density song lyric word scramble


Name Per


Unscramble the words in parentheses. Words may be used more than once.


Let’s discuss the different between weight and mass

People confuse it everyday in every way and let it pass

Weight is the 1. (eeaemnmtrus) of

2. (crefo) of gravity on a matter

And mass is the quantity of matter on the platter

It’s easy: 3. (uvelom) is 4. (cepas) I’m taking, getting fatter

5. (ydtneis) is the 6. (tiora) of mass to the volume in the place

And this data is all you need to know

So let me breat it down really quickly before I go

Verse I

When you’re holding a bowling ball before you bowl it

You know that there’s a force on your hand, you can’t control it

It’s gravity pulling down on the mass of the ball

And that force is called 7. (hiwgte), what we’re mastering y’all

But just wait; wait just a minute, man

The ball doesn’t weigh 3 kilograms

That’s the 8. (asms ) of the ball, so just understand

The 9. (eihtgw) is the gravitational constant known as G

Multiplied by the mass of the 10. (thera)

Multiplied by the mass of the ball, which is 3

Divided by the 11. (isuard) between the center of the earth

And the center of the ball, 12. (dreauqs)

If you’re asking, mass is a unit. It’s a

13. (ttinqayu) of 14.


Weight is a 15. (cfeor) that occurs when 16. (tavygri) happens to be present

On the earth or the moon, measured with a balance,

The mass is the same, cousin


Let’s discuss the difference between weight and mass

Peopld confuse it everyday in every way and let it pass

Weight is a measurement of force of gravity on a matter

And mass is the quantity of matter on a platter

It’s easy: volume is space, I’m taking, getting fatter

Density is the ratio of mass to the 17. (meluov)

In the place

And this data is all you need to know

So let me break it down real quickly before I go.

Verse II

Volume is the 18. (apecs) occupied by a body

Abide by the laws of physics just to record it

When you look at it, it’s easy to see

The volume of a 19. (eucb) is the 20. (nlgthe) of any side to the power of 21. (erhet)

When you wanna measure the volume of a 22. (erepsh), dude

It’s 4/3  r 3

You can be a beginner and still figure it out

The volume of a cylinder with these steps here:

The 23. (hhtgie) times

times the 24. (siadru ) squared

So extensively, we move on to density

A measurement of mass over volume

For example: the 25. (ydteins) of water is 1 g/cm 3

So you understand

It’s all a part of the plan to get the knowledge

From my rhyme to your mind to your hand

Measure the volume of a can in simplicity

With weight, mass, volume, and density.


Let’s discuss the different between weight and mass

People confuse it everyday in everyway and let it pass

Weight is the 26. (nmteeeamsur) of

27. (ecfro) of (vtygair) on a matter

And mass is the 28. (nqaittyu) of matter on a platter

It’s easy:

29. (vloeum) is space I’m taking, getting fatter

30. (ytdnies) is the ratio of mass to the volume in a place

And this data is all you need to know

So let me break it down real quickly before I go.


B. mass

Match terms or formulas with the phrase that best describes them.

A. weight 1. a force that creates weight when applied to matter

2. formula for the volume of a cylinder

C. volume

D. density

E. gravity

3. a force or measurement that can only occur if gravity is present

4. the ratio of mass to volume

5. the formula for the density of water

F. G

G. L x W x H

H. 4/3

r 3

6. the formula for the volume of a cube

7. the amount of space taken up by mass

8. a unit or quantity of matter

I. h

r 2 or

r 2 h 9. formula for the volume of a sphere

J. 1 g/cm 3 10. a gravitational constant used to measure acceleration


Identify your choice for each question by highlighting, circling, underlining, or changing

11. Does the moon have gravity? the color (or all!)


12. Does r 3 mean r x 3?

13. Does 4/3 mean 4÷ 3?

15. Does r 2 mean r x r?

14. Is a cylinder the same shape as a sphere?









