EVOLUTIONARY PATH TOWARD THE CORE COLLAPSE SUPERNOVA EXPLOSION Marco Limongi INAF – Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma, ITALY Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe, JAPAN marco.limongi@oa-roma.inaf.it and Alessandro Chieffi INAF – Istituto di Astrofisica Spaziale e Fisica Cosmica, Italy alessandro.chieffi@iasf-roma.inaf.it OVERVIEW OF MASSIVE STARS PRESUPERNOVA EVOLUTION Grid of models: 13, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40, 60, 80 and 120 M Initial Solar Composition (Asplund et al. 2009) All models computed with the FRANEC (Frascati RAphson Newton Evolutionary Code) 6.0 Major improvements compared to the release 4.0 (Limongi & Chieffi 2003) and 5.0 (Limongi & Chieffi 2006) - FULL COUPLING of: Physical Structure - Nuclear Burning - Chemical Mixing (convection, semiconvection, rotation) - INCLUSION OF ROTATION: - Conservative rotation law - Transport of Angular Momentum (Advection/Diffusion) - Coupling of Rotation and Mass Loss - TWO NUCLEAR NETWORKS: - 163 isotopes (448 reactions) H/He Burning - 282 isotopes (2928 reactions) Advanced Burning - MASS LOSS: - OB: Vink et al. 2000,2001 - RSG: de Jager 1988+Van Loon 2005 (Dust driven wind) - WR: Nugis & Lamers 2000/Langer 1989 MASSIVE STARS: CORE H BURNING Convective Core g g g CNO Cycle g g g g g Core H burning models WNL WNL MASSIVE STARS: CORE He BURNING 3a+ 12C(a,g)16O g g He Convectiv e Core g WR g g Core He burning models Core He burning models Core H burning models g H burning shell g gH exhausted core (He Core) The location of a core He burning star in the HR diagram depends on the mass of its H envelope. The Mass Loss rate during the RSG phase is crucial in determining if and when (at which stage of core He burning) such a transition occurs and if and when the star enters the Wolf-Rayet stage or becomes a YSG WNL WNL WNE WNC WC WNE WNC WC WNL WNL WNE WNC WC WNE WNC WC EVOLUTION DURING H AND He BURNING: SUMMARY Initia l Mass Final Mass MH MHe Progenitor SN 13 12.0 5.46 4.49 RSG II-P 15 13.4 5.75 4.90 RSG II-P 20 8.1 0.25 3.81 RSG IIb 25 10.4 0.14 4.42 YSG IIb 30 12.6 0.03 4.35 YSG IIb/Ib 40 16.0 0.00 4.22 WNE Ib/c 60 16.8 0.00 0.93 WC Ib/c 80 22.6 0.00 1.07 WC Ib/c 120 30.8 0.00 1.02 WC Ib/c Compatible with recent observational estimates (Smartt et al. 2009): Compatible with the observed rates (Cappellaro & Turatto 99) Live a substantial fraction of time as RSG and explode as as IIb/Ib solve the RSG problem (Smartt et al. 2009) COMPARISON WITH WOLF-RAYET STARS POPULATION Constant SF + Salpeter IMF - Too few WR-stars predicted compared to O-type stars - WNC/WR in good agreement with observations (semiconvection during core He burning) – MM03 claimed that such an agreement could be achieved only with the inclusion of rotation - Too many WN predicted compared to WCO - WR predicted masses higher than the observed ones MASSIVE STARS: NEUTRINO LOSSES Neutrino losses play a dominant role in the evolution of a massive star beyond core He burning The Nuclear Luminosity (Lnuc) closely follows the energy losses Each burning stage gives about the same Enuc Enuc L M tnuc Evolutionary times of the advanced burning stages reduce dramatically tnuc Enuc M L Surface properties (Mass Loss, Teff, L) do not change anymore till the explosion ADVANCED BURNING STAGES: INTERNAL EVOLUTION Four major burnings, i.e., carbon, neon, oxygen and silicon. He C C O O C H He C Ne O Si Si Central burning formation of a convective core Central exhaustion shell burning convective shell Local exhaustion shell burning shifts outward in mass convective shell ADVANCED BURNING STAGES: INTERNAL EVOLUTION The details of this behavior (number, timing, mass extension and overlap of convective shells) is mainly driven by the CO core mass and by its chemical composition (12C, 16O) CO core mass Thermodynamic history 12C, 16O Basic fuel for all the nuclear burning stages after core He burning At core He exhaustion both the mass and the composition of the CO core scale with the initial mass… ADVANCED BURNING STAGES: INTERNAL EVOLUTION ...hence, the evolutionary behavior scales as well He He C O C O C H He C Ne O Si C Si H He Ne O O Si Si In general, one to four carbon convective shells and one to three convective shell episodes for each of the neon, oxygen and silicon burnings occur. The number of C convective shells decreases as the mass of the CO core increases (not the total mass!) or asthe 12C left over by core He burning decreases. PRESUPERNOVA STAR …and also the density structure of the star at the presupernova stage The final Fe core Masses range between: MFe=1.14-1.80 M In general the higher is the mass of the CO core (the lower is the 12C left over by the core He burning), the more compact is the structure at the presupernova stage PRESUPERNOVA STAR The complex interplay among the shell nuclear burnings and the timing of the convective zones determines in a direct way the final distribution of the chemical composition. The mass loss history (RSG/WR) determines in a direct way the kind of CCSN INDUCED EXPLOSION AND FALLBACK Different ways of inducing the explosion Shock Wave Compression and Heating Induced Expansion and Explosion Initial Remnant • Piston (Woosley & Weaver) • Thermal Bomb (Nomoto & Umeda) • Kinetic Bomb (Chieffi & Limongi) Matter Falling Back Matter Ejected into the ISM Ekin1051 erg Mass Cut Initial Remnant Final Remnant Fe core FB depends on the binding energy: the higher is the initial mass the higher is the binding energy THE FINAL FATE OF A MASSIVE STAR Hydrodynamic models based on induced explosions Thorsett & Chakrabarty (1999) No (or very few) bright SNIb/c predicted No neutron stars formed by massive progenitors (contrary to recent observational evidences, see Smartt et al. 2009) SUMMARY Maximum mass evolving as a RSG on a substantial fraction of core He burning Mmax,RSG ~ 35 M - Consistent with the maximum luminosity of galactic RSG stars The minimum masses for the formation of the various kind of Wolf-Rayet stars are: MWNL ~ 23 M MWNE ~ 35 M MWC ~ 45 M - WR/O significanlty underestimated compared to observations - WNC/WR in good agreement with observations - Too many WN predicted compared to WCO - WR predicted masses higher than the observed ones RSG/YSG/BSG SNe as a function of the initial mass M ≤ 22 M RSG-SN 22 M < M ≤ 35 M YSG-SN 35 M < M BSG-SN SUMMARY Maximum mass for SNII-P Mmax,IIP ~ 17 M - Consistent with the recent observational estimates (Smartt et al. 2009) MSNII/SNIbc ~ 35 M Minimum mass for SNIb/c: In principle compatible with the observed rates The final Fe core Masses range between: MFe=1.14-1.80 M The limiting mass between NS and BH froming SNe : MNS/BH ~ 22 M in agreement with Because of the large fallback No (or very few) bright SNIb/c predicted - Large uncertainties in treatment of the fallback - Mixing and Fallback (Umeda & Nomoto) - Larger energies / Binary channel PHYSICS OF ROTATION STRUCTURE • Oblateness (interior, surface) • New structure equations Meridional Circulation Von Zeipel Theorem G. Meynet Local conservation Meridional circulation Advection of angular momentum Increase the gradient of angular velocity Transport of Angular Momentum Transport of Chemical Species G. Meynet Shear Instabilities ROTATING MODELS THE EFFECT OF ROTATION - Progressive reduction of the effective gravity from the pole to the equator - Mixing of core nuclear burning products outward and fresh material inward - Different path in the HRD diagram - Increase of the nuclear burning lifetimes - Increase of the mean molecular weight of the envelope - Different mass loss history - Early entrance in the WR phase Different mass limits and lifetimes for the various WR stages THE EFFECT OF ROTATION - Progressive reduction of the effective gravity from the pole to the equator - Mixing of core nuclear burning products outward and pristine material inward - Different path in the HRD diagram - Increase of the nuclear burning lifetimes - Different mass loss history - Early entrance in the WR phase Different mass limits and lifetimes for the various WR stages No Rotation Rotation Mmin(WNL) 23 17 Mmin(WNE) 35 100 Mmin(WNC) 50 17 Mmin(WCO) 45 35 THE EFFECT OF ROTATION - Good fit to WR/O - Discrepancies between predicted and observed WR ratios - Good fit to the WR luminosities THE EFFECT OF ROTATION NO ROTATION Initia l Mass Final Mass MH MHe WITH ROTATION Progenitor SN Initia l Mass Final Mass MH MHe Progenitor SN 13 12.0 5.46 4.49 RSG II-P 13 9.54 3.16 2.75 RSG II-P 15 13.4 5.75 4.90 RSG II-P 15 8.44 1.76 2.15 RSG II-P 20 8.1 0.25 3.81 RSG IIb 20 7.39 0.00 0.74 WNC Ib 25 10.4 0.14 4.42 YSG IIb 25 9.25 0.00 0.75 WNC Ib 30 12.6 0.03 4.35 YSG IIb/Ib 30 11.8 0.00 0.78 WNC Ib 40 16.0 0.00 4.22 WNE Ib/c 40 14.2 0.00 0.57 WC Ib/c 60 16.8 0.00 0.93 WC Ib/c 60 18.6 0.00 0.45 WC Ib/c 80 22.6 0.00 1.07 WC Ib/c 80 22.5 0.00 0.45 WC Ib/c 120 30.8 0.00 1.02 WC Ib/c 120 22.5 0.00 0.63 WC Ib/c OK OK OK Too many SNIb/c predicted ROTATING MODELS Rotational mixing during core He burning brings continuously fresh He from the outer zones into the convective core substantial reduction of the 12C mass fraction left over by core He burning especially in the less massive stars where this mechanism is more efficient due to their higher He burning lifetimes (80-120 are exceptions) ROTATING MODELS ....hence the behavior of any given rotating star during the more advanced burning stages will resemble that of a non rotating star having a higher mass (80-120 exceptions) rotating models appear much more compact compared to the non rotating ones the iron cores are larger as well and range between MFe=1.7-2.3 M THE FINAL FATE OF ROTATING MODELS Hydrodynamic models based on induced explosions Substantially larger than the observed value Bright SNIb/c produced by rapid rotation? No neutron stars formed by massive progenitors (contrary to recent observational evidences, see Smartt et al. 2009) EVOLUTION OF THE ANGULAR MOMENTUM During core H burning the angular momentum transport is dominated by the meridional circulation and by mass loss – the relative efficiency depending on the initial mass From Core He exhaustion onward the evolution of the angular momentum is dominated by the local conservation and by the convective mixing IMPLICATIONS FOR YOUNG PULSARS AND GRBs If the hydrodynamical simulations are wrong and we assume that all the stars would collapse to a NS with a mass corresponding roughly to the Iron Core Mass and a Radius of 12 Km These models have even much more angular momentum in the collapsing iron core than a neutron star can possibly carry Treatment of angular momentum transport still highly uncertain (advection/diffusion, transport mechanisms and their efficiency) should be revised Important the role of magnetic field (see Heger et al. 2005) IMPLICATIONS FOR YOUNG PULSARS AND GRBs If the large angular momenta obtained for the iron cores in this work may pose a problem for pulsars, they are very favorable for the GRBs minimum value needed to make a long GRB by magnetar or collapsar formation (Burrows et al. 2007) These models imply that all WR stars can retain enough angular momentum to produce GRBs, either by magnetar or collapsar formation depending on the final mass. This gives a nearly 1000 times higher ratio of GRBs to SNe than the observationally implied value. SUMMARY The inclusion of a more efficient mass loss during the RSG phase (dust driven wind) lowers the maximum mass for SN-IIP from ~ 30 M (old models) to ~ 17 M without changing the maximum mass evolving as RSG, independent of rotation The inclusion of rotation reduces the minimum mass that become a WR star from ~ 22 M (non rotating models) to ~ 17 M and the minimum masses for all the various WR stages and also the minimum mass for SNIb/c from ~ 30 M (non rotating models) to ~ 17 M - Improve the fit to WR/O and to WR luminosities - Discrepancies between predicted and observed WR ratios still remain - Sharp transition from SNIIP to SNIb - too many SNIb/c predicted Rotating models are much more compact and with larger iron cores than the non rotating ones - Implications for CCSN explosion simulations - Average mass of NS remnant larger than observed - Lowering of the MNS/BH from 22 to 14 (simulated explosion uncertain) The angular momentum of the core of rotating models is too large: - NS remnants rotating too fast - GRB/SN ratio severely overestimated