ASL Grammar Basic but Supersized

ASL Grammar Basic
but Supersized
Before we Begin
OASL always gets rid of
the stuff we don’t need:
and, it, etc.
O Subject/Object is also known in ASL at the
O This comes first in the sentence and if there
are two, decide which is most important to
you in regards to getting your message
O Think of a picture, which
topic/subject/object pops out at you
Drawing a Picture Step 1
O First: you draw the most
important thing/object/subject,
which is often the noun in a
O For example a Topic – Dog
O After the topic/subject/object you add the
relevant information about it
O Relevant information is known as the
O Comment/Relevant information can be:
O Size
O Color
O Collar
O Tail
Drawing a picture step 2
O Top/Sub/Object – Dog
O Comment Relevant
Information – Big Black
O Next you set up the environment
O You must set it up realistically to
match your topic and the action
that comes later
Drawing a picture Step 3
O Topic/Subject/Object – Dog
O Comment/Relevant
Information – Black Big
O Environment – Grass Outside
O Action is also known as the Verb
O This comes after everything is set up
O Introduce the topic, describe the
topic, and then indicate what the
top/sub/obj is doing
Drawing a picture Step 4
O Top/Sub/Obj – Dog
O Comment/relevant information – Black Big
O Environment – Grass Outside
O Action – Me See (the sign SEE coming from
the SIGNER towards the signer’s dominant
side means they are talking about someone,
not something) Play
Time indicators or Tense
O Past – Always goes at the beginning
O Future – Can go at the beginning or after the
subject object but before the action
O Present – Is not necessary, because we live
in the present. If you want to put the word
Today in the front of a sentence you can to
make sure there is no confusion.
O EX: Today school me go not
Time indicators Cont.
O If you have the actual time not just a tense
marker you must always put it first.
O Noon today dog black big grass outside me
see play.
Drawing a picture Step 4
O Time Indicator - Yesterday
O Top/Sub/Obj – Dog
O Comment/relevant information – Black Big
O Environment – Grass Outside
O Action – Me See Play
O In English we say Don’t
O ASL the action comes first
and then we negate it
O Understand Not
Drawing a Picture Step 5
O Time Indicator - Yesterday
O Top/Sub/Obj – Dog
O Comment/relevant information – Black Big
O Environment – Grass Outside
O Action – Me See Play
O Negation - Not
O Everyone has a different perspective and a
different interpretation.
O Just follow the format and you should be
fine in ASL.
O Just as with English, messages are conveyed
O Take out a piece of paper
O Write your name, the hour, and the date
O I am going to show you several numbered
English Sentences. I want you to number
them and write them down in ASL Gloss
O Use the Rules I just mentioned.
O I will be collecting these and I will be grading
O Try your best
Ready, Set, Go
The little girl and boy go to school every
2. Later today our team goes out to eat and
3. The girl is coming to my house tonight to
eat chicken.
4. The people here didn’t understand the
5. There is no communication in
my family.
6. The performance concluded at
7:30 pm.
7. I am studying for final exams
next week.
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