Element Name: Xenon

Element Name: Xenon
Name: Xenon
Symbol: XE
Atomic Number: 54
Atomic Mass: 131.29
Group: 18
Period: 5
Type of Element: Noble Gas
State of Matter at 22OC:
Density: 0.005887
Melting Point: 111.7oC, -169.1oF
Boiling Point: 108.12oC, -162.62oF
Color: colorless, odorless.
Discovered: July 12nd 1898
Picture of the Element
bactericidal lamps
 Xenon laser
Xenon ion propulsion
On July 12nd 1989, Xenon was discovered by Sir William Ramsey, which is a Scottish chemist and Morish M.Travers,
an English chemist. Ramsay thought of the name XENON from a Greek word "ξένον" mean Strange and Foreign or Guest. In
1902, Ramsey estimated the proportion of Xenon inside our Earth's Atmostsphere as one part in 20millions
 Sir W. Ramsey
Morish M.Travers 
People use Xenon in many thing, Ex: Most of light bulbs are made by Xenon because It characteristic make the light
bulb’s glass cover not expand when hot and then explode. In many places, people use Xenon to create a special lamp which is
bactericidal lamps. Xenon is also use in camera’s flashing light. A mixture of xenon and neon is used in the cells of plasma
televisions. The medical industry also utilizes two very important isotopes of Xenon, 133X and 129X. 133X is used in nuclear
medicine to image vital organs such as the heart, brains and lungs. It can also be used to measure blood flow.
X is used as a
contrast agent in MRI scans. It is also used as a propellant in spacecraft that use ion propulsion.
In 1962, Neil Bartlett at the University of British Columbia had combined Xenon gas with PtF6 and created the first noble gas
compound that contain platinum, fluorine, and xenon. But now, more than 80 compounds that have been made and created
with Xenon bonded to fluorine and oxygen. Here are some compounds of Xenon:
 Neil Bartlett
Xenon is noble gas, it is colorless, odorless, also tasteless. Xenon is a very rare element. Xenon has diminutive cardinal
54; that is, its basis contains 54 protons. At accepted temperature and pressure, authentic xenon gas has a body of 5.761 kg/m3,
about 4.5 times the apparent body of the Earth's atmosphere, 1.217 kg/m3.39 As a liquid, xenon has a body of up to 3.100
g/mL, with the body best occurring at the amateur point.40 Beneath the aforementioned conditions, the body of solid xenon,
3.640 g/cm3, is college than the boilerplate body of granite, 2.75 g/cm3.40 Using gigapascals of pressure, xenon has been
affected into a brownish phase.41
 Light come from Xenon
Videos ( embed code)
1<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/6fIuNXA9gN8" frameborder="0"
Description: This video is about an experience of breathing Xenon.
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