Sydney & Auckland Marketing Research Journey 2ND TO 9TH SEPTEMBER 2015 Schedule Date Events Wednesday 2 Sept. Company visits in Sydney 9.30am-11am Telstra (including morning tea) Telstra is the biggest telecommunications provider in Australia with state of the art Customer Insights Centre. CMRA delegates will be given a tour of this facility by the President of the AMSRS, who is the Director of Research & Analytics at Telstra. Morning tea will be provided. Facilitator for the session: Liz Moore – AMSRS President 11.30-1.00pm Vision Critical At Vision Critical we will discuss new technologies and Insight Communities. We will also cover new age Qualitative Techniques. Facilitator for the session: Peter Harris – APRC President Lunch 1pm-2pm CMRA guests will then be invited to have lunch on the roof top of the Vision Critical building which is located in the centre of the Sydney business district. Thursday 3 Sept. AMSRS National Conference – 60th Anniversary ( 1st day/ 2 days) Friday 4 Sept. AMSRS National Conference – 60th Anniversary (2nd day/ 2 days) Saturday 5 & Sunday 6 Sept. Independent travel from Sydney to Auckland Monday 7 Sept. Workshop - Qualitative training, (2pm-5pm) Tuesday 8 Sept. APRC conference (1 day) Cocktails + Formal dinner including colorful entertainment and late night dancing. Wednesday 9 Sept. Company visits in Auckland (9.30am-2pm, including morning tea and lunch) The companies are TBD Company Visits 9.30am-2pm, Wednesday 2nd Sept. 2015 Telstra Customer Insights Centre Telstra is the largest telecommunications provider and is the largest MR client in Australia. Telstra Customer Insights Centre (CIC) is in Sydney for enterprise and business clients, with the high--‐tech 3,600 square metre facility boasting a 300--‐person auditorium, a workshop, collaboration spaces, partner pop--‐up installations, a restaurant, and a broadcast studio. Vision Critical Vision Critical provides a cloud-based customer intelligence platform that allows companies to build engaged, secure communities of customers they can use continuously, across the enterprise, for ongoing, real-time feedback and insight. Designed for today’s always-on, social and mobile savvy customer, Vision Critical’s technology helps large, customer-centric enterprises discover what their customers want so they can deliver what they need. 专注领域:Vision Critical, Media Testing, Insight Communities, Survey Software, Online Communities, Concept Testing, Consumer Insights, Virtual Retail Testing, Customer Experience Management, Public Opinion Polling, Co-creation, Customer Intelligence, Customer Intelligence Keynote Speakers in AMSRS Conference AUSTRALIAN BUSINESS THOUGHT LEADERS DELEGATES The audience at international APRC Conferences is large and this year we are expecting up to 300 delegates to attend. The research industry is evolving and our audience will reflect that changing landscape. Our programme has been designed to bring together people from a diverse range of backgrounds. The audience is expected to comprise professionals from around the Asia Pacific region and beyond including Senior Qualitative and Quantitative Researchers, Company Directors, Field Team Leaders, Independent Contractors, Strategic Planners, Research and Insight Managers, Consultants and Clients from a broad range of industries. RESEARCH WITHOUT BOUNDARIES We live in an age where the traditional social, political, technological and financial boundaries are fast becoming irrelevant. For businesses and governments this rapid rate of change presents both valuable opportunities and significant challenges. Successful businesses are adapting to the new normal and creating exciting new opportunities for innovation and growth. What does this mean for businesses operating in NZ and the wider Asia-Pacific region? What does it mean for research agencies and their clients? Find out at this year’s APRC Conference how clients are prospering and how the research profession is expanding its own boundaries to better meet the needs of these organisations. You will hear from a diverse range of organisations that are at the forefront of change, and how they are dealing with the changing business environment and busting through boundaries to create customer value and competitive advantage. You will hear from some of New Zealand’s leading protagonists driving their organisations forward into new frontiers for growth. And you will gain a rich understanding of how they uncover insights and generate innovations that have led to multi-million dollar opportunities in new sectors and new markets, pushing past their own traditional boundaries. AMSRS PROGRAM: Day 1 - Thursday 3 September From 7.30am REGISTRATION Plenary – level 3 THE POWER AND THE PASSION Chair: Derek Jones & Joan Young Start 9.00am Opening AMSRS CEO Elissa Molloy & Founding Member David Bottomley Introduction to Conference Conference Chairs: Derek Jones & Joan Young Platinum Sponsor Welcome Lee Naylor The Leading Edge Respecting the past while creating the future Alex Malley The Naked CEO Failing Forward. Jeffrey Henning Director Researchscape International Where have all the insights gone? Leigh Shaw Head of Consumer and Market Insights, Unilever ANZ Finish 10.50am Questions 10.50 - 11.15am MORNING TEA Plenary - level 3 POWERFUL DATA Start 11.15am SurveyMonkey: Why Australia, Why now & What’s in it for you? Tony Ward Managing Director Australia & NZ SurveyMonkey Demystifying data driven insight. Tony Davis Director at Quantium Select myth From bigdata. Where industry=”MRX” . Order by importance Limit 10. Annie Pettit Chief Research Officer, Peanut Labs & Author: The LoveStats Blog AMSRS PROGRAM: Day 1 - Thursday 3 September (continued) Plenary - level 3 POWERFUL DATA Finish 1.05pm Big Data Discussion / Panel 1.05 - 1.50pm LUNCH Breakout Rooms - level 4 THE POWER OF CHALLENGING THE NORM PASSIONATE ABOUT SOCIAL CHALLENGES THE PASSION OF RESEARCH 1.50 - 1.55pm Chair: John Sergeant, AMSRS Fellow Chair: Meredith Fairweather, AMSRS Fellow Chair: Paul Korbel, AMSRS Fellow 1.55 - 2.15pm How good is good enough? Jayne Van Souwe Wallis David Bednall Deakin University Linguistically diverse communities and prostate cancer. Sarah Lowe Cloudmaker Consulting Anthony Lowe PCFA It’s a long way to the top (if you wanna Quant ‘n’ Qual) - How to build a successful market research career in the 21st century. Teri Nolan ME Bank David McCallum Gordon &McCallum 2.15 - 2.35pm What do you mean I’m drunk?! Development and testing of a conceptual framework for asking about intoxication. Nina Van Dyke Market Solutions From little things, big things grow: Clarity on what influences youth obesity. Robyn Rutley TNS Jane Martin Queensland Health Building bridges from academia into industry. Clifford Lewis ruby cha cha 2.35 - 2.55pm The history of emotion - I feel happy but don’t take my word for it. Haydn Northover Nielsen Is Australian drinking culture on the rocks? How Diageo used research to inform its corporate communications strategy. Andrew Therkelsen GfK / Elizabeth Greene Diageo Hidden gems, rough diamonds and diamonds in the rough. Lucy Blakemore Navitas 2.55 – 3.05pm Questions Questions Questions 3.05 – 3.35pm AFTERNOON TEA AMSRS PROGRAM: Day 1 - Thursday 3 September Plenary - level 3 THE POWER OF LAUGHTER & LANGUAGE Start 3.35pm Industry Update 1.05 - 1.50pm The Better Surveys Project (continued) Power of laughter: Measuring the effectiveness of comedy in generating positive audience engagement. James Guerrier Director of Research and Insights for Comedy and Entertainment Viacom (UK) Why not let Bogans be bygones? Beyond ‘boganism’ as a negative cultural stereotype. How cultural identity terms are ascribed and attain meaning in interaction. Roz Rowen Academic Language & Learning Lecturer Charles Darwin University Finish 5.00pm Questions / Wrap up 5.15 – 6.00pm AMSRS AGM (ALL AMSRS MEMBERS WELCOME) - level 4 6.00 – 6.30pm AMSRO AGM (BY INVITE ONLY) - level 4 7.00pm GALA DINNER - MAD GLAM Level 3, Hilton AMSRS PROGRAM: Day 2 - Friday 4 September From 7.30am REGISTRATION Plenary - level 3 THE POWER OF LEADERSHIP & DIVERSITY Start 9.00am Welcome & Opening Derek Jones, Conference Chair How to keep yourself relevant and contemporary. Chris Savage Marketing Communications, PR and Professional Services industry leader Diversity and inclusion or diversity and innovation? Jennifer Whelan Founder and Director, Psynapse Finish 10.30am Wrap up AMSRS PROGRAM: Day 2 - Friday 4 September (continued) 10.30 - 11.00am MORNING TEA Breakout Rooms - level 4 THE POWERFUL FUTURE POWERFUL PERSPECTIVES PASSIONATE ABOUT METHODOLOGY 11.00 - 11.05am Chair: Peter Harris, AMSRS Fellow Chair: Bruce Smith, AMSRS Fellow Chair: David Bednall, AMSRS Fellow 11.05 - 11.25am I would rather be Zuckerberg. Lauren Wilkin / John Matthews Jigsaw Research Mind the gap. Cecile Thornley / Ewan Frith Brand Navigator Grouping brands or products: An alternative approach. Scott MacLean Nulink Analytics 11.25 - 11.45am What we believe - The hopes and dreams of young Australians. Moira Callard Reality Check Research Sarah Davies The Reach Foundation Is a screen more important than a smile in shaping brand equity? Combining usability and brand impact research to build brand equity by giving customers the best possible digital experience. Paul Costantoura Review Partners John Eklund UX Research Can brand equity predict market share? Con Menictas Qantas Brian Fine QOR 11.45 - 12.05pm 2015, The year of enrichment: What it means to consumers and how brands can benefit. Daniel Robertson-Jones / Sally Smallman Added Value DUCKS and design thinking. Extending research to ignite change. Jason Dunstone Square Holes Where market research meets customer analytics – Make your customer segmentation more powerful. Elena Yusupova The Leading Edge 12.05 - 12.15pm Questions Questions Questions 12.15 - 1.00pm LUNCH AMSRS PROGRAM: Day 2 - Friday 4 September (continued) Breakout Rooms - level 4 THE POWERFUL FUTURE POWERFUL PERSPECTIVES PASSIONATE ABOUT METHODOLOGY 1.00 - 1.05pm Chair: Liane Ringham, AMSRS Fellow Chair: Vicki Arbes, AMSRS Fellow Chair: Jayne Van Souwe, AMSRS Fellow 1.05 - 1.25pm What lies beneath the multiple screens. Raymond Lo Fifth Dimension Better the devil you Mo. Nick Palmer Jigsaw Research Meagan Bell Movember Foundation Thinking outside of the telly-box. John Crowley The Leading Edge Klime Mickovski Telstra 1.25 - 1.45pm Lend me your head: Applying neuroscience as the catalyst for creative & media optimisation and client & agencies collaboration. Mary Anne Muscat NAB / Peter Pynta Neuro-Insight Talking ‘bout my generation: The research process behind DrinkWise’s ‘Drinking, do it properly’ campaign. Elyse Pigram / Anna Rose Stancombe GALKAL Why Santa does surveys? Lisa Lewers Lewers Research Ross McLelland Telstra 1.45 - 2.05pm Location, location…location: How geo-triggered mobile surveys bring you closer to the moment of truth. Asher Hunter Metrix Consulting / Neil Hayes Toluna Here’s why you should quit: Leveraging insights to tailor campaign messaging. George Zdanowicz Enhance Research Penny Paterson Queensland Health The power of immersion. Virginia Meikle / Carolyn Northcott NRMA 2.05 - 2.25pm The power from within. Christina Hofmann Vision Critical Jannine Wood Telstra Why you need to listen to your fans. Dan Fergusson Vision Critical Shaun Welch AFL Face to face with the mobile respondents: Watch what happens as real mobile respondents take real surveys in a mobile environment. Mark Lepine SSI 2.25 - 2.35pm Questions Questions Questions 2.35 - 3.00pm AFTERNOON TEA AMSRS PROGRAM: Day 2 - Friday 4 September Plenary- level 3 THE POWERFUL CONCLUSIONS Start 3.00pm Co-Chairs: Derek Jones and Joan Young (continued) Hugh Mackay, AO Fireside chat with Hugh Riminton Reflections Panel • Hugh Mackay • Jeffrey Henning • Annie Pettit • James Guerrier CONFERENCE AWARDS JUDITH LUCY Finish 5.15pm CLOSING OF CONFERENCE 5.15 - 6.00pm CLOSING DRINKS Level 3, Hilton 6.15pm YOUNG RESEARCHERS (YRN) PUB CRAWL APRC PROGRAM: Day 1 - Monday 7 September 2.00 - 5.00pm WORKSHOP - Qualitative training APRC PROGRAM: Day 2 – Tuesday 8 September Plenary- level 3 THE POWERFUL CONCLUSIONS Morning Keynote Speakers Peter Cullinane Co-Founder, Assignment Group and Lewis Rd Creamery Phil O’Reilly CEO, Business NZ Kevin Bowler CEO, Tourism NZ Alexis Perrott Global Research Manager, NZ Trade & Enterprise Dominic Quin Director, Marketing - Planning & Insights – Fonterra Co-operative Group Limited Afternoon The 20/20 Pecha Kucha style session (over 18 presentations) Evening Cocktails + Formal dinner including colorful entertainment and late night dancing EVENT FEES CMRA Company Visit, AMSRS National Conference – 60th Anniversary & APRC Conference Date: Wednesday 2nd, Thursday 3rd & Friday 4th, Monday 7th , Tuesday 8th ,Wednesday 9th , September 2015. Venue: Hilton Hotel, Sydney Australia & Crowne Plaza Hotel, Auckland NZ Please tick the options below Company Visit & Day 1 of Conference (Wednesday & Thursday 2nd and 3rd September) No Gala Dinner Company Visit & Day 1 of Conference (Wednesday & Thursday 2nd and 3rd September) With Gala Dinner Company Visit, Day 1 & Day 2 of Conference (Wednesday, Thursday & Friday 2 nd, 3rd, & 4th September) With Gala Dinner USD $440 B1 Workshop & Day 1 of Conference (Monday & Tuesday 7th and 8th September) USD $350 B2 Company Visit, Workshop & Day 1 of Conference (Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday 7th ,8th and 9th September) USD $400 C CMRA organization fees (including visa letter, company visit and event registration) A1 Sydney A2 A3 Auckland USD $320 USD $800 RMB ¥2000 Accommodation Hilton rate for delegates: Hilton King Guest Room $289 Accommodation is available at the Sydney Hilton Hotel during your stay at our conference. AMSRS has secured exceptional rates at the 5 star Hotel and these rates are exclusive to our conference delegates. Please note there are other economical accommodation options in the CBD, close to the venue. This rate is limited to a number of rooms for AMSRS – Book early to ensure you get this rate. To book accommodation at these special rates book quickly by 1. Book online - choose dates and check rates then add the code GAMSR 2. Call the Hilton reservations on 1300 445 866 and quote the group bookings code: GAMSR Crowne Plaza Hotel rate : Crowne Stand Room $195 + GST We have negotiated preferential room rates for the week of conference for any out of town delegates, who require accommodation. The rate is $195 plus GST for a standard room and this includes one free breakfast per room per night booked. Special room rate available FROM 5th September to Friday 11th September. Please use the link below when booking accommodation, it will take you directly to the “Make a Reservation” page and the special rate will show next to room choices. Click here for Hotel Booking Sending us your form: Email: EVENT REGISTRATION FORM Title MR MRS First Name MS DR Other (circle) Last Name Company Address Email address of Attendee: Telephone number: Special / Dietary Needs: PLANNING THE TRIP OF A LIFETIME: To assist delegates in planning their trip and stay, here are some resources that Tourism NZ has kindly sent us: This is the best site for information on just about everything including itineraries, travel agents, airlines, accommodation, attractions etc. As well as English, it is available in other languages including Chinese. A range of resources is also available here including suggested itineraries and regional fact sheets etc WELCOME TO SYDNEY AND AUCKLAND