontally fired projectile. Label Velocity
vectors Vx, and Vy on each picture. Draw the
position of each projectile at 0,1,2, and 3
seconds into its flight. Use the strobe photo
to explain how it moves in the x direction
(constant velocity or accelerated) and how it
moves in the y direction (constant velocity or
accelerated). Explain using the strobe photo
why both objects fall at the same rate
Final Question:
A rocket is fired from ground level with
an initial velocity of 27.0 m/s, 30.0
above the horizontal. Find the:
Time of flight before hitting the ground
Maximum height
Horizontal distance traveled before
hitting the ground