TotTime Nov 30 Pets

Tot Time / Pets
Ages 12-23 months
November 30, 2015
Songs & Rhymes:
Hello Song (tune of Twinkle Twinkle)
Welcome, welcome, everyone.
Join me for some story time fun.
We’ll share some books and sing some songs
Help me please and sing along.
Welcome, welcome, everyone.
Story time has just begun!
I Met a Pet
I never met a pet that I could forget.
A dog says, “Woof, woof!” and wags his tail to let you
know he is happy. (Wiggle body from side to side)
A cat says, “Meow, Meow!” and curls up in your lap with
a purr. (Curl body into a ball)
A fish says, “Glub, glub!” and swims around the bowl.
(Pretend to swim)
A hamster says, “Squeak, squeak!” and runs in her
exercise wheel. (Run in place)
A bird says, “Tweet, tweet!” and flies around your head.
(Flap arms for wings)
No, I never met a pet that I could forget.
I Want a Pet (tune of Are you Sleeping?)
I want a pet. I want a pet (Point to self)
That goes bounce-bounce, goes bounce-bounce.
I really, really want one, one that goes bounce.
Do you have, a pet for me?
I want a pet. I want a pet. (Point to self)
That runs in a circle, runs in a circle. (Spin around)
I really, really want one. One that runs in a circle.
Do you have, a pet for me?
I want a pet. I want a pet (Point to self)
That goes up and down, goes up and down. (Reach up
high, and then touch toes)
I really, really want one. One that goes up-down.
Do you have, a pet for me?
I want a pet. I want a pet (Point to self)
That goes sleep-sleep, goes sleep-sleep (sit down with
hands together on the side of the face)
I really, really want one. One that goes sleep-sleep.
Do you have, a pet for me?
Can You?
Can you hop like a rabbit?
Can you jump like a frog?
Can you waddle like a duck?
Can you wag your tail like a dog?
Can you fly like a bird?
Can you swim like a fish?
Can you sit back down and be still like this?
The More We Read Together
The more we read together,
together, together
The more we read together,
the happier we’ll be
For your books are my books and my books
are your books
The more we read together,
the happier we’ll be.
Head, Shoulders, Knees & Toes
Head, shoulders, knees & toes,
knees & toes
head, shoulders,
knees & toes,
knees & toes.
Eyes, and ears, and mouth and nose
head, shoulders, knees & toes,
knees & toes.
Open, Shut Them
Open, shut them, open, shut them,
Give a little clap, clap, clap.
Open, shut them, open, shut them,
Put them in your lap, lap, lap.
Music & Movement:
How much is that Doggie in the Window
Goldfish Song
Where O Where
Dinosaur Pet
The Pigeon Wants a Puppy by Mo Willems
I Want a Pet! By Cathy Morrison
Great Pal Puppy by Michael Twinn
Two Little Kittens
Early Literacy Tip:
Two little kittens found a ball of yarn,
(Make fist with two hands)
As they were playing in the barn,
(Make roof over head with hands)
One little kitten jumped in the hay
And the other little kitten ran away!
(Run in place)
Print Awareness:
As you read books with children,
even babies, they will try turning the
pages of the book. Taking the time to
let them turn the pages develops their
print awareness or knowing how a
book works.
Baby Signs: Dog
Signing: Sign dog by patting your outstretched hand with fingers together on the side of your hip. Just as if
you were calling the dog. In proper ASL, the patting of the hip is followed by bringing your hand up and
clicking it. We don’t do this second step with Baby Sign Language because clicking is a bit too complicated
for babies.
Usage: Use this sign if you have a dog. for further instructions and resources.
Goodbye Song (tune of Twinkle Twinkle)
Good-bye, good-bye everyone.
Thanks for coming; we had fun.
We shared some books and sang some songs.
We read together and got along.
Thank you, thank you, everyone.
Our time to read and sing is done!
45255 W. 10 Mile Rd. Novi, MI 48375
(248) 349-0720 /
Hours: Monday - Thursday 10-9
Friday - Saturday 10-6
Sunday 12-6